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No treatments for me.



  • goodprognosis
    goodprognosis Member Posts: 195
    edited March 2014

    Hi Cindy

    Am so happy to be reading your posts again.  I too can feel your discouragement coming across in the post and I pray you have a release from your pain.  You must be so dog tired of all this 'being sick'.  Here's a description of where i am by way of a small distraction for you.  It's just after 5pm evening here and it's very cold out with sleet (snow and rain) coming down hard outside my window.  We had bad rainstorms overnight which kept up all day and are now turning to snow.  It's about 0 celsius here (not sure what that is in fahrenheit!).  I'm just about to start dinner here but wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you and sending you lots of love and warm thoughts in a stream of sunshine, cutting through the cold and snow here, and pouring down as warm golden rays into your big open heart.

    Hope you're snug in your bed and with good pain relief.

    lots of love, lorna

  • ElaineForCindyRose
    ElaineForCindyRose Member Posts: 76
    edited January 2013

    Hey Cindy,

    Want you to know I'm thinking about you =)  my cell is broken -managed to drop it in bathroom sink while washing my hands  ... go figure!

    How are those word finds coming along?  Need a new book yet?

    Love & Hugs

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited January 2013

    Thinking of you all tonight. I actually had 2-3 GOOD DAYS this week, then today not so much. Frustrating because it was a beautiful day outside, gorgeous sunshine. Energy level just bottomed out and pain flared up a bit, didn't ge my walk in. But I am keeping a positive attitude as best I can - I know things always change. Sending much lovingkindness.

  • Cindy-Rose
    Cindy-Rose Member Posts: 77
    edited January 2013


    I hope that you have lots of real sunshine soon...that always makes me feel better.


    You went all that time away from home without hurting that phone then get home and you kill it. Maybe you're supposed to take a break from it even if it's just a day or two. I miss you being here so much and am so grateful for the time that you were able to put your own life on hold for little ol' me. :) I am still getting the royal treatment from everyone here now. I think they just needed to see how it's done. Love You.


    If you wanna give God a good laugh just tell him your plans for your life. I do hope  that good weather takes over again quickly.

    I'm going back to my bed now, I guess an hour is enough to be up at a time anymore.Wink

    All my love to you all,


  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited January 2013

    Yay Cin was here....thanks for checking are in inspiration!!


  • sarahsmom
    sarahsmom Member Posts: 276
    edited January 2013

    Hi Cin, so wonderful to see that you've checked in. I am so glad your friend came to stay with you and help out! You and Rick have given so much to others, that generosity with no expectations of return was obviously "paying it forward!" Great that Elaine showed everyone how they should be taking care of you! I so wish I was there so I could help. Of course you may not want me around right now, I am having some health-related drama with two separate body areas and docs 20 miles from one another, sigh.  More on all of that later this week after some tests.

    I am just passing through to check on you, and wanted you to have this note when you check in.  Rest easy and allow others to help you, sending so many good thoughts and prayers your way!!!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited January 2013

    Hey Cindy!  Just popping in to say hello to you.  

    We are at the end, hopefully, of a week of incredibly thick fog. I never knew fog could freeze! It makes really cool formations on branches and stuff.  

    I hope the weather has more regular sun for you now that you are heading out of January. 

    Reast easy and do the things you want to do. 

    Big gentle hugs Ginger

  • CelineFlower
    CelineFlower Member Posts: 145
    edited January 2013

    i love.. "Weather"

    Sun... rain.. wind.. snow...

    i love varierty too...

    mind you... its -36c with wind this morning... not to sure i love that! lol

    be well cindy :)


  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited January 2013

    Good morning Cin, Elaine, Celine, Ginger, Carpediem, Blondie, Goodprognosis, and everyone else.

    I am moving very slowly today. Saw MO yesterday for PET results, lots of new hot spots, so she wants MRI next. I am so tired of spending 8-12 days of every month in scans, labs, doctor appointments, physical therapy, counseling, etc etc etc. This has been going on for over 2.5 years. Hoping the hot spots are just arthritis.

    Sending you all lovingkindness.

  • sarahsmom
    sarahsmom Member Posts: 276
    edited January 2013

    {{{Linda}}} I hope it is arthritis, as well!! My goodness, we are an interesting group out here, aren't we - hoping for arthritis?! Others just wouldn't "get it"!

  • goodprognosis
    goodprognosis Member Posts: 195
    edited March 2014

    Greetings to everyone,

    Hi Carpediem. Sorry to hear youre having more health issues.  Hope you get some good news at the end of week.

    Linda, same to you. Hopefully only arthritis!!!

    My DH had to have angiogram today to check on re-ballooning of stents last September - days before my own surgery for BC!  Thank God today he was told all is good for another six months when he has to have a stress test.  Feel like we've been let out of jail!!  Terribly invasive procedure just to check arteries.  They have to go in through the main wrist artery or groin artery and trail a catheter up through and into your heart arteries and then inject a dye to see where any blockages are.  They do it so often that they're complacent about it - but its still a very invasive procedure that carries risks.  Drs consider it routine procedure - but of course it's not their husband or wife or partner who has to undergo it....

    Anyway I've got him at home in bed sleeping it off now.  I hope we're done with hospitals for a while!

    hugs to all, Lorna

  • ElaineForCindyRose
    ElaineForCindyRose Member Posts: 76
    edited January 2013

    Hello Dear Ladies,

    Cindy, I'm so glad a refresher was what was needed =0)  I know they all love you so very much =0)  how are the visits from Hospice nurses/aides/social worker coming?  any meetings lined up for family counseling?

    I also needed that reminder back here at home. I feel so appreciative of the relationship I have with Buzz, and I hadn't been showing that as well as I could have. So, things are even better now! I heard somewhere that we often treat our friends better than our loved ones ... it was past time to fix that!  Message received! LOL

    I thought it was cold here, 18F degrees before a wind chill ... -36c is crazy cold! I didn't know fog could freeze, either -sounds really cool!   I like variety in weather, too. The change that seasons bring, especially, make me happy. The blooming trees and flowers and growing grass ... not so much how much the grass grows, but that it's green in the summer .... loovvee the fall colors ... the warm sun in the winter able to reach through the barren tree limbs ... gosh, I smile thinking of the changes!

    Linda, I noticed you said you had 2-3 good days, then not so good  ... days sure beat moments! =0)  Hang in there =0)

    carp -sorry 'bout the "drama" but hope things look up soon

    Hopes for Moments to Multiply with Love and Hugs

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited January 2013

    Hey everybody and thanks Elaine for checking in

  • CelineFlower
    CelineFlower Member Posts: 145
    edited January 2013

    good morning ladies 

    i posted this in the october chemo thread for Poke who was havng a bad day..

    i love this picture so much... i wish i could fall into it...

    "meet you in the bubbles"

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644
    edited January 2013

    Cindy, sorry not been around but FIL died on Tuesday. We had a terrible time with the hospital and now I'm looking after MIL.

    All I can say is- have treatment in place and get help. Two months we waited and still no help for us or any drugs.

    My GP and I will make a complaint when we are upto it.

    All I know is you should die, where and how you want.

  • CelineFlower
    CelineFlower Member Posts: 145
    edited January 2013

    The new goverment here in quebec , seems to be supporting the right to die..

    such a controversial and personal question..

    i hate that the law needs to be involved...

    i am sorry for your loss Ali, i wish you peace.


  • sarahsmom
    sarahsmom Member Posts: 276
    edited January 2013

    Sorry for your loss, Ali.  Your MIL is lucky  to have you!!

    Celine, I love the purple bubble lady, so wonderful!!

    Hope all of you are doing ok today, resting comfortably and as pain free as possible.

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited January 2013

    Elaine, yes, days are better than moments, and I will take them!

    Celine, I LOVE the bubbles - thanks so much for sharing.

    Ali, so sorry to hear of your loss, hoping for healing and peace for you and your family.

    Blondie, Carpediem, Cin, Goodprognosis, Ginger, and anyone I have missed - much lovingkindness today for you all.

  • sarahsmom
    sarahsmom Member Posts: 276
    edited January 2013

    Just passing through to check on all of you lovely ladies and see if Cin was around the boards lately, I am missing her voice out here so much!! Come back, Cin!!

    I saw a great quote yesterday, that difficult journeys are eased by blessings. 

    I hope that all of you are blessed in some way today, that will ease your the pain, suffering and anxiety of your journey.


  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited January 2013

    Thanks, me too just checking in to see what is going is 2nd day after cheo, nauseous and not feeling well, have a good one...

    Sandy aka blondie

  • ElaineForCindyRose
    ElaineForCindyRose Member Posts: 76
    edited January 2013

    Sandy, lots of positive energy to you & hope you feel better soon -

    I talked with Cindy yesterday, and tried this morning to no avail ... she's really in a tremendous amount of pain & it's going everywhere -her stump, foot, leg, hands, back, shoulders, wrists -she says it feels like she's sprained her wrists every time she uses them (having to use the wheel chair to do anything out of bed, using the wrists is a necessity) ... she sounded like the pain is really getting to her -out of breath easily, it sounded awful. 

    I pray if this is the end, it's swift. This is not sounding like before, where she'd hurt but it would ease up. Prayers to you all. 

    Search for & believe moments of happiness to hold while you can Smile

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644
    edited January 2013

    Elaine, I have just lost my FIL and even though I didn't want him to die it was a blessing.

    Just before he died he said " he'd had enough and wanted to die" seeing someone in pain is a terrible thing.

    I pray Cindy will fall into a blissful sleep with her loved ones around her. Elaine, i am thinking of you and the family.


  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited January 2013

    Thanks Elaine and I am so sorry, so happy you got to spend that time with her, those memories you can never replace or take away.....{{{{{{HUGS}}}


  • sarahsmom
    sarahsmom Member Posts: 276
    edited January 2013

    Oh no, I hope they can get that pain under control - damn cancer!!! Ugh.  I wanted Cin's decision to lead her down a less painful path than the treatment options, so I am really sad and upset to hear that the pain persists and is getting worse?!   I agree with the others, Elaine, so glad you had that special time together. 

    Does Cindy know we're still posting out here? I wish her daughter or someone could read her the threads. I just want her to know we're still here and we're going nowhere.

    Hugs to all of you.

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited January 2013

    Prayers for Cin, her daughter, Rick, Elaine. Cindy should get something in the mail from me either yesterday or tomorrow hopefully, but it is not a miracle for pain relief. I am just hoping for a few moments of joy and/or love for each of you at least once each day.

    Sandy, hoping your post-chemo days have moments of joy in them.

    May each of you have moments of peace.

    I also hope someone can read our notes to Cin - she is such a strong woman, full of love and an inspiration to us. I hope her daughter is able to understand this - I know this cannot be easy for her in any way, and so I am sending special lovingkindness to her.

  • Cindy-Rose
    Cindy-Rose Member Posts: 77
    edited January 2013

    I'm still here, but can only be up from bed for a few minutes. The pain gets better then gets worse again but it's not as bad now as it was after I spoke to Elaine. I sleep a lot and I have a lot of help at home with meals, chores, things that I just can't do anymore. i wanted you all to know that I do look in here when I can but usually don't have enough energy to type. Hope all is well with everyone.


  • CelineFlower
    CelineFlower Member Posts: 145
    edited January 2013

    hiya Cindy!

    Now dont worry about typing ...but it is good to hear from you.

    I am doing "ok" ... these damn headaches are the worse... and the meds are making me sick to (tylenol codein and advil cold sinus) ... they help a bit but not enough.

    I have 6 more taxol to do... then i continue down this path towards surgery. I remember when i started on this path, you were so welcoming and caring with me.. I wont forget that ever and will pass it on.. promise.

    pls take care of your heart.. it is your best part ;)

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644
    edited January 2013

    Cindy, omg i thought the worst. So glad your still with us i had a terrible night thinking of your pain. Wish i could do more for you my dear friend. Sending you rays of sunshine.

    Alison xx

  • 1Athena1
    1Athena1 Member Posts: 672
    edited January 2013

    (((Cindy))) I am so sorry that you are experiencing such unrelenting pain. You are in my constant thoughts. I do hope you find some relief soon. I am glad your family is healing, and that you are resting.

    Warm Hugs,


  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited January 2013

    Cin, I am so glad you are able to read as we all send you our warmest most loving thoughts and prayers. If all you do is type "hi" we will know you are there, but if even this is too much, we understand. I do hope Elaine is able to talk with you a bit every day - you need to hear her voice. I hope you are able to "just be with" your daughter and DH.

    Celine, best wishes to you on your chemo. Hope the headaches get better, hope the SEs remain "tolerable." (Geez, I hate that word "tolerable".... tolerable for whom????)

    I discontinued ALL my meds about 2 weeks ago, and actually have felt better overall, except the energy level is just not there. So today decided to try the ritalin just once a day rather than twice - maybe that will get me up and going in the morning, but keep the SEs to a minimum.

    Finding moments of joy each day, may you do the same.