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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • humblepeace
    humblepeace Member Posts: 85

    Thanks Everyone.

    I appreciate your responses to Fish/Krill Oil as well as the post on the amount of DHA and EPA (1000mg). I will be visiting Costco and reading labels. Thanks again

  • marionsgirl
    marionsgirl Member Posts: 18

    I have been on Arimidex for one month. I took Aromasin for a year, then Femara for a few months, then Tamoxifen for 11 months. The joint/bone pain on them was not good. Tamoxofen also made me depressed. I still have joint pain on the Arimidex and I am so tired during the day and can't fall asleep at night.

  • janett2014
    janett2014 Member Posts: 2,950

    Also posted this on another Arimidex thread:

    I have been on Anastrozole for 4 years and have always taken it at bedtime. I've noticed some sleep issues gradually happening in the last several months. Would these issues have happened without the medication, or is the Anastrozole affecting my sleep? I don't know the answer to that question, so I'm going to switch and take it in the morning.

    We will see if that helps. Otherwise, I have some joint pain as well as hot flashes which are definitely worse in these hot summer months. During the winter they are infrequent and hardly noticeable. I take Claritin for the joint pain.

  • Occovegirl
    Occovegirl Member Posts: 14

    Hi Mariongirl I am so glad to hear you don't have any side effects. I am having my ovAries removed in July and will be starting to take the Arimidex shortly after. I have been on Tamoxifen for 2 and 1/2 yeArs and have every side effects! I was looking forward to only 2 and 1/2 more years of meds. But I now have to be on Arimidex for 5 years. Thanks so much for the positive feed back! I am hoping for minimal side effects also!

  • Ckviolin
    Ckviolin Member Posts: 1

    my blood sugar has sky rocketed since being on Arimadex for a year - this is an older post… Wondering if you have had any success getting it lowered or changing meds? Thanks

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771

    Ckviolin...have you tried the prescription drug Metformin or the supplement berberine? I take berberine to regulate my blood sugar. There has also been talk about both reducing recurrence rates. Good luck to all.

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    like dtad wrote, I take Berberine to control blood sugar. Been on Anastrozole since January and blood sugar is fine still and cholesterol is coming down (slowly)

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771

    Dodgersgirl...just curious if you have lost weight on berberine? IMO it has helped me lose 30 pounds since diagnosis. FYI also refused anti hormone treatment.

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    dtad, I steadily lost wieght as long as I ate right. I won’t be without berberine especially after reading it is just as affective as metformin.

  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323

    Any turmeric takers that can weigh in on their experience taking the herb for joint pain associated with taking Anastrozole?

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771

    Dodgersgirl...totally agree!

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    CBK- I had great success with Relief Factor while is Turmeric plus Omega3 for joint pain but my MO advised me not to take Turmeric pills as it acts like estrogen to my body. Now, having said that, I have done lots of reading on Turmeric and the results is inconclusive whether it’s a risk or not. I did find on many men’s body building sites that they recommended not taking Turmeric pills if trying to build muscles due to its estrogen effect. So I stopped taking Relief Factor and now take glucosamine with chondrotin plus omega 3. While not as effective, it is helping.

    MO said eating Turmeric in food was ok but not in large quantities in pill form. I still pout about it.

  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323


    Ugh!! I was just about to buy a powdered version of Tumeric and I noticed it was mixed with Holy basil.

    Now basil is a bone of contention as a phytoestrogen as well so I aborted my purchase. My MO was ok with Turmeric but I’m going to stay on safe side. I’m so disappointed to hear this.

    I have appointment with another Dr. Regarding my neuropathy and joint pain next week so let me see what this man has to say.

    Which glucosamine supplement do you take with Omega 3?

    Thanks Dodgersgirl!!

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    CBK, ref joint pain, have been reading a lot about acupuncture and how it relieves joint pain associated with SE from AIs. My local clinic has an acupuncturist it insurance doesn’t cover it so I haven’t pursued that route

    Regarding glucosamine, I take Andrew Lessman’s Glucosamine with chondrotin. I think strength is 1500/1200 and I take 2 pills a day along with Onega3.

    When my joints in my thumbs get sore, I apply a topical — Genacol Instant Relief which helps for a while.

    Good luck!

  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323


    I have been doing acupuncture but laid off recently.  I can say for certain it helped me with hot flashes and somewhat with joint pain/neuropathy.  I have a double whammy because Taxol gave me CIPN and the Anastrozole just made it all 100 percent worse. I dropped tons of estrogen at once with ovary removal and then BAM... Anastrozole.  I wasn't even in menopause prior.  So think it must have a lot to do with my severity of symptoms. I don't like to be a downer and complain... but this is real pain.... 

    Yoga is like a for me godsend for me. Always has been... I think the combo of that and acupuncture is a huge improvement but I am still struggling.....

    Thanks for product information going to check it out...…..     

  • TrailDweller
    TrailDweller Member Posts: 29

    I took my first dose last night. I'm sure I won't have to wait long to find out how it will affect me. I'm 56. I went through surgical menopause when I was 38 years old. I had many years of hot flashes and night sweats and then I was diagnosed with osteoporosis in both hips and lower spine. I've been on Fosamax for a year. Had tried Boneva and had lots of joint pain.

    I guess we will wait and see. I received my oncotype DX and will avoid chemo because my score was 15. I start radiation in about a week.

  • nonomimi5
    nonomimi5 Member Posts: 184

    Traildweller - Congrats for the low oncotype score. Good luck with rads. I just finished my 16 rads this week.

    I had my bone density test today. How will the results influence hormonal therapy? I am 54.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Nonomimi5, the results will not influence your hormonal therapy. But it is possible a bone strengthening drug, such as Fosamax or Prolia, may be added.

  • nonomimi5
    nonomimi5 Member Posts: 184

    Thank you Pontiacpeggy - that makes sense.

  • humblepeace
    humblepeace Member Posts: 85

    Hi All,

    I’m wanting to start a few supplements. I wanted to ask others about their picks as I wanted to be sure that anything I choose would not interfere with Arimidex/Anastrozole. I have recently just began Omega-3 Fish Oil a Costco brand without Soy or Vitamin E. Now on to a B12, Biotin, and Magnesium.

    I was hoping for the advice/ feedback of the members here who I believe to be very well informed. I did ask my oncologist and he stated that a fruit smoothie was great in the morning and no real need for additional supplements. However, I would like to see more growth in my hair and nails since completing treatment this past November 2017. Also, less bone/joint pain relief would be nice without pain pills. Thanks to all


  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323


    I started Biotin 5000mcg when I finished AC and started B6 and B12 after I finished chemo. My nails are unbelievable and  hair is wild (so thick and curly).  

    Are  you on any calcium supplements?  I'm a huge fan of Redd Remedies Bone Health with D3 K2 Magnesium and Boron in it .  Yes it is a huge capsule but you could open up and blend in with your morning smoothie if you make at home.  I swear I am less achy since taking this brand of calcium, but I also started acupuncture and a stronger yoga practice at the same time so hard to tell. 

    Love my smoothies, such a great way to get in your fruits and vegetables while adding in a healthy dose of protein.  All vital for good hair and nail health.  I add in flax and chia seeds to them as well, waiting for my long locks to grow back..with much anticipation... 

    Good luck Humblepeace!!  

  • TrailDweller
    TrailDweller Member Posts: 29

    I'm only 1 week in and my hands ache. The fatigue is already here too I've also been dizzy a few times. I go to the radiation simulation tomorrow morning, I wonder how I will be with the fatigue and the radiation.

  • humblepeace
    humblepeace Member Posts: 85

    @CBK - Thanks for such good information. I will shop Amazon or the local Costco for some of these. I definitely take my reading glasses 👓 on shopping trips these days as reading labels are more important to me. I didn’t even realize that even basic supplements could have so much added ingredients.

    Thanks again


  • swivel2020
    swivel2020 Member Posts: 7

    i have tried Golden Paste which you make with good grade turmeric powder,pepper, and coconut oil. It helps many but did nothing for me. There is a FB page for Turmeric users for more info.

    I have a bit of knee arthritis but the pain I have its almost crippling and just recently resorted to a cortisone injection. It worked for two days. The pain i have is severe from my knee down my leg. I'm now going to try Claritin 10mg. I see my oncologist Tuesday to see what he can suggest.

  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323


    I went to specialist for my joint related issues due to Arimidex. Since I was not menopausal and I had my ovaries out my symptoms from “dropping estrogen” are super severe. My Dr. Confirmed how real the joint pain can be from these Aromatase inhibitors. Anyone that says otherwise doesn’t know what they are talking about.

    That said I’m super optimistic because I’ve already seen great improvement with accupunture, supplements and my lifeline of a yoga practice!

    Dr. confirmed acupuncture is one of the proven success therapies for our joint related syndrome. He strongly advised me to add in 150 minutes of aerobic exercise a week and I’m starting a physical therapy program next week in addition to my yoga 4 to 5 times a week.

    Dr. Also wants me to start Cymbalta and claims this is a proven winner for both my joint pain and CIPN. It’s a serotonin/ norepinephrine re-uptaker. Anyone have any comments on Cymbalta??

    According to Dr he says the side effects to these meds will take sometime to improve and plateau, but they will. 🙏. I have faith with Work this will be the case.

    I’m so on the fence with this Turmeric thing. Some people are concerned about the herb having a phytoestrogen effect in the body?? My new Dr. And my oncologist have no problem with me taking and actually support the herb in curcumin form.

    I need you Arimidex, let’s make this work!!

    Ladies best wishes for an achey free day!!

  • snickersmom
    snickersmom Member Posts: 599

    I have to jump in here even though I know I have posted about Arimidex before. I have had ongoing issues with herniated disks in my back for about 10 years and have been on Gabapentin and Tramadol for about 8 years. when I first started on Arimidex a year ago, I never did any research on it; maybe I was just dumb not to, but I'm kind of glad I didn't read about any side effects because it just didn't occur to me to anticipate any problems. I've always had back aches, especially in the morning, and any other aches and pains I just attributed to the disks, not the Arimidex. I do know that I have less joint aches and pains now than I did a year. ago. So either I'm used to it or I'm one of those who just aren't bother by it. I do Zumba, Total Fitness Workout classes, and dance class,plus I love to walk. I have found that exercise really helped me a lot.

  • BlueGirlRedState
    BlueGirlRedState Member Posts: 900

    CBK asked about Turmeric and Anastrozole. I quit taking Anastozole after a few months because of SE (joint stiffness in hands was awful). After several months I started Tamoxifen. Stiffness has not completely gone away, and two fingers still lock up now and then, but it is much better than when I was taking Anastrozole. I do notice some vaginal discharge that I think is from Tamoxifen. When I mentioned this to the Oncologist in 2009 (first round of breast cancer) he tested endometrial cancer, which came back negative. I am noticing some discharge now, and probably should test again for uterine/endometrial

    I was and still am using Turmeric supplements as well as using turmeric with pepper in foods. I think it helps. The supplement I like is Gaia Turmeric Supreme Joint (Gaia makes several formulations or Turmeric). It is hard to consume enough turmeric powder or fresh that you would get from supplements, and I do not know if it is any better than supplements. I think Acupuncture helps as well, but it is mixed. It is almost always stress/anxiety relieving, but only now and then do I feel relief from joint stiffness. The practitioner works a lot with positioning needles to find what seems to bring the most relief. I think supplements, CBD/marijuana, and other alternatives may work differently for different people, just like Rx drugs. For example, I have not found much relief from CBD/THC/marijuana products as reported by some. I did find that some products higher in THC were definitely wrong for me -no relief, dry/cotton mouth, and kept me up all night,

    This article on Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture (YNSA) is interesting. and depending on where you live, might be available. Nobody where I am did practice it, and only a couple had heard of it. The acupuncturist I go to, had studied it as part of her overall training, but had not had specific training in it. She tried it several times, but it did not seem to bring any more relief than the other needling.

    2009 ER+ left breast. 52 yrs. Lumpectomy, Radiation 6 weeks, tamoxifen 5 years. Dense lumpy left breast, normal right. Acupuncture offered at facility as part of integrative medicine. It really helped with anxiety/stress during radiation treatment.

    2016 ER+ left breast. Probably a new cancer, but unknown. 4 rounds TC Aug-Oct 2016, cold capping during chemo. Bi-lateral (my choice) Nov 2016, no reconstruction. Anastrozole 1 mg starting May 2017. Joint issues noticed immediately. Stopped Anastrozole after 3-4 months do to joint stiffness in hands. Started tamoxifen March 2018.

  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323

    Hello BlueGirl-

    Thank you for your thoughtful reply.

    I am really fed up with people thinking joint pain from aromatase inhibitors is some projection from online comments and the medication insert. It's an insult to my intelligence and strength. The fact of the matter is it is a real medical syndrome.

    Tell me is Turmeric in capsule form something that takes some time to "kick-in" or has somewhat of a more immediate resolve for joint pain? And how does your MO feel about you indulging in it?

    Hope Tamoxifin is treating you well!!

  • lala1
    lala1 Member Posts: 974

    BlueGirlRedState--I did Tamoxifen for 5 years and pretty much had the discharge the whole time. No issues, just discharge. After I finished my 5 years I hoped that issue would go away. It actually got worse. After a couple of calls with my gyn and 2 rounds of Diflucan, I went in and got tested. Turned out I had bacterial vaginosis AND a bit of a yeast infection. So he had me do another Diflucan round and do the gel inserts for a week. Messy and a pain in the a** but I got rid of all of it for good now. Makes me wonder if I had some BV at some point when I just thought it was tamoxifen discharge. My gyn said discharge is very common on Tamoxifen so we never thought to test it. It wasn't something that caused me pain or anything but in hindsight, I think I would have asked him to test it just to be on the safe side. Since I know that an ongoing infection can cause other issues, maybe it couldn't hurt to just be checked.

  • macmomma
    macmomma Member Posts: 16

    Probably way too late to help you, but I was very eager to start the anastrozole. I had stopped all my hormones (for menopause) two days before, and expected recurrence of my horrible menopause symptoms, but it's been a breeze. Now--I'll say, I've only been on it for 8 days! May get worse, but even my hot flashes are better than they were on the estrogen! Weird. I have a little bit of loose stool, and I think my appetite has decreased, but I feel fine. I had insomnia when I took it at bedtime, but backed off to 6:00 pm and sleep well. I take D3 (50,000 IU/week), curcurmin, flax seed oil, high protein smoothies with spirulina, spinach, bee pollen, mushroom powder, almond milk, etc, K2, Magnesium, calcium, CoQ10, garlic, vit C, the kitchen sink. Do pilates for an hour each day. I was a runner, but because of an awful hematome with my biopsy, I haven't been able to run since my diagnosis. They don't think the hematoma will resolve before surgery, so unlikely I'll run again until the fall. :((