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Any avid horseback riders out there?



  • chele
    chele Member Posts: 132
    edited June 2013

    Yay!  It worked!!

  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited June 2013

    Chele - beautiful buckle!  The best we do is a blue ribbon - yep....nothing more than bragging rights in Dressage - LOL.

    So I was thinking today - horse people just think differently.  My horse friend asked me to escort her son's friend to the plane tomorrow to go back home to his mom.  He is 11 years old - so just go get a pass at the ticket counter and wait for the plane to take off - sounds easy and she is paying me $40.

    Ok, that is the background.  My reaction was "That will pay for a lesson!" - yes....I equate costs of things, misc. income, etc. to the cost of lessons.  I can't afford more than 10 lessons a month and that is stretching it really hard so I have to ride myself more and more these days which is improving my riding and my balance.

    So do ya'll have knee jerk reactions like me?  Do you compare everything to your horse, cost to maintain your horse, etc.?  I don't shop for myself but I will shop for myself.  I won't buy a nice pair of jeans but I will buy her a new winter blanket if she needs one.  Her needs have always taken priority to my wishes and/or desires.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited June 2013

    Jancie, I wish I had a horse to buy for Smile - but I'm so enjoying my lessons.  I wish I could ride more, I'm only there once a week.  Rode "Silas" last night. He's a huge dappled gray. Stubborn!  But we worked it out, the two of us. My big challenge was mounting and dismounting from way up there!!

  • chele
    chele Member Posts: 132
    edited June 2013

    Thanks jancie!  Yes!  I think nothing of spending big bucks for a theraputic saddle pad, but won't buy myself a new pair of boots!  Horse people are crazy Cool  (in the best way) LOL

    LuvLuLu, maybe you could find a Free Lease in your area?  Lot's of horse people don't have enough time for their horse (could be because we have to work extra just to afford a horse!) and are willing to let someone ride just to keep their horse fit.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited June 2013

    Hi Chele . . . that is a thought in the back of my head.  I might have to check into it.  My sister-in-law leases in NH for short money but she lives close to the barn so she gets to ride as often as she wants.  There's no place that close to me but it could still be an option . . .

    Last year my husband bought a brand new Corvette and I told him for the $$$ he spent I could have an entire STABLE!  LOL!  But I really can't begrudge him because he never treats himself and he always gives me the go ahead to do whatever makes me happy.Cool

  • chele
    chele Member Posts: 132
    edited June 2013

    We have to keep the hubsters happy, don't we? Wink  Mine has been so awesome through all this crud, I'd never begrudge him anything (within reason of course!)

  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited June 2013

    I have tried to put pictures in this forum and never can do it easily.  So once more I will try and see if this works.

    Never Alone - My TaTa Sisters are always with me!

  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited June 2013

    I guess I should have resized the picture first.

  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited June 2013

    Another one?

  • chele
    chele Member Posts: 132
    edited June 2013


  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited July 2013

    Is the heat bothering anyone else?  It has been a record scorcher here for the past 5 days - today it got up to 105 degrees again.  I just can't ride in this heat.  I get overheated on normal days yet alone over 100 degrees?  

    Jazzy has a dressage show this weekend.  I just got the ride times for Sat and Sun and I am so glad my trainer is riding her.  She is up against 16 other horses in her classes on both days and the other horses and riders - they have been around for years competing so just the thought alone of the competition has me anxious and I am just a "show mom"

    The level of competition is so much higher in a rated show.  So diiferent than me riding the Short Tour (not rated) for 2 years.  These are imported warmbloods we are going up against - some huge money horses!

    How do ya'll deal with the heat?  I tend to wear a wet bandana around my neck - I get my head soaking wet by the hose and put my helmet on over my wet hair - I run the hose down the front and back of my shirt but about 20 min into a lesson I am dry as a bone.

    Any other suggestions?

  • slickchickie17
    slickchickie17 Member Posts: 78
    edited July 2013

    I am so happy that I came across this thread! I have been away from active riding for years & recently started looking to pick up the habit again. Nothing smells as sweet as horses! These days, it seems silly to say that something is too expensive or too time consuming-- if it makes your heart happy, do it! Life is so short, why not live it on a horse!

  • cowgirl13
    cowgirl13 Member Posts: 782
    edited July 2013

    jancie, here's a couple of suggestions for the heat this weekend.

    Re:  your horse, you probably know this but I will suggest for anyone who is interested.  Start giving electrolytes to your horse about 4 or 5 days before the show and for several days after.  Re:  hosing off your horse.  Be sure to hose off his chest.  also be sure to scrape excess water off him because the cooling air needs to reach the skin and it can't when the coat is drenched in water.  If your horse is funny about drinking water while away from home, you can transport water from home or if not possible, then about 5 days before the show start putting something sweet such as apple juice or molasses in your horses water and continue while at the show.

    It sounds like you have it covered as far as taking steps for yourself!  One thing that helps me is to drink a lot of water in the morning of the hot day and of course keep is up all day.  I think protein is important also.  I'm just starting to fade so I will sign off.

    Slickchiki, welcome to this forum.

  • CherylinOhio
    CherylinOhio Member Posts: 149
    edited July 2013

    I saw my onc a couple weeks ago because of soem rib pain which apparenty is muscular. He said he loves horse people because we are so active.  What started that conversation was that he was speaking with another onc in his office and they both agreed that women who are active will be less likely to experience a reoccurence or mets. So he said he loves horse people!! That made me feel pretty good since I feel like I never am at rest. 

    Anyone have experience using a double pelham on a horse that has a hard mouth? I have tried a curb, tom thumb, regular snaffle and an eggbutt snaffle on my 7 year old paint and he runs right thru them so last night I tried a double reined straight bit pelham and he seemed to behave better.  He was going to be western but he wont slow down or be consistent so I am going to try him hunt seat, just walk trot this year. He is going to his first show this year next weekend.

  • cowgal
    cowgal Member Posts: 625
    edited July 2013

    Jancie - Trail Rider Magazine usually has an article on good equipment to help keep you cool that they feature once a year.  I'm pretty far behind in my reading right now so I haven't read this year's version yet but I'll have to see if I can find which issue it is in.  In the past, they have featured products for keeping both the rider and the horse cooler, including cooling vests and helmet coolers.

    Cheryl - I have never used a double pelham bit but have you checked his teeth.  One of my paints had trouble running through a bit several years ago and it turned out that the cause was from some sharp edges right where the bit was sitting.  ONce I felt the jagged edges, I got his teeth floated, it solved the problem and he was just fine with his mild bit.  You might check and see if you can see or feel any jagged edges.  He would be in the right age group to possibly have some of these issues.  It might be other issues but it is worth checking.

  • CherylinOhio
    CherylinOhio Member Posts: 149
    edited July 2013

    Cowgal - I just had his teeth done about 4 weeks ago. He did have a jagged tooth in the front but that got fixed. I am going to keep trying the double straight pelham and see how he does. Its been raining here so the arena is mud.  He does seem to do better with a straight but rather than anything that is jointed and is close to the roof of his mouth. I think the top part of his mouth/jaw are low the jointed bits hit it. He is giong to his first show this season next week, we are doing hunt seat w/t and then a w/t trail class. Then off to a big show sunday with my national show horse.  ahhhh good times!!

  • slickchickie17
    slickchickie17 Member Posts: 78
    edited July 2013

    Good luck in the show, Cherylinohio! Let us know how it goes!

  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited July 2013

    Jazzy was a total pistol at the show this weekend.  She always does a beautiful warm up but when she goes into the show arena - you never know what she is going to pull.

    Today she actually reared up on my trainer.  She has never done that before.  She didn't want to show today - that was very clear.  She figured she had done her job yesterday and she was mad that she didn't get to go out and play in the fields this morning.

    In spite of the rearing up she still scored a 54 which is low but we figured she would score in the 40's with that one.

    The judges comments are typically "beautiful horse, nice mover but needs to relax"  "Has potential when she wants to cooperate"

    Everyone knows her by her antics which I guess is not the best thing but you have to laugh at her because she tells you what she thinks and how she feels.  She hates to get braided - and I do mean she hates it.  Braiding the forelock is totally out of the question and a battle that we prefer not to pick right now.

    Yesterday's high score for her was a 60.200 which is ok but she does have so much potential if only she will behave in the show ring.  Even the judge was laughing at her yesterday when she made a movement that wasn't a trot, nor a walk, nor a canter.  We have no idea what gait she did but the judge found it funny as did everyone else.

  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited July 2013

    The positive note is that it only took her 15 minutes to load going to the show and today she walked right into the trailer!  Positive baby steps!!!

  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited July 2013

    Jazzy got to go back home and play in the lucsious pasture on Monday and Tuesday.  Yesterday (Wed) I went out there to ride her and she was very forward off my leg - she wanted to "go" and I had a blast on her.   I would much rather her be forward off my leg than behind my leg.

    My trainer saw the "look" from Jazzy and got worried that she would do something stupid and ended up pulling me off of her before I got hurt but I didn't feel any rush of energy from her - I felt totally safe and was really enjoying my ride but being there and being able to see Jazzy's eyes are two different things.

    I definately feel safe "containing the energy" at home versus a show ring.

    Leaving shortly to go ride her again.

  • slickchickie17
    slickchickie17 Member Posts: 78
    edited July 2013

    Jancie: Right now I am living vicariously through your horse adventures! I hope your ride today is awesome!

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Member Posts: 76
    edited August 2013

    Horse lover, here! Looks like you, ladies are out riding instead of posting!! Have a great time!!!

  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited August 2013

    jlow - you are right - been busy riding instead of playing here!

    I was going to bring this thread up today and update on my horse!

    We went to a rated dressage show yesterday - One of the judges actually judged at the Olympics so we were getting no breaks at all!

    Gary Rockwell (olympic judge) gave my horse a 70 on Training Test 1 and a 65 on Training Test 3.

    The other judge gave Jazzy a 50 on Training Test 3 (might be because Jazzy was bucking???) and then yesterday she got a 68.542 on Training Test 1 with that judge.

    Basically we had 3 tests that were in succession that were GREAT!  Maybe Jazzy has learned that she shouldn't buck and rear up in a test?

    I was freaking excited and so was everyone else after all everyone knows my horse and usually watches so they can laugh at her and her antics because nobody including myself ever expect her to actually behave during a test.

    I got so many congratulations yesterday - it was really cool!  Instead of the comments like "Jazzy was really on one yesterday"  "Jazzy is just Jazzy - she has a mind of her own"  Of course I never minded those because even I would laugh at her because she is so darn smart.  She will go in the warm up arena and be the best but as soon as she went into the dressage arena and saw the judges - she would start acting up and showing off (in a bad manner).

    I wasn't going to take her to the final show in a couple of weeks due to finances but I am going to go ahead and take money out of savings.  She is only one score away from getting a Life Time Achievement Award for Training Level that I am hoping to get it this year.  She has only been showing for 2 years now and we typically only do 3 to 4 shows a year.  This would make it her 4th show for this year.

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Member Posts: 76
    edited August 2013

    Congrats! It feels so good to do well at a show. I haven't shown since my diagnosis. Still ride several days a week. I show cutters. Very exciting sport. My exchange surgery is next week. I have determined that as soon as I have recovered I will start showing again. Thanks for posting! Sounds like Jazzy has a mind of her own!!

  • cynthiaintx
    cynthiaintx Member Posts: 66
    edited August 2013

    Another horseperson here!  While right now I'm "horse-less" I've had several, showed for years from equitation hunters to the western pleasure breed stuff... Miss it horribly!  A bad divorce forced me to sell all my horses, I had 4!  One was Indy, my big show horse, then Nick who I was schooling in reining, and Pie and Cash, my paint broodie and her baby.  I have photos on my 'puter at home.

    I still get to trail ride every so often, when invited.  I'm a member of a cowboy church, so we have ranch rodeos with the other cowboy churches in the area, and weekly ropings, so there's always a way to get a little bit of a "fix."  I also spent several years custom making the western show outfits - all the bling!

    I'm in Ft. Worth, TX - lots of horse stuff going on all the time!

  • lpk49
    lpk49 Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2013

    here i am...another one.  doubt if i can figure out how to post pics...i will try.  i had a "Pie" once.  she was a draft paint...long story.  since knee surgery in 2005 i have only leased...and always search for bomb-proof but rarely find.  or get talked into working "this one".  next time i really need bombproof...and i hope there will be a next time.  i had very small cancer removed-but it was deep with a lot of cutting and now have costochondritis.  cant imagine riding.  unless i switched to western(which i am thinking of...1/4's have always been my favorite)  but if i rode western i would have the other arm to protect the boob...right. still cant imagaine getting on now.  but sure hope i can soon.  i began hunter jumper...then centered riding type...then low level dressage-competed 1st...trained 2nd.  but i have always been impressed with reining after i traveled south and west and saw good reining.  right now the perfect jog is where i am at.

    hope to keep talking and reading about riding here.  

  • lpk49
    lpk49 Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2013

         i cant seem to figure it out...

  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited August 2013

    Welcome LPK.  I am not much help with posting pictures as I only get it right about 5% of the time Laughing

  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited August 2013

    Saturday - nice day until about 3:30 pm.  The black clouds were all around the barn and then you could hear the booming of the thunder.  Next thing you know it is raining sideways and we have pea size hail coming down.

    I drive my car into the big garage at the barn next to the owners car because of the hail.  It wasn't until a couple minutes later I had an "oh chit" moment.  My precious Jazzy is OUTSIDE IN THE HAIL!!!  Of course we can't get the horses because they are too far away and way too anxious to walk to them down to the barn.

    So it rains, and rains, and rains next thing you know we have water coming into the barn through the closed double doors and the floor is pitched down to the indoor arena.  Water is everywhere!  We are outside soaking wet trying to dig some trenches, build up some hills, etc. to reroute the water and by this time we have 2" of water in the barn and there is a river inside the aisle way headed to the indoor arena.

    It took 3 people 2 hours to sweep the water out of the barn - I was one of those three people as nobody else was around.

    2 hours later and we still can't bring the horses in because it is raining so hard.  By the time I got home I was exhausted.

  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited August 2013

    My trainer gets back from Idaho the next day and I ask her to look for hail damage on my horse Laughing

    She got back early because they had to evacuate Hailey, Idaho - she never got to Sun Valley and was going up there for a private clinic.  She was able to spend one day in Hailey before the officials kicked everyone out.

    Me - I was glad she got back early because we have our final show this weekend.