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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • orangedaisy
    orangedaisy Member Posts: 129

    Thank you jpBCfree

  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323


    Need to ask advice, I just had DEXA bone scan completed. Looking good, in normal range. Meeting with MO next week, and wondering your experiences, and what you may suggest proactively to combat bone loss. I just had ovary removal and was placed on anastrozole. Any words of wisdom is truly appreciated!!

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    CBK, my Dexa Scan was good, too. I am also on Anastrozole. I take D3, Calcium , Magnesium, and Vit K.

  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323

    DodgersGirl- Thanks... I will research and check into your supplements... Hope you are faring well. Vit K is not one I've seen!!


  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    CBK, I read somewhere that Vit K helps get the other supplements into your bones. The Vit K I take has K1, K2, and K3. There are different kinds of calcium supplements, some are more readily absorbed others are hard and not really absorbed. Hopefully, someone here will post the different kinds..... I don’t have access to that info right now Sorr

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    I started with osteopenia according to my DexaScan prior to taking anastrozole. I was immediately put on weekly Fosamax. I'm tolerating everything well. And apparently no change in bone density - hard to know since I moved to a different state and the imaging center here said that they really couldn't compare to my previous scan since every center does things differently.


  • ml1209
    ml1209 Member Posts: 153

    Orangedaisy - we are neighbors!! I am stalking because I will be having my ovaries removed and will then switch from Tamoxifen to and AI - so looking to see what I am in for :). I see a lymphedema therapist every 3 months who checks my fluid levels etc. Last time I had increased levels so wore the compression sleave for 4 weeks every day ... then she rechecked and everything was back to normal. If caught in the early stages it can be reversed, so definitely need to keep a check on those fluid levels.

  • orangedaisy
    orangedaisy Member Posts: 129

    ML1209, yes we are close neighbors. I am not noticing any side effects to Anastazole except for this extra heat and swelling in my breast. I was achy in my joints and muscles the first couple of weeks, but that could have been post chemo issues, and it is gone.

    I take MSM, Fish Oil, Aloe, Cur-cumin, and aProbiotic, and I’ve recently added Calcium with D2 and Magnesium, D2, K2, Biotin, and Collagen for hair growth and bone health.

  • kae_md99
    kae_md99 Member Posts: 394

    hi all,

    can you recommend a good vaginal cream? ( not the ones with applicator). for vaginal dryness.thanks

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    there is a thread called I Want My Mojo Back. You may find several suggestions there.

  • Gigilala
    Gigilala Member Posts: 57

    Thanks ladies

    Good luck to you too

  • chronicpain
    chronicpain Member Posts: 217

    Almost two months now on brand name Arimidex from Eagle Pharmacy mail order, $1 a day, take at bedtime.

    I get hot flashes several times a day, especially with movement or high levels of concentration or excitement. I have assorted fans all over the house, car, purse, and work spaces. Night flashes are no worse than before when I stopped my estrogen after diagnosis. The increase in flashes discourages me from increasing my exercize, as too much flashing makes me ill and nauseated and I have to lie down.

    Definitely have some brain fog, have to write things down that I previously would easily have remembered. My former V8 engine brain has turned into a putt-putting two-stroke scooter. I hate no longer being supersharp, and struggle with multitasking at work which I previously thrived on and enjoyed.

    Fortunately, no flares in my musculoskeletal chronic pain yet but the Biozorb around which the surgeon did the lumpectomy has started hurting more, it was pretty quiet after the initial heal period until the Arimidex started, maybe it is related, maybe not. Am on calcium, 5000 units D3, magnesium, MVI, and prolia for bone health (plus the prolia may help lower bone mets risk) as I already had a prior history of osteoporotic fractures from steroids. We changed from monthly risedronate to the prolia due to the cancer.

    I have lost 20 lb since diagnosis and it seems the Arimidex helps kill my appetite. Previously I was unable to lose due to prednisone making me hungry. Prednisone dose is the same, but it is easy now to limit my intake to 1000 calories and thus lose. BMI is now almost normal at 25.2. I had worried arimidex would make me gain even more. I have gone down two pants sizes

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771

    chronicpain...sorry I cannot remember if I told you before but we have a lot in common. I also have multiple autoimmune disease and take prednisone on and off but mostly on. I also suffer from chronic pain. I adjust my dosage according to how I feel. I was diagnosed at 62 with both IDC and ILC. The only thing different is the only treatment Ive had is a BMX. I refused anti hormones from the start. I'm 3 years NED and doing doing well so far. Good luck and keep us posted.

  • meg2016
    meg2016 Member Posts: 188

    I will look for the study but at my survivorship meeting that for maintaining bone-health true strength-building is the most effective. Not just walking, cycling, swimming but actually using weights or resistance(Pilates reformer, etc) are key for bone health. Studies support that. I have been negligent in that area for awhile due to surgeries and restrictions, but hopefully can get back on track. I love Pilates reformer, seems to help the joint pain as well.

  • chronicpain
    chronicpain Member Posts: 217

    dtad, I contemplated a mastectomy as I had no particular interest in keeping my already chronically small and drooping breasts I have no particular attachment to (lost my tall, firm and slim model shape long ago when prednisone needs and fractures redistrubuted fat into all the wrong places and my exercise got drastically limited). But I also had history of bad bouts of RSD, once for two horrible years after hand surgery to the point I wanted to cut my finger off to make the pain stop, and once for a year after a bad foot injury. RSD after mastectomy has been reported and I needed to minimize risk of that. My former pain docs always said to avoid surgery if possible, and keep it minimal if not. MX is a more extensive surgery, as you know, with more risk for healing complications and LE, all of which could increase permanent RSD risk, or aggravate the diffuse fibromyalgia I landed up with after years of prior inflammation.

    I bailed on XRT because of the same tissue injury risks, which could be irreversible. I could not even do a bilateral breast MRI to look for other hidden tumors before my lumpectomy because the odd face down positioning required caused excruciation pain on my muscles and tendons, and I did not have strength to lift myself up and position properly due to prednisone induced atrophy. We tried for 20 minutes to get me into a boob-dangling position on that cold and hard machine and I was in agony, finally gave up and got my $2000 copay back.

    I figured I would try arimidex and could stop it if awful. Have not missed a dose so far, and though it has changed me and I think about how every day, I will give it a fair shake. Deep down I suspect my cancer will be back with a vengeance not too long from this year, as I did not do XRT and my immune system is screwed up from years of ongoing prednisone and prior years of Remicaid and Actemra. But since I returned to work, so many people have told me they had been praying for me, even out here in atheist CA, so I hope not to let them down :)

    I wish you well and hope you stay free of this wretched disease, chronic pain is bad enough

  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323

    Has anyone who encountered joint pain on Anastrozole, changed manufacturers and had any success?

    The joint pain has just started,in my hands  (mostly my finger joints) and markedly painful. I wonder, since I was just "getting over" chemo-induced neuropathy perhaps the reason the pain may be concentrated in this area.  Any advice is very much welcomed!!  

  • bareclaws
    bareclaws Member Posts: 246

    CBK, I had terrible joint pain for several weeks, shortly after starting the Accord brand anastrozole. I stuck it out, because the joint pains didn't get worse and I was able to manage it. Now, a couple of months later, I no longer have finger joint pain. Hip and knee joints are better, too, although I need to keep moving throughout the day. If I sit, I freeze up. But that was the case before BC. So I guess my point is that the side effects, for me, have been variable and not consistently getting worse. I seem to adapt. My feeling is that rushing to switch manufacturers or drugs is just going to bring a whole new raft of problems. (My MO would have been OK with me switching drugs, but thought that changing manufacturers would be a waste of time.

    If you can wait it out for a few weeks, using pain relief drugs or whatever, your join paint may fade.

  • orangedaisy
    orangedaisy Member Posts: 129

    I also had joint pain and muscle aches the first few weeks on Anastazole. I was 4 weeks PFC, so could have been chemo related, but it seemed to get worse when I started the drug. After about two weeks, it went away. My thumbs stay a little sore but bearable. I get stiff when I sit a long time, but it goes away when I move around.

  • bareclaws
    bareclaws Member Posts: 246

    I was about four months out from last chemo, so couldn’t really attribute the aches and pains to that. I think it’s just a result of estrogen blockers doing what they’re supposed to do..

  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323

    Thanks Bareclaws and Orangedaisy-

    Good to hear you both think it could dissipate, I'll try to ride it out. I was just starting to feel human again after the Anastrozole!! Always on our toes!!

  • Scsdan03
    Scsdan03 Member Posts: 1

    Hi, I started taking Arimdex 6 weeks ago and the side effects are unbearable.Do the headaches reduce and the irritability ever lesson? I honestly don't think I can continue to take this medication. Anyone find that the symptoms improve?

  • chronicpain
    chronicpain Member Posts: 217

    Scs:My irritability and lability was pretty bad the first month, but it got better. Only two months in now, hoping for more improvement. Memory is not getting better so far.

    I did not have headache, that may be harder to tolerate short term.

    I take the brand name of Arimidex from Eagle Pharmacy, $1 a day cash online. My MO was keen on my only using the brand name because of more side effects with generic. Are you on generic?

  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239

    hey anyone have burning like ache between shoulder blades? Not sure if it from work

    My bmx then radiation that perhaps has yet to heal or arimidex ache..0r from bra with silicone foobs!!

  • meg2016
    meg2016 Member Posts: 188

    Yes, I have that. I notice it's worse with tighter bras, so assuming it's muscular or nerve, MO and PS agree (and so did CT.) They recommended massage and if that doesn't work PT, but really wearing a bra that doesn't have a tight chest band but has more all over compression seems to help the most.

  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239

    ok thanks ! Trying to think positive

  • denise-g
    denise-g Member Posts: 353

    SCSdan03 - I've been taking Anastrozole for 5.5 years on my way to 10 or more.

    Like you, at first my side effects seemed unbearable those first few months, but I really

    didn't have a choice because of a lot of things - like only being able to take Herceptin 3 months

    instead of 12. I had to give it my best shot.

    The first year was the worst, but it has gotten much better. My sister has been on the drug

    for 2 years. She is also better than she was.

    At first I took it in the morning, but I got dizzy and headaches during the day. Then I switched to night, and that worked so much better for me. For my sister, it works better for her taking it in the morning. As so many others have suggested, different manufacturers are worse for many women.

    Joint pains are the worst, but they have gotten so much better. GOOD LUCK!

  • linnyhopp
    linnyhopp Member Posts: 466

    I have been taking anastrozole for approximately 5 1/2 years and I am struggling with my oncologist's recommendation that I stop taking it.  My original onc said that I would probably remain on the drug for up to 10 years, so that was my mindset regarding the drug.  I have no osteopenia (had a DEXA last fall), but the doctor says that the risk of developing fractures from anastrozole outweighs the benefit of continuing to take it for 4 1/2 more years.  She even said that if I was her mother she would make the same recommendation.  My original onc was definitely way more on the side of caution with treatments.  I am probably way too focused with wanting to keep some kind of ongoing treatment for my BC, however, I am really struggling with this situation.  By the way, my current onc said that she won't force me to stop taking it, but I'm really wondering if she would continue to approve the prescription for the drug.  Thanks (in advance) for any info, advice,or similar experience you have had with this type of situation.

  • Vivica3
    Vivica3 Member Posts: 1

    has anyone had hormone therapy before surgery that has been effective in stopping or slowing down growth of tumor. I am pretty scared about my

    choice to wait on surgery I am very lucky the cancer was caught so early .Just dumb luck on my part it had been since 2015 I had last mammogram

    With a mother who had breast cancer .Also been on conjugated estrogens for many years. feeling like someone is watching out for me. Now facing

    invasive ductal carcinoma 1cm grade 2. My doctor is very positive I can beet this !

  • bella2013
    bella2013 Member Posts: 370

    Linnyhopp, you might want to do some research. For post menopausal women, I have heard from my own MO, the benefit of taking AI’s for ten years is questionable. Just do your homework and continue to discuss with your MO and make the decision that is right for you.

    Personally, I look forward to the day my MO tells me I don’t have to take Anastrozle any longer. I am just beginning my journey with Anastrozole

  • snickersmom
    snickersmom Member Posts: 599

    I have been on Arimidex (brand, not generic) for almost 10 months. I have occasional joint pain in the morning but I don't get the hot flashes or night sweats anymore. I stopped taking fish oil with Omega 3for the joint pain because I was having hot flashes. Not sure why, but they immediately stopped when I stopped the fish oil capsules.

    The worst side effect for me is the memory problems. I lose words, thoughts, and it is very frustrating. I have always been a super multi-tasked but now I find myself unable to remember what I was doing, even though it might be right in front of me. Very frustrating.