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  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084
    edited June 2013

    Hi ladies! Has anyone heard from Cindy or from Elaine? Wondering how you all are doing, I think of you often, sending hugs, love and prayers your way. Hoping you haven't been affected by the nasty weather and tornadoes and that you're enjoying beautiful weather, flowers blooming and singing birds.

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379
    edited June 2013

    Thinking of you Cindy.

  • goodprognosis
    goodprognosis Member Posts: 195
    edited June 2013

    Hi Cindy, DH, Elaine and all extended family.  Just dropping by to say I'm thinking of you and all the other ladies here.

    Sending lots of love and good thoughts your way.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    Cindy and Elaine, I hope that you are doing ok!!

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited June 2013

    Just cruising by for a quick hello and love to all. Thinking of every one of you this morning, sending you wishes for a few moments of joy and freedom from pain today.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    hey there Linda, hope all is well with you!!

  • 1Athena1
    1Athena1 Member Posts: 672
    edited June 2013

    Dropping in to say a belated hello to everyone. Got my own progression - yikes. Love to all,


  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644
    edited June 2013

    A, i didn't know why you not tell us. Sending you hugs and a glass of wine.

    Hello to everyone, I hope Cindy can post soon.


  • ElaineForCindyRose
    ElaineForCindyRose Member Posts: 76
    edited June 2013

    Hello Dear Ladies, 

    I haven't caught up -and it's been a while ~unfortunately.  But we're all still alive & kickin' at whatever irks us ;-)

    I have talked with Cindy, Rick and Mom and things with Cindy are mostly stabilized. She says her memory is really awful, she's getting around a bit more -trying to take a couple steps every day so she doesn't lose all her muscle ... she's been upstairs once recently =0)    wiped out afterwards, but she made it up!

    The grandbaby is the absolute joy in her life right now -Aleeyah is 2 months old now! Rick & Cindy got to have her come visit for a week, last week, and it sounds like it was a piece of heaven on earth.

    Cindy and Alleyah

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited June 2013

    Smile This made my heart happy. Thanks for sharing Cindy's joy!

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379
    edited June 2013

    Thanks for checking in Elaine....brought a tear to my eye. Much love to you both.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited June 2013

    There's nothing like holding a new baby to make everything in life seem better.

  • Letselina
    Letselina Member Posts: 5
    edited June 2013

    Wonderful its quality time and I hope they get to enjoy much more Smile

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644
    edited June 2013

    So happy for Cindy to spend time being a grandma, I often think will it ever happen to me. Been in bed with terrible headache's and had my first shower today after four days. Will go to my doctor if it continues but I think it's just a migraine.

    Linda, hope your ok and enjoying your garden xx

    Love to all xx

  • 1Athena1
    1Athena1 Member Posts: 672
    edited June 2013

    Beautiful Cindy - you have such such a sweet face . Happniess comes to all who deserve it!

  • goodprognosis
    goodprognosis Member Posts: 195
    edited June 2013

    Great to hear from you Elaine.  How wonderful that Cindy is getting such quality time with her little grandbaby.  What a blessing for them both.

    Thinking of all you ladies and hoping the summer weather is letting you feel some peace and sunshine in your lives.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    Thanks Elaine for posting the pix and Cin so precious...that pix should be enlarged and put next to your happy for you.

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited June 2013

    Elaine, thank you SO MUCH for posting the pic of Cin and grand-baby! I still regret that I was unable to make the trip for a face-to-face meeting with Cin in November as neither of us was feeling up to it at the time. Stable is OK as long as she is having some quality time with the new baby.

    Did I post any pictures of my garden? I can't remember .... I swear I am having cognitive decline, but today, I was reading a very technical article in a very technical journal, and understood everything in it ... surprised myself ... commented about it, and DH said he thinks I never lost cognitive abilities, just overwhelmed with so much other stuff ... made me feel better. In any case, back to the garden ... we were at the bird store the other day, he found a little paving stone that said "Grumpy gardener lives here" so I just HAD to get it!!!! Will take photos this week and get it updated as it has changed a bit with growth, etc.

    Hugs to all of you, special thoughts for Cin and Elaine.

  • sarahsmom
    sarahsmom Member Posts: 276
    edited June 2013

    Elaine - THANK YOU for the update on Cin and the wonderful picture! Her grandbaby is adorable, so squeezable! Awww!! Please send her my best and so glad she is up and about more these days, hoping her pain stays under control and she can keep making memories with her loved ones!

    We are packing up now to move to the Middle East, as crazy as that sounds. My teenager is excited, thankfully, making this much easier all the way around.  I'll be checking her over the next week or so and then will unplug the computer and will check in from over there.

    Love to all! And Linda, I saw your garden pic on another thread, can't remember where now, but I loved it!


  • goodprognosis
    goodprognosis Member Posts: 195
    edited June 2013

    Doesn't sound crazy to move to Middle East at all Carpe.  Sounds exotic and adventurous.  I can smell the spices and visualise the vivid and vibrant colours already!!!  Good luck with the move.

    Linda the garden sounds beautiful.  Would love if you could post a pic of it.  I'd love to post one of mine-but all I have to take pictures is an old phone and can't do it.  You'll just have to believe me that my garden is 'NEARLY' as nice as yours!!!!

  • ElaineForCindyRose
    ElaineForCindyRose Member Posts: 76
    edited June 2013

    Greetings Dear Ladies, I've done some catching up & found new people! Welcome =0)

    Linda, I'm so glad you have a new garden to look at -the new blooms, the butterflies, birds, (frogs in ponds =0) & all kinds of little creepy, crawly bugs and worms and stuff enhance it all that much more.  I'd love to see pics!

    Carpe, the Middle East, huh? A little more exploration in you -perhaps a new book for the new chapter in life? I'm really glad the family is happy about going together.

    Ali, so glad you're "clean" at the year mark!    Athena, your progression? Prayers for you!   Wrenn, Blondie, Gracie, Prognosis, April, Letselina, Celine, and the many many other women reading & being a part of our journey ... you're all amazing & continue to show me what strength and courage looks and feels like ~Thank You!

    The family got together the other day & took a bunch of pics ... here's one I hope you'll enjoy almost as much as I do

    Love to you all, Elaine

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited June 2013

    Thank you for this wonderful photo!!!!!!!!


  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    OMG Elaine what a wonderful photo....tell me who the people are!!!

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379
    edited June 2013

    Beautiful picture! Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

  • sarahsmom
    sarahsmom Member Posts: 276
    edited June 2013

    Amazing picture - wow!!! Elaine, details please! Come back! :-)

  • ElaineForCindyRose
    ElaineForCindyRose Member Posts: 76
    edited June 2013

    hey, sorry 'bout not saying who's who ... our brother & youngest sister on either side of Cindy Wink

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2013

    thanks Elaine for the clarification!!

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    edited June 2013

    Elaine, thank you so much for sharing this photo!!!!!

    Thinking of everyone here tonight, hoping Cin is comfortable.

    I am in the most healing place in the world for me: Vermont. I come here as often as possible, which is less than before BC as I can no longer make my solo road trips, have to depend on someone to come with me. But it is still a place that speaks to me, connects me to my Higher Power, reminds me of how much love our Creator had, giving us such a wonderful nature to enjoy. Even though it has rained every day and promises to rain the rest of the week, I enjoy the fresh air, smell of the wildflowers, feel of the cool moist fog in the mornings.

    Hugs and love to all. May you all feel a healing presence today.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084
    edited June 2013

    Thanks so much Elaine, can see why you like it so much! Beautiful family! I think Cindy is looking gorgeous!

  • goodprognosis
    goodprognosis Member Posts: 195
    edited June 2013

    Hi to everyone,

    Great to hear from you and lovely photo Elaine!!

    Thinking of everyone here and sending loving thoughts.