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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    That's the way all Advantage plans are set up. Also included is dental visit x 2 a year. No charge for fillings or X-rays. Includes vision exam yearly. Hearing exam. Silver sneakers. Free ride to dr appt. $30 a month OTC products, and other things I don't remember. No extra copays for any of that. Drugs are included.

    The only thing we pay is part B.

    It is a HMO, but the network is huge here, and we’ve had HMO for many years from my work insurance.

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 947

    My Daughter is an insurance agent. I just went on Medicare. She had me sign up for Part F. It was not that much more then the other plans and the coverage was much better. She did not recommend the other plans available. She also did not recommend the drug coverage through my company so I ended up going with Silver Script. I have dental and eye through my husbands work so I did not opt for that.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    If my PCP agrees to refer me, yes. There will be a specialist copay.

    You DO NOT pay a monthly premium on Advantage plans.

    I’m done. You aren’t getting what I’m saying. Call several insurance reps.

    Again, I’m done.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178


  • Golden01
    Golden01 Member Posts: 527

    Anyone else having trouble getting the Teva Arimidex? It took three days, nine phone calls, three pharmacies and then I had to settle for a 30-day supply rather than a 90-day one. Got my prescription filled with just one pill left! I know I may have to do this all over again in a few weeks.

  • bji
    bji Member Posts: 116

    I was told it was a manufacturing problem, hoping to be solved by end of November. I refilled a 90 day supply with Accord, no Teva available.

  • Barbmak
    Barbmak Member Posts: 31

    So next to Teva and the original what is the manufacturer with lesser side effects?

  • Barbmak
    Barbmak Member Posts: 31

    Just called my pharmacy and they have 30 days worth of Teva for me! Hopefully by the time that runs out the manufacturer will have their act together...hoping! Afraid to try something else.

  • NoWhyToIt
    NoWhyToIt Member Posts: 15

    More on pharmacy says they are not going to make it anymore. I would love to hear if someone hears differently. I am now going through Eagle pharmacy for Arimidex direct for the 30 dollar a month deal. Seems to be on the way. I paid for one month out of pocket from my pharmacy to hold me over as I have never missed a day--that would freak me out too much. But so far I MISS TEVA. I feel more tired on arimidex and just achey. Plus if not my imagination more hair coming out in my brush....?

  • Megansgrandma
    Megansgrandma Member Posts: 29

    I also am going through Eagle pharmacy for now to receive the brand name Arimidex. Set my account up yesterday. The only generic besides Teva I have taken has been Breckenridge. I had more joint pain, and pain in top of my feet. With Teva, that went away. I also contacted Teva by phone, they said hopefully Teva will be available Nov. 28. He said they are not stopping manufacturing of drug. Hopefully Teva will be available next month, and he was telling me the truth. We shall see.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    My pharmacy can't get Teva and said there was nothing showing up when or if it would be available. Accord is what they had on hand so that's what I got. I have a week of Teva pills left and then time will tell.

  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239


    I just ordered from eagle myself..

    With my own ins plan I had to pay $250 the firdt month for the real arimidex then this month was free so ill continue with that till dec but my new ins plan at work will start with higher out of pocket so thats why ive signed with eagle too , Ill be getting a 3 month supply

    As the real deal can cost @600 I didnt want to wsit until january to order thru eagle

    I can swing $30 a month

    As for side effects I have been on it for one month

    Have joint aches and praying no bone loss as I already have osteopenia/ osteoarthritis

    Im supposed to take boniva but dont want to

    Any thoughts on that?

  • Megansgrandma
    Megansgrandma Member Posts: 29

    I was diagnosed with osteopenia 2 years ago. I just had my Dexa yesterday, and praying it's not worse. I do not want to take any of the pills or shots like Boniva. Too many side effects, especially when you have dental work done. Also, I have GERD that is finally under control, and have heard that the pills are rough with that.

    I take 4000 mg. D3. 1200 mg calcium and vitamin K. Praying it's helped.

  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239


    keep me posted on your dexa Ill be curious how it goes!!

  • lrwells50
    lrwells50 Member Posts: 74

    The Accord anastrozole is kicking my butt! The first week wasn’t too bad, and then the pain in my knees would come and go, but the last two days have been awful. We also had rain yesterday, which may have made it worse. My oncologist said I could go back on glucosamine and chondroitin, but my physical therapist niece said it’s more for the maintenance of good joints, which I do not have. She suggested turmeric, and the onco was okay with that too, so I’ll let you know how it goes.

    I’m supposed to take Boniva as well, but insurance wouldn’t pay for it, and filled it with Fosamax, which lists a lot more side effects. I haven’t talked to my dentist yet, so I haven’t taken any yet. I have a hiatal hernia, and indigestion problems anyway, so I don’t know how well I would tolerate either

  • kmb4
    kmb4 Member Posts: 20

    Hi Ladies,

    This is my first time in this forum. to bring you up to date I had a DX mastectomy the end of August. I had invasive ductal caranoma in one breast and made the decision to remove both. After seeing my onocologist he did not recommend chemo or radiation. all my lymphs nodes came back clean and my oncotype test came back with a mid range number. My bone density test came back that I do have osteoporosis so they started me on fosamax. and also Anastrozole. I'm a little concerned about the Anastrozole causing bone loss when I already have it I have also been having issues with sleep. I fall asleep just fine but then I wake up between 2-4 am and can't get back to sleep. I still have my tissue expanders in from reconstruction and I'm hoping once I get those out things might get better. I'm not sure if this sleep issue is due to those or the meds.

  • Mommato3
    Mommato3 Member Posts: 468

    Hap, KMB said she made the decision to have a BMX. It wasn't required.

    I've been on Accord for 2 yrs, 7 mos. The first 20 months or so I didn't have many side effects. In the beginning it was insomnia but I switched from taking it at night to morning. The insomnia went away. The only other consistent side effect was stiffness first thing in the morning and getting up after sitting for a period of time. My MO last year had recommended Yin Yoga. It's more of a stretching yoga. That really helped with the stiffness. The beginning of this year I started having problems with my knees and tendonitis in my left wrist/hand that has been pretty severe. The achy knees seem to come and go. My new (temp) MO prescribed Mobic (anti-inflammatory) to help with the tendonitis. It has helped dull the pain but not made it go away. I'll see another new MO in February and we'll discuss me either switching or seeing if express-scripts has another manufacturer.

  • kmb4
    kmb4 Member Posts: 20

    Hi Hap

    at the time of my diagnosis my surgeon recommended that I have my left breast removed. This was because of the size of my breast. I was very small breasted and he said he would have left me with only about 1/4 of my breast It was my choice to have the other breast off too, which he strongly discouraged. I just knew that I would be more comfortable that way. the tumor itself was not very big and since it had not spread to the lymph nodes and my oncotype test came back pretty good I think that was his reasoning.

  • tnd22
    tnd22 Member Posts: 39

    Hap, similar thing. I had IDC but it was not close to any borders when I had the BMX, and none in lymph nodes, and had no chemo;. I know of a couple others like that, too.

  • ReginaZ
    ReginaZ Member Posts: 19

    For those of you unable to get Teva, I've been on the Accord anastrozole for 8 months with no side effects so far. So not everyone on the other generics has problems. Good luck to those who are switching to a new manufacturer

  • Megansgrandma
    Megansgrandma Member Posts: 29

    MamaOz, I will keep you updated when I get Dexa results.

  • janett2014
    janett2014 Member Posts: 2,950

    CVS Caremark called me earlier this week to tell me that Teva Anastrozole is on back order. Would I accept Accord? I said I would call them back in two to three weeks to see if they could get it then. (I have almost four weeks worth here, so I can wait.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178


    Maybe this is the problem. I think Teva is in Israel.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Teva IS in Israel. I think there are not any anastrozole manufacturers in the US.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    A pharmacist once told me the drug mfg in India were the worst for cleanliness and quality control. Think Accord. He didn’t say anything bad about Teva. And quite a few of our meds are imported, and owned by foreign companies. Not just cancer drugs.

    I thought so Peg, thanks. 😍.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    You're welcome, Spookie. I've never heard about bad conditions for Teva either. However, that doesn't mean that there aren't fillers in any drug that you might react negatively to.


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    So true Peg.

    If that article is true, I could be in BIG trouble, along with thousands of other diabetics. This pic is my insulin box.


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Think so. I tried tamoxifen from Accord can’t do it.