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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • glowgene
    glowgene Member Posts: 23

    Has anyone else experienced depression that you can attribute specifically to Anastrozole? If so, did it subside over time? At the same time that the hot flashes and body aches appeared, I also became incredibly restless and depression is sweeping in like a wave. There are a lot of non-chemical reasons to be down right now, but this seems abnormally swift and I'm not sure what to do about it...

  • PugsMama
    PugsMama Member Posts: 337

    Glowgene: are you on Arimidex bc your ovaries are shut down or removed? I only ask bc your of your young age. I'm not on it yet but will start in a few weeks after I'm done with chemo. I take genericEffexor, which is an anti-depressant which also helps tremendously with hot flashes. Not sure how you feel about adding that to your regimen but it's been working for me ever since I had my ovaries removed, since taking estrogen is out of the question. My hot flashes were totally debilitating. Another plus is that it's not one of the anti-depressants which puts on weight like the SSRIs.

  • glowgene
    glowgene Member Posts: 23

    PugsMama: Thank you for your response! I'm on Arimidex because I had a blood clot in my lung in 2015 (Nuvaring side effect) and was advised not to take tamoxifen. I am trying to avoid adding another pill to my regimen if possible. I have taken Effexor in the past and it was helpful but I ultimately had to stop taking it due to side effects.

    The hot flashes, muscle aches and fatigue are driving me up a wall, but I suppose I just have to deal with them for now. I just want to determine whether the depression is a likely side effect of anastrozole or if the last few months/years are simply finally catching up to me emotionally.

    I'm going to speak with my MO about it when I see her next month and I have an appointment with a counselor next week. It's just a little overwhelming at the moment.

    ETA: I am also on Zoladex in addition to Arimidex.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260

    glowgene - Have not started on Arimidex yet, but had an earlier discussion with MO about depression being a side effect. Not currently taking meds for depression, but it is a know issue amongst my family. Also, believe depression/overwhelmed is something many feel on this BC journey. MO discussed prescribing Effexor as a possible assist for both depression and hot flashes - would be interested to know what Effexor side effects caused you to stop taking. There is also some known relief in the form of essential oils, homeopathic remedies, if you are so inclined. Depending on severity, I would be inclined to talk to MO, now, instead of waiting a month. Believe we have to be our own advocates in this journey. Hugs, healing thoughts, and know that we are here to "talk" to.

  • glowgene
    glowgene Member Posts: 23

    CeliaC - Take this with the grain of salt that, historically, I will have the worst possible side effects for any given medication. I know other people who love Effexor.

    It absolutely killed my libido and ability to orgasm; took several years before I got it back and it's never been the same since. A secondary concern for many, all things considered, but it had major effects on my self-esteem and it put significant strain on my relationship. It also affects serotonin and norepinephrine so, every time I took a pill, I went through a period of being wired and unable to sleep, then a period where I would fall asleep no matter what I was doing. I am a graduate student working in a lab and I simply cannot maintain a consistent enough schedule that taking it at the same time every day would work. I was either unable to sleep at night or falling asleep in the middle of experiments or classes. The anxiety/depression improved, but I just couldn't maintain functionality enough to enjoy it.

  • PugsMama
    PugsMama Member Posts: 337

    glowgene, there are others your doctor may mention which may have fewer side effects...hoping for a quick resolution to these issues for you..

  • glowgene
    glowgene Member Posts: 23

    PugsMama - Thank you so much for those resources and for your responses/support. I have tried most of those listed medications in college and went off of them for one reason or another, but I hadn't realized that they would also help with the hot flashes. And lordy, I could do with a hot flash-free day.

    I've been managing my anxiety and depression primarily with exercise, significant lifestyle changes and taking advantage of the incredible support network I've made in my current city. I know these measures don't work for everyone, but they've been keeping me on a pretty even keel for some time now. Despite all of that, I feel the apathy and anxiety creeping back in around the edges. It's almost as alarming as the initial BC diagnosis.

    Thank you for letting me vent a little in addition to asking for advice :) I don't want to lean too heavily on my friends for emotional support and it helps to get things off my chest (please forgive the pun).

  • mvspaulding
    mvspaulding Member Posts: 163

    If there is anyone here who transitioned from Tamoxifen to Anastrozole and had an easier time of it, I would love to hear that. I am starting the AI tonight and just don't want it to be worse side effects than the Tamoxifen, which I didn't have an easy time with.

  • lala1
    lala1 Member Posts: 974

    Just an FYI-----I had a total hysterectomy in Jan 2015 including cervix and both ovaries. I still have regular gyn exams including a pap. This past Jan at my annual I got back a positive report. Granted it said very very slight abnormality showing on my pap smear but still. I now have an appointment for a repeat pap in May. I'm not too worried because these "false" paps happen more often after menopause or a hysterectomy but I still need to be sure. As my gyn, BS and MO explained to me....I still have a vagina so there is always the possibility of vaginal cancer. Also when doing a hysterectomy it is impossible to remove every single cell of your reproductive parts so there is always the possibility that those cells could turn cancerous. After having BC, we are at an increased risk of other "reproductive" cancers like endometrial, uterine, colon, etc. That's why a father having prostate cancer is taken into account if you develop BC (like mine had). My doctors are very vigilant for a recurrence even though my BC was caught early and I didn't need chemo or rads. I'm grateful that my doctor wants me to continue my gyn visits. Not only is he watching for cancer, but he offers great advice for dealing with hot flashes, weight gain, hair thinning and other lovely menopause problems.

  • jennie93
    jennie93 Member Posts: 263

    mvspaulding, I was on tamoxifen first, but could not tolerate it. Stuck it out for about 20 months, was so crippled by joint pain, could barely walk. Blood test showed that chemopause was indeed real menopause, so switched to anastrazole. It's not as bad as tamox was for me. Of course everyone is different, but maybe it will be better for you too.

  • mvspaulding
    mvspaulding Member Posts: 163

    thank you Jennie. I am hoping. So far about the same but I have only taken it for 4 days. So your joint pain actually got better on Arimidex?

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260

    Hello all. My 2nd appointment with MO is tomorrow, and believe he will be writing me the scrip for Arimidex. Have found a pharmacy who sells sells the generic by TEVA as have heard this manufacturer's version is better tolerated. Not sure whether he will ease me into it with 1/2 dose for a month as we discussed earlier. Hoping that Carlsson's fish oil and MSM Glucosamine Chondroitin I have been taking for years will keep joint issues at bay.

  • jennie93
    jennie93 Member Posts: 263

    Yes, the joint pain was far worse on tamoxifen. Don't get me wrong, I still have plenty, but not as bad. It's almost more like stiffness, rather than shooting pain, if that makes sense.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 863

    Well, just got the call back from the skin biopsy of two weeks back...benign sebaceoma..but Lala what you said is playing out for me. They said while this was benign, these types of cell formations are frequently associated with colon cancer. As it has been 5 years since my last colonoscopy, that I should have it at the 5 year interval vs 10...I feel sick.

  • Megansgrandma
    Megansgrandma Member Posts: 29

    Hello everyone, It's been a while since I've been on here. I have a question for anyone who might know. Is it safe to take curcumin and turmeric? I am allergic to all NSAIDS and needed this for inflammation. Thank you in advance.

    Also, I just saw my MO Tuesday and she informed me a new study showed no benefit to take Arimidex after 5 years. She said the side effects to heart and bones out weighed any benefits. Anyone else been told anything about this?

  • Rosetp
    Rosetp Member Posts: 3

    I just started taking Anastrazole and I am having no side effects but I am wondering if I can have a glass of wine now and then. Does anyone have experience with this?

    Thanks for your help


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Rose, Welcome! I've been on anastrozole for 2-1/2 years. I usually have a glass of wine for dinner and have for quite some time. In my opinion there's no reason not to but your situation may be different than mine. Check with your docs and see what they say and then make your own decision. BTW, it also helps us help you if you fill out your profile and make it PUBLIC via the SETTINGS tab.


  • Goincrzy8
    Goincrzy8 Member Posts: 79

    Rose when I first met MO and she mentioned being on hormone therapy, every visit I asked her the same question Can I drink? She said she didnt see why not. Its not like I am drinking heavily and daily, but a glass of wine now and then is no issue based on her talks with me.

  • jpBCfree
    jpBCfree Member Posts: 72

    Regarding drinking, my doctors said okay (but none of them had much knowledge/interest about nutrition--sadly, our narrow health care system) but from researcher lectures at UCLA cancer center and other online sources I concluded that it was too risky for me to drink with my high-ER positive breast cancer. The way I look at it is it's my new + different lifestyle (also including daily exercise + good nutrition + avoidance of chemicals/plastics in environment) to keep cancer from ever coming back.

  • Rosetp
    Rosetp Member Posts: 3

    Thanks Peggy, and I did as you suggested.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Rose, the BCO site is a bit convoluted. For each and every thing about you in your profile, you have to make it public. It's rather weird but that's the way it is. So your diagnosis and treatments aren't showing up :( We do have gals in Texas! Have a good weekend!


  • Rosetp
    Rosetp Member Posts: 3

    I think I got it now. Thanks.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Way to go, Rose!!!! Isn't it peculiar? Thank you!!


  • jennie93
    jennie93 Member Posts: 263

    Turmeric is known to interfere with tamoxifen, but not anastrazole. I take it with my doc's blessing. Can't say it's done any good though.

  • Smurfette26
    Smurfette26 Member Posts: 269

    If you take other prescription meds it's best to check with your Dr before taking Curcumin/Tumeric. It can cause interactions.

    My BC was ILC. As ILC is more likely to recur beyond the 5 year mark I think I will be taking Arimidex for 10 years at least.

    I have never really been a drinker but was told to avoid alcohol as my BC is strongly ER+. We are all unique as are our cancers. Check with your Oncologist.

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771

    Smurfette....I agree. No alcohol if you are hormone receptive. I think we should all make informed decisions about our treatments and lifestyle and I respect all made. However the fact remains that alcohol is contradicted with hormone positive BC. Good luck to all.

  • BlueGirlRedState
    BlueGirlRedState Member Posts: 900

    For those taking aromatase inhibitors. I am supposed to be taking anastrozole, but have started it yet, see oncologist in 2 weeks who is strongly recommending it, History. 52 yrs old, Lumpectomy left breast, radiation, no chemo March 2009, tamoxifen 5 years. 2016, 58 yrs old, lump found left breast, probably a new cancer rather than recurrence. Both times Estrogen positive. Chemo Aug-Oct 2016, bilateral Nov (my choice, surgeon strongly felt there was no reason to remove a healthy breast). Reluctant because of potential side effects. Tumor had very minimal response to chemo, so even more doubtful about benefits of hormonal therapy, and there does not seem to be a way to monitor if it is doing any good. How many experienced side effects and what was used to treat them. I've heard that some switch to tamoxifen.

  • janett2014
    janett2014 Member Posts: 2,950

    Megansgrandma wrote this a few posts back:

    "Also, I just saw my MO Tuesday and she informed me a new study showed no benefit to take Arimidex after 5 years. She said the side effects to heart and bones out weighed any benefits. Anyone else been told anything about this?"

    I have been on Anastrozole for 3 years, and my MO also has said from the beginning that research shows no benefit in taking it for more than 5 years. He does say though that we will see what the studies show in 2 years when I'm due to stop it. It certainly could change before then.

    I have been fortunate in that I only have minor SEs with it, but I'm still glad that I MAY be more than halfway through.

  • jinx27
    jinx27 Member Posts: 119

    Hello Ladies!

    Im a 28 year old survivor that had ER/PR positive breast cancer, I started Arimidex a month ago and so far its hot flashes and weight gain. I also have osteopenia in my hip and lower back.

    I forget to my medicine sometimes due to a busy schedule, today though Im really thinking of coming up with a plan for exercise to combat this weight gain.

    A good friend of mine and survivor recommended a supplement called Garden Of Life Vitamin Code Grow Bone System, its been proven to improve bone density and test results!

    I hope I can make some friends on here Nerdy

  • jonib
    jonib Member Posts: 94

    This is in response to whether your doctor said there was no benefit in taking AI more than 5 years. When I mentioned how much the medication will cost me overy ten years (I'm taking name brand), my MO said I would only be taking it for 5 years. I didn't question it.