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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Thank you, Jo! That is wonderful information you provided! I had no idea that it was such a broad study. I hope you get chosen and for the REAL acupuncture. Good luck!!!


  • gypsyjo
    gypsyjo Member Posts: 112

    Regardless, all participants will get 10 real accupuncture treatments part toward the end. I should be able to tell in 10 sessions if it will help me or not.

    50% will get the real treatment, 25% 'sham' acupuncture, and 25% is a control group for interviews and lab work. Even if I feel better from the placebo effect I would be happy.

  • kmpod
    kmpod Member Posts: 84

    I've been seeing a Doctor of Chinese Medicine for acupuncture for close to a year now. For me it has worked well to help keep me mobile. I find that a treatment gives me relief for about 2 weeks. If I stretch it out to 3 I start to seize up again.

    I use it in conjunction with a lot of supplements (Claritin, Vitamin D, Fish Oil, and a Joint Compound that contains Boswellia among other things) and each of those things seem to supply a necessary part of the puzzle of controlling the pain.

    My insurance doesn't cover it, unfortunately.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Might I suggest that someone begin a new thread in the studies section with all of the information that was posted above?

    I am not on an AI yet - but know I will be some day. Although I read this thread - I think I am not alone in skipping pages whilst on vacation, etc.

    We shouldn't let news of this study (or any study for that matter) get "buried" in a more general thread.

    I will do it if no one who uses an AI steps up. On my phone in bed tonight 😁 so I will wait until tomorrow to see what the sun brings.

    Love when members pass on information like this. There are so many studies going on and each one has the potential to assist countless others going forward. Only a small percentage of qualified men & women actually take part which is such a shame.


  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Jesika63 When they do trials on treatments part of it is to find out what is the best dosage.

    mysunshine48 I didn't get anxiety on Anastrozole but I did on Exemestane. Get it treated! I did get depression on Anastrozole.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    dltnhm, Go to Army of Women link and sign up. You will get regular notifications of studies. If you are on Facebook, LIKE Dr Susan Love's page, the Army of Women page and, of course,'s page. I'm sure there are other sites. Also talk with your cancer center.

    Jo, any effect, whether real or placebo, I'm sure will be welcome. Hopefully, you'll get the real treatment!


  • linda505
    linda505 Member Posts: 395

    Hey all - just wanted to stop in and update you all. I had posted awhile ago that I was having daily headaches and both my MO and I thought it was a SE from the arimidex. So I went off of it almost 4 weeks ago and the headaches remained. On tuesday of this week I went for a brain MRI and thankfully it was normal. I see my MO today to see what we do next. I think I will ask to go back on arimidex as I know how my body reacts to this vs something new. I think the only real SE I was having from the arimidex was the achy hands as those have improved with stopping - although not gone.

    So i guess my message is don't blame everything on the pill and if you are having SE's then ask to stop for awhile to see if indeed it is the pill - may not be.

    Still don't know why I am having these daily headaches and allergies have been basically ruled out also - but at least it isn't brain mets!!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Linda505, Whew! So glad your MRI turned out fine! Now you can breathe again. I've no ideas on what might be the cause of your headaches. Have you had them for a very long time? Just a thought: are you wearing the right bra to support your new girls? Is your posture different? Perhaps your achy hands on Arimidex could be helped by RuthBru's Drunken Raisins!


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915

    Do Drunkin raisins work because you are actually eating raisins soaked in rum - a lot of rum, and, so, it is alcohol numbing the pain? I would think this would not be healthy. And, alcohol is a no no for anyone who has had BC.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538

    It's golden raisins soaked in gin, not rum. The gin evaporates and there is only one tiny drop left in a 9 raisin serving. This is why it works for many people:

    1. Golden raisins- the ONLY type of raisins worthy of the recipe- require sulfur or sulfides in their processing to make them golden. Sulfur is an active ingredient in 2 effective natural arthritis supplenents: glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate. Golden raisins come from sultana grapes.

    2. Sultana grapes contain proanthocyanidins which are thought to help fight infections and reduce inflammation. Grapes also contain resveratrol, a powerful anti-oxidant that is being studied for many of it's disease fighting properties.

    3. Gin is flavored with juniper berries and juniper berries contain Terpinen. Terpinen has anti inflammatory properties. The essential oil that is in juniper berries contains more than 100 compounds including myrcene (an anti oxidant), catechins (anti-oxidant), and flavanoids (anti oxidant). Test tube studies have shown that juniper berries can inhibit prostaglandin synthesis. Prostaglandins help mediate an inflammatory response and increase the sensitivity of nerve endings to pain. By inhibiting their production, a reduction in pain can occur.

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915

    Oh, sorry. I meant gin. Thank you for your post.

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915

    But, don't the raisins soak up the gin?

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538

    It's like when you cook, most of the 'alcohol' part evaporates leaving the flavoring and good properties behind. When I researched it, a drop per 9 raisins is what I came up with. Now, if someone were an alcoholic, maybe that would still be a problem. But for anyone else, I don't believe it would be injurious to their health.

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915

    OK, Thanks!

  • Jerseygirl927
    Jerseygirl927 Member Posts: 260

    just reading thru the threads, and I have been on arimadex for 3 months now, I am taking the Claritin daily hoping to keep joint pain down, which I feel it does. I still have neuropathy in my feet, which is changing, but cant tell if it is worse, or breaking up?. Does arimadex even cause neuropathy or make it worse? Had some after chemo finished in May, but it's still here or seems to be growing, changing, ???

    Any thought gals, I occasionally take the raisins when I remember, but because there is no major pain, I tend to forget to take them.

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771

    Sounds like the neuropathy is from the chemo not the Arimidex. It's a very common side effect of chemo. Although you can really get any side effect from any medication it seems more likely it's from chemo. Good luck to you.....

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Any chance you could be diabetic? That will do it too.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,538

    Taxols are notorious for causing neuropathy. A triple negative friend of mine (so no anti-hormonals) said it got worse for awhile post-chemo before it started to get better.....although years later her feet are still a little numb.....sigh.....

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915

    I H

    I had Taxertere and have some neuropathy in my feet too. I am 6 weeks PFT and think it is getting a little better. I had it before starting Arimidex.

  • tjh
    tjh Member Posts: 272

    My feet did not get numb, just dark red, blotchy and painful blisters that peeled after a couple of days. The skin is also super dry. After 6 weeks the skin is still dry but the color is almost normal. My hands did the same thing. My oncologist put me on B6 for 2 weeks and that helped.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I had/have some neuropathy from Taxotere. Not bad but I did feel it got better once I switched from Anastrozole to Exemestane. Not sure if it was just time or the switch.

  • Chloesmom
    Chloesmom Member Posts: 626

    My friend's neuropathy after taxotere gradually went away over a year. I'm 5 mos PFC and still have numb toes and balls of feet, electrtic jolts of pain, and and intermittent sensation on my soles like walking on a sunburn

  • Chloesmom
    Chloesmom Member Posts: 626

    Arimidex gave me one very arthritic knuckle that is deformed. The other 2 AIs make all my joints hurt and I wake up so stiff it's hard to get out of bed and hard to hold a toothbrush. This eases up after about 2 hours. Trying to decide which is the best deal for the long haul. I think the Aromasin made me stiffer than the Femara which I'm on now so am eliminating that one first

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Chloesmom, hard isn't it? You want to take the AIs and yet the SEs get in the way. So you have to decide which one involves the least SEs for you. I'm glad you are persevering to stay on the AIs. I think they are invaluable in keeping BC at bay if you can use them. I'm thankful that I've had no SEs from Anastrozole.


  • 208sandy
    208sandy Member Posts: 582

    I had taxotere and still (after 8 years) have neuropathy - my MO said that if it didn't go away after about six months I would likely have it forever. I am so used to it now but must say if the weather fronts move in it gets a little worse for a while and then eases up again - none of the AIs seemed to make it worse.

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156

    Neuopathy still in my toes 2.5 years after chemo~~think it may be for life~~another cancer take-away. But not Ai's in my opinion!

  • Jerseygirl927
    Jerseygirl927 Member Posts: 260

    thanks on feedback. I had the neuropathy from the taxotere and it's not lessening, I am hoping it's not getting worse, seems to be in a wider area, I have mentioned to Drs, but so far no change. I guess it will be a while before I know more, just off chemo 3 months

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    easy girl I still have neuropathy 3 years out. But I'm also diabetic and that doesn't gelp.

    Much love to all

  • Imagineme13
    Imagineme13 Member Posts: 6

    I just started taking Anastrozole this week and do feel slower than normal die to noticeable joint pain. I didn't realize Claritin was that beneficial. My MO told me to use it for the achyness associated with chemo but I never did I thought it was just another med that I didn't want to add to my list. I'll definitely try the daily dose of Claritin. Thanks ladies!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    ImagineMe13, you might consider adding Drunken Raisins to your mix. RuthBru has posted the recipe several times and I have that I can post, too. It is surprising that Claritin works for achy joints, isn't it? To me, without one iota of medical training, it seems awfully quick to have a reaction to the Anastrozole. I'm sure others will chime in about how long it took to have an SE, IF they had one. I have had no problems with it after 10 months. If you did chemo, could it be a lingering effect from that?

    BTW, it would be really helpful if you filled out your profile with all your diagnoses, treatments, location, etc. and made them public. That often helps so ladies with a similar diagnosis and treatment regimen can answer any questions you may have.
