Tumor markers elevated, a little worried right now.

Hi, everyone. I am almost an 8 year survivor. I just ended Aromasin after being on it for 6 1/2 years.My blood work results just came back and I have slightly elevated tumor markers. My onc told me not to panic, emphasizing they were slightly abnormal. Normal being under 38, and mine were 67.9. Has anyone else had this issue. She wants to order a bone scan. Thank you in advance for any info you might have or share.
According alot of doctors tumor markers are not very reliable. Sometimes they go up from all the Meds.
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Thank you, Stellaratov!!! I am feeling better now that my onc just wants repeat bloodwork and not a scan right now. Have a great weekend. Any one out there have the same issues and everything turned out fine????
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Hi. I had a similar problem last year. My onc did 3 tests of Ca15-3 over 3 months or so to look at the trend, it went up to 385. So he ordered scans (CT, bone & MRI) which all came back NED.
I think TMs have to show an upward trend over time before you need to be scanned. And they can go up because of inflammation and benign disease.
My onc changed my regime to zoladex and letrozole (I had finished tamoxifen) just in case something was going on. My last marker test was down to 135 so he's not going to test anymore being pleased that they are heading in the right direction.
A lot of onc's don't test as they can be unreliable and cause unnecessary worry.
I hope you get some relief from your worry soon, and it was just a one off high result.1 -
Dearkt1966, Thank you so much for your reply. You made me feel so much better. I just went off of aromasin after being on it for 6 1/2 years, but I think she is going to put me back on it after my repeat bloodwork in a month. Thanks again, I hope you continue to do well. Kathy
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I also had elevated CA 2729 last visit in june and onc is making me wait 3 months to re-test, seems like forever not to worry about it....how concerned was your doc and if in a month your markers are still up will she order scans at that time? Thanks, Karen
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Hi, Karen!! My onc told me that if my markers are still up, she will definitely put me on aromasin again, I have not been off it that long, but she did not say anything about if she will order scans or not. This will be the first time I had this test in 8 years, she wants a baseline. May I ask what your numbers were????? I know what you mean, when does the worry ever end??? Thank you for your reply!!!!
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Early June my ca27.29 was up. I am 9 months out of chemo. Numbers have been 27, 29 and now 37.6. I will retest Aug 6th. If numbers still up then we will start scans. I've been a mess. I wish I could find out what people average with these numbers. When diagnosed I was 48. I don't think my number has ever been less than 22.
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Dear Love4, I am so sorry that you are also going through this worry as well. Fortunately, your number of 37.6 is still under 38, which is still in the normal range. I also read somewhere that oncologists don't panic until the numbers go into the 100's. I have heard that meds can definitely factor into this test and show false positives. My first 2 oncs never used this test, so I am wondering how accurate it really is. I know it is so hard to not worry, but hopefully knowing that we are being carefully monitored is somewhat reassuring. Because we have had cancer, they take extra precautions with us. You have not been that long out of chemo, so I am sure your system still has inflamation, which also causes questionable bloodwork results. Hang in there and in the meantime, thoughts and prayers are coming your way.
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My CA2729 was 50, which I thought wasn't a big deal, I think in January it was 40. I asked the onc if I should be concerned, and she said it was a concern because it's out of normal range, but that it was her job to worry about it! Easier said than done for me not to worry about it....I wonder what the docs think is too small an interval of time to re-test??? I'm almost done with my 5 years of tamoxifen, and had an ooph. also...0 -
Hi, 3 boys, I know what you mean about worrying. Your onc sounds wonderful and is keeping on top of it. Does she test it every 3 months?
So many things can affect blood work. People who have not had cancer probably have similar bloodwork results, but they are never tested for the same things that we are tested for. We are watched so much more carefully Was your ALP elevated as well. Mine was slightly elevated. I will have repeat bloodwork in August. I am going to try to detox before then, he,he,!!! I am sure that we are perfectly fine, but as I said before they monitor us so much more than the average person. Let's keep posting. Have a great weekend.
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I'm in the waiting room too for tumor marker bloodwork! My ca's came back all normal, but my CEA was a 2.8- above the "norm" high of 2.5. My doctor wanted scans. I asked if we could repeat the bloodwork in three weeks and she agreed to that -so it will be nearly a month in between.
It is not a fun place to be in. I found myself wishing I Had one of those doctors who doesn't do the markers at all - like my head would rather be in the sand!
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My tumor markers were at 52 during chemo? MO tested bloodwork for lung, and other cancers came back negative. My surgeon will not take out my port until he knows what is going on with the tumor markers. I have completed chemo, and almost done with radiation. I guess MO will run another test when I go to see him. Not sure what to think.
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Wow, many stories about tumor markers going up and down. I so appreciate your stories. I am beginning to think that these tests are definitely unreliable and questionable as to how to adjust treatment. Rose and Calamtykel, thoughts and prayers are coming your way for peace and good results. On a positive note, those onc are trying to take good care of us!!!
Please everyone stay in touch, let us know how you are doing!
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Good news mine went down 12 points 1 month later. Now 25.5.
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Love4 Good news!!!!! I am having them checked on August 20th, wish me luck!!!!!
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Good luck and prayers coming your way, I have to wait until september 6th.....
Seems like a long time! Please come back and give us good news!0 -
Thank you 3boysmom!!! I will definitely let you know. Surprisingly, I am very calm about all of this!!!Thank you for your prayers, prayers are so powerful, prayers are coming your way, too!!!
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The month before my retest I did a "detox". Not sure if it really made a difference. But the CA 27.29 did go down 12 points. No caffeine, lots of water with lemon wedges, no OTC supplements(only took my tamoxifen) and nothing that I thought would cause irritation in my body(alcohol,stayed away from smoke). Good luck girls! The nurse says you will see highs and lows overtime. She sees people with 6 & 7's and others 38,39,40. They look for big jumps out of the normal range. I've decided not to ask for the results any longer. It is the doc's job to watch my numbers and my job to live my life. I was a wreck waiting to retest, ruined July for me. Keep me posted and DON'T stress.
Much love, Cheryl0 -
Hi, wow, Cheryl! I am doing the same thing! Great minds think alike, right? He,he!!! I also started taking 50,000 units of vitamin D because I was so low. I am wondering if that caused elevation
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I forgot to add, Cheryl, you are so sweet to make us feel better and to give encouragement!
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Yes, thank you Cheryl....it helps so much to have all of you for support! Karen
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Kathy...did u get your results yet? Thinking about you!
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Hi, 3 boys, You are so sweet to think of me. Well, I had the bloodwork done yesterday, Monday, and my dear onc e-mailed me an hour ago. She said my CA2729 is still pending(not sure what that means), my CEA went down and she ended with please don't worry nothing looks terrible. I see her on Friday, she said nothing about scans, so I hope it means good news. God bless you for thinking of me, I will keep you posted. How are you doing???
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Hi there, I am a 17 year BC survivor. Although I am in Canada my oncologist and doctor absolutely reccommend that I do NOT get the tumour marker blood test as it has alot of "false positives".......therefore they feel it would just cause unnecessary stress...
I also contacted the Cancer Agency and they said the same thing...hope this helps:)
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Dear Cindee, thank you so much for your positive post. You are so right, the tumor marker tests cause stress. My onc said the same thing. She likes to have a baseline, but I don't think she will use it again with me, she knows what a worrier I am. I have been so worried and nervous all month. Congratulaions on 17 years, you are amazing. Thank you again for your support and wonderful post. Have a wonderful day, Kathy
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Cindee...u are a great example! Kathy, finally got onc to move bloodwork to tomorrow morning so I dont have to keep thinking about it! so should know something by monday...you said your CEA went down, what was it before? thanks, Karen
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Dear Karen! So glad you are getting bloodwork done tomorrow!! You will have great results, I know it!! I did not know that my onc did the CEA also!! I am not sure what the original numbers were! See her on Friday, hopefully will know then!!!
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To Kathy & Karen, I am sending positive thoughts to both of you:) One foot in front of the other..slow and steady wins the race...xo
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Thank you much , Cindee!!!!
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Dear Friends, thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. Went to onc today, bloodwork looked good: CA2729 came down 14 points, CEA is totally normal now!!! Retest in 3 months and back on aromasin. CA2729 is still a little high, but she said it came down and is going in the right direction. Very relieved and thanks to everyone for the encouraging words and tips!!! I am staying on this thread forever to encourage others the way you all encouraged me. Momofthreeboys, check in when you find out your results, please!!! Kathy0