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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Sloan, I take mine in the morning. There aren't any time or dietary restrictions. Play around with the time. I take a majority of my pills in the morning so that works for me. It hasn't caused any sleep problems for me.

    JerseyGirl, I bought a bottle of 300 Claritin generic for about $20 at my local Meijer store. Check Walmart. Generic works just as well as the brand for me for the aches and pains. It just doesn't do a thing for my allergies - only Benadryl does and I've tried many different things. DH took it for awhile too.


  • Suz-Q
    Suz-Q Member Posts: 110

    Sloan, I take mine in the morning with my coffee. I finished rads Jan. 13 and I'm scheduled for my first mammogram in May.

    Peggy,do you have to get a referral from your MO for a 3D mammo? I'd rather a 3D since my breasts are dense and my BC didn't show up on a regular mammo 3 months before I found it.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Suz-Q, actually my BS coordinates all my tests and she wrote the order for the 3D mammogram. My center just recently got it. My MO does nothing but monitor my use of anastrozole. In fact when I told him I'm moving and wanted my records, he said he would write up about my anastrozole and his check-ups. I can't remember if he ordered my DexaScan or if my BS did. Do ask your various oncs if you can have a 3D one.


  • bjb01
    bjb01 Member Posts: 46

    the hosp where I work has had a 3D since it first came out. I had one 2 days after finding a lump in my breast. the lump was plain as day, just about 12 o'clock above my nipple. the 3D missed it. Even the rad came out and said "I know it's there, the ultrasound detects it. Let me feel it" sure enough she was shocked that it had been missed. I had an MRI the next day. I am now 3 weeks shy of my one year diagnosis and ready for my first testing. I have insisted on an MRI and they have agreed to do the 3D AND the MRI. bottom line is that sh*t happens :):) Just be aware of your own body and insist that your gut feelings be listened to by those professionals. I will continue to fight for a yearly MRI and mamm inbetween. (at least for a while) Interesting to note that I had a routine reg mann in july of 2014 and it was negative. then the mass was found and diagnosed 8 months later.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Bjb01, excellent point. Good for you to keep after the docs. Mine DID show up on an ordinary mammo. But I also have very dense breasts. Should be interesting to see what the 3D shows up.


  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Sloan my Onc's NP recommend mornings to avoid sleep issues. But I still had them.

  • farmerlucy
    farmerlucy Member Posts: 596

    physiologically does anyone know what is going on with the joints/ tendons? Retaining fluid?

  • HappyHammer
    HappyHammer Member Posts: 985

    Sloan- MO never said anything about when to take the AI, so I take it in the morning with my other meds- and, coffee ;)

  • kessa619
    kessa619 Member Posts: 3

    Hi, ladies. This is my first post on this topic. I started Lupron shots and Anastrozole (by Accord) two weeks ago. Since then, I have had a headache everyday and cannot stop peeing or eating! i have heard others talk about headache and increased appetitie. Anyone else experienced or heard of frequent urination as a side effect? Also, I have heard some comments against the Accord version of the drug. Should I try to switch away from a generic?

    Thanks for any insights!

  • Sloan15
    Sloan15 Member Posts: 845

    Okay, I'm taking it in the AM before the coffee! Thank you!

    Anyone have low WBC and low platelets on anastrozole? My numbers took a dive on Tamoxifen --I read it was a rare side effect-- and I'm wondering if anyone has this problem on AIs. I read it can happen on AI's too. Will the numbers go back up if you stop it? Just what I DONT want is to substitute breast cancer for leukemia.

  • Goodie16
    Goodie16 Member Posts: 297

    Kessa, I get headaches with my Lupron shot too. It helps to stay super hydrated...but of course that leads to lots of peeing.

    My mammo missed my lump, that I could feel, but thankfully my doc ordered a breast ultrasound too. Now when I have a mammo on my remaining breast, my onc also orders an ultrasound with it. They do the 2 screenings back to back, so no need for an extra appointment and I get the peace of mind of having my remaining breast throughly looked at.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Kessa, many of us find we do better on the generic from Teva (fillers are less problematic). You might find that too. Of course, a few of us find that the brand name is the only one for them. I can't address your other questions.


  • pboi
    pboi Member Posts: 148

    Kessa...I started Lupron shots and Anastrazole about a week apart and noticed an increase in headaches. I don't know which caused it but it lasted maybe 2-3 weeks and then gradually went away. I think the headaches were due to my body adjusting to the sudden loss of all my estrogen.


  • meljo614
    meljo614 Member Posts: 136

    BethL, I have been on Arimidex for a little over a year and my cholesterol is up to 260! I'm 48, 123 pounds, physically fit (run 3 to 6 miles a day), low blood pressure, and eat healthy (mostly vegetarian). My MO is already talking statins. I said no way! I'm giving it a couple more months with some even more drastic dietary changes then may consider trying another drug (probably Aromasin). I completely understand your frustration with this.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008

    Sloan, my blood work has all been within normal range since starting Anastrozole in October.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    my blood work is all within range, some things actually went down. Been on statins 20+ years, aramidex 3.

  • Sloan15
    Sloan15 Member Posts: 845

    Thank you. I'm hoping the wbc and platelets go back up after getting iff Tamoxifen.

    I was able to get over mt cold without it going to mmyungs and requiring antibiotics, so I'm taking that as a good sign that my immune system revved up.

  • Smurfette26
    Smurfette26 Member Posts: 269

    I have been on Anastrozole for 7 weeks and initially experienced some headaches. They have subsided now.

  • Martini
    Martini Member Posts: 11

    hi ladies! Halfway through my rads and thought I'd better check out the hormone therapy boards as that is next for me. After reading your posts i Have to say this one scares me the most! No estrogen at all!! Bone pain, bone loss, joint pain, hair loss, weight gain, aging....Yikes!

    I did sign on for a study they are doing on AI's. They look at your DNA, record your side effects and try and determine if they can predict which women will have SE. It is a 2 year study. Hopefully it will help those after us to initially be placed on the correct therapy without having to trial and error their way through.

    XO Marilyn

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Martini, All those side effects you listed are certainly possible and obviously do occur. But keep in mind that there are a lot of us who don't have any SEs or they are so minor they are just a nuisance. Please don't expect SEs. Most of us don't with any medication we take and this one shouldn't be any different. Be aware of them, of course, but don't expect them. Glad you are doing so well on your unwanted journey.


  • tjh
    tjh Member Posts: 272

    I take mine at night...I do not have trouble sleeping. I did not do I am no help with that question.

  • Golden01
    Golden01 Member Posts: 527

    My platelets have gone up. Not excessively high but above what is listed as normal. When I looked back at old labs, the numbers are about the same but the acceptable range went down so I think it is all okay. The MO indicates we'll watch to see if the platelets go higher. He didn't indicate it could be from the AI.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243

    Kessa, there are several generic manufacturers so you don't necessarily have to go straight to brand name (AstraZeneca). I've been on Accord, Breckinridge and now Roxane without any significant SE's so you can try different ones. As PP mentioned many have had success on the Teva generic (I've not had that one yet!).

  • HappyHammer
    HappyHammer Member Posts: 985

    Sloan...not sure about that...I have consistently kept low platelet levels...with and now without the chemo drugs. Am hoping all will level out once I finish Herceptin in late May early June. You are right- so not want to trade one cancer for another...glad to report that I am having good days without joint pain for several days now...maybe my body just had to get adjusted. Am taking Claritin and Alleve each morning and trying to move more.

  • Martini
    Martini Member Posts: 11

    PontiacPegg. Thanks for the reassurance. Going to try and head in with a positive attitude. I see we both had lucky number 13 for our oncotype score! My MO still wanted me to have chemo but I decided against (and try not to second guess myself).

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Martini, interesting. My MO also wanted me to have chemo. My BS and RO and the tumor board all voted no. And, no, don't second guess yourself - fast way to go crazy. You made your decision with the information you had and that's all you can do. You know you best! (BTW, do you like Martinis?? I'm a wine gal).


  • tjh
    tjh Member Posts: 272

    After much discussion with DH we decided if my onco score was 20 or more that I would do chemo. It ended up being 25.. Right in the middle. The only thing I second guess is not arguing with surgeons to take both instead of just the left. But they said it was early and small and that would be excessive. I put it out of my head.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    TJH, We all have to decide what is right for us and go with it. What I decide may not work for you. And we know that there is no one treatment or pathway for BC - we can see that in how many different treatments we've all had.


  • KarenAus
    KarenAus Member Posts: 66

    Hi I just started my 5 year sentence this morning and wondering what to expect.


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Karen, I guess I look at taking Arimidex didfferently. I look at it as 5 years of preventing my BC from coming back. I'm very glad to have something I can do to that end. Many of us don't have any SEs and hopefully you'll do just fine. When I mentioned SEs to my MO before starting Arimidex, he said why would you assume you are going to have SEs? Well, there was no answer to that so I put it out of my head and went ahead with a positive attitude. But if you do experience SEs then this is the place to get help. Good luck!
