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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239

    i also use eagle pharmacy. No issues you do not go thru your insurance its just $1 a pill , but your MO needs to send script specifying no generic and ony arimidex

    Go to the astra zeneka site for info as wel

  • Suzikutt
    Suzikutt Member Posts: 4

    I went to CVS , Walmart and Publix non of them could order Teva for me ,I am in FL.. it looks different policy in each states .I will try to order the brand name from eagle pharmacy after a visit to my Oncology to write brand name prescription .. I am on Teva for three years without side effects to tell( but hair loss)

    I read somewhere  it is side effect from the generic one ,I wish I knew before . 

  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239


    The eagle pharmacy is in northern florida Im sure your onc is aware of them. If not go to astra zenekas site

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Try Walgreens that’s where I got it.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934


    I am waking up at night soaked because of night sweats. I am freezing because my pajamas are wet. I haven't had it this bad since chemo.

    Any suggestions? It really sucks!!

  • bennybear
    bennybear Member Posts: 245

    Tang and Chris, I too am having that problem. The strange thing is my MO stopped by anaztrozole for a couple of weeks. I have been on it for three months and the hot lashes were settling down. Now they are back worse than ever. My one finger joint is very enlarged and they want to see if it improves off the drug, then they may switch to Femara

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Tang, ask about Effexor. It did cut the sweats down for me, not stop completely.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,292

    OK ladies - I tried my insurance mail order, CareMark, 90 day supply Anestrozole specifying TEVA brand because that's what I've been on for 8 months, and can live w the SE.

    What I got in the mail today is Accord Health brand. Called 800# of insurance, CareMark. Long story short, they will get back to me.

    Went to local CVS, no override was issued so I couldn't get it from them. But pharmacist said TEVA bought out another pharma co and even the TEVA brand bottle they get has a different marked pill in it.

    Do I just go with the flow and take the Accord Health Anestrozole? I don't want more or different SE's. I feel like damned if I do, damned if I don't.

  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323

    Tangaandchris- Acupuncture worked like a charm for me with the hot flashes and I had them BAD!! Anastrozole combined with a ooph! Not a good combo. There is a point on the inner ankle that helps with them. I am not saying they disappeared but sooooooo much better. I haven't tried any meds for them.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Im already on Celexa so I dont think I can do Effexor too.

    Has any tried those sweat wicking pajamas? Just wondering if it is worth the money.

  • wised
    wised Member Posts: 184

    Tangandgri... I had never heard of them before, but going to Google it. I would love to sleep through a hot flash.

  • CaliKelly
    CaliKelly Member Posts: 198

    When I first started treatment, chemo threw me right into menopause, relentless hot flashes, or heat waves I call them.Night and Day sweats! Then came anastrazole, even worse! Months of torture and insomnia. Then I started on Gabapentin for chemo induced neuropathy in my hands and feet. Helped that problem about 50% ,but the hot flashes and night sweats decreased by at least 90%! I didn't even know it was good for that but it definitely helped, a lot! Very few side effects for me and I'm on a pretty high dose, 600 mg in a.m., 900 mg ,p.m. Helped with insomnia too. Now I see I can easily stick with anastrazole long term.

  • grandmaadams
    grandmaadams Member Posts: 39

    Hi ladies ... I was having hot flashes before my diagnosis. Just started anastrazole two nights ago and I'm praying the meds don't make them worse. A really simple trick I've used is to keep a small tabletop fan running all night on a table beside my bed. When a hot flash kicks in I just turn the fan to hit directly onto my back, then when the hot flash is over, I point the fan away from me and go back to sleep. I realize my hot flashes don't seem to be as drastic as what some of you are suffering but it may help.

  • lala1
    lala1 Member Posts: 974

    CindyNY--I never took an AI but at one point was considered for it so that's why I'm on this thread. I did 5 years on Tamoxifen. In that time I found the TEVA brand to be best but kept having your problem of getting other brands so I did some research. What I found out is that TEVA was sold to Mayne. Supposedly the meds stayed the same but after a call to Mayne I found that each specific med is given an "NDC Code #". For example the NDC Code # for TEVA Tamoxifen is 51862-446-01. So I took this number to my pharmacy (at the time it was Walmart) and met with the pharmacist. She set up my account to only buy Tamoxifen with that NDC Code #. This way I wouldn't have to worry about which one i got. I explained that I had severe SEs from other brands so that way insurance wouldn't give me any problems. I never had an issue with having it paid for and only one time did the pharmacy accidentally order the wrong brand which they immediately rectified. And every time I picked up my rx I opened the bottle and checked the imprint on the pill to be sure it was TEVA Tamoxifen (now owned by Mayne). For example, the TEVA pills have 93 printed over 782. That didn't change with the sale.

    So bottom line, figure out which AI is best for you then call the company that makes it. TEVA may no longer sell their version but can tell you who does. Then get that NDC Code #. My pharmacy says that number makes all the difference in getting the version you need.

  • lala1
    lala1 Member Posts: 974

    CindyNY--By the way, as far as Tamoxifen goes, I was told TEVA bought out Activus Tamoxifen and now sells their version. And the TEVA version that I liked was sold to Mayne. So apparently there's quite a bit of "trading" of meds between companies. You may have to dig deep to find out exactly which one is your preferred version.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,292

    Lala1- Thank you! I've got some research to do.

  • thrdage
    thrdage Member Posts: 10

    I started Anastrazole in Sept & did much research re $$. Found Blink on line and, with 5 different meds, am finding a savings of $30/mo. over my previous Health Net co-pay + a late registration monthly (govt.) fee + mileage + 90-da script. Two meds will be mailed, 2 meds picked up at a pharm 15 mi. from home, and another from a nearby pharm. I've used Blink for 2 months now & it appears to be working. Good luck.

  • thrdage
    thrdage Member Posts: 10

    Two months on Anastrazole and I only just figured out that I'm hot flashing--it started at about the same time as my diagnosis & I thought it was my blood pressure spiking. So, no night sweats but embarrassing daytime flushing (try explaining a beet red face to concerned bystanders--hot flashes at age 75?!). Anyway, any reason to not take cider vinegar capsules while also taking AI?

  • mac4me
    mac4me Member Posts: 1

    I have been on generic Arimidex (Anastrozole) for 2 years and can tolerate the joint pain and decreased metabolism and weight gain, but I am getting a male pattern type hair loss--My forehead is getting bigger and the part in my hair wider. I have always had thick hair and this hair loss is really getting me down. Any tips? Anyone feel like biotin worked? how about the HairMax laser comb?

    Color me cancer free but going bald

  • CaliKelly
    CaliKelly Member Posts: 198

    Mac4me, Hi! You came to the right place😊 Lots of us experience the same exact thing! My hair never came back well after chemo, I feel like I had half my original hair, then came rads, and anastrazole, that didn't help! I tried EVERYTHING to make it grow, NOTHING helped. So I got the Hairmax laser comb, after awhile I noticed new hairs in former barren spots! I used it even more! It was working!😃 I decided to go up a notch and got a hair laser helmet, called I restore. You use it every other day for 25 minutes. After 6 weeks, I had plenty of new sprouts! After 6 months, my hair was back!!! It works. It is expensive, about 500$ but has an excellent 6 months money back guarantee. They even pay postage to return. You will know in 6 months if it's working. Go to thinning hair topic under managing side effects. Lot of ladies getting the iRestore. PM me to see my before and after pics, very dramatic😃

  • wised
    wised Member Posts: 184

    Hi fellow Anastrazole users. I've been on Anastrazole for a month and can deal w the bone achiness and brain fog/fatigue that comes with not sleeping well, but I'm having a lot of problems w my hands. I had chemo 3 years ago that caused me to have peripheral neuropathy and it's getting worse. I went to my MO yesterday and saw her associate who told me that it is not a known side effect of Anastrazole. Did anyone else have anything like this happen? The oncologist I saw told me to take B12 and have me a script for Gabapentin. I'm not really sold on taking another drug, but having my finger tips tingle/hurt/go numb is not something I can adjust to. Thanks

  • bella2013
    bella2013 Member Posts: 370

    DWiseley, it’s clearly a side effect of Anastrazole. I have not experienced that side effect but I have friends that do experience what you are describing. You may want to try Arimidex and not the generic Anastrozole. The generic may have fillers in it that your body can’t tolerate. There are other AI’s you can try also.

    I get very upset when MO’s want to deny the SE’s. When you go back in to see your MO please Google “Anastrazole side effects” and take a copy to him/her.

    Best of luck as you work to resolve this issue.

  • wised
    wised Member Posts: 184

    Bella, I didn't see neuropathy on the list, but I've never had it this badly. The cold weather is really making it worse too.

  • l8blmr
    l8blmr Member Posts: 119

    DWiseley, I had peripheral neuropathy from chemo. Not sure if the anastrozole contributed to it after chemo was done as one came right after the other. MO prescribed gabapentin, but I didn't want any more drugs in my system. The orthapedic surgeon my son works for suggested 500mg Vit. C and 500mg of B-Complex (note-not B-12). The burning in my feet cleared up after the 3rd day; 90% of the neuropathy was gone in 2 weeks. There are no 'clinical trials' with results to prove this works so docs don't suggest it. Good luck, I hope you find relief.

  • wised
    wised Member Posts: 184

    L8bomr, thank you! I will try this. My toes are pretty good as long as I stay warm, but my finger tips are bothersome. It's been almost 3 years since I had chemo, so I was unhappily surprised that it came on so strongly. I'm going to try the vitamin therapy to see if I can avoid gabapentin.

  • NoWhyToIt
    NoWhyToIt Member Posts: 15

    I have the tingling in my hands, numbness and cramping. I also got trigger finger and had to have surgery. I would try PT for lymphadema. Releasing lymph nodes seems to help with this. Worth a shot.

  • NoWhyToIt
    NoWhyToIt Member Posts: 15

    I am on non-generic and it's still an issue...

  • wised
    wised Member Posts: 184

    Nowhytolt, did you do chemo too? I'm going to try the vitamins suggested by L8Blmr. I'm also using a topical CBD to see if it helps.i have to do something, I'm dropping stuff all the going to have to buy a new set of drinking glasses soon.

  • NoWhyToIt
    NoWhyToIt Member Posts: 15

    DiWisely, I did do chemo. I drop stuff, too. :(

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Carpal tunnel or cubital tunnel can present with similar symptoms. Might be a good idea to see PCP for an evaluation.