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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • pi-xi
    pi-xi Member Posts: 177

    Thanks Coach! So just the pure essential oil?

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984


    This is the product:

    Rosemary (Large 4 ounce) Best Essential Oil

    Sun Organic

    Coach Vicky

  • smwusaf
    smwusaf Member Posts: 79

    Thanks so much, Coach Vicky!

  • pi-xi
    pi-xi Member Posts: 177

    Thank you again, Coach Vicky!
  • Taco1946
    Taco1946 Member Posts: 630

    CBK - I was switched to femora from arimedix after 5 months. The headaches I was experiencing went away. Still some joint pain but I am 72 and had arthritis before BC. Exercise has helped. I fired up my fitbit again and a couple people from my starting chemo group have friended me. I'm most inspired by a friend who has lost 100 lbs. and went from 3000 steps a day to 10,000 after bariatric surgery. I don't do acupuncture but do get a monthly message.

  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323

    I know I know Taco, gotta keep moving. That’s amazing inspiration from your friend. Did your joint pain subside on Femora or the same?

    I’m starting the headaches now. Ugh. But acupuncture is helping with neuropathy and joint pain. And the hot flashes so much better.

    My MO of the philosophy of see if you can muscle through the Arimidex and get over the hump. She did send in a script for Femora, but I want to see if I can give the full shot to Arimidex.

  • Taco1946
    Taco1946 Member Posts: 630

    I would say yes to less joint pain with femora but I also know I have gotten more active, particularly since early March. I had a modest weight and exercise goal for my May birthday that I met and am now working on my August (vacation) one. I also am well aware that the weight exercise thing is a cycle - I hurt so I don't exercise so my weight goes up so I hurt more. Even a small reverse in that has helped my joints. And even though my friend Debbie has gone north for the summer, we are fitbit friends so can cheer each other on.

  • MamaFelice
    MamaFelice Member Posts: 165

    Hello ladies! I've been lurking around this thread and I have enjoyed reading your conversations and support of one another. I began Anastrazole the end of February after having my ovaries I have been on it for 2 1/2 months. When I started, I noticed some odd muscle soreness but that subsided after a couple of weeks. Since finishing chemo I have returned to my daily activity of a minimum of 10,000 steps via walking or aerobics plus resistance training. Perhaps this has kept SEs at bay, but physically I feel good. I seem to be most challenged with sleep. I will wake in the middle of the night and I'm up for an hour or twoif I do not take something-- like 1/2 a children's benedryl tablet. Any sleep remedies that you all may suggest? I love the Rosemary oil for hair thinning, and I will keep that one ready in my back pocket for when needed. And keep those bowels moving! Here is a video with a great explanation of the importance of regular BMs for women worth a quick watch:

    Thank you ladies for your support! 😃🦋

  • smwusaf
    smwusaf Member Posts: 79

    interesting MamaFelice. I am a "super pooper" lol..... I never knew. :)

  • grandma3X
    grandma3X Member Posts: 297
    There have been a few mentions of Essential Oils on this thread. Please be careful - these are VOCs (volatile organic compounds), some of which are known to be estrogenic. I avoid them as much as possible.
    Best wishes to everyone on this thread.
  • janett2014
    janett2014 Member Posts: 2,950

    grandma3X is right about essential oils. Here's a short list, but do your research before using any of them.

    The following potentially estrogenic essential oils should be avoided: Fennel, Clary Sage, Melissa, Lemongrass, Basil, Lemon Myrtle and Geranium.

    Blend: Balance

  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323


    Sorry to hear your friend is traveling north for the summer but hopefully you will be in touch virtually! Thank you for the gentle reminder of the importance of movement. Making it day number 3 this week for yoga class!!

    MamaFelice- I have the same problem with the waking and up for hours. Mine related, I think , in part to intense hot flashes. I just finished my 4th acupuncture session. And it’s helped sleep immensely. I’m going to add in melatonin this week as well.

    Good luck everyone, this anastrozole has been a tough one for me.

  • lala1
    lala1 Member Posts: 974

    Janett2014--I recently started using the Heavenly Breeze cooling mist to try and help with my hot flashes. I asked for a list of ingredients and clary sage is one of them. I noticed you listed that as something to avoid. Do you know why I would need to avoid it? I just did a little googling and got conflicting opinions on it . Here is one that says it's ok:

    But I'm also finding articles about it being estrogenic. Anyone know if we should definitely avoid it?

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,292

    Sleep interruption: in FL bedroom gets more light; awake after 4-5 hours of sleep many times, unable to go back to sleep. NY bedroom much darker, I seem to be able to go back to sleep if I wake up. I'm thinking when in FL I'll try an eye mask to keep me in the dark.

    The hot flashes happen in both states, LOL, but I'm fast to toss off covers to cool off, and yank them back on later - all while still pretty much asleep. And they are mild hot flashes, no sweating, just a noticeable high heat!

    Good luck ladies, we need our sleep!

  • janett2014
    janett2014 Member Posts: 2,950


    My info said "potentially estrogenic," so I'm not sure. Sorry I don't have any more details.

  • sdianel
    sdianel Member Posts: 23

    Hello, I started Anastrozole April 21, 2018 one year after my lumpectomy and radiation due to severe side effects from radiation and other health issues. I am having moderate bone and joint pain, headaches tingling in my legs, am not sleeping well and am depressed (never been depressed before). I went thru menopause early and never had one symptom. I am unable to take NSAID's because of an ulcer therefore the only thing I can take is Tylenol and that doesn't help at all. Funny that my knees don't hurt, just my shoulders, neck, back and hips. I have found a few things that help on this and other forums. 1. I started taking the pill in the morning but felt bad all day, so I changed it to evening. It seems the side effects are worse right after I take the pill within the first 2-3 hours. So I again moved it to right before bedtime. I take 1 Tylenol and the anastrozole and go right to bed. That does seem to help. I do wake up every 2-3 hours during the night and have trouble getting back to sleep. I tried benadryl but that makes me more jittery. I tried melatonin but that did nothing. I am really trying to stay on the anastrozole but it's difficult. I have an appointment with the oncologist in June. I really appreciate all the posts and help here. Thanks everyone and sending blessings.

  • Taco1946
    Taco1946 Member Posts: 630

    Keep talking to you MO about your SEs. I was switched from arimedex to femora at about 5 months and have many fewer SE's which in turn allows me to be much more active, even in the Phoenix heat. Glad to read that acupuncture is helping some of you. Diane, you might want to find a counselor or support group. Depression isn't surprising given the roller coaster the first year is. I just wanted it to be over - not looking at popping a pill for heaven only knows how long. I am usually optimistic about my future and try to think about the AI like I do a statin and my thyroid pill but it is still one more pill to take.

  • Orillia
    Orillia Member Posts: 1

    Hi , I am also starting Anastrozole tomorrow , and was told to take it in the morning ??? Anyway , I had been taking letrozole for about eight months last year and started feeling dizzy and passed out for the first time in my life (scary ) around thanksgiving and had to discontinue even though I really did hate to stop the med. I now have a generator ( pacemaker ) , and now months later will start anastrozole. I was dreading it , but decided to put my big girl panties on . I think the thing to always remember is that you can and will have the choice , to take it or not . When you believe that you do have the choice , it gives you back some power over your own life, when you feel so powerless sometimes. Good luck , and will be thinking of you and everyone else. Hang tough!

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,292

    Orillia - you can take the Anestrozole at what time works best for you. My MO nurse recommended I take it after dinner because I'd have food in my stomach, as it some times causes nausea. But my dinner isn't at any set time, so I've chosen 12:30 AM which is near my bedtime. That way I'm pretty consistent with when I take it. It works for me. Best of luck to you for minimal SE!

  • wallan
    wallan Member Posts: 192

    I started talking my Arimidex after supper when I have a full stomach a few days ago. It has been the best time so far. When I took it in the morning, I did so on an empty stomach. I was getting headaches, vertigo and hot flushes/panicky feelings and sometimes nausea for 2-3 hours later. If I take it a bedtime, I can't sleep. I fall asleep, but wake up 2 or so hours later and that is it I am up. Plus, I got headaches, rashes, dizziness.

    When I take it after supper, it seems my side effects are minimal. No headache, mild hot flashes if any, and I can sleep. No nausea. So, maybe this is the best time. I hope my experience continues!


  • denvmom
    denvmom Member Posts: 24

    Hi Guys,

    I have been on Anastrozole since June 2016.  From reading lots of info on this site when I started the Anastrozole I also took vitamins minerals people suggested.  Just to show you they prevent problems with this med I will tell you a short story.  I got stomach virus so I quit taking the vitamins and minerals.  Got the virus on Tuesday and by Saturday my hands felt like the tendons and muscles were in fire.  I started back on the vitamins and minerals on Sunday by Tuesday my hands were better but it took two weeks to totally feel normal again.    I purchase my vitamins and minerals at the grocery store and Sam's Club and when grocery store has a buy one get one free I buy a years worth. 

    Here is what I take per day, these are only one pill each:  Magnesium 400 mg.  Potassium Gluconate 550 mg. Calcium 600mg with Vitamine D 800iu (Sam's Club Brand)  Glucosamine 1500 mg. with Chondroitin 1200 mg (also Sam's Club Brand).  These are the items I take and I have had no joint pain.   

    I have never had headaches, but I do get hot flashes but not too often maybe 5-6 times a month no upset stomach, no rashes.   I sleep fine in fact too fine.  I do get tired that is my biggest complaint.  But I am in my late 60's and I just wonder if it is my age I get tired not sure.

    Anyway, I can tell you my sisters friend had breast cancer Lobular like mine but next to her breast bone.  She survived 17 years and her husband an Oncologist told her he thought she lived so long because of Tamoxifen and Anastrozole.  She had tons of chemo and radiation but he thought the two drugs Tamoxifen and Anastrozole kept her alive.  Look we are all dying, cancer or not I just enjoy everyday and I am happy every day.  I just hope this information helps someone.  

  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318

    I have been on Femara, Arimidex and Aromasin. Of all of these, I have the fewest side effects on Femara, which I'm back on again. I had the worst side effects on Arimidex, basically the most pain. All of them have had side effects, the worst being sleep disruption. I wake up all jittery and am wide awake for hours. The lack of sleep causes more issues. The cycle is real... I know I need to exercise but I hurt too much to exercise. I'm getting really close to giving up on any of them. I have a 9% chance of recurrence. At this point in my life, I turn 67 in 3 weeks, quality of life is more important than quantity.

    Essential oils can be wonderful if used correctly. Robert Tisserand is an expert. His website is a wealth of information. And Edens Garden oils are the best. Their website also has tons of information. I use a 2% dilution of hemp seed oil and Copaiba in magnesium lotion for my hip pain and it helps at night.

  • nyr4evr
    nyr4evr Member Posts: 5

    I have been on anastrazole for three weeks. After two days I felt nauseated. Called doctor she said continue. It is just nerves from reading too much on the internet. Well guess what I did and am fine now. No aches,nausea or sweats. I sleep in cool room. No sweats Go walking 1/2 hour everyday to keep muscles in shape. I need these meds so I have made up my mind to work with it. I don’t want to yo-yo pills now. My personality is that would be the case

  • nyr4evr
    nyr4evr Member Posts: 5

    I have been on anastrazole for three weeks. After two days I felt nauseated. Called doctor she said continue. It is just nerves from reading too much on the internet. Well guess what I did and am fine now. No aches,nausea or sweats. I sleep in cool room. No sweats Go walking 1/2 hour everyday to keep muscles in shape. I need these meds so I have made up my mind to work with it. I don’t want to yo-yo pills now. My personality is that would be the case

  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318

    Nvr4evr I'm glad you've been able to power through. My side effects didn't really show up for a month and got increasingly worse. It was my MO who suggested cycling through the choices until I found one that I could tolerate. Wish I could say I have.

    Just woke up after a decent sleep, which means for me, 6 hours without any long period of wakefulness. However, I now remember another side effect that has become bothersome. Dryness. My eyes are so dry, even after using a nighttime gel, that it affects my eyesight. I'm dry everywhere. Using vaginal suppositories has helped only slightly. Now dealing with dry, flaky itchy ears.

    I really don't want to sound like Debbie Downer, but I am frustrated and want the old me back again. It is a struggle.

  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318

    I haven't tried Tamoxifen. My MO suggested it but warned me that there is a higher incidence of uterine cancer with it. I don't want to exchange one cancer for another. I told him I'd give Femara a try again and when I see him in August we'll talk.

    I need to look up the SEs for Tamoxifen. That will help me make up my mind if I'll try it or just quit altogether.

  • lala1
    lala1 Member Posts: 974

    As to Tamoxifen and uterine cancer, at my diagnosis my BS wrote down all the treatment options, meds, SEs and percentages of SEs with each med. He told me that Tamoxifen can cause uterine cancer but that the risk for the average woman is 1% and Tamoxifen takes it to 2%. That is actually double the risk of the normal person but the risk is so low to begin with, I was willing to risk it. And you can ask your doctor for a baseline transvaginal ultrasound and then get monitored regularly. If you show any changes, you can go off Tamoxifen or possibly even consider a hysterectomy. I did have changes and opted for the hysterectomy which in hindsight I'm so glad I did. I like not having to worry about ovarian, endometrial, cervical, etc cancers since women who've had BC are more susceptible to those anyway, Tamoxifen or not. Just like we are more susceptible to colon cancer. So before you completely write off Tamoxifen, talk with you doctor. You may find that it's easier on your body than the AIs and with just some careful monitoring you do ok. My BS encouraged me to stay on Tamoxifen even after the hysterectomy. He felt that, for me, the AIs would be too brutal on my body. He also doesn't like that AIs can mess with your cholesterol levels which could lead to heart disease. And he does like that Tamoxifen strengthens bones. So I guess it's just a matter of weighing SEs!

  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318

    Oh boy! Easy to cure! But who wants to get it in the first place? Who wants more surgery?

  • grandma3X
    grandma3X Member Posts: 297

    Statistics are confusing! the way I read it is that the 1% benefit in survival is only telling me that the AI does not adversely affect my survival - that is, I'm not more likely to die if I take an AI. The true benefit, of course, is that it prevents a recurrence of cancer. That benefit is shown to be much higher than 1%.

  • prdanib
    prdanib Member Posts: 11

    Hello, I was on Femara, but had to go off it due to excruciating joint pain. Now I'm on Aromasin, which is even worse! Dr. said there are six out there, so we'll find one that works for me. He also told me that hormone blockers are more effective in helping prevent recurrence than chemo. Are there any natural hormone blockers?