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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • linnyhopp
    linnyhopp Member Posts: 466

    Hi All! ~ I have been on anastrazole for almost 6 1/2 years, and at my last appointment with my oncologist, she wanted me to stop taking the drug because she was worried about bone fractures.  However, I do not have osteoporosis, but some osteopenia.  I may be a real weirdo, because from all that I have read, most of the time the expectation is that anastrazole will be taken from 7 to 10 years.  My original oncologist (who moved) indicated that I would be taking the drug for that period of time.  I am hoping that perhaps someone on this thread can lead me to some research material indicating what the recommendation is for a BC survivor who was diagnosed with triple positive breast cancer regarding the length of time the drug should be taken?  Although I have done searches on my own, I am positive that there are many of you out there who are much more knowledgeable and better at research than I have been.  If you would be willing to share what you have learned, I would be so very appreciative.  I would like to be able to show my doctor as much info as possible during my discussion with her at my appointment next week.  For the record, I have had aches and pains from taking anastrazole, but have managed to work through them during the time period I have taken it.  Thanks for any help you can give me.  Hugs to all of you who are trying to deal with this drug.  I know it isn't easy for may of you, but I hope it keeps us all from having a recurrence!  Linda

  • bella2013
    bella2013 Member Posts: 370

    Linnyhopp, I have only been on Anastrazole for 3 months. I plan to take it for as many years as I can. If we stop taking it might our adrenal glands crank up the estrogen production again? At what age does our body no longer make estrogen

  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323

    Can someone who switched from generic anastrozole to regular brand name Arimidex tell me how quickly you may havenoticed a subsiding of side effects?

    Thank you ladies I just took my first brand name dose today. 🤞

  • snickersmom
    snickersmom Member Posts: 599

    I am on Arimidex and have been since just after my BMX in May, 2017. I do have some side effects but they seem minimal compared to some who are also on it. I have lost some hair (but I had lots to begin with), I do have a lot of joint aches and pains, especially in the morning, and my memory is awful. But if it is working and the cancer doesn't show up again, I will keep taking it for as long as I can.

  • bennybear
    bennybear Member Posts: 245

    snickersmom , love the attitude! Me too hopefully!

    CBK. All the pills have different fillers so you may find it better, worse or the same. I think you have to experiment. I read one lady switched from brand name to generic. Hopefully your switch will help. I am a bit afraid to try something else, the devil you know?

    Let us know how it goes. How long were you on the generic?

  • mvspaulding
    mvspaulding Member Posts: 163

    I have been on Anastrozole for abou 1-1/2 years now. I have had side effects of joint pain, headaches, and hot flashes like crazy. Some days are worse than others. However, I have always had the Teva generic. I just picked up my new prescription and they gave me the Accord generic. And it is a 3 month supply. I am worried that I will have worse side effects. Anyone ave experience taking the Accord generic?

  • bella2013
    bella2013 Member Posts: 370

    I am on Accord generic. I have been on it for about 3 months. I have some of the joint stiffness but when I get moving I am good. Hot flashes are not bad but I am on Prozac and Wellbutrin which is equivalent to Effexor that most women take to combat hot flashes. I seem to tire easily and it seems that I will need to up my antidepressants. I was kind of expecting that to happen. I will be seeing my doctor about that in the next month.

    Overall, it’s much better than I was expecting

  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323

    Benny bear-

    I was on generic since February 2017, stopped it for a bit around April before my lat flap as side effects were just too much for me. But you have to remember I had ovary removal in January 2017 and I was not in menopause. So how much of these side effects are that vs. the little white pill?

    Please brand name Arimidex agree with me a little better!

    Vermonster- you had ovaries out in July? Omgosh it could be why your side effects so darn severe like mine. I had some version thereof of all you describe except fingernails. I do bruise easier but chalked that up to being post chemo. 🤗 to you Vermonster!

  • vermonster
    vermonster Member Posts: 20

    I spent the weekend sick and avoiding all things computer (especially Dr. Google). I had a fever Friday afternoon and slept about 18 out of 24 hours in a row. I still managed to drag my aching butt out for my daily walk both Saturday and Sunday - still 30 minutes but only about half the distance. Upped my prune juice intake. Just when I started to feel better, my husband got sick - fever, chills. I assume now what I had was mostly a stomach bug, aggravated by either menopause (yep, ovaries removed in July) or the little white pill or both. I hate it that I couldn't tell if I was "really" sick or dreaded SE sick.

    I feel mostly ok today - tired. But back to my full distance 30 minute walk. And am at the office, hoping inspiration for the workday will hit soon.

    CBK, funny you mention bruising - now I have bruises on both thumbnails in addition to the bluish tint. I'll add it to the list I keep in the notepad I bring to each doctor's visit.

    Happy Monday to all!

  • DoubleDee1980
    DoubleDee1980 Member Posts: 2

    I’m also experiencing unbearable SE from my EI . I’m seeing my doctor tomorrow to see what to do next. Did you finally find a medication that was livable?

  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323


    So happy you are on the mend and impressive you even got your exercise in!! Personally the ovary removal really did a number on me I believe since I was peri-menopausal. Add the little white pill on top and it's been difficult to manage. I mentioned in this thread I started the brand name Arimidex just a couple days ago and I feel much better so far. But I think way to early to tell?? Or maybe not? I'm going with it at this point since I feel much better.


    Sorry you are having trouble with what med? How long have you been on it? It would be super helpful if you could post your DX and past treatments or give a little more information. I see you just joined. Welcome

  • vermonster
    vermonster Member Posts: 20

    Hi CBK - Fingers crossed that the brandname continues to be good to you! I was peri-menopausal, too - having a period every third month or so the last couple of years, some hot flashes/night sweats. This whole BC journey and every component of it has thrown my perceptions out of whack. I mean, I learned I had uterine fibroids. Who knew. They found evidence of endometriosis - who knew! - (one ovary adhered to my signmoid colon, they removed a lot of adhesions, on my bladder, ureter, etc) and that piece of my surgery took an extra two hours, or so I'm told. I come from a long, proud line of "stiff upper lip" women. I was taught not to complain. I sometimes feel like I can't complain because others have it worse. I don't know if I was asymptomatic for endo or just figured that menstrual pain was a woman's lot in life. I don't know if my recovery from BMX & ooph was "easier" because I'm only 46 and in decent shape or if I was just taught too well to suck it up and deal and so I just think it was "easier." I don't know if my surgical-onset-menopause is more or less obnoxious or basically typical. I don't know which aches are age, which are menopause and which are SE. I know none of this is easy on any of us. We can only do the best that we can do and hope every minute that it's enough. Walking those thirty minutes is part of what I'm doing for myself. When I'm ok in my head while I'm walking, I know I'm ok. When I can't drown out the second-guessing, stressing, self-doubt, I know I need to do something to get right with myself (that led to dropkicking my first BS and my first med-onc - both decisions I am grateful I made). I'm being nice on days I feel like crap and not feeling bad when I don't go as far. Hell, in the days right after surgery, I broke that walk down into increments and wandered in the house (two minutes fifteen times a day was progress!). I am trying every day to be kinder, to myself, my husband and everyone around me (most of them don't know about my dx, surgery, etc. and that lets me know more than ever that I don't know what others are coping with!). Hugs to all!

  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323


    I’m sure your age, fitness level and strength served you well through your surgeries! I didn’t notice until now how very recent this is for you. If it’s any consolation I feel things are starting to get a little better here with time, frequent exercise and some supplementation and tweaking!

    I could not help but being extremely touched by your above note while feeling your pain and confusion on this all. I was able to have my surgeries and treatment scattered over the last year and few months, while you had it delivered in one big lump. That is a lot to contend with and it would be difficult for you to know exactly what end is up, so understandable!!

    So true, the process for sharing your dx, surgeries, therapies is on your OWN personal timeline. I spent a lot of time holding on for dear life not letting anyone in. I know this is a very normal response despite knowing every time I LET GO things looked a whole helluva ‘lot brighter and hopeful and my whole world got bigger exponentially!!

    Huge hugs to you. 🤗

  • vermonster
    vermonster Member Posts: 20

    Hi CBK - thanks for your note & the hugs - yep, I was dumped into the deep end of the pool - from routine mammo gone bad to today is only 149 days! What a steep learning curve!! I will optimistically count my blessings, though - my surgical choices meant no radiation and my onco score meant to chemo and I am committed to giving the hormonal therapy everything I've got to keep my risks low. One day at a time. Hugs back!

  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323


    You are going to do so well, you were lucky on some level, no chemo and no rads.

    I’m going for my exchange surgery Friday. Feel free to reach out any way thats good for you! You can DM me! Be in touch!!

    Surgical menopause is tough with inhibitors!


  • DoubleDee1980
    DoubleDee1980 Member Posts: 2

    thank you for asking. Yes I did see my Doctor this week, we talked at length of my options and my numbers as far as BC coming back.As a stage1A he puts me in a very low risk catagory of risk. He has recommended vigorous exercise and losing some weight as a good option for me personally. I’m more than happy to pick up this challenge whole heartedly. Since being off my EI now for a month I can’t tell you how much better I feel emotionally and physically. But I must add this is my journey to decide whether I go back to another medication. He did prescribe Tamoxifen, I’m still deciding on whether I’m willing to experience yet more SE. it seems my body doesn’t like everything so far I’ve tried. If my results could be the same with exercise instead and a healthier leaner body, than this is probably the choice I will make.

  • miranda2060
    miranda2060 Member Posts: 207

    DoubleDee, I'm thinking the same way, but have yet to decide. My MO allowed a break in medication (anastrazole) until after my revision surgery (in three days). I am being strongly urged to go back on that or letrozole. Having been off the anastrazole for a while, I am feeling fantastic. I have lost weight through more vigorous exercise (cycling, walking, yoga), and really do not want to take the pills.

    My risk level might be a little higher than yours. I'm sure when I see my doctor, she will make a strong case for resuming, so it's really up to me.

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771

    DoubleDee...thanks for sharing. It is encouraging to hear that in your circumstance the doc thought weight loss and exercise are that important in reducing your recurrence rate. Good luck and keep us posted.

  • HoldingOn52
    HoldingOn52 Member Posts: 10

    Hello All, I've only been on generic anastrozole for about 6 weeks (did not have chemotherapy). I'm wondering if any of you on anastrozole have noticed any gum recession?

  • doofuscat
    doofuscat Member Posts: 10

    Has anyone tried Hemp oil for their insomnia?

  • monarch777
    monarch777 Member Posts: 338

    Holding on, if you have dry mouth from arimidex, that can cause receding gums. Biotene mouthwash helps especially at night. J

  • BlueGirlRedState
    BlueGirlRedState Member Posts: 900

    DufusCat - You might want to see if acupuncture helps. There is a marijuana forum you you should check. A lot of people report benefits ranging from easing pain, to help with sleeping , some recommend particular brands. You might want to check out "Indica" vs "Sativa". If using preparations with THC, do not plan on driving etc. I think the best result I had was making a tea with marijuana, adding a little lemon and vinegar. I did feel a little more relaxed and slept well. Once making my own cookies with marijuana seemed to help with relaxation. But in general, I do not notice anything from tinctures, pills, and "tar" and sometimes have had a negative reaction I have tried both CBD only tinctures and those with THC and CBD. The negative reaction was from a "tar" with high amount of THC that was placed on the gums. I stayed up all night tossing an turning with a very bad case of cotton mouth. The ease of getting it and options vary State to State. Once I asked my DR about it and she replied that it was illegal. I told her I wanted a medical opinion, not legal. She said she had no experience with it, but if I tried it, would be interested in hearing if it helped. Good luck to you, the insomnia really sucks. I am continuing with acupuncture and maybe need to go more often, I do find it stress relieving.

    2009 ER+ left breast. 52 yrs. Lumpectomy, Radiation 6 weeks, tamoxifen 5 years. Dense lumpy left breast, normal right. Acupuncture offered at facility as part of integrative medicine. It really helped with anxiety/stress during radiation treatment.

    2016 ER+ left breast. Probably a new cancer, but unknown. 4 rounds TC Aug-Oct 2016, Bi-lateral (my choice) Nov 2016, no reconstruction. Anastrozole 1 mg starting May 2017. Joint issues noticed immediately. Stopped Anastrozole after 3-4 months do to joint stiffness in hands. Started tamoxifen March 2018.

  • Djt
    Djt Member Posts: 176

    Hi all, has anyone heard of blurryg vision or vision problems with anastrazole? I feel like I can barely drive, sudden onset. Eye Dr appointment on Monday. Also severe back pain. I have been going to my chiropractor but it's not responding as it should, and has on the past.

    Called oncologist witj the above issues, he took me off it for 2 weeks to determine if its the anastrazole.

  • JanA018
    JanA018 Member Posts: 1

    Hello HoldingOn52 - I just started w anastrozole. I'm on day 3. No chemo for me either. that's curious about gums.  I'll keep an eye on that. I wanted to know if I could drink more than two glasses of wine in an evening. The pharmacist said she would not recommend it as it would intensify the side effects. And wouldn't that be a joy: more intense hot flashes. Have you had any issues with alcohol? No, I'm not a lush. I just enjoy wine at dinner. I guess I'll just have to enjoy a little less for the next 5 years. Smile

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    Djt— I have read about others with vision issues from AIs.

    Hoping you feel better while off AIs

    Have you tried anything besides Anastrozole?

  • Djt
    Djt Member Posts: 176

    Dodgergirl, thanks for the reply. I wish I could find the thread on this subject

    I started anastrazole the day of my first radiation treatment, July 24. It's my first hormone pill. After calling the office with back pain and vision issues I was shocked to hear the nurse say stop the pill.she had put me on hold while she talked to the in house pharmacist. So I guess it may be the pill. She said it could take a few days to 2 weeks to determine if my vision corrects.

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    Djt—. I searched the internet for side effects of Anastrozole and found many that listed blurry vision. Like this site

    Are you HER2 + or - ?

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,292

    Djt - I had dry eye on Anestrozole. I was constantly playing with my contacts; upon waking in the morning my eyes didn't want to open and if they did I couldn't really see anything. Eye Dr put me on Refresh over the counter eye drops and after a few weeks (maybe 2, it was a while ago) I was able to stop using it and my eyes still feel fine.

    I think if you click on my name you can see all my posts - one of which I talked about the dry eye. I looked at my calendar, May 11 is when I saw eye Dr.

    Good luck with your eyes.

  • Djt
    Djt Member Posts: 176

    Cindy and doger..Thanks for the help. I can barely focus to type this, going to eye Dr in 2 days. Will let you know how it goes

  • bella2013
    bella2013 Member Posts: 370

    If you can open this link, it’s a study done by NIH regarding the effects of chemo and AI’s on vision. I took this article with me to see my opthamologist. He was not aware of this and is now monitoring me every six months.