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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 364

    Hello There DJT! Long time no chat. :) I can tell you it was called First Aid Ultra Repair Cream. I found it at Ultma beauty store. Also on Amazone but I was to impatient to wait. Lol. Works like a charm!

    Also. How is anastrozole treating you? I am getting joint aches for sure, hot flashes like crazy and some insomia. Oh the life of a postmenopausal women on blockers. ;)

    Have ya taken any more rides lately?

  • iamnancy
    iamnancy Member Posts: 641

    Miranda2060 - thanks for the link... I read her post and might consider going to the dermatologist --- maybe after 5 yrs of being on anastrozole I should consider trying another kind...

  • Djt
    Djt Member Posts: 176

    Hi Life, good to hear from you! I also have heard that the First Aid brand of creams are good, i have some, will check to see if its that particular one. I remember seeing it on the must have list of things to have in the chemo bag.

    Yes I'm at 3 weeks or so on anastrozole. Same, achy, and it causes some insomnia, i asked my dr. About taking melatonin, and she said just go with Tylenol PM, which I have been taking. I can deal with 4 to 6 hours of sleep, but the hot flashes are awful. More like a hot shroud, it lands on me and just stays. That plus not using deodorant due to radiation, ....Wow.

    Got on my hd yesterday again and took a longer ride, it's about the only time I don't think anything about all of this STUFF.

    I'm half done with radiation, and have not had the exhaustion hit at all yet, hope I don't! How are you. Doing? How are side effects and energy?

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 364

    DJT. I have not started radiation treatment yet. I start September 4th. I'm glad that you're not getting the exhaustion. I'm really hoping that's my case as well. I have a part-time cleaning job and the girls are starting to get antzy cuz they're having to work for me because of chemo treatment and now they're concerned about radiation as well. I honestly don't know how to answer them because I don't know how I'm going to feel or if I'm going to be able to clean during that time frame.

    Gearing up to go on vacation August 25th thru September 2nd up to the Bighorn mountains. Hoping to get some fishing hiking and four wheeling in!

    Yes! Agree with you about those hot flashes! They are the worst! My main joint pain is in my fingers and my knees. I have noticed that my hair is starting to Fuze out more and my eyebrows are starting to come back. Yay!

  • Djt
    Djt Member Posts: 176

    LIFE, vaca in Big Horn mountains sounds fabulous, i love that type of outdoor activities, grew up fishing and hunting too. Enjoy it to the max.

    Cleaning work does require a lot of energy , been there, done that too. Sometimes, i almost think it's a matter of....mind over matter on the energy, but im not sure. I'm no where near as weak as I was on chemo, i hope it goes that way for you too! But I do believe the more you move, the less the joint pain.

  • BlueGirlRedState
    BlueGirlRedState Member Posts: 900

    Blessed1129. A comment on the turmeric. I think you are supposed to use some black pepper with it for better absorption. I usually use it with main dishes, so pepper is fine. Also take turmeric supplements, and I think they along with turmeric, help. You might like "Golden Milk" made by Gaia. You can use any kind of "milk". I have not tried it in coffee. I stopped taking Anastrozole after several months because of SEs (joint stiffness). After several more months I started taking Tamoxifen. Joint stiffness is still there, but not as bad as when I was taking Anastrozole. A few months ago I started experiencing pain in left shoulder. I do not think it was related to hormonal therapy, but it came on fast. I finally saw a PT for it, she diagnosed "frozen" shoulder and gave me some exercises. which I started last week. I think they are helping, but are not fun.

    2009 ER+ left breast. 52 yrs. Lumpectomy, Radiation 6 weeks, tamoxifen 5 years. Dense lumpy left breast, normal right. Acupuncture offered at facility as part of integrative medicine. It really helped with anxiety/stress during radiation treatment.

    2016 ER+ left breast. Probably a new cancer, but unknown. 4 rounds TC Aug-Oct 2016, Bi-lateral (my choice) Nov 2016, no reconstruction. Anastrozole 1 mg starting May 2017. Joint issues noticed immediately. Stopped Anastrozole after 3-4 months do to joint stiffness in hands. Started tamoxifen March 2018.

  • vermonster
    vermonster Member Posts: 20

    Big sigh. I have a terrible case of the "nowannas" today. Nowanna do nothin. Surgery was 32 days ago. Prior to surgery, I was in perimenopause and not having awful hotflashes. Call me lucky. Post-surgery (included ooph) things were pretty much the same - an occasional hot flash and maybe twice awake at 3am sweating. Still call me lucky. Based on onco score, no iv chemo for me. Until looking at some of the posts on this page today, it hadn't clicked for me that the hormonal therapy IS still chemo. I had my bone density test on Wednesday and took my first anastrozole. I had decided to take it at night because it looked like that works better for some women, more likely to sleep through some of the dizziness. And I was awake yesterday at 3am and this morning at 3am. And I feel really off-balance today. I manage to drink 80 ounces of water every day. I've already had 60 ounces and it's not even noon and I'm already looking for the next refill. I'm hoping all this is only that I've been back at work for at least half day every day this week and I'm stressing about this new med and once I can put it out of my mind, the weirdness will go away. I did my usual half hour walk this morning without any problems. Anyone have any reassuring words (I'd love to be told it's all in my head, it's too soon for side effects!!)??? Thank you!

  • bennybear
    bennybear Member Posts: 245

    I too just started just over two weeks ago. The first couple of days felt like flu, headaches and weird joint pain everywhere. I was very worried but thankfully it has settled into the odd hot flash and off and on joint pain. I am determined to make this work, so started glucosamine and double fish oil to help with that.

    Vermonster, I too have been stressing about this. I am worried when I read all the potential side effects but so far it is manageable. I really hope it doesn't get worse after a few months. After my reading I decided to take it at supper time. So far that is working for me. I had a little nausea in the beginning but that has passed. I am two months out from surgery so that helps. I think our bodies have dealt with a lot, and you are only a month out. So fingers crossed things settle soon and stay that way! I too amtrying to walk every day, as that is supposed to really help!

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 364

    Hello There! I have been on anastrozole since July 17th. I experience joint pain in legs and hands. Hot flashes and some sleeping issues. I have decided that excirsise is the key. Keep your body movin. That is what has been shared by others and seems to be helping me as well. There is snow there board out there. "Doing well on anastrozole" some pretty positive vibes out there. ;)

    Also "Let's post are daily excirsise". Most of these ladies are further out of treatments.

  • vermonster
    vermonster Member Posts: 20

    My med-onc says he wants me to stop anastrazole for now, make sure I feel better and then try to start it again when I can avoid driving for a few days to see if it goes ok and if it does, great, if it doesn't, he'll want to switch me to something different. He says this is "very unusual" - all I know is I am going to bed now. Thanks for hearing me out.

  • janett2014
    janett2014 Member Posts: 2,950

    Here's my question: will the hot flashes stop after I finish Anastrozole?

    Unless something changes, I will stop taking it next summer; that will be 5 years. I was post menopausal and pretty much finished with hot flashes when I started taking it. The flashes of course came back; they are not severe and are definitely worse in the summer.

    Anyway for those who had hot flashes on Anastrazole, did they stop or at least diminish when you stopped taking it?

  • Rwns
    Rwns Member Posts: 103

    Janet – did you notice any hair thinning while taking arimidex?

    I am two weeks in and so far, not experiencing too many side effects other than some insomnia, but who doesn’t have that?

    I also am adding running and weightsto my regular walking routine in order to combat the bone thinning.

  • janett2014
    janett2014 Member Posts: 2,950


    I was having hair thinning issues for a year or two before starting Arimidex. I was already seeing a dermatologist for the hair. It’s better.

    I’m hoping that someone can tell me that hot flashes will subside after finishing Anastrazole.

  • monarch777
    monarch777 Member Posts: 338

    On many threads I see where many say they're getting close to the five years of AIs. From all my reading and metastatic diagnosis it is my understanding that 10 years of inis the new standard if you can tolerate it.

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 364

    10 Years is what I have been told is my regiment.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,292

    Vermonster- It's not all in you head. I'm in about 5 months in taking Anestrozole.

    Looking back I had insomnia, hot flashes that woke me up, brain fog where I couldn't think of words, quick to argue about nothing, and I even had dry eye for a while. I still have achy joints but I'm more inclined to think they are all "full menopause" related. The rest of the SE seem to have leveled off. SE or full menopause?? I don't know.

    I'm one of those who take it at night before bed. I've never had dizziness nor nausea. Good luck to you - I think I read your Dr stopped it for a while.

  • janett2014
    janett2014 Member Posts: 2,950

    My MO has said from the beginning (2014) of my being on Anastrazole that the research shows that 5 years is enough, BUT he also says that research results can change so we will reevaluate as I get closer to the 5 year mark.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Janett2014, I also started anastrozole in 2014 (Oct). My MO says the same. So I'll wait until next year and see what he recommends. I trust him. I'm not sure I would say the same thing about my first MO in Michigan.


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    When I finished tx in 2013, MO said 10 years on it I made it through 4 1/2 before the se got too much.

  • Tappermom383
    Tappermom383 Member Posts: 401

    I've been AWOL for quite some time - added a third job to my hectic schedule (am I not supposed to be retired at 71? - no way!). The carpal tunnel that had developed in my left wrist after starting anastrozole has subsided; I'm not wearing the brace at night anymore. My left knee is still sore but not terribly so. I get dizzy every day - to the point I have to hang onto something.

    I've just realized that the anastrozole has reset my body thermostat. I don't get hot flashes (didn't when I went through menopause) but I'm much hotter than I used to be. And I never used to perspire but suddenly my forehead is dripping, as is the back of my neck and the crooks of my elbows.

    But if that's all I have to complain about, I'll take it if this tiny pill will help ward off a recurrence. I've got just over a year under my belt.

    Hope everyone out there is doing well!


  • Barbmak
    Barbmak Member Posts: 31

    I haven't been here for a while but I keep up with the latest posts when I get notifications with e-mail. Just about a year for me with anastrozole. MO originally said 5 years- then I've been seeing 10 on these boards. My surgeon said the newest info says that 7 years is just as effective as 10...I already had osteoporosis prior to AI and had my second Prolia shot in June. Joints a little more sore - thumb and toe joint can get very bad. So many decisions....very worried about jaw issues with Prolia but even more worried about breaking a bone...

  • Onegoodfriend
    Onegoodfriend Member Posts: 1

    hi! Just my personal experience w arimidex:

    It’s been about two months now. For me, I needed to leave my mind out of it . (Worth the hard work)

    I run almost every morning ( again I do not think about it. I just thankfully do my morning ritual) & if my body feels tired, I rest.


    Ogf :)

  • marionsgirl
    marionsgirl Member Posts: 18

    I started the generic of Arimidex in May 2018 and in July 2018 decided to try the Brand name. My hands and wrists and knees hurt. I can't sleep and if I sit for even a short amount of time, it is difficult to get up and get my legs moving. I'm 67 and feel about 97. I have taken the other AIs since March 2016 as well as Tamoxifen and don't know what will happen if I stop Arimidex. My hair is also thinning and my nails keep breaking.

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 364

    So I was wondering if any of you ladies would have been taking Anastrozole have had any kind of alcohol like a glass of wine or a beer or mixed drink? I will be taking this pill for 10 years and I have not had any alcohol since December. I am going on vacation and was thinking about having a couple of cocktails while I was at the campsite this week. Your thoughts?

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Life1963., I certainly drink. Usually no more than 1 glass of wine with dinner. However that is because my gallbladder doesn't like more. I did add folic acid to mix of pills. I wouldn't be concerned about consuming alcohol. Just drink like you did before BC. Some women do give up alcohol and that's their choice. So do what feels right for YOU.


  • Downdoggie
    Downdoggie Member Posts: 51

    LIFE 1963, the warning literature says alcohol can intensify side effects. I'm worried about getting dizzy, which has happened twice. I cut waaaaaaay back on booze, but have a lil wine here and there and seem to be ok. I've been on Arimidex for a month.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    I've been on anastrozole for almost 4 years. I don't find it amplifies SE's but I also have few of them. My hair was already thinking prior to dx and it still is. I was stiff and creaky before and I still am. I do take one *regular* Claritin and that does help especially getting out of bed :) there's even a forum on drinking here. Can't remember the exact name. Everyone makes the choices that work for them. You decide. I don't believe there is any right or wrong except moderation which is a good idea for most things.


  • lohoff
    lohoff Member Posts: 45

    Has anyone on Name Brand Arimidex had their hair start falling out after taking it for over a year - 15 months?

    My hair has also thinned a lot, but just recently.

    I’m hoping someone can give me good advice on how to get it to grow again. It was super thick before it started falling out.


  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239

    ive been on arimidex for 11 months and last month noticed makor hair thinning on top of my head I do comb over. Think its caused by the major lack of estrogen from the pill so Im hoping its doing its job as far as not fueling anycancer cells

    I too would love some advice!!

  • Bow1965
    Bow1965 Member Posts: 107

    Great thread! I had forgotten about Claritin, so I've already found something to try. Been on Anastrozole for about 6 months with nothing more than a body temperature adjustment but this last couple of weeks has been hell. I am experiencing bone/muscle all over pain (similar to Neulasta pain, but lighter) and it's pretty miserable. I have made it through the work week and I think my stand up desk saved me, today I thought I would rest and woah. Weirdest part is feeling like I have two shirts on, not temp wise wise but disconnect from my body wise, like they are rubbing together. Does that make any sense?! I was also fine until I started D and Calcium, which is strange and therefore probably not connected.

    At any rate, I've been doing Advil which hasn't helped much. Will try Aleve and get moving as activity obviously helps, wondering if I can make it through cutting the lawn though :) Thanks for this topic, I haven't commented in quite some time and this site is a godsend.

    Haven't noticed any hair changes yet, should have mentioned it to my hairdresser yesterday at my appointment as she would notice more than I would.
