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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • Megansgrandma
    Megansgrandma Member Posts: 29

    HapB, the only other generic I have taken is made by Breckingridge. I had a lot more joint pain and foot pain. Hopefully Teva will decide to come back. We will see...

  • Taco1946
    Taco1946 Member Posts: 630

    I'm one of those who has done well on Teva. Some aches and pains but I had those BC. I gave up a few activities when I was diagnosed but do everything I want to do one year post diagnosis. I play golf and walk and I added an exercise class but haven't done much about diet. I tend to think of AI's as one more thing I do for a chronic illness. I have taken medication for high blood pressure, cholesterol and seizures for years and I just pop the AI at the same time in the morning. My thyroid readings are actually better than they were before. I do think we will get to the point that many of us will take AI's forever and that has become my mind set about them. I admit, I will panic some if I can no longer get Teva and have to find another fit but my MO is very willing to work with me to get one that I can take relatively painlessly.

  • sgabbert
    sgabbert Member Posts: 14

    OK, 2 1/2 years since diagnosis/surgery and I have taken Tamoxifen for a year and ended up with a mass in my left ovary and having a complete hysterectomy. Then I was put on Letrozole and after 4 months I was in so much pain that I stopped taking it on my own and called my oncologist after a few weeks and some ease of the pain and he said stay off of it for a month and see where we were. So after a month the pain had eased about 90% and he said ok lets try the next med which is the Anastrozole which I started the end of July. I still have some pain when I wake up in the morning, my flexibility is crap and my strength is what it is. Now my hips and knees are a complete different story. Getting up from sitting for any period of time is a struggle or going up stairs is near impossible. When it starts getting near bed time my knees start to ache and my legs get very restless. A really hot shower typically calms it all, sometimes I take valeryian root as a sleep aid but for the most part I take the hot showers and sometimes 2-3 times a night.

    Anybody else have this issue, if so, how did/do you handle it? Thanks for any advice.

  • marieann1020
    marieann1020 Member Posts: 15

    Hi Becky,

    I’ve met with my oncologist ,

    My surgeon , my PCP , my endocrinologist,

    They all recommended reclast ,

    Waiting for the insurance to approve it


  • butterfly1234
    butterfly1234 Member Posts: 2,038

    Hot baths with mineral salts, naproxen, China Gel, yoga, tread mill, light weights. Am I sore? Yes, some days worse than others. Trying to take it one day at a time.

  • NSierra
    NSierra Member Posts: 1

    I have similar pre-bedtime pains on Anastrozole. I switched from valerian to melatonin, another natural substance. Amazing! It takes awhile to kick in but what restful sleep it provides. Before I felt like I was sleeping very lightly and waking up from aches and pains during the night. Now, I sleep through the night. I also have less morning joint stiffness.

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984
  • Megansgrandma
    Megansgrandma Member Posts: 29

    I also have restlessness in my legs along with pain towards end of day. I have found CALM brand powered magnesium to work very well for this. I buy mine from

    I was told Teva brand may not be available for several months. So, I think it's time to buy brand name direct from manufacturer.

  • butterfly1234
    butterfly1234 Member Posts: 2,038

    Thank you Megansgrandma for info on magnesium.

    Is anyone getting break outs from the Arimidex? I'm getting tiny whiteheads and red bumps on my nose and cheeks. I'm treating with witch hazel and trying to figure out if I'm allergic to something. It started about a week ago.

  • peregrinelady
    peregrinelady Member Posts: 416

    I use the Calm magnesium, as well. I think it has really helped with leg cramps. I have also been stretching my legs and feet before I get out of bed in the morning which makes me walk like a 70 yr. old instead of a 90 yr. old. 😀
  • beckymd
    beckymd Member Posts: 27


    I wish you the best with reclast.  Hoping you have no side effects.

  • lrwells50
    lrwells50 Member Posts: 74

    I’ve been on anastrozole for almost 90 days. I have had sleep issues, but I had those pre-BC, so not sure those are any worse. I do notice hot flashes more at night. No sweating, I just have to throw off the covers for a few minutes and let the overhead fan cool me off. I’m three weeks post exchange surgery, and still sleeping on my back, so that’s probably contributing to the sleep issues as well.

    About a week after I started anastrozole, my left knee was really painful when standing after sitting for a while. I assumed this was a side effect, but it comes and goes, so I’m not sure.

    No digestive issues, or no new ones, I have a hiatal hernia, but my MO wants me to take Boniva. We’ll see if it makes the indigestion worse.

    My first Rx was the Accord brand. I just called in a refill, and predict that’s what I’ll get again.

    I can’t recommend an F supplement plan enough. I’ve not paid a dime for anything except my Rx copay. I’m an accountant and work for my husband, so getting off work wasn’t an issue, but I also had a Cancer policy, so I really can’t complain about the financial part. My radiologist friend who found the lump, reminded me that this is three people in our office that have had BC, out of 10 women (not the same 10 throughout the years). Quite a high percentage, although it seems to me that our county of about 50,000 has a high number of various types ofcancers. Wonder if there’s any way to find out?

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    HapB, I don't believe there is an "F Plan Drug Plan." The only F Plan is a Medigap plan and it does not include drug coverage. You have to buy it separately. Advantage plans includes prescriptions. Hope this clarifies things.


  • positive2strong
    positive2strong Member Posts: 209

    Thanks everyone for your responses. Of course I love hearing from the lucky ones that have no or few side effects.


  • Taco1946
    Taco1946 Member Posts: 630

    Hap - I take atenanol (sp?) for high blood pressure and sivastatin for cholesterol. I also take Keppra for my seizures (haven't had one for years but am not willing to take a chance) following brain surgery 10 years ago. Had my 4th echo in Oct. and have 60-65% (I know my MO likes that but have to admit that I don't what it's 60% of to be so good). And my MO just told me that I have the bone density of a 30 year old! (I resisted a bone density test for years but finally gave in after I started the AI's. MY MO couldn't believe that I could get to 71 without having one but I just kept refusing every time my primary said I was due.)

    I am so sorry that you are having such a hard time. I encourage a little time "away" time too - whatever that is for you. We fit a wonderful "road trip" between my herceptin treatments in Sept. I'm a firm believer in the importance of "quality of life" - one of the reasons I refuse to be too obsessive about diet. I lost 30 lbs about 3 years ago and have managed to keep it off even though I have a pretty active life with lots of meals out. I really "ballooned" after going off a low carb diet which added to my belief that I shouldn't get too carried away with diet trends.

    I know from reading other posts that you are quite isolated. I hope you can find a support group, counselor, spiritual advisor or someone that can help you to be clearer about your path. It seems to me that you have every reason to be angry at your health care team but as we say in AA "don't give them space in your head." It only draws your energy away from your own self care. (I have a friend who feels the same way about a former dentist as you do about the pharmacy industry. But she is so focused on him that she loses LOTS of sleep and sends her heart into overdrive.)

    Hoping for a good news from your cardiologist.

    Marge (Taco1946)

  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239


    Let me know how you do on boniva

    Im supposed to take it but havent

  • Barbmak
    Barbmak Member Posts: 31

    I found an email address for customer service. I had a response back the next morning

    We wish we had better news, but ANASTROZOLE TABLETS are on backorder until the end of November but this date could change. We apologize for any inconveniences you have experienced with the availability of this product. Please feel free to contact us for an update on this product. I hope this information has been helpful in addressing your concerns. Please feel free to call us at 1-800-545-8800 or email at if you have any additional questions. Thank you very much for contacting us and please enjoy the rest of your day.

  • Tappermom383
    Tappermom383 Member Posts: 401

    I’m glad you got a response, Barb, because I didn’t. We’ll just have to keep asking!


  • lrwells50
    lrwells50 Member Posts: 74

    I think it’s Plan F, and you’re correct, it’s a supplemental medical plan. I have a separate drug plan that is currently around $25 a month, not sure what it will be in 2018. Between Medicare and the Plan whatever supplement, I don’t pay anything, even copays. I probably made up the difference in premiums for a cheaper one with copays for years, just with my 2017 expenses

  • lrwells50
    lrwells50 Member Posts: 74

    Silverscript. it depends on what maintenance prescriptions you’re on, I think. Before BC I was only on one. My husband is on 6 or 7, and his planwith First Health is almost twice as much.

  • lrwells50
    lrwells50 Member Posts: 74

    Also, I pay copays for prescriptions, just not for other medical expenses

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I don’t have copays on tier 1 meds with my Advantage plan. Tier 2 are $10-15.

  • lrwells50
    lrwells50 Member Posts: 74

    most of my copays are $4

  • Megansgrandma
    Megansgrandma Member Posts: 29


    I am in East Texas. I go on Medicare in July, and have been looking at Medigap plans according to coverage for cancer treatment in case the cancer returns. May I ask what plan you have that covers so well? Its so confusing. My husband is 68 and has had Humana advantage plan. But he is only on blood pressure meds.

    Thank you in advance

  • lrwells50
    lrwells50 Member Posts: 74

    HapB, I couldn’t agree more. My mother had BC, and I have bad knees, with one replacement already. I always figured no matter the Rx copay, it would be cheaper than the out of pocket for almost anything other than checkups. Admittedly, I didn’t have but one prescription that I took all the time, and the copay on it is $4. After what I’d been paying for insurance before I went on Medicare, $136 a month and no deductible or out of pocket plus my Medicare and Part D premiums sounded too good to be true. When i was diagnosed 14 months after I signed up for Plan F, I knew I’d made the right choice.

  • Megansgrandma
    Megansgrandma Member Posts: 29

    Sorry HapB, I was looking at a different post at same time. Sometimes I get things mixed Thanks for the info ladies.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I am 5 years out from tx. I don’t have a copay on my generic Arimadex. My DH also has ca. He was getting a shot for tx. The copay was around $200. We both have Advantage plans with Humana.

    As I’ve said here, it’s open enrollment now. That ends Dec 7. It would be worth talking to different insurance reps to see if you can save $$.

    Prior to my retirement I had a Humana PPO from work. All copays were $45 for chemo, rads, dr visit No hassle on drugs or tests, my wig or anything else.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    MegansGrandma, Medigap Plan F is absolutely the best in my opinion. Excluding prescriptions, I have paid NOTHING in the past 7 years. My DH had been on his F Plan for 10 days when he had a massive heart attack - again not a bill. The catch is trying to figure out the best drug plan. I'm on an AARP one. Is it the best? Not sure. But it is doable. I believe (not positive though) with Advantage plans you may have medical copays - maybe someone else will know. All I can say is I'm very happy with my F Plan (through Blue Cross).


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    but how much do you have to pay for plan F?

    We don't pay a cent for our Advantage plans they also cover my insulin and pump supplies 100%. That's not cheap. My insulin is 1300. Medicare won't pay for those. Advantage plan does.

    We have 0 copay for PCP, labs. Next year specialist copay will be $25.

    The Medigap plans I looked at for DH limited hospitals, none were close. We are in a heavily populated area of Fl with tons of hospitals. One 5 min from us. Wasn’t on their list.Plus they were expensive to my mind.

  • tnd22
    tnd22 Member Posts: 39

    Is Plan F part of Medicare? Wasn't paying much attention but realized I should be. My DH is with Cigna open and it was really good to us this past year, trying to decide what to do next year now.