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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • viewfinder
    viewfinder Member Posts: 200

    CindyNY, did your side effects start right away, or did it take a few weeks before they began? I started Anastrozole a week ago today and so far no major side effects, except some sweating in the middle of the Wednesday night but no other night. I've had insomnia for years so can't really blame it on the medicine.

  • snickersmom
    snickersmom Member Posts: 599

    I had a few night sweats and hot flashes when I was first on it but they have pretty much gone away now. I’ve been on it for about 16 months with just minor joint aches and pains. Oh yeah - and this adorable Buddha belly! Ugh

  • wised
    wised Member Posts: 184

    How much vitamin D are you taking? I just started Anastrazole and will be getting shots to strengthen my bones, (forget the name it starts w a P), but I'd like to be proactive in this.

  • viewfinder
    viewfinder Member Posts: 200

    I'm taking 1000mg vt D3 a day, and 600mg a day, per my oncologist. I've read that adding magnesium is important so the calcium can be absorbed. At first I was taking 600mg calcium twice a day but had stomach problems so she said I can take only one pill a day.

    My doctor mentioned Prolia to me but wants me to have any dental work done before I start the injections. I haven't made up my mind if I'm going to take the latter, though I understand Anastrozole contributes to bone loss.

    However, my friend who is a top notch nurse and also a cancer survivor said Prolia will help with calcium absorption.

    I'm going to go over all these things when I meet with the oncologist in three weeks. I sometimes get overwhelmed with all this "stuff" as I try to understand it myself.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,292

    Viewfinder- I think I was about a month in of "every other" day when I noticed some of the SE. So they didn't all hit after I started daily.

    Jkrehbiel- if you're asking about my knee, I got the HA shots instead of cortisone. This ortho gives 3 shots; 2nd & 3rd hurt like hell. I think I've gotten some improvement, but not as good as it worked before I was on an AI. It's all relative.

  • sneezyhead
    sneezyhead Member Posts: 3

    Hi everyone,

    I started Arimidex six weeks ago and I've developed a host of side effects. Insomnia, mood swings, trigger finger in three fingers, aching joints, headaches and really dry eyes. I see my MO Monday, and spoke the office Friday and they said to stop the meds for the weekend.

    Do these side effecfs go away after a few months on the meds, or do they just continue to amp up?



  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323


    There is a post by TooFarAway above that indicates from her MO that side effects from Anastrazole plateaus around 6 to 9 months.

    I’ve been on about 7 to 8 months. I took a breather for 3 weeks but realized much of my side effects were still present because I just had an ooph! I was giving anastrozole all the credit ! So I just went back on anastrozole and trying to muscle through it! Seems to be getting better for me now!

  • Taco1946
    Taco1946 Member Posts: 630

    When I started Anastrozole, I almost always woke with a headache that went away rather quickly. Had some joint pain but not severe. I'm 72 and had arthritic issues bc. I was generally "bitchy" and easily frustrated with little things. At about month 7 the headaches got worse and lasted all day. Switched to letrozole and got immediate relief. Mood stabilized. My hair is thinning and I took 3 weeks off when the headaches started again. Been back on for about 3 weeks. MO gave me vealafaxine, hoping to help the hot flashes. She said we would have to experiment with the dosage. I feel as if I am having fewer but I'm not a very good record keeper. Have been able to hold my weight on both drugs with increased activity. At this point, changing my diet is a quality of life issue but I respect those who do make significant dietary changes. I wish someone could figure out why one AI is easier for one and not another. For now, I'll stick with the letrozole and hope the vealafaxine helps.

  • Patwiley
    Patwiley Member Posts: 3

    I started Anastrozole about few months ago. I am supposed to take calcium for my bones. So far, I have not had much trouble with it, like I have heard others have had. I have some pain in my left leg but think I had that before I started the drug. People talk about pain in their joints and bones, but I have arthritis so can't be sure if it is the arthritis or Anastrozole. I did read that somebody had memory problems, more than usual, and I think this has happened to me, but I have not read that this is one of the side effects? I know that chemo can do this, but I stopped chemo end of last year?

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    question about Anastrozole and cold weather— I have been taking Anastrozole since January. This weekend the joint pains in my hands has been awful. Coincidentally, weather has gotten much cooler. With my arthritis, my joints feel better in dry heat. Is it possible SE from Anastrozole seem worse with cold weather? Anyone else experience more joint pain when it’s cold outside?

  • reckless
    reckless Member Posts: 50

    Yes, I’m on anastrazole since June, and started experiencing joint pain as the weather got colder in September. No joint pain during the summer.

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    Reckless— thank you for replying. My hands hurt so much yesterday. Feel better this morning after keeping them tucked in and warmed while sleeping. If this is what winter is going to be like, I can’t wait for spring

  • Taco1946
    Taco1946 Member Posts: 630

    I have had arthritis for years and feel as if, if anything, my joints are better. Weather is a factor. I can tell when it's going to rain. I take Calcium with Vitamin D and Chrondrodium with Gloucoscene. I have upped my activity, especially walking, and I think that has made a big difference.

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    Taco1946–. I take Omega3, glucosamine and chondrotin, calcium, and collagen for arthritis and Anastrozole pain. I had been taking Relief Factor for arthritis pain (curcumin & Omega3) but MO said not to take Turmeric since I am ER+.

    Joint pain in my hands was so bad yesterday, I couldn’t hold my cell phone

  • viewfinder
    viewfinder Member Posts: 200

    Does Anastrozole make anyone nervous? Shaky?

  • Taco1946
    Taco1946 Member Posts: 630

    DodgersGirl - funny - my MO said yes to turmeric but no to soy. This really is trial and error!

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    Taco1946–. I keep asking about Turmeric as it helped calm inflammation pains but so far no change.

    I then found stories on men’s body building sites that talked about Turmeric being problematic when body building due to it having an estrogenic effect. Bothered me that body builders could see Turmeric acting like estrogen in their bodies and with that I put my Turmeric pills away... soon the joint pain returned and my AI made it worse. ☹️

    But today, found a story that states, “Blocks estrogen on a cellular level” so looks like I have more to investigate and ask MO again, maybe

  • miranda2060
    miranda2060 Member Posts: 207

    It's funny that many sources say turmeric has anti- breast cancer properties. Same with phytoestrogens like soy. I don't know how reliable this is, but found this just now.

    Breast surgeon Dr. Kristi Funk has this smoothie with turmeric:

  • MexicoHeather
    MexicoHeather Member Posts: 147

    Taco1946: I also had RA, but it went into remission after chemo. Many of the super strong arthritis drugs are in the same family as chemotherapy drugs. So, these AI aches are somewhat different than my arthritis was. Again, so many types of arthritis, I think 200 types. Some of these aches have got to be a lack of estrogen.

    I went back to taking probiotics this week.

  • orangedaisy
    orangedaisy Member Posts: 129

    I’ve been on Anastrozole since Feb 2018. I’ve had problems with looser stools for awhile, but didn’t attribute it to this drug. Now they are very loose, more frequent, and not getting better. If it continues, I’ll see my PCP, but wondering if anyone else has this SE? It’s like during chemo or antibiotics where the good flora was wiped out. My pre and probiotics aren’t helping. I’ve stopped all other supplements to see if they are the culprit, but no change.

  • viewfinder
    viewfinder Member Posts: 200

    MexicoHeather, I feel like a complete ignoramus for asking, but I really don't understand what it means when someone says they are in "remission." Can someone please explain? Thank you.

  • Suzikutt
    Suzikutt Member Posts: 4

    could you please tell us more how you are able to get Arimidex brand name for just $30 ? any one able to get Teva brand from other than Walgreen ?

    my insurance doesn't deal with walgreen any more >

    I hate to try another brand and suffer side effets

    thanks in advance

  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323

    Eagle Brand Pharmacy is a mail order pharmacy. You set up an account online providing a credit card and your MO has to send a script to them.

    I have received two deliveries of brand name arimidex with them through the mail. Efficient and no complaints thus far. There are some bad reviews about them online, however this is not my experience!

    I used to get TEVA brand arimidex from CVS. They are still stocking it by me in NJ.

    Hope this helps.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    you can go to the manufacture site astra Zeneca, download the info, take it to doc who writes a script then send it in with payment. No insurance or pharmacy involved.

  • Suzikutt
    Suzikutt Member Posts: 4

    Thank you CBK and Sppokiesmom for fast respond ,

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    Suzikutt, I get my Teva anastrozole from CVS pharmacy

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,292

    I also get Teva brand from CVS. My insurance works with CareMark, by the end of this month I should receive a 90 day Teva brand supply from them thru the mail. I hope it happens like they say it will!

  • lala1
    lala1 Member Posts: 974

    I took TEVA Tamoxifen for 5 years. I went to my local Walmart armed with the exact name as well as the numbers on the pill. That way I could get EXACTLY what I want. And I'd ask for my 90 day refill about 10 days before I needed it because every once in a while, they'd order the wrong one. But they happily swapped it out.

  • grandmaadams
    grandmaadams Member Posts: 39

    I've just started reading this thread, I'm starting anastrozole now. I've seen where several ladies are using TEVA brand. My prescription says the manufacturer is Bluepoint. Is there a big difference between providers? Thanks for any information.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    It’s the manufacture that can make a difference for some. Try what you have, see how it goes for you. If the se are bothering you, ask your pharmacist to get Teva for you.