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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239

    definately the reduced estrogen!! Plus like you said the stress we've gone thru

    Ive been on arimidex since Oct and when i look at photos of me thru the past year its really noticable

    How are you guys doing with the prolia shot??

  • butterfly1234
    butterfly1234 Member Posts: 2,038

    I'm doing well on Prolia. Been on Arimidex a year this week. Same issues as Barbmak. Can't say my skin is any worse. I moisturizevand I use my Clarisonic regularly.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,292

    I wear contact lenses, have for 30+ years, now my left eye is driving me nuts. It feels like something in my eye, I keep throwing out the lens and replacing it with a new one. I'm hoping its allergies but has anyone had problems with wearing contact lenses while on Anestrozole? I see my eye Dr tomorrow, coincidence it's my yearly eye check.

    Also getting calf cramps...thinking its the drug but I can live with them so far. The eye thing bothers me much more then calfs cramping. Thanks!

  • Barbmak
    Barbmak Member Posts: 31

    Wow- I am really glad I seems like I'm not the only one who has noticed a difference in skin/aging. MamaOz- I haven't had any side effects from Prolia. Just a little worried about the necessity of dental work. My periodontist said if you need a tooth pulled or an implant there can be big issues....right now benefit outweighs risk for me. dtad what do you do for skin? I've really never had to do much but wash and put on some moisturizer in morning..Guess I need to do a little more.

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771

    Barbmak..I have always taken really good care of my skin and it has definitely paid off. I don't want to brag but I was recently in the ER and when the nurse looked at my chart and then at me she said she had the wrong room! I told her she didn't and that I was 65. She said she thought I was in my 40s and then went to the nurses station and told everyone. I had no make up on at all! There is a thread on the forum on this subject but in general you need a good form of retinol, vitamin C and peptides. Exfoliate 2-3 times/week. The most important is stay out of the sun and wear daily sunscreen. Please feel free to PM if you want more details. Good luck to all.

    PS We have the exact same diagnosis!

  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318

    Barbmak, I've stopped using anything with a lot of chemicals on my face. I make a 1% dilution of Age Defy essential oil blend from Edens Garden in Evening Primrose carrier oil a couple times a week at bedtime. The other days I use Cerave PM. Daytime I use the Cerave AM. I think my face is the only thing that hasn't been affected by the AIs.

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    barbmak, my skin dried out when I first started AIs but has returned to normal moistness a few months later. I continued my normal face care regime but when patches of skin really dried out, I used First Aid Beauty’s intense hydration ultra repair cream. Dry patches vanished

  • wallan
    wallan Member Posts: 192

    So I went off Arimidex for two weeks to see if my migraines, sleep issues, vertigo subsided. They did.

    I started up again on Arimidex. When my prescription ran out after about 10 days, I renewed with the brand name Arimidex. I was so excited, thinking SE would be way better.

    Well, after 5 days I am a mess. It started two days ago. This weird, burning sensation headache. Then insomnia. And then wicked panic attacks. I ended in at ER this morning because my heart was racing and I felt so nauseous and lightheaded. I didn't want to go to ER. I called my NP at the cancer centre to ask if I should stop taking the Arimidex. She said go to ER. It turned out nothing wrong with heart (which NP said it could be a friggin heart attack). So now, I have the weird headache still and I am exhausted and in my comfy chair recovering. I did not take my Arimidex this morning. I do not know what to do. I can't go on like this.

    To top it off, I was diagnosed with lymphedema in my left arm this week. My arm has been bothering me for a few months now - achy, heavy feeling from time to time. First doctors appointment about that I was told I was straining it because of too much activity too soon after reconstruction surgery. On this past Sunday, my arm was visibly swollen so that my fitbit almost disappeared on that arm. My DH mentioned it look weird. So I went to GP and yes, its lymphedema. Fitted for compression sleeves this week. They come in two weeks.

    Sigh..... I am having an angry pity party.


  • Tappermom383
    Tappermom383 Member Posts: 401

    Cindy - I already had a problem with dry eyes before going on anastrozole but it’s worse with the drug. My guess is your eyes have gotten drier and that’s why your contacts are bothering you.


  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,292

    Tappermom383 - Dry eye it is! Eye Dr recommended Refresh Optive Lubricant Eye Drops. He said because I can continue to wear the contact lenses, while using drops 4x a day for a week; then 2x a day for 2 weeks; stop in 3 weeks. He believes its not associated with the Anestrozole, and will go away.

    Fingers crossed, but as hopeful as I am I've read enough about the drug drying out joints, so why not eyes. I'll update after I stop using the drops in 3 weeks.

  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591

    I went off my Anastrozole 2 weeks ago. Just got sick & tired of se's. I no longer feel like a 90 yr old. My cracking skin on my hand & feet is also clearing up without any lotions or potions. I'm back outside digging out trees, working on the flower beds & cars. Not sure if I'm going to go back on it. I'm suppose to continue on it til Jan. I "feel" SO much better.

  • miranda2060
    miranda2060 Member Posts: 207

    Just started arimidex this week, with much apprehension. My MO proposed trying it for 30 days. I must say, the posts on this thread are not encouraging at all. ScaredThe doctors seem to think if you don't read about the SEs you won't experience them. I guess they have to think that way.

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984


    There is a forum for doing well on Arimidex. Check it out as some women experience less severe SE.

    Also, I read in a post that one woman's MO starts her patients on Arimidex every other day for six weeks. She wants her patients to ease into the drug. I wish I had known this and suggested it to my MO.

    Best wishes,

    Coach Vicky

  • Taco1946
    Taco1946 Member Posts: 630

    wallen - those headaches sound very familiar. MO switched me to femora and they went away. A cancer diagnosis does give many of us PTSD which may be helped by mild tranquilizers. Your description of your panic attack made me anxious just reading it.

    miranda - check out the "doing well" site mentioned by coach. Remember that people doing well are less likely to post than those who aren't. Take it one day at a time. Hydrate and exercise.

  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318

    I am no longer on Arimidex but of all the AIs that's the one that gave me the most pain. However, I'm on Femara now with loads of hip pain and trouble sleeping. Dry eyes came with Aromasin and stayed. Now my ears are itchy and flaky.

    I, too, am about ready to chuck them all and get my life back. I am now trying CDB oil, first dose just an hour ago. So far, no relief.

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771

    miranda...the doctors who say just don't read about the side effects and you won't get them infuriate me! They are suggesting its mind over matter and we shouldn't be informed! Thats just crazy! How about having an open discussion about it so if you do get side effects you can identify them and try to come up with a solution? IMO their attitude is very demeaning. I hope you do well on them. Good luck and keep us posted.

  • castigame
    castigame Member Posts: 336

    Just past 6 month being on brand name Arimidex. . 

    Thank God for Eagle pharmacy first of all. 

    I despise every morning the pill because it is a daily reminder of the bleeping disease. And I have to take this for 10 ys. 

    After all, I went thru DMX with multiple nodes removed, 8 Dose Dense chemos, total hysterectomy in order to stay alive so I cannot  and should not stop my effort re AI.  I survived chemo by sleeping 20 hrs a day. 

    All SEs I have it. joint pain, stiff hands, wrinkly skin, foggy brain, irritability, weight gain.  I just do my darnedest to minimize all. Somedays my effort work while it dose not on other days. 

  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323

    Coach Vicky

    Makes sense right to ease into the Arimidex thing right? Ugh. I asked my MO’s nurse if I could do this. Especially since I just had my ovaries yanked and I wasn’t in menopause. Nurse told me “it doesn’t work that way”. 🤔

    I have terrible problems with my contacts since I started Anastrazole. But when I went to my eye dr he found no dry eye. I can only wear contacts for a couple of hours and I have sandy discharge coming out of my eyes.

    Joint pain and hot flashes have been so bad on this for me, I’m seeing an accupucturist. But I already had CIN. After one session my hot flashes have dramatically improved. No luck on joint front, but let’s see after session number 2 today.

    Good luck ladies.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,292

    CBK - my MO is trained thru and worked at Sloane Kettering, she is the Dr who started me off taking it every other day for 6 weeks. She has received national awards for her work. Not to sound mean, but the nurse is just that, a nurse.

    For your eyes, try the Refresh Optive Lubricant Eye Drops. They're available over the counter, got mine at Rite Aid $24 for pack of 2. (Wal-Mart might be less, try single bottle) These can be put right in your eye with your contacts; some require waiting 1/2 hour before you can wear the contact. Nothing worse than eyes bothering you.

    I hope things improve for you. Hugs!

  • Meg101
    Meg101 Member Posts: 26

    Hi Everyone! So far I'm doing well on Anastrazole. I've been taking it for about a month and have less joint pain than before I started taking it. Go figure! However, two weeks ago I started having very loose stools. Could this be a SE of the Ai? I've now added immodium to my arsenal of pills and I cut back on leafy greens, brocolli, quinoa, and chia seeds. It seems all the healthy things I've been doing to decrease the chances of a recurrence may be causing more harm than good. Nothing is helping. Any suggestions?


  • doofuscat
    doofuscat Member Posts: 10

    Meg101, I don't have any solutions but I am having the same problem. I have had Irritable Syndrome for years but now even thinking of eating a big salad or heaven forbid something fatty and my gut is screaming! I am taking immodium also. I am setting up an appointment with my GI guy to see if there are any solutions. Ill let you know if I find any. Kinda hard to leave the house some days not knowing what your gut will do.

  • thecargirl
    thecargirl Member Posts: 66

    Cindy, obviously you have not been around highly trained, experienced and knowledgable nurses!

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,292

    The Car Girl - knew I'd take a hit...I'm not nurse bashing. Just know I'd trust my MO over a nurse. Some best friends are nurses, they're not MDs nor MOs.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,292

    HapB - I read back in posts, cargirl is a nurse. I never intended to offend. Its just that I trust my MO over the nurses. I think if I didn't, I'd have to change my MO.

    HUGS TO ALL... we're in this fight together.

  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323


    Thanks for information on the eye drops. I see your information at base of comments, you didn't have chemo right? I think my situation is compounded by my eyelashes rgrowing in wild. I swear they are growing into my eye but opthomologist says the aren't.

    Acupuncture and acupressure are making a huge difference for hot flashes, itching , and sleeping for me. Doc says I should see big improvement in joint issues and neuropathy over next session or two. Amazing what those needles do. Out of body experience my first session. Lots of blocked energy reeks havoc on the body, if you buy into that philosophy. My experience although physical has been wildly emotional. Sick and tired of being handed a pill for every malady I encounter. Half of them make it worse for me.

    Has anyone gone from Anastrozole to Femora with better success? I'm going to ride this beast out for a bit, but thinking ahead.

    Thank you for all of your information ladies. We can do this!

  • Meg101
    Meg101 Member Posts: 26

    Hi Doofuscat - Please let me know what your doctor advised about your GI issues. I, too, was diagnosed years ago with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, but I haven't had it for years until I started the AI. I know how you feel about not wanting to leave the house. Immodium does help, but I don't want to take too much. I finally popped a half of Zofran pill, and just like during chemo, it caused constipation. Yay! At least a magnesium supplement will help with that. It's a shame we have to take a pill just to be able to take another pill. How many of us are taking pills to relieve the SEs of pills? Hey Big Pharma, stop laughing at us :-)

  • smwusaf
    smwusaf Member Posts: 79

    Wierd but just my right contact has been annoying me. I wear the extended wear contacts and I thought I just had a bad box but now I see it may be just the extra dryness caused by my AI. :(

    Oh and geez, my hair is getting so thin I feel like I'm ninety. I was lucky enough to not have to do chemo so I didn't think I would have to deal with hair loss but now I'm concerned I'll be dealing with this for 5-7 years?

    just a rant, I'll deal with it in order to starve any errant cancer cells.......

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984


    Please get to you eye doc asap. Take a copy of the Arimidex info from

    My optometrist plugged a tear duct in each eye to help with the dryness. She sees me frequently due to the eye changes I have experienced such as improvement in sight.

    I started using rosemary oil on my hair for the thinness. I think it is working.

    Best wishes,

    Coach Vicky

  • pi-xi
    pi-xi Member Posts: 177

    Coach Vicky, could you detail how you are applying the rosemary oil? Are you using a carrier oil? What is your dilution ratio? Any information you can provide would be much appreciated! Thanks

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984


    I bought a bottle off Amazon.

    I rubbed it into my part line and around my front hair line. I take whatever is left on my hands and massage my scalp. I also put it on my eye brows.

    My cousin told me about Rosemary so I thought it could not hurt and maybe help.

    Coach Vicky