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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • butterfly1234
    butterfly1234 Member Posts: 2,038

    Also, would like some advice on what vitamins and supplementsare you taking to help with joint pain? Claritin doesn’t seem to be heping. Does it work immediately or is it cumulative over time

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    I found Claritin helped right away. It makes movement easier for me. I don't have joint pain just stiffness.


  • marieann1020
    marieann1020 Member Posts: 15

    Hi Becky,

    My Oncologist has recommended i do he Reclast infusion

    I’ve been on Anastrazole for 5 yrs

    I have osteopenia of the R hip

    How did you do on Reclast ?

    Was it tolerable?

    Thank you for your Reply


  • butterfly1234
    butterfly1234 Member Posts: 2,038

    I’m getting Prolia injections every 6 mos. I’m borderline osteopenia and my MO is being proactive. I’ve been on name brand Arimidex since early May. Most days the joint issues are manageable.

  • beckymd
    beckymd Member Posts: 27

    Marieann1020 - I had my second reclast infusion last week.  I had a headache the night after I received the infusion, but it was gone the next day.  I had the same reaction last year from it.  Really not too bad, and the infusion only takes about 15 minutes.  Make sure you drink lots of water the day of the infusion, before and after.  Before reclast, I had tried fosomax but didn't tolerate it too well.  I also tried prolia but the first injection gave me a bad reaction - muscle spasms, bone pain, low blood pressure.  My 85 year old aunt has been taking the prolia shots for years and has not had any problems with it.  Reclast seems to work best for me.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I’m on Medicare, but have an Advantage plan with Humana. I have no problems getting the Teva brand from Walgreens.

  • Tappermom383
    Tappermom383 Member Posts: 401

    I have a Medicare Advantage plan with United Health Care/AARP. My co-pay is zero. My pharmacist can’t get Teva anastrozole right now so I’m sticking with the Accord for the time being; at least I know what the SEs are. I was telling her this morning about my memory problems (I was trying to type “color” the other day and got as far as “c” but couldn’t for the life of me remember what came next). The pharmacist got out her big book of meds and showed me the list of SEs for anastrozole. “There’s nothing here about memory,” she said. Sounds like the doctors who dismiss our complaints!


  • peregrinelady
    peregrinelady Member Posts: 416

    Hi Hap B, the best way to see what side effects people have had is to read through this thread and others on antihormonals. I actually have less side affects on Accord brand, so see what happens with you first before worrying which to ask company to ask for. Best of luck to you!
  • MarilynIllinois
    MarilynIllinois Member Posts: 50

    HapB, Teva is the manufacturer of Anastrozole.

    I am also on medicare. I subscribe to Silver Script for my prescriptions. I pay about $80 a quarter or $20 a month. That's in addition to my supplement plan G.

    Yes, there is quite a learning curve. I attended an informational session on Medicare at my local library. The presenter was an insurance broker. He did not give a sales pitch, just info. Anyone who wanted could contact him to help you pick out a plan. There is no charge for his services. My husband and I did ask him for help and he met with us , did research and recommended a plan.

    I have been taking Anastrozole a few weeks, no side effects yet, but I am keeping a record of anything out of the ordinary.

    Good luck!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    And it’s open enrollment time now, till Dec 7. So NOW is the time to check out all the plans and options available. Then if you want to change, you can. Or you’re stuck with what you have for the next year.

  • pabbie
    pabbie Member Posts: 70

    HapB., I just started anastrozole today. So far so good. lol

  • Megansgrandma
    Megansgrandma Member Posts: 29

    Good evening ladies, I was wondering if anyone else is having problems with their pharmacy getting the Teva brand generic anastrozole? My pharmacy has said manufacture is saying it won't be available until the 10th. I have been trying to refill my script for 10 days. I have checked with all other pharmacies on my insurance, including Walgreens, no luck. I been taking Teva for the last year and half of my 3 yrs. on anastrozole. I would hate to go back to the others. May have to get brand name direct.

  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239

    See if theres a help line for seniors in your area to help choose an advantage plan ... enrollment should be soon I would think

    And there is a list of plans

    Im a year away from medicare and amjust now trying to research so Im semi prepared

    Thanks girls for your added advice !

  • marieann1020
    marieann1020 Member Posts: 15


    I have been on Anastrazole for 5 years teva brand witn no side effects at all -

    I have the normal age related ackes & pain

    No issues with Anastrazole,

  • Tappermom383
    Tappermom383 Member Posts: 401

    Megansgrandma - the Teva anastrozole is apparently just not available right now. My pharmacist even pulled up the site for her wholesaler and showed me the big “0” next to Teva.


  • vixxyn
    vixxyn Member Posts: 28

    I started Anastrozole last month, thought I was experiencing extreme shortness of breath from that because that's one of the listed SEs of this drug. Went to see my MO for a follow up today, and he didn't think that was what caused it, so he sent me for an emergency CT scan. The scan found pulmonary embolism (blood clots in my lungs). Scary stuff!!! So I'm back on Eliquis. The paperwork I got from the emergency room advised that having cancer or undergoing cancer treatment (among several other things) can increase your risk for this. So be aware!!

  • solacetea
    solacetea Member Posts: 7

    I have been on anastrozole for almost three years. It is a nightmare. I have horrible joint pain - stabbing pain in feet, fingers, knees. The knees are the worst, some days I can barely walk. Hot flashes and night sweats, three or four a night, kept me from sleeping. I just started gabapentin, and that has pretty much solved the night sweat problem. Some days I feel like I'm 100 years old. It sucks.

  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239

    Hapb, thanks for that info!! Good to know !!

    And Vixxen, good thing your Dr is pro active!!

    Was your only symptom shortness of breath? I have been dealingwith that the whole year thru all treatments.. but my Drs dont seem alarmed and blame it on my low red count and anemia

  • vixxyn
    vixxyn Member Posts: 28

    MamaOz and HapB, in my case the only symptoms I had were shortness of breath and a cough. I had 2 episodes last week when it felt like my chest was being squeezed in a vise and I struggled to take a breath. The episodes probably only lasted maybe 5 minutes or so, but while they were happening it seemed like forever and it was really scary. This was way beyond just being winded. When the ER doctor first came in he said he didn't think blood clots were likely because I didn't have any other symptoms, but then he got the results of the CT scan and said I am unusual, as usually the symptoms also include pain in the chest (often worse with a deep breath), rapid heartbeat and coughing up blood or blood tinged mucus. So if you are experiencing these symptoms go to the ER right away!

    According to the information on pulmonary embolism the ER gave me, some of the other risk factors are smoking, obesity, being sedentary, being older especially over 75 (I'm 68), family history of blood clots or having previously had a blood clot (I had one in my leg, diagnosed about 2 weeks before my cancer was), major or lengthy surgery especially hip surgery, having a catheter inserted in a vein during a medical procedure, breaking a hip or leg, taking medicines containing estrogen, pregnancy and childbirth, and having cancer or cancer treatment.

    At any rate, it's fairly easy to treat with blood thinners once diagnosed. Interestingly, a couple of months ago I was told by both my primary care doctor and my RO that there is a correlation between cancer and blood clots.

  • vixxyn
    vixxyn Member Posts: 28

    HapB, my BP was normal, as was my heart rate.

  • shortcake42
    shortcake42 Member Posts: 14

    I spoke with the financial aid officer at the cancer center and two insurance agents---they ALL recommended part F. The financial aid officer told me she researched plans for her mother and that was the plan her mother went with.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Shortcake, I've had a Medicare F plan for 7 years. I have paid virtually no out of pocket expenses (I don't think I've paid any). When DH and I were researching Blue Cross plans, a salesman who looked like the proverbial used car dealer told us that was the plan we wanted. We went with. 10 days after DH's plan started he had a massive heart attack. We did not pay a penny.

    Be sure to find a Part D drug plan that works for you, though.


  • Suz-Q
    Suz-Q Member Posts: 110

    Hi Everyone,

    I had a lot of aches throughout my body after 20 months of Arimidex. My feet ached all the time and no amount of rubbing them would give me any relief. I was waking up at night in pain as well. My MO offered to switch me to Aromasin and I have been using it for a month now. The first thing I noticed after switching was that the pain had left my feet. I also do not feel achy all over any more. I started out just fine on Arimidex, but the SEs finally caught up with me the last four months. I just want to say that if you are experiencing problems on one medication don't be afraid to switch to another. I hope this med get me through the next three years, but if it gives me problems I know I have some other opinions still.

  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239

    good to know suzy q thanks!

    And thanks girls on the medicare advice!!

  • castigame
    castigame Member Posts: 336

    Total hyst done this past Monday,

    A min ago, I looked at Arimidex intensely for about 2 secs. And I just pushed it down. Crossing my fingers for mininal SEs.

  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239

    Mimi,,,,,too funny .. I stared at mine for awhile. Before I finally started.. joints are stiff but moving helps

    I started 10/8

    Positive thoughts coming your way!!.

  • Udgin011
    Udgin011 Member Posts: 1

    Can I take Tamoxifen with Anastrazole and what are the main contraindications of the drug?

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    UDGIN011. No. You take one or the other. Tamoxifen is generally for pare-menopausal women and aromatherapy inhibitors (arimidex e.g.)are for post menopausal women. Sometimes women will be changed from one to the other if their menopause status changes or if tamoxifen seems to do better for a post-menopausal woman. But not both at the same time that I've ever heard of.


  • Megansgrandma
    Megansgrandma Member Posts: 29

    Thanks Tappermom...

    I am thankful I have a couple weeks of Teva left. Hopefully they will get it back in stock soon.

  • MangoCat
    MangoCat Member Posts: 4

    moving does help. But for me there's the diarrhea, occasional vomiting. No tolerance for anything tomato based at all. Tiredness, fogginess. This drug is harsh. 😳