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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915

    I just finished chemo, so no hair. Does being on Arimidex mean my hair will come in thin? So far, after 7 weeks, only peach fuzz

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915

    Another question, is Aromasin different from Arimidex? Can anyone explain about all these drugs and their differences? Peggy?

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    MySunshine, yes, they are different. Here's an article on this site Aromatase Inhibitors. My MO considers Arimidex and Femara virtually identical and prefers Arimidex only because it is the oldest, has generic and is inexpensive. But if I'd put up any kind of fuss, he'd have prescribed Femara. Aromasin seems to be different from the other two. BTW, all 3 are generally given only to post-menopausal women. I've been on generic Arimidex for close to a year with no problems at all. Not even hot flashes. Perhaps (but not sure) a little thinning of the hair but I'm really not sure - the 4 years prior to going on it were difficult with DH and I didn't pay much attention to my hair so it could have been thinning anyway.

    If you do go on the Arimidex forum, I'd like you to keep in mind one thing when reading the posts: many of the women who post there have problems with it and are looking for help with those side effects. Most women do not have SEs and they generally don't post there since they don't need answers to problems they don't have. The AIs are wonderful and I'm glad I can take them to keep my BC away!

    I wouldn't have been very happy if my MO told me to quit researching on the computer. I often tell mine things some of you have said on this site and he always responds respectfully and does tell me if he thinks what I've read is crazy but never ever says to not research. I'm horrified.


  • doxie
    doxie Member Posts: 700

    Our bodies all produce estrogen even after menopause - even men produce it. Don't need ovaries. So if your cancer was ER+ checking estrogen level is only important if there is concern you may not be fully menopausal. My MO tested me when I had some vaginal bleeding and cramps after a couple years on AIs. I thought he was loony because there was no way it was a period after so many years. Of course it was just a polyp and my estrogen was below the measurable level of the test. No need to know what the level actually is if it shows you are in menopause.

    Our tissue, fat, and adrenal glands still produce estrogen, that is why we need to take the AIs. I don't understand MOs who diss their patients questions.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Doxie, I don't get it either. All my oncs are happy to answer any questions I have - even if they are off the wall and way out there. And, yes, I've had them laugh at me (esp. my RO who has a wonderfully sarcastic sense of humor that dovetails nicely with mine) but never have I felt insulted because I asked a question.


  • Jerseygirl927
    Jerseygirl927 Member Posts: 260

    my MO seemed to be evasive too, guess you got a good one.

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156

    All bisphosphonates can cause jaw necrosis so a dental check is a very good idea prior to any of them including Fosamax. Prior to BC I had been on Fosamax but had stopped a few months before I decided on dental implants. The dental surgeon was not happy about the Fosamax as it has a very long half life. If it comes to it I will take a bisphosphonate but with my eyes wide open.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    JerseyGirl, I think I got a good MO, too. He's even older than me (but not by much). Nice and gentle, almost paternalistic but in a nice way. My BS is soft and gentle. My RO is funny, sarcastic and I love him. Three very different personalities and all work very well for me.

    MarianeElizabeth, tough choices, aren't they? I'm taking my chances with Fosamax. We just do the best we can.


  • doxie
    doxie Member Posts: 700

    Somehow, Peggy, I don't know who couldn't work well with you. You seem so easy going and supportive. I expect you are giving your doctors more support than they you.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Doxie, Thank you but I'm not all THAT nice all the time. I am easy going most of the time but I have my moments. Especially when it comes to care for DH. I really appreciate the kind words. Being nice does work better more often than not.


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915

    Anyone on Arimidex and have issues with hsir coming in?

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Did you mean hair? Mine came in much thinner, but I blame the severe allergic reaction to Taxotere for that. At least I have hair. And am alive to gripe about it.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    mysunshine48 some people have issues with hair thinning on Arimidex some don't. My hair isn't thin but I do use Minoxidil because I had an issue of receding before diagnosis. Hair will grow a little slower while doing Herceptin.

    I found Aromasin (Exemestane) better for me than Arimdex (Anastrozole). Many find there hair thins more on Aromasin. I'm doing fine on it.

  • meljo614
    meljo614 Member Posts: 136

    mysunshine, you need a new MO!  There absolutely is a test for estrogen levels.  Here are my results. 


    Female Reference Ranges:
    Follicular Phase: 12.5-166.0 pg/mL
    Ovulation Phase: 85.8-498.0 pg/mL
    Luteal Phase: 43.8-211.0 pg/mL
    Postmenopause: <54.7 pg/mL
    Pregnancy (1st Trimester): 215.0-4,300.0 pg/mL

    My level at the time of testing was <5 pg/mL (very, very low).  Aromatase inhibitors can't stop the ovaries from making estrogen (like Tamoxifen does), so aromatase inhibitors are mainly used to treat postmenopausal women. AI's prevent the estrogen produced by our fat cells.  Premenopausal women are usually kept on Tamoxifen. 

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915

    I am beginning to think I agree. My MO definitely said "no way to check estrogen levels".

  • slappy-squirrel
    slappy-squirrel Member Posts: 199


    Was the estradiol level of 17 while taking the AI or before starting it?

  • Mommato3
    Mommato3 Member Posts: 468

    My MO has tested my estrogen levels three times. Once shortly after chemo (estradiol <5), March (estradiol >500), and again in July (estradiol <5. This is how my MO knew if I was truly menopausal. I was originally in chemopause on Tamoxifen, then I became premenopausal again so I started getting Zoladex and Anastrozole. I believe she actually looked at three numbers the first time. Sorry, I can't remember what they were.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420




    3 levels that are tested when looking at menopausal status.

    Sorry. No disrespect intended but choosing to BELIEVE these tests do not exist - does NOT erase the fact that they DO!

    I've had these levels tested a number of times: pre-chemo & at least once per year since. The results are the reason that my oncologist has kept me on Tamoxifen despite having zero periods since 2/2012.


  • suladog
    suladog Member Posts: 837


    My MO also did a baseline check on me, (at my request ) before starting Arimidex. My numbers were nearly non existent. Chemo back in 1990 kicked me into chemo pause in my 30's and I haven't had a period since Saddam invaded Kuwait. Back in 1990 I was triple negative, this last time triple positive I'm slender and my MO says the body just produces estradiol but she also told me that since I was pegging such low numbers likely I'd have no problems with the AI so far after 4 months she's been correct

  • meljo614
    meljo614 Member Posts: 136

    Slappy, my estrogen was <5, not 17.  Estradiol 17 Beta is the name of the estrogen I was being tested for.

    But to answer your question, this was my level before starting the Arimidex.  Since I was only 47, they wanted to be sure I was truly postmenopausal.  I guess they wouldn't take my word for it even though I hadn't had a period in over two years (naturally).  Postmenopause is any result <54.7.  With such a low number, I wonder if I really need to be putting myself through the torment of these drugs.  I'm experiencing major hand, finger, and ankle stiffness and developing two trigger fingers, the middle finger on each hand Devil

  • meljo614
    meljo614 Member Posts: 136

    Sula, I'm very lean and fit as well, but the SE's are sneaking up on me.  I did great the first few months but then the stiffness and trigger fingers started around month 5.  When I get up in the morning, I hobble and limp around like a 90-year old.  Actually, bad example, because my 90-year-old grandma moves better than me in the AM. Ha!  It gets better as my joints warm up but it is annoying.  When I do a hard workout the day before, it's like a double whammy.  Lots and lots of Aleve!  I do believe the exercise helps though and would never give that up. 


  • barcelonagirl
    barcelonagirl Member Posts: 5

    I was switched over to Arimidex 9 mos ago, after 1 1/2 years on Tamoxifen...and of course you start counting from day 1 again. Aside from the night sweats, I found the SE to be much more manageable. However, the last 2 months, I too notice that I walk like an old lady. My Physician's Asst, suggested i take 2 Aleve 2x a day for a week, and see if my joint aches get better. I have also started taking the Arimidex before going to bed (hoping the worst of the SE will happen when I'm sleeping...we'll see.) Does anyone take herbal remedies? Notice that anything makes it worse, like too much sugar, alcohol, carbs? Just wondering if there are other things we can be doing? I do exercise regularly, and feel that yoga helps!


  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771

    Have you tried Claritin for the joint pain? Not sure anyone really knows why it works but it does!

  • suladog
    suladog Member Posts: 837


    My MO recommended 4000 units of Vitamin D every day I have heard that that can make a big difference in joint pain etc. Don't know whether it's true or not. Both my MOs are very sensitive to SE complaints so I like that, so far I've had nothing to report to them so that's good. I have met a few other mos (when mine were on vacay) that denied there were any side effects from anything..including diarrhea from taxol...


  • Nance1953
    Nance1953 Member Posts: 1

    I start Arimidex next week. My last radiation session is Tues. 9/8/15. I think I'm dreading this drug therapy more than the cancer treatments. I've been very, very fortunate so far (well other than having BC). Lumpectomy, no problems, didn't need chemo (oncotype score of 5) and I was on the short course for rad. - only 20 sessions. No problems with that either. I hate to anticipate all these side effects, just need to be mentally prepared. Any words of wisdom?

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771

    NANCE1953 I there. We have the exact same diagnosis, but I had a BMX. I was suppose to start Arimidex in July and have not taken it yet. I agree that it's the scariest part of the process. Not saying I will never take it just scared. Also if 1953 was the year you were born, we have that in common too! Best of luck to you...

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I was always scared of the taking the ESD (estrogen sucking drug). It was these board that scared me! While I have had my issues and have switched to Exemestane I've been on the ESD for 4.5 years now. I've had to take a few more meds to manage a few SE but still going. I'm not on any pain killers

  • Chloesmom
    Chloesmom Member Posts: 626

    don't assume you will get SEs. Just be aware of the possibilities so you can connect the dots if they happen. It has taken me trying all 3 to see which is the best fit. Hoping you have no SEs or at least minimal. Having lost my brother and Dad to mets the joint pain has to be better thank bone mets! I'm in for the duration even though I've had some nasty joint pai

  • pboi
    pboi Member Posts: 148

    I was scared to start too, the unknown is hard. Been on Lupron and anastrazole for 4 1/2 weeks now. So far have noticed an increase in mild headaches every now and then (could be the lupron?). Hot flashes are very mild. But that's it so far. I have fatigue, but am also post-rads. Praying for it to stay like this for me, and trying not to worry about SE that are not there yet.and will hopefully not come.


  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    Nance:I'm 63; had lumpectomy and the 20 session rads, oncotype was 27 so had my 4 sessions of chemo last summer. I started on generic Arimidex Nov of 2014. The only side effect I've had is stiffness in my knees and ankles after I've been sitting for awhile, that loosens up pretty quickly once I stand up and walk around a bit. I was told to stay active and I believe that has made a big difference, I go to the Y daily and walk 2 to 2 1/2 miles on the treadmill. I've taken generic Claritin for years for allergies, some have said they feel Claritin has helped their joint pains so maybe that has helped my joints too. I also have taken glucosamine with chondroitin for years. Continue on and be strong, at least if you do develop severe side effects there are other meds to try.