Haiku for Fun



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  • badger
    badger Posts: 24,938

    (Blessings LOL!)

    Light and fluffy snow.

    It's a lovely shade of white.

    Five to six inches!


    Tiny flakes of snow.

    Tiny bubbles in the wine.

    Both make me feel fine.


    Santa Ana winds

    dessicate SoCal.  Where's the

    Happy Medium?

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938

    You will find it soon

    Between Small and X tra Large

    Its usual place....

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938

    Baked bread yesterday

    Must have been long time ago

    Since I baked a brick....


    Recipe was bad

    So I am trying again

    But with a new one! 


    I  thought didn't feel "right".  Checked reviews online. Yep amount of liquid wrong. I shouldnt have wasted the time baking them. Oh well live ans kearn. But King Arthur flour website is usually pretty good so ill forgive them. This batch looks good so far. Final rise. We shall see!

  • badger
    badger Posts: 24,938

    Monica I hope

    loaves rose to the occasion.

    Nothing like fresh bread!

    (p.s. LOL at where to find the happy medium)

  • Zap day number 9

    I hope this ends fast 

    Bored with this schedule

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938

    Get undressed so fast

    Get on the table, ZAP. ZAP.

    Get dressed again. SIGH


    Mouse is one third done

    Watching the numbers go down

    Til Zero's in sight!!!!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938

    Eye Doctor visit

    Retinal bleeding in eye

    Prayed no surgery


    Bleeding, yes. Not bad

    I will not need surgery

    Come back in a year!!


    Relief, I'm giddy!

    Wasted a lot of worry

    Life moves on again


    Shouldn't waste worry

    On things I don't know about

    Worry IS a waste! 

    Yeah! My opthamologist says I do have bleeding AND cataracts but not so bad we need to do anything. So just wait. Unless of course someghjng. But it's NOT!!!! LOL

    Much love to all. 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938

    Did my first work out

    At the Y Live Strong Program

    Yes! I can DO this!


    Tomorrow will tell

    If perchance I overdid

    Body will tell me! 


  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700

    today is a test

    biopsy is here for me

    i am very scared.

    (and as another side note, moonflower, thanks for asking me here, and i hope all is well with you, too.)so this one is for you:

    dont do it alone

    here we have true companions

    cant take that away!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938

    I'm sure I won't be the only one in your pocket for the  biopsy. I hope you get good news. I am glad you came here. 

    I am so grateful

    For all the women I met

    Here on BCO!

  • (((((Moonflwr)))))

  • badger
    badger Posts: 24,938

    ((Monica)) eye stuff can be so scary!  I had a retinal tear several years ago.  The fix is easy if caught soon enough so if you see flashes of light or lots of floaters, get thee to eye doc ASAP!

    ((kathec)) welcome.


    Snowdrifts undulate

    across the wind-blown landscape.

    Elegant sculpture.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938

    Beauty is indeed

    In eyes of the beholder

    So keep them open!


  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700

    contemplating all

    i wonder in awe of all

    feeling warmth for all.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938

    Sure you feel warmth

    You're in California

    Warmth is relative! 

    LOL - I know you meant it figuratively.... LOL

  • RedReading
    RedReading Posts: 1,262

    Lol everybody. You guys are too cute for words. I would have taken all of you if I could.

    Passport's expired!

    DH must renew then come.

    Four days of lonely.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938

    Wind blows, snow comes down

    So does the temperature.

    DH home for now.


    Oh no! Snowblower

    Just ate the newspaper!

    DH not happy!


    DH is cussing

    Trying to get newspaper

    Out of the d*MN blades!


    Sound of snowblower!

    Success, success! Yay!

    Newspaper in bits......


    Pretty as it is

    Winter in Wisconsin ain't

    Meant for shovelers!

  • RedReading
    RedReading Posts: 1,262

    Sun, fun, beer and rum

    Husband has finally come

    3 days of pleasure

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700

    its a cloudy day

    bones telling me it might rain

    will dance if it comes

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700

    tomorrow, see doc

    and ask too many questions

    to see how i am!

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700

    4th july fireworks

    the sound and the fury of

    righteous anger

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938

    Red, welcome back home. 

    DH home with you for fun. 

    TMI, ok? 


    LOL.   Happy he's home and you are planning pleasure, . Yeah. LOL My DH just got in the car to head to the apt for work tomorrow. I'd rather he left early and got there before the -10 is here. Yuck. Gonna be stuck inside again. 


    Here's hoping you hear

    Only good things from your doc

    All done with bad stuff


    Wind, cold, blowing snow

    Doesn't make me want to dance

    Unless it's inside!


    On the other hand

    Lots of snow raises tables

    Water tables, yep!

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700

    the friends that we love

    the wonderful souls we lost

    the gold of our souls

  • RedReading
    RedReading Posts: 1,262

    3 days of pleasure

    was had on our vacation

    now we're home again

    Kathec you are very good at this. I have been counting on Monica to correct me when I get a concept stuck in a bad meter but you seem to have it down pat. Welcome.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Posts: 1,262

    No chemo for me!

    Just tamoxifen and rads.

    I am so relieved.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Posts: 1,262

    Monica okay?

    Haven't heard from you in days

    Missing you big much!

  • badger
    badger Posts: 24,938

    Snow gently falling

    It will pile up flake by flake

    Three to six inches


    Kath, if I could, I'd

    send some to you in thirsty



    Congrats RedReading

    Good luck with tamox and rads

    Live long and prosper!


    Hey Monica is

    your DH reading today's

    newspaper @ home? 


    ♥ to all, happy Feb!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938

    Stuck inside too much

    Doing too much of nothing

    Feeling lonely too


    Just some problems came

    Trying to decide what now

    Not health related


    Problem with one cat

    Longterm disability

    Thought I had it done


    Wrote me a letter

    Completely wrong in reason

    They'll have to change it!


    Long story to tell

    Will fill you in sometime soon

    But I am ok


    I'm just down a bit

    With all I have to deal with

    So not writing much


    Please enjoy the game

    Whatever side you will cheer

    For sure, ONE will win!!!!


    Happy Groundhog day 6 more weeks around here.

    Happy Imbolc, season of change.

    Happy Candlemass Day too! 

    Just be Happy. I plan on getting to a Happy Place soon! LOL


  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700

    Monica, Badger,

    & RedReading too, please know

    I'm thinking of you