Worried about rib pain being mets



  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605

    codavis, thank GOD!!!! Now your doc can foucs on other things causing your pain. Did you look up Costochondritis to see if the symptoms seem to be what you are experiencing? Keep us posted, sweetie!

  • barbe1958 - thanks for thinking of me. I didn't look it up this time, but I've looked it up before. I don't think that's it.

    I saw my doctor today, and he very patiently listened as I read off my list (yes, I wrote it all down) of issues--some have been going on for more than a year, and a few are pretty new. I didn't really hold anything back. He listened. He examined. He sympathized. And basically he said, the pain is most likely a side effect of the AI (i.e., Arimidex). Or it's just my body getting older. There are signs of degenerative disease and I'm 46. Based on the bone scan and my description, he doesn't think it's anything to worry about.

    He said the two tiny lumps under the skin of my arm are most likely blood clots from one of the many IVs I've had over the past few years. Again, nothing to worry about, and it probably won't go away.

    He addressed all my other concerns. The only thing he suggested was that I go see a gastroenterologist about the severe heart burn I've had for more than a year. He said that could actually be something that requires treatment. But, again, not cancer related.

    So even though I had myself really convinced that the diagnosis was going to be bones mets--it isn't! I plan to spend some time getting that notion out of my head. And then I want to work on getting back to my life. Cancer has had me in its grip for three long years now, and there's really no reason to dwell on what may or may not happen next week. Or next year. Or ten years from now. It will either happen or it won't. I've done everything I can do--mastectomy, chemo, tamoxifen and now AIs--to get rid of it. The only thing left to do is to live.

    Thanks for all your support.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605

    codavis, I am so proud of you!!! You have your answer and you're able to move on. I have to do that too!!! I do NOT have mets and I must get over the cancer that has held me prisoner in my own body for the past year! This year alone I've had my thyroid out and a pacemaker put in. NOTHING cancer related!! But, health related and I'm SO SICK of thinking about my health!!! We should have a "get over it" support group...sigh. My name is Barbara and I can't get over my cancer diagnosis!!

  • As with all things, I'm happy to know I'm not the only one. I think I sound strong when I say, "It's time to move on." But one day later, and I already have doubts.

    My name is Colleen and I can't get over my cancer!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Posts: 910

    Colleen, it will be three years since my dx in January 5th, and I don't think I will ever get over having had cancer! It's normal. We've been traumatized and that takes a long time for recovery. Don't be too hard on yourself. (((gentle hugs)))

  • Hi all, so I was feeling my riibs today, left side, not bc side, and can't tell if pain is in bone or around ribs. I can take a full breath and cough with no discomfort, I can twist and bend with no pain. WTH? Grrrrr!!  I have an onc appt January 11. Do I wait til then?  I have had 2 bone scans this year, one is spring and one in July, both were clean.  I am going to ask my onc about Costochondritis.  I wonder how long it takes for bone mets to show up on a scan? I know we are all different, but you know how it is, pain=BC!!!!!!  That is how our minds work.  Think I am going to go home take a hot bath finish a book that is long overdue the library and wrap gifts. sigh... yes that sounds delightful.  Have a good evening everyone!!! 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605

    So scary isn't it Cheryl....sigh. We will always feel like this as our bodies have let us down horriby! I'd wait for the 11th. You don't want to go through the holidays waiting for results and if you can close it off until then, you can enjoy the season. You will look into it later, a month won't make a difference. Please let us know how you do! (I doubt they'd do a third bone scan in the year. That's a LOT of dye for your kidneys to process!)

  • Hi Barbe, yes that is a lot of dye and I know my onc would never allow another scan.  I am waiting this morning to see if the office calls to see if I can at least get some bloodwork done. I will be by his office tomorrow for my ovary removal. BTW anyone had their ovaries out? What can I expect as far as being mobile? I was hoping to drive on Sunday to visit a fellow sister.  I am hoping pain will be minimal.  And you're right Barbe, I guess a few more weeks won't hurt. 

  • Rocket - you're right. Maybe that's part of the problem. We have been through a trauma and it's hard to move on. It's not something I can talk about with my family and friends because they think since my treatment is over, it's a done deal. It stinks.

    Cheryl--though it isn't easy, I'd take solice in the two clean bone scans you had this year. From what I've learned, pain in the rib cage and chest area is not uncommon. Try to relax and enjoy the holidays! I know, I know. Easier said, than done.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Posts: 910

    Hi CherylinOhio,

    I had a laparoscopic hyst/ooph 2 years agoand it was a piece of cake. Was was out shopping three days later for five hours. No problems at all. Try not to worry toomuchabout it. You'll do just fine!

  • Hey Rocket,

    Would you please elaborate on post menopausal symptoms or others troubles after your ooph surgery. I realize that you say it was a piece of cake.....  Also you look very young ....

    I am 51 plus and I am considering this since I am pre- menopausal .... and my fears are the memory symptoms and feeling bad.

    thanks so much,


  • Rocket
    Rocket Posts: 910

    I am now 52 years old, and had my hysterectomy at age 50. My experience with the laparospic complete hysterectomy was excellent. I have three tiny scars which were closed with dissolvable sutures and covered with bandaids. I had the procedure in an outpatient Surgicenter, and their facility allows an overnight stay as long as you are discharged within 24 hours. My doctor insisted that I stay overnight as that first day is when you are most likely to experience complications.

    I had very minimal pain and was released from the Surgicenter that next morning. I even walked shortly after surgery to my room. They gave me Vicodin that first day after surgery, but when I got home I just took Advil. And three days later I was out Christmas shopping for five hours.

    I have had numerous surgeries, including three abdominal surgeries. All were quite painful except for the laparoscpic hysterectomy which truly was a piece of cake. If you need a hyst/ooph, then the laparoscopic procedure is the way to go.

    If you have any additional questions, please feel free to PM me.

    I hope all the best for you.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Posts: 910

    I forgot to add that I was premenopausal at the time too. I experienced a lot of hot flashes and memory problems and still do after beginning Arimidex. The hysterectomy was done after I began taking Arimidex, so I can't blame it on the surgery. Are you on Tamoxifen or an AI?

  • Thanks all. Had surgery last Thursday today went riding out in the snow on my horses. I felt pretty sore and it seems like overnight I feel better. See onc on jan 9 I want to ask him if it will help to have the ovaries out.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Posts: 910

    Glad you are doing well Cheryl!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605

    Cheryl, you're a trooper!!! Snow and horses are just so romantic...put them at night with the Christmas lights and it's all just magic...sigh....

  • When I started hot yoga, rib pain started. I thought it was bone mets on the right side, but eventually this rib pain stopped. My massage therapist was convinced it was a strained tendon.... He must have been right.

    If you have started a new activity, it could be just a sore muscle or tendon. My pain was with me for a couple months. I hope it's temporary for you, too.

    Take care,


  • Happy New Year sisters!  Went riding last week in the snow, so nice!!  Still have some slight pain on left side ribs. IDK what it is, I am hoping nothing, but I see my onc on the 11th.  He will do bloodwork but he does not do tumor markers,  I have read that bloodwork is not always a good indicator if something is going on.  I am going to see if he will give me a PET scan or something to check all over to start 2013 off NED.  I don't know if he will go for it though he is not one to just order scans everytime I have an ache. Which makes sense but I really want to know if there is something going on. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605

    Cheryl, it's always a concern when we get an ache that lasts for more than 2 weeks. My PCP is very good at ordering scans for me as he knows I am useless when I'm worried. I've been lucky so far!!! Have had other new stuff show up (had to get thyroid out and a pacemaker in) but no new cancer!! Keep us posted.

  • Will do Barbe.  It is not causing me pain and when I bend or stretch I have no pain, its more of a dull ache.  Probably the tamoxifen, I hope.  We shall see next week. In the meantime I am back to work after 2 weeks off, 2 blissful weeks of sleeping in and not having to go out unless I want to.  It was so hard to wake up today.  I wonder why everyone is in such a good mood? They are happy to be back to work I guess. (??)  I am not in a bad mood but I would much rather be at the barn or back in bed. But happy to be alive and well today!

  • Wilsie2
    Wilsie2 Posts: 240

    I have new pain on side where I had reconstruction under breast, seems to be ribs so will watch it.  I have been taking aromacin and Xcheva, maybe rib pain is SE?

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605

    Wilsie, have you ever heard of the "2 week rule"? Doctors say that any pain or ache that last longer than 2 weeks should be addressed. That way if you've just strained a muscle it would be gone by then. Please keep us posted on how you are doing!! You too, Cheryl, we want to hear what your doc says next week. We're all learning from this.

  • My achiness has been going on since couple weeks before christmas.  Over the summer, June-August, 3x when I was sweeping out the barn I had a sharp pain when I pushed the broom, felt like muscle. I had to stop sweeping and in about 45 seconds it was gone.  The third time it happened the achiness stuck around. I don't feel it everyday and I can stretch and bend and I feel fine, no pain on palpation of ribs. So I am hoping it is nothing but muscle strain from sweeping and lifting hay and muck buckets, etc.  See my onc next Friday so we shall see.  I want to see if he will give me a PET scan to start off 2013 but I don't think he will.  He always does blood work but I know sometimes that can be normal but still have something going on inside.  Man I hope my pyschic is right!!!!!!!

  • Hi CherylinOhio.   Just started reading this thread.  I seem to have the same exact rib pain that you are having - on the left side too.  Mine has been going on for a few months, but seems to have gottem worse in the past couple weeks.  Sometimes I get muscle cramps in my ribs on the left side.  I went to the ONC today - they scheduled a CT scan and bone scan for next Wed and Thurs.  I will let you know what the outcome is.  I was looking at anatomy and it seems the spleen is on the left side.  Not sure if that tells us anything.  I'll post here when I get my scan results back.  My pain seems to be a lot like yours.  Please let us know on this thread what you find out also.  Thanks.

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Posts: 156

    Hi footsox2 ad cherylinohio - I too have the same symptoms of you both. Dull, aching feeling in the ribs on my left side - but bothing when i presspn those ribs. I've had it for a couple of months now. I had a clean bone scan in April last year and two weeks ago had a clean CT scan. Not sure what to do now... My onc doesn't seem interested in doing other scans. I want to trust that this is something other then bone mets - but what the hell is it??? It's hard for me to let it go and feel optimistic when the sensation arises. :( Any words of comfort or advice, ladies? I've read through this thread and its comforting to know other women facing and overcoming these issues.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605

    Jen, google Costochondritis. It is arthritis of the rib "joints" and is more common on the left side (for some reason!). I've been diagnosed with that but still question it as my pain can come on pretty sudden and literally take my breath away. It's too painful for me to expand my lungs and take in a breath as the pain is just too bad. Takes a minute or so to let me breathe and then it's just achey. 

  • Hello all, thanks for the replys.  I was thinking it might be costochondritis which of course I have never heard of until I saw it mentioned here.  I see onc next friday I will see if he will give me a ct, he did ok an xray but I want to be sure! It hasnt bothered me today until I swept barn floor then I felt a little ache like muscle so hoping that is all it is.  Stay tuned....

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605

    Cheryl, y'all might have to stop sweeping the barn floor!!! Yell That kind of thing could very well exacerbate the area!!! Raking leaves, vacuuming, and other heavy upper-body actions are not good at all!

  • Oh no!! Stop vaccuming??? Darn!!   I just love a clean floor!!  I will be happy to stop if that is all it turns out to be!!  Keeping fingers crossed!

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Posts: 156

    hi ladies - I laughed out loud when Barbe1958 suggested CherylinOhio stop sweeping the barn floor! Too funny. Thanks for that.

    I have looked up costochondritis, but I've read (I think) that pain from that is found in the breast bone on the left side. My pain is on my side (on the left) about mid-way down and sometimes radiates to the back. It's been pretty constant for about a month, but doesn't seem to flare up at night. (Sigh.)


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