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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • BlueGirlRedState
    BlueGirlRedState Member Posts: 900

    CBK - it does take a while, or at least it did for me, to feel the benefits of turmeric. Maybe at least a month, and then, it was only a sense of of getting better. No Hallelujahs , throwing away the crutches or walking on water. My DR did not pooh pooh my complaints of joint pain and stiffness, but suggested it might get better, it did not. Also suggested trying a different brand, which I did not. One person on this forum said she found a huge difference when she took the brand name Anastrozole vs generic, which you can get directly from the manufacturer for $1/day. My insurance would have charged me about $8/day. Search this forum for that discussion. I did get an Rx for the brand name and even got a 1 month supply. Did not take it, because stiffness seemed to be getting better (several months after I quit taking anastrozole). So I asked DR for Tamoxifen instead. But everyone is different. What works. What does not. Side effects. Risk of recurrence

    Supplements provide a concentrated dose. I suppose if you used a lot of the powder turmeric vs pills, it could stain teeth. I do not know if there are any drug/other supplement interactions to watch for or any health reason not to take it.One friend who researched it for alzhiemer her partner was suffering wrote me that you would get 200 mg of curcumin in 1 teaspoon of turmeric, depending upon the source and origin. I cannot find my bookmarks for turmeric discussions.

    Different brands will provided varying amounts and may have other ingredients as well. Just make sure it has black pepper, which supposedly helps with the absorption. I'm not sure how much curcumin I actually get in the 2 pill daily dose. Bottle says 874 mg "proprietary extract" of tumeric, devil's claw (Harpagophylum procumbens), Boswellia. It also says 32 mg tumeric, 10 mg black pepper, 10 mg ginger, 60 mg Quercetin. I also use tumeric powder, maybe 1/4 tsp plus black pepper, fairly often in a meal. In the winter I enjoy GAIA Golden Milk, a tumeric/date/other spices in hot milk ( you can use any "milk"). I also find that daily exercise/activity is very important, even if it is just a casual dog walk. . If I include stretching everyday, it really helps, and I definitely notice it, like right now, when I slack off for several days/weeks.

    2009 ER+ left breast. 52 yrs. Lumpectomy, Radiation 6 weeks, tamoxifen 5 years. Dense lumpy left breast, normal right. Acupuncture offered at facility as part of integrative medicine. It really helped with anxiety/stress during radiation treatment.

    2016 ER+ left breast. Probably a new cancer, but unknown. Dense left breast, normal right breast. 4 rounds TC Aug-Oct 2016, cold capping during chemo. Bi-lateral (my choice) Nov 2016, no reconstruction. Anastrozole 1 mg starting May 2017. Joint issues noticed immediately. Stopped Anastrozole after 3-4 months do to joint stiffness in hands. Started tamoxifen March 2018.

  • BlueGirlRedState
    BlueGirlRedState Member Posts: 900

    lala1 - you mentioned discharge with tamoxifen, was actually bacteria and yeast infection. Did this also make you urinate more frequently or mild incontinence ? I'm wondering if I should get tested and or see a urologist. Years ago one NP determined that I had some fibroids which could be contributing, also suggested just getting older. A yeast test came back negative. Maybe it really is, ironically, not drinking enough water. It seems like it is not quite as bad if I drink at least 5 cups water/day.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,292

    Hi ladies, someone posted this link on another forum:

    I went on it last night and there is a weath of information on natural anti-inflammatory agents available. Gave info on fish oil, cats claw, green tea, turmeric, and others, as well as dosage.

    I see my MO on 7/26 and I'm going to ask if she has any problem with me using at least one of them (beside fish oil I already take).

    Bone scan showed no mets, but I have arthritis in knees, wrists, and degenerative disk disease through out my spine. Been there for a while, but I feel much more pain and it correlates to Anestrozole use.

  • lala1
    lala1 Member Posts: 974

    BlueGirlRedState---I didn't notice any more frequency in urination. I also didn't have any burning upon urinating. Mostly there was just a slightly itchy feel some times. I'm a month out from treatment and everything is back to pre Tamoxifen times! No discharge. No itching. Just perfect vaginal health! Hallejuia!!

  • TrailDweller
    TrailDweller Member Posts: 29

    I'm exhausted. I run out of energy fast. My hands hurt and my left foot swells. When I run out of energy I feel like I'm carrying a lead weighted suit. This pill is kicking my butt and I'm about to start radiation. I just need to keep moving forward so the buzzards don't get me.

  • TrailDweller
    TrailDweller Member Posts: 29

    I'm exhausted. I run out of energy fast. My hands hurt and my left foot swells. When I run out of energy I feel like I'm carrying a lead weighted suit. This pill is kicking my butt and I'm about to start radiation. I just need to keep moving forward so the buzzards don't get me.

  • TrailDweller
    TrailDweller Member Posts: 29

    I'm exhausted. I run out of energy fast. My hands hurt and my left foot swells. When I run out of energy I feel like I'm carrying a lead weighted suit. This pill is kicking my butt and I'm about to start radiation. I just need to keep moving forward so the buzzards don't get me.

  • bareclaws
    bareclaws Member Posts: 246

    TrailDweller, it’s early days. Give anastrozole a few months and see if it gets better. In the beginning, I felt like you describe,but now can’t say I’m experiencing any side effects.

  • mattiej
    mattiej Member Posts: 2

    Mango Cat,

    I too am an RN. I am beginning Letrazole tomorrow, after failing with anastrazol and exemestane. The pain was un-bearable with anastrazol and the exemestane gave me such chest pain, I thought I was having a heart attack. The last two weeks on exemestane allowed no quality to my life....I was a blob, sitting here waiting for a heart attack to kill me. I am praying that this last of the three works without horrible SE. My MO wanted me to take tamoxifen, but I have a uterus and am petrified that I will be the 1-2/1000 that will get endometrial cancer. So, I declined tamoxifen. I wish there was something that we could do to rid the SE, or at least lessen them to a point of acceptance. I have been following the clinical trials of ER+ breast cancer and the AI's seem to be really improving survival.

    I hope you can find a way to continue therapy, as it does seem to improve our chances of being cancer free....

  • AnnCapeio
    AnnCapeio Member Posts: 1
    when is best time to take Aridimix
  • bella2013
    bella2013 Member Posts: 370

    AnnCspeio, it is different for everyone. I start back on Anastrazole tomorrow. Generally, I read that taking it at 6:00 pm is one of the preferred times. Taking it at bedtime may cause insomnia and taking it early morning may cause you to feel the aches and pains as the day goes on. Experiment and see what works best for you.

    Hope this helps

  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239


    Was wondering are you taking anything for bone loss?

    Im on the real arimidex I take in am , im stiff and achy in am but gets better as day goes on , my cholesterol is higher.. my hands and spine ache the worst but i have scoliosis... and osteopenia

    Anyway.. so far Im refusing to take anything as from what i understand one can only take either bosphohimates or prolia for 3 yrs. after which your bones deteriorate fast and break

    So im trying to hold off

  • TrailDweller
    TrailDweller Member Posts: 29

    Thank you Bareclaws. I saw the family doctor yesterday, she said the joint pain issues should ease up but I will continue to have off and on fatigue while I take it. I am just keeping on so I can keep on.

  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323

    Bluegirl- I was recommended the Gaia Turmeric Supreme with black pepper fruit extract one softgel per day.

    I still am unclear about the claims of potential safety of Turmeric in supplement form. My MO and Physiatrist Ok with it, I am interested in your MO's thoughts Cindi?

    My Drs are saying if you can "get over the hump" with the joint pain thing..the joints will stop screaming to the brain that they are missing estrogen and pain could level off to a manageable thing. Quite an oversimplification but it makes sense on some level. I too have noticed a very big improvement in the last few weeks on Anastrozole.

    Physiatrist prescribed me Cymbalta, I have not taken it but he seems to be a big fan of it for CIPN and joint pain from al's.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,292

    Daily I take 2 Citracal calcium, 2 fish oil, 1 multi vitamin, 1 vitamin C, 1 vitamin D, and an allergy pill Zyrtec D. I'm on vacation so I don't have any info with me as to mg or like I think the C has rose hips. 7/26 is MO appt.

    I'll keep you all posted.

  • magari
    magari Member Posts: 335

    Hi, all -

    I am taking Omeprazole and Naproxen in the morning (the latter for joint pain) and Arimidex and Effexor at about 7pm. Both generic, the latter for hot flashes.

    I also take Claritin at bedtime, along with Ambien and Ativan to help with sleep. And a bunch of supplements:

    Acetyl-L-Carnitine 500mg (brain function/heart health)

    AlphaLipoic Acid 600 mg (neuropathy)

    B-6 100 mg

    Biotin 5000-10,000 mcg (hair/nails)

    Calcium/magnesium/zinc 333/120/5 mg +200 D3

    D3 25mcg/1000IU x2 (bones/immune health)

    Glucosamine Chondroitin 500/400mg (joint pain)

    L-Lysine 1000 mg (calcium absorption/immune health)

    Probiotic 200 mg (digestive health)

    Psyllium 500 mg (digestive health)

    All of these are daily, except the Biotin, which I cut back to once a week due to possible interference with lab results.

  • bella2013
    bella2013 Member Posts: 370

    So, I started back on Anastrazole yesterday, 7/11. I really hope I can make it work

  • Rabezo
    Rabezo Member Posts: 1

    I am a post menopausal 52 years old and on May 16 I was diagnosed with breast cancer in my right breast that was Estrogen Positive and HER2 Negative, stage 1. On June 1 I underwent a lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node removal. On July 23 I begin 6 weeks of radiation treatments. My concern is my Oncologist wants me to take Anastrozole everyday for the next 5 years. Heart disease runs in my family and I see this is a side effect, along with all the other glorious side effects (and they wonder why some get depressed from the drug). I am terrified to take the drug. I think I read in this feed that someone who took it developed reoccurring breast cancer again a year after they stopped taking it. This adds to my worry. What other natural remedies are there? Has other people experienced reoccurred after taking it? Is this a pill form of Chemo? Any helpful advise is encouraged. Thank you in advance.

  • humblepeace
    humblepeace Member Posts: 85

    Hi Bella2013,

    I pray Arimidex works for you as well. I just switched from Tamoxifen after 6 months due to having a hysterectomy 5 weeks ago. Have been on Arimidex for a month. Feeling the bone and joint pain and recently starting with a tickle in my throat and some coughing, not much. I read the cough and tickle could be a side effect of Arimidex. It’s onlh been a couple of days so far.

    Best wishes with Arimidex.


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Rabezo, first AIs are NOT chemo. They clamp down all the female hormones your body is still making even though you are post-menopausal. Five years is the common amount of time most of us take AIs. Don't reject them out of hand. Talk to your MO about your concerns. I've been on anastrozole (Arimidex) for nearly 4 years with few side effects. Not everyone has them.

    There is no 100% guarantee you won't have breast cancer again. Most of us don't. We just go with the treatments that provide us with the best odds against a recurrence. And pray.

    Please take the time to read Dr Susan Love's Breast Book. It will help answer a lot of your questions about breast cancer and give you the information you need to help make an informed decision about AIs and the other forms of treatment.

    Wishing you good luck. I found rads a breeze.


  • Taco1946
    Taco1946 Member Posts: 630

    Rabezo - AI's (or tamoxifen for pre-menopausal women) are standard treatment for those of us who have hormone positive cancer. Talk to your MO about your concerns with heart disease and weigh your options. When I was on herceptin, I got an echo every 3 months but I don't get one now. Since my MO responds very quickly to any SE's I report, I don't think she is concerned about heart problems. There are threads here for those who choose alternative treatments but I know the moderators will you to be cautious about foregoing established protocols. Re-occurance is always with us; I see it as balancing the probabilities with the SE's. I've been on them for 14 months and am more active and involved in life than I was pre-diagnosis.

  • Pattimills2017
    Pattimills2017 Member Posts: 6

    starting Arimidex on August 2nd.

  • Pattimills2017
    Pattimills2017 Member Posts: 6

    I had a quadruple by pass on March 23rd, lumpectomy and sentinel node removal on May 8th. Oncotype DX testing score was 15. Saw my MO today and she gave me an Rx anyway. Heart problem risk is 4% to 10%. Im just trusting God.

  • Pattimills2017
    Pattimills2017 Member Posts: 6

    Ive overweight since age 10. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. I have lost 45 lbs since Christmas. I fear weight gain. Im 62 and ive worked so hard. I have a Functional Physician. I pray she will be able to continue to help me. I start Arimidex August 2nd.

  • Taco1946
    Taco1946 Member Posts: 630

    Since several of you are just starting the AI journey, I want to reiterate that many have minimal side effects. In fact there is a thread "doing well on AI's." Each AI acts a little differently (and there are those on this thread who can give you the specifics but my non-scientitific mind doesn't register them) and each of us reacts to them differently. Work with your MO to find the best fit for you. I am happier on letrozole than I was on armidex but there are probably an equal number who would say just the opposite. Also pay attention to who manufactures your generic. Again, it seems to matter as each manufacturer uses a different "filler." When you find a manufacturer that works for you, insist that your pharmacy give you that one and not another. Some people have gotten their MO's to do an over-ride with the insurance company for brand name drugs when they have had trouble with the generic. We can do this!

  • Marchz
    Marchz Member Posts: 8

    I’ve been on anastrozole for a year and so far so good. I walk every day possible and get plenty of rest. I had a ruptured appendix in April but can’t blame it on that. Otherwise minimal joint pain but stretching and yoga help a lot. Hoping it does the job , my MO talked about 10 years of it for me...

  • peregrinelady
    peregrinelady Member Posts: 416
    Marchz, you might want to ask your MO about the BCI test to see if you will benefit from extended therapy. It is usually given at the 5 yr. mark. Did your MO give you a reason for the 10 years?
  • kmb4
    kmb4 Member Posts: 20

    Hi Ladies,

    hope everyone is doing well. I have been wondering about something and thought that I would ask here before asking at my next appt with my nurse. (they have me seeing an nurse now instead of my oncologist for check ups) To give a little info on my past. I had Stage 1 breast cancer in one breast. The cancer was 14mm in size. (small) no positive lymph nodes. Grade 2, ER+ PR+ HER2 -. my oncotype test came back intermediate at 24. no chemo or radiation. OK here is what I have been worried about. They have me on Arimadex for 5 yrs. I had a hysterectomy in 2005 but kept my ovaries. I am now 61 yrs old and most likely my ovaries are not working. BUT I wonder if they are still producing estrogen which I know will be taken care of by the hormone blocker. Just wondering after the 5 yrs and me going off if that might be an issue. I know alot of ladies have their ovaries out too but wondering if that is something I should be looking at even at my old age. I will ask at my next appt but would like some input here as well

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    There is a simple blood test to determine if they are still working. My one remaining ovary pooped out years before cancer. Estrogen is also produced by adrenal glands throughout your body. I was originally told 10 years on Arimadex. This pill works on suppressing estrogen production in your body, no matter where it’s from. I lasted about 4 1/2 years on it. Had to stop because of se.

  • bella2013
    bella2013 Member Posts: 370

    kmb4, we have similar cancer stats and I too am 61 years old. I have all of my reproductive organs. I went thru menopause at 47. I have begged for a hysterectomy since my cancer diagnosis because I am high risk for breast cancer (nailed it), uterine cancer and ovarian cancer because I did not have any pregnancies..we adopted our children. My gyno and my MO have assured me that my ovaries are not producing any estrogen since I went thru menopause 14 years ago. There is no protocol to remove my uterus and ovaries...ugh.

    I am on my 5th day of Anastrazole. I can’t speak to what happens if/when we go off of it in five years. Hopefully research will give us more information about our adrenal glands and if they will continue to release estrogen when me are not taking that little white pill.

    Hope this helps