Worried about rib pain being mets



  • Esmerelda, mine is the same.  It is not a constant pain or even a constant ache but when I sweep or sometimes lay on that side I can feel a little something there.  I was sweeping barn floor last night and I felt a slight twinge but just for a minute.  I will ask my onc on Friday if he knows about the costochondritis.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605

    Cheryl...WHY are you still sweeping the barn floor?????? And ladies, there is no such thing as a breast bone. That`s your sternum in the middle and then ribs. Look at a skeleton. I`m right, aren`t I???

  • I love a clean floor! LOL.... i see onc Friday and will be asking for a PET. Don't know if I will get it but....

  • I had rib pain (third episode of this) for at least three weeks recently.  I had taken prednisone for a flare of ulcerative colitis for three weeks a couple weeks before the rib pain started.  It was extremely painful at first and took a long time to completely go away, but it is gone now.  The physical therapist told me that the prednisone can sometimes cause it to flare up.  The pain I had was not along the sternum but in the center of my left rib cage, sometimes going to the back. I am supposed to get a routine xray soon, but the pain is completely gone now so I think it is fine.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605

    Christina, that is exactly where my rib pain is! In the centre of my left ribs. We were worried about my heart for so long. I got TONS of testing 4 years ago just before I got diagnosed with breast cancer. Then last summer I ended up getting a pacemaker. The cardiologist saw the need 4 years ago but never pushed for it or told me!!?!?!?! I was hoping the pain would disappear with the pacemaker but it didn't...sigh.

  • So I saw onc yesterday and described rib pain he said most likely muscular and not the Costochondritis that I have heard about here, he said that the costochondritis pain would be located in the sternum not the ribs but he did not seem concerned about the inflammation or whatever it is.  I stood up and bent all around and poked my ribs and said it doesnt hurt when I do this and that I have heard that bone mets doesnt always show pain and he said Oh it would be painful if it was in the ribs.  So that made me feel better.  He is giving me shots of Proliva, switching me to Arimidex and seeing me in 3 months.  He rocks

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605

    That's weird about him saying Costochondritis isn't in the ribs as in all the websites it's mentioned in, it's in the ribs! I like the National Institue of Health's website as they are short and easy to read. In fact, they say this:

     Costochondritis is an inflammation of a rib or the cartilage connecting a rib. It is a common cause of chest pain.

    I am glad he's made you feel better!


  • Hi , weird how different docs interpert things differently.  Just glad I am still ok.  Off to dr for flu checkup....

  • You are one of the first that I have come across with triple negative breast cancer!  I have just been diagnosed and it has scared me to death!  Just wondering what the road ahead looks like!

    I had a large tumor, but clear margins and clear sentinel node!  Looking at 16 weeks chemo followed by 33 radiation treatments!  I understand that triple negative is very aggressive and every little pain just sends me into panic mode!

    Any information would be greatly appreciated!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605

    Nettie, triple negative breast cancer responds VERY, VERY well to chemo!!!!! You will get this knocked out of the park!! I think it has been one of the most researched types as it has been known to be so aggressive. Chemo only works on quick growing cancers, which triple negative is. So you`ve got this, sweetheart!!

  • Hi ladies. Well my rib pain is still hanging around. It feels like it is towards my back on the uneffected side. Seems more prnounced since december. Going to see onc Friday. I feel run down sometimes and a little woozy. If I bend down or put my arms over my head I feel light headed. Sigh. I thought I was going to make it through the 2nd year unscathed. My blood work is always normal but I have seen on these boards that some ppl have ok bloodwork and have mets. This crap sucks!!

  • msjag
    msjag Posts: 64

    Cheryl, good thoughts  and positive energycoming your way, I think so many of us have rib pain after chemo/rads..nothing is the same......I will be thinking and praying for you. My onc tells me often, "someone has to fall in the good percentage when it comes to BC,  why can't it be you?"   And yes you are so right, this does suck!!!  Never can quite get it off our minds, ugh.

  • I am trying not to worry but the ache has turned into pain and I feel weird in my head. No blurred vision or anything I just feel "swimmy" in my head. My ribs ache towards the back, as I sit here and type I can feel the spot. Sigh....

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605

    Cheryl, you are in my prayers! Please keep us updated on your appointments. I'm sure you are scared right now and I understand. You are not alone, sweetie!

  • Thanks barbe. I have felt better last few days. Seeing dr tomorrow am. After reading the se s from arimidex I believe some of my "discomfort" comes from that. We shall see. All I know is that spring better get here so I can ride my horses!!

  • dsub
    dsub Posts: 6

    I recently underwent a nuclear scan and it showed "a little uptake in the 3rd costochondral bilaterally". I have no pain in this area as that is how costochondritis is usually diagnoised and I have had no pain in this area. I do however have tenderness on my left side on my ribs when papaltated. My surgeon was checking me out and he liked to have got hit. How could I have this costochondritis but with never having pain there? Anyone else? I did have implants on both sides after Right breast removal.

    This is what I found on the net while searching for the costochodritis: www.memesagligi.dergisi.org    The Jounal of Breast Health 2010 vol. 6 

    Loco-Regional Recurrance after Breast Cancer  Treatment Mimicking Costochondritis

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605

    dsub, I've been diagnosed with Costochondritis and sometimes it only hurts when pushed and other times spontaneously. I'm always scared it's mets, though. Did you get further testing?

  • Josi51
    Josi51 Posts: 1

    I am almost 6 years past dx and have just started to get strange pains around the edge of my armpit, into my left breast and in the ribs around the breast.  I thought at first I had pulled a muscle at the top of my arm but the pain gradually spread and got worse.  It isn't always there and is made worse on movement when it is there.  There is a dull, sort of burning pain around the armpit and breast but more sharp in the ribs.  It does get worse at night.

    I had technically been give the all clear last July but obviously I am now very worried.  This pain started about 6 weeks ago but disappeared three weeks ago, only to return over the past couple of days.  I have suffered with severe sharp shooting pains from the left side of my ribs ever since radiotherapy but my oncologist says this was costochondritis.

    I am now concerned about mets although my original nodes removed were all clear.  Any thoughts/advice?

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605

    Josi, I have costochondritis AND truncal LE. Your pain sounds to me like LE. Get yourself check out of course and please let us know. You are in my prayers, sweetie.

  • kiwikid
    kiwikid Posts: 64

    I've just read through this thread and it's really interesting. I have had pain in my left rib, under, ie closer to the ground when standing, where my left breast is / was. It's under my bra but seems to be worse from a tighter bra.

    It arrived about a month after my lumpectomy, before Christmas. I went to my gp and she ordered an ultrasound of my organs, which was all good. I mentioned it to my MO and he had a prod around and said he thought it was muscular skeletal. It seems to be symmetrical but much worse on my left side, I can only feel it on my right if I poke at it.

    Since my mastectomy with recon a few weeks ago, it has stuck around longer than any other pain and it is much worse than before. I mentioned it to the surgeon and he said hmmm it shouldn't hurt down there we didn't do anything there, but it could be gravity...

    Anyway, I've finally decided that I'm going to ask for a scan to find out what it isn't! I want to stop thinking about cancer and to get on with my life without this fear. I feel like if I can get the peace of mind that it isn't mets it will be much easier for me to move on from this horrible episode.

    I'm due to see the MO in a month so whatever it is can wait till then, I'm shit scared but I think I won't tell my family. I mentioned it to DH and he said it was way too soon after dx for mets to show up, especially since I only had a micro met. That made me feel better for a few days.

    I hope everyone is well.

    Xx kk

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605

    kiwi, unfortunately, you will probably continue to get these episodes of fear as time goes on. They have not lessened for me, though they have not gotten worse either. It is good to be vigilant about your own body, though. Please let us know how this all turns out.

  • kiwikid
    kiwikid Posts: 64

    So I googled a problem I'm having and found this post I wrote 3 years ago - the same problem! It turns out that then I was having pain after my mastectomy. Now I am having exactly the same pain but this time it is pregnancy related (yes I'm due in September!). I haven't had a scan but surely after this long it would've gotten worse if it was mets?

    Thanks if anyone is still reading this thread

  • el_tigre
    el_tigre Posts: 453

    I have had pain in my right chest area that I think is Costochondritis. I'm taking arnica and stretching, if anyone still reads this thread I'll post if it helped ;)

  • Dear El Tigre...I'm reading these posts as I'm about 2 and 1/2 weeks post bilateral mastectomy and I find every ache is nerve wrecking, my fear that it is something other than healing from surgery. So thank you for reaffirming that there are more common reasons for the various rib pain!

  • JunMan
    JunMan Posts: 1

    Hi Barb1958.  I am 2 yrs out from breast surgery left side.  I get a terrible pain in my upper left back when i lean over to pick something up.  I have had a ches xray..normal and MRI and Mamagram of that breast and they say it's fat necrosis.  I can't find any information on fat necrosis.  Can anyone help?

  • KBeee
    KBeee Posts: 695

    What do they think is causing the fat necrosis there? I'd want more details from the docs.

  • hi I’m actually writing on behalf of my mom. My moms case is a strange case because initially one reputable specialist hospital diagnosed her as stage 2 bc then the public hosp diagnosed her as stage 4. It’s been a year plus since her diagnosis and ensuring treatment (mast + chemo + radiation) and she’s been fine but recently she complained about some dull pain in her back and lower rib (the non mast area). We just went for a routine checkup with her oncologist who set an appointment for her to do a mammogram and an X Ray two days from now. She is Her2 positive. Does all bone pain indicate mets or could there be other causes?


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