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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • MangoCat
    MangoCat Member Posts: 4

    Are you saying it came back? And then a mastectomy?

  • MangoCat
    MangoCat Member Posts: 4

    I suppose your questions is to old to reply to. But now (11/6/2017) I'll reply to. Arimidex has been tough. My wrists and hands suddenly have sharp shooting pains. TBH. It makes me catch my breath sometimes. Plus, I cannot eat anything without a bathroom within 10 feet. It's killing my stomach. My upper back aches. But I'm thinking that's where the radiation irritated my lung tissues. So what didn't it or doesn't this whole shit hole effect? Nothing. Sorry.

  • marieann1020
    marieann1020 Member Posts: 15

    hi Becky,

    How are you feeling now ?

    And side effects from Reclast?

    I’ve read that you can have side effects up to your next infusion


  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984


    Hope you are resting, not lifting, and taking care of yourself.

    Please don't overdo anything even if you feel like it.

    Coach Vicky

  • beckymd
    beckymd Member Posts: 27


    I am doing fine.  After the reclast I had a headache that night and in the morning, but then I felt OK.

    I am stiff and have aches and pains when I get up in the morning, but after I start moving around I feel better.  That's from the arimidex I am sure, and not the reclast.  I have been on arimidex for about 6 months now.  I don't like the thought of taking for 5 years, but my Onc says it has the fewest side effects.  I will try to continue to take it as long it works.

    Have you decided about the reclast?

  • castigame
    castigame Member Posts: 336

    well, I cannot complain. I sleep chanted " I am doing well. Hallelujah!!" My hubby could not help replying " Hallelujah w you sweetie!" I woke up at this time giggling.

    AI has been quite OK. I popped one again w Celexa and Glucosamine. Actually insomnia is annoying. Hyst SE I found out.

    Walked w small hand weights. Found out my OOP YTD is $6800 plus when it should only be $4800.00. One of the many hospitals did wrong billing and Insurance co accepted the wrong . Been paying on installments but cur bal is $4000. UHC rep clearly acknowledged and told me UHC will audit my bills. Yea there are 201 claims YTD. The 201 claims do not include hyst related claims yet. Merry Christmas to me as long as the OOP overpayment gets corrected.

    Tired nappy nap time

  • Blinkie
    Blinkie Member Posts: 123

    TEVA: The pharmacy I use gets the Teva brand anastrozole for me, as I had breathing problems on the first brand they gave me. I've had no problems all year getting the prescription filled until last month, when the pharmacy could not get it from their usual supplier. They went the extra mile for me, ordering from a supplier that they do not use very often because any order with them must be a large quantity. They ordered lots of various stuff just so they could get my meds. Aren't they the greatest?! I am so grateful.

    SIDE EFFECTS: I had strong hot flashes when I first started anastrozole. Now I generally get them only if I forget to take the pill. It seems that they come when the hormone level changes.

  • positive2strong
    positive2strong Member Posts: 209

    Hi All,

    I need support once again, I just can't take that first pill of Anastrozole. Mine is made by Apotx Corp.

    It seems I have a million excuses that if I don't feel well how will I help my husband.or I dont want to be sick on a trip or I haven't taken the bone scan or I want to start execerising before I start.

    I do need to hear from those that have done well on it and also what you have done to eliminate side effects.

    I was D.C. At age 66. I have purposely lost about 10 lbs and have seriously eliminated bad foods and meats.

    I am juicing so do get a higher concentration of nutrients as I don't eat enough.

    I would love to hear from all of you.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Positive2Strong, You'll never know until you jump in and try it. I've been on anastrozole for a bit over 3 years now. I do take Fosamax. I don't tolerate calcium so don't take it. My exercising consists of gently walks with my dog. No going to the gym. I do eat rather decently and drink a glass of wine with dinner. I haven't eliminated anything from my diet. I eat meat, have sugars though I don't drink soda pop (never have). I don't do well on fried foods so they are rarely eaten. My weight is fine. Since my husband died and I moved west to be near my youngest son, I gained some weight but it's okay. I use Teva's anastrozole but try whatever one you have. Change manufacturers if it doesn't work for you. The only thing I've noticed is I'm a bit creakier when getting up in the morning. I now take a regular Claritin at night and that helps. It doesn't do a thing for my allergies though.

    All in all I'm on for 5 years or 10 if my MO says so. You might want to keep in mind that most women who don't have SEs don't post here. The ones who do definitely have SEs and need help.

    Give it a try. Don't anticipate problems. If they come, deal with them.


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I think I looked at that bottle for 3 weeks before I downed the first one. You won’t know until you try it how you will feel. Lots of women don’t have any problems with it, and they don’t post here. You could be one! I got witchy, and the hot flashes were annoying but was on it 4 years

  • leesad
    leesad Member Posts: 100
    Positive2Strong- I started anastrozole two months ago on the day I finished radiation. I was looking forward to starting and ambivalent as well thinking about the SE's. I've been fine. The only thing I've had is the joint pain. It feels like the day after a tough workout when every time you move your muscles hurt. Excercise is the only thing that helps me get relief from it. Running and yoga have been my go to's and it helps a lot. If I take a long drive and am in one position for an extended period of time I feel the stiffness. If this is the worst of it for me I can manage just fine. It's doable for sure. I've been on the Teva brand. Picked up my third month fill today and my CVS still gave me the Teva. I was concerned as others have had issues getting it. Didn't want to have to try another mfg.
  • Blinkie
    Blinkie Member Posts: 123

    HapB - I hate to admit it but I don't know the answer to your question. I have a poor memory and don't remember what Femara or Letrozole are! Ack! All I know is the only medication I've taken is anastrozole. That's not too helpful is it? Are you have breathing troubles? Mine came on quite suddenly. The oncologist (& others) were skeptical that my breathing problem was caused by the medication, but when I switched manufacturers I got better. I knew to ask for Teva because I have taken other drugs and had problems with non-Teva brand. I've been told it is the fillers they use in the pills.

    I can't recall who made the pills I first took. If I can remember I will look in my records and let you know. (Feel free to remind me) I know I have taken drugs made by Accord but I don't know if the anastrozole was one. It would be interesting if we both reacted the same way to pills made by the same company.

    Oddly, I also have breathing problems if I use 'regular' chewing gum (as opposed to a brand I can only find at the food co-op.) Otherwise I don't have problems with my lungs.

    The oncologist ordered a number of tests to check my lungs. There was only (thank heavens) the expected damage of a person in her 60's who has been exposed to various things in life. No tumors. Or, I mean, none detected, anyway.

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984


    I also stared at my bottle for about a month. I think a lot of women do.

    The first day I took it, I said 4 years, 11 months, 29 days to go. The next day I took it, I said 4 years, 11 months, 28 days to go. I did this for about 2 months. Today, I pop it first thing in the morning with no more counting.

    Unless a person has been I our shoes, they cannot comprehend the mental strength it takes to pop a pill that changes your body or sit in a chemo chair watching the drugs go into a port. I think there comes a point when we feel the fear and face it. I think this forum shows how well most of us handle this medicine.

    You can do this! The sooner you start the sooner you will finish.

    Coach Vicky

  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239
    • well said Coach, so true

    On another note, I just received my survivor package in mail after my appt , it wasnt ready the day I went. It sumarizes my diagnosis and treatments,(I already have a bin full of everything. ) anyway , I noticed my arimidex plan is for 10 years not 5 !!!!! Freaked me out.. I wont see my onc till Jan , and will ask her about it.

    As a luminal B , I think mine was a fast growing, with 3 positive lymph nodes ... so perhaps thats the reason for long term??? But geez 5 years is easier on the brain...


  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984


    I am Luminal B too. Most likely 10 not 5 years. I could not talk myself into counting for 10 years so I just did 5 years. LOL

    Coach Vicky

  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239

    one day at a time!!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    5 years ago when I started the pill, I was told 10 years. That’s what the research at the time was showing. Now I’m hearing some MOs say for life.

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771

    Positive2strong...just want to remind you that there are 2 threads on the forum that address doing well on anti hormone therapy. Hopefully that will help. Good luck and keep us posted.

  • kayarose
    kayarose Member Posts: 35


    I started Anastrozole while I was undergoing my radiation treatments back in May of 2015. I was actually eager to start taking them. After going through chemo, surgery and just starting radiation, I was willing to take anything that could possibly keep the cancer from returning.

    I honestly don't even know who manufactures the pills I take. After reading here about the different makers of the drug I asked the pharmacist who makes mine. She told me they receive their supply from different makers - not always the same and it's based on pricing. I have Medicare D through the Humana Walmart program. Since I haven't really had many side effects I never pursued getting one brand over another.

    My side effects include joint pain, thinning hair and a lot of wrinkles, aging type problems. I'm sure they have been accelerated due to anastrozole. I'm taking a shot of Prolia every six months to combat osteoporosis. I had osteopenia even before cancer struck.

    Do I feel great? No. I don't have the energy I used to, I tend to catch what ever is going around and I look a lot older than my age (68). But like others here, I've gone through years of cancer treatments. I just had a mastectomy of my right breast. Sometimes it seems never ending.

    My advice is to take your pill. Try it. If you have a hard time with side effects, talk to your MO to find something that works for you. Good luck to you and I hope any side effects are minor!


  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    I called my CVS store before going to refill my Teva anastrozole and she said all they can get at this time is Accord. I have 2 weeks left of my Teva, hope they're able to get some Teva before then. My side effects finally settled down where I hardly notice them, sure don't want to start over again with a different brand.

  • bji
    bji Member Posts: 116

    My pharmacy is having trouble getting teva brand also. I got accord last month, and when I called yesterday they said manufacturer problems. No idea when they will get it in. So accord it is for the next couple months.

  • NoWhyToIt
    NoWhyToIt Member Posts: 15

    Hi Teva users....I have only been able to take Teva for 3 years due to allergic reactions to the others. Now they tell me that Teva will not be making anastrazole any more. I have started Arimidex but I'm so fatigued on it. I would love to hear from other Teva devotees what you have heard, if there is anyone carrying Teva and what your plan is. Freaking out.

    One more question--have you used Arimidex direct (online order system to get the brand name for 1 dollar a day...)? Is it legit?

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I’ve heard Teva was bought by another company. Maybe that’s why the supply issues.

    Arimadex and anastrozol are the same med.

  • butterfly1234
    butterfly1234 Member Posts: 2,038

    I have been taking name brand Arimidex since early May. I order it directly from Eagle pharmacy for $30 for 30 days. The process is incredibly easy and the customer service is very good. The out of pocket expense is my decision. I’ve read so much about fillers in the generic brands that I just didn’t need the extra stress

  • Tappermom383
    Tappermom383 Member Posts: 401

    I just sent a message to Teva, asking them if they are continuing to make anastrozole. We’ll see if I get an answer. Meanwhile, I’m taking Accord.


  • castigame
    castigame Member Posts: 336


    Call 855 748 2655 which is Eagle pharmacy which is Arimidex direct vendor. W valid 90 day prescription, it should cost $90 for 90 pills.


  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984

    Good Morning

    I received my annual Cleavland Clinic Annual Exam's results yesterday from my Primary Care Physician (PCP).

    We were both concerned that my glucose (A1C) and cholesterol could be elevated due to Arimidex.

    My A1C was perfect. I do have some occasional spikes in a morning fast glucose (98 - 101) but overall this is good.

    When I first started Arimidex, my cancer center tested my cholesterol and it was higher than usual. I had the same result yesterday with a total cholesterol of 250. That is the highest it has ever been.

    My HDL cholesterol was extremely good (103).

    My PCP computed my "non HDL" by subtracting my HDL form my total cholesterol. He compared the 2017 and 2016 results.

    The difference from 2016 to 2017 was only a 21 increase. He did not find this significant.

    I share this because my PCP took alot of tests to measure many aspects of my cholesterol so that he could determine if the Arimidex was influencing the increase and if the increase required a remedy. I was happy that he looked beyond the total cholesterol number. He is convinced the increase is due to Arimidex. We went over my foods, how I eat, and exercise program as well.

    Please ensure your physician studies your cholesterol and doesn't just throw another pill at you. Unfortunately, throwing us another pill seems to be the answer by many. When I recviewed my cholesterol with my Oncologist, his response was that the would give me something if needed. I knew at that point my PCP had to get involved

    Coach Vicky

  • pabbie
    pabbie Member Posts: 70

    HapB: I was waiting for the Teva brand in which someone wrote "Teva brand only" on my prescription. I got an e-mail from my oncologist last Thursday and asked if I was still on the Aromasin before starting the anastrozole. I told her I stopped the aromasin. She was not happy with me. She sent another prescription for anastrozole to the pharmacy that day that I picked up and started Friday morning. So far so good. My manufacturer is Breckenridge out of Florida. I wanted to wait for the Teva brand to come in but it was not ok with my onc.

  • Megansgrandma
    Megansgrandma Member Posts: 29

    Tappermom38, I'm interested if you get an answer from Teva about if they are discontinuing anastrozole. I will try another generic for a month if I have too. Still thinking about going direct, but wanted to make sure Teva was not an option anymore.

  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239

    I just called and registered and am sending ( mailing)in my prescription tomorrow ... Ill keep you posted

    but other gals Have used it