ALL THINGS Gloves and sleeves
I am going to try to post another picture here too.
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A little loose in spots???
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and a little too tight at the top?
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That sleeve looks too loose to me. Additionally, if it bunches in the elbow area, I believe that could actually contribute to cutting off lymph in that area.
I DO have a pic of my sleeve and glove somewhere in this thread, btw.
I also know the SUSO site shows the proper fit with pics, but I think your idea to post here is a great suggestion as well.
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My Juzo Dream Sleeve in Violet.
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My violet should be here in two days, along with light blue, dark blue & another black (at least I think that's what I ordered) !!! I get the expert though - I like the cotton in them.
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And speaking of sleeves ... I got my new bandage liner yesterday and tried it out last night. WOW!!! Love, love, love it. It is so silky soft and so light. The idea is you use it to replace some of the layers, but still use 1-2 bandages over it. Well I tried that and it was too tight, so I took off the bandages and just used the liner and the optional outer sleeve and it was WONDERFUL. It is a one piece with a built in gauntlet. That worried me, so I tried it with my Imak Active Glove. That bugged too, so I took off the glove and let my fingers be FREE. The first time since the first week of November, NAKED and FREE! Because the gauntlet is long the fingers are partially protected and I think I can get by. I'm trying it again tonight.
Soft and dreamy!!!
Again, I did a ton of research and because my arms are short, I thought this was the best choice for me. Even though the company is not as well known, I took a chance, and I know I made the right decision.
It's the BiaCare Foam Arm Sleeve with Over Sleeve.
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Oh wow, congrats Linda! Fun choices. For me nothing compares to the softness of the Dream Sleeves. I don't wear my expert sleeve at all. But then again, it's ... beige. hehehe
Do you have a nighttime garment or do you bandage?
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So I have been trying to figure out gloves for a while now, and have amassed quite a collection of rejects, ranging from Juzo (I think) OTS gauntlets (a preventive measure which unfortunately caused hand swelling,) to a bunch of craft, arthritis, and golf gloves. I am compression sensitive, I think. I currently am wearing a Medi 95 glove in a size larger than my true size, with a little device I slide in that goes from the fingers down past the wrist. It's constructed of foam bits and kinesio tape and helps drain stuff out past the wrist, where fluid otherwise gets stuck. It helps, but I have to think there's a better solution.
I keep wondering whether you can get off-the-shelf graduated compression gloves that are strongest at the fingers and get less strong as you head to the wrist. Is that a custom-only feature? Any other suggestions that may help? My arm measurements have not changed--it's just the hand....
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Victoria I love that color. Looks like your sleeve fits like mine needs to. Mine needs to com just below (not by much) the axilla area. Does your sleeve have a flexion at the elbow? It sort of looks like what we called darts when we did sewing in junior high school. Mine does and it is supposed to allow for more give or allow me to comfortablly bend my arm w/o friction resulting in a break out.
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I have a JoviPak sleeve with glove for nighttime, not as compliant as I should be. It's a little bulky, but it only took me a couple of nights to get used to it. It has an over sleeve to make it a little tighter if necessary and my LE-t said I could wrap over it too if I thought I needed to.
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Have you tried a Farrow at all ? You can see a pic of mine somewhere in this thread. The material looks a bit like bike shorts if you can imagine. It has compression ( much more than an IMAK) but does the trick in reducing finger swelling. I dont find it to be ' double compression' in the wrist which is my problem area ( wrist and fingers)
It might be worth looking into for you.IF you do, you may want to review this thread on differnces in colors/sizing and return issues.
Other than that, have you tried an OTC Dritz by Creative Comfort ? I have pair in brown. They have the half-finger. I ordered a small. True to size. I believe I ordered thru amazon. They seem to provide a tad more support than IMAK. Could be just the ticket of you are compression sensitive (?)
Love that color, Victoria!
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Thanks Jennifer. No, my sleeve is seamless and not custom. So it's a lot like thick opaque pantyhose. In fact they make pantyhose in the same color and compression! What is nice about the Juzo ready made sleeves is that you can get them in so many sizes. I really need a larger uppper arm, and you don't find that on most other non custom sleeves. I haven't had any friction at the elbow wearing the Dream Sleeves. I have experienced it with heavier, courser material.
Linda, I think my sleeve is modeled after the Jovipack, except it's an all in one and lighter. I debated the seperate glove, but I never intended this to be my "go to" nighttime sleeve. I just bought it as a bandage liner, and fortunately it just may work out for me. In fact, I paid for this myself while waiting for authorization for a custom made nighttime garment. I was planning on a Tribute. Now I'm not sure.
Hildy - I always stretch out the wrist of whatever glove I'm wearing. I'm in a black Farrow right now and I don't feel much if any compression at the wrist. That's why I like the Imak Active gloves, there is minimal compression in the wrist, which again, I usually stretch. I see you mentioned arthritis gloves, please note the Imak Active glove has more compression than their arthritis glove. The Farrow is silky and has strong finger compression, but my favorite is the Imak because my fingers don't ache at the end of the day. If I need more hand compression, I add the farrow gauntlet wrap, sometimes with a gray foam pad.
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RE: note the Imak Active glove has more compression than their arthritis glove.
Thanks so much for making that distinction! I would love to try out an OTC glove that has a bit more than the plain ole arthritis IMAK and a bit less han the Farrow. I will have to go googling for it.
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Victoria, BiaCare is well known to provide good products, but they are smaller than the other companies we commonly hear about, so there's not a lot of chatter about them here. I am surprised at the photo they put on their website (the one you posted here). Wouldn't wearing a long-sleeved shirt under the night garment rather defeat the purpose of all those furrows sewn into the garment? I don't imagine that they recommend wearing it over clothing, of course. Victoria, did you find a way to order this yourself, or did you visit a dealer who measured you? From their website, it seems you can only go through dealers, but I'm wondering if it's possible to get it mail order, without seeing anyone who might tell the unaware that it's necessary to wear the sleeve directly against the skin. Also, please keep us posted on how you like this sleeve, as you continue to wear it.
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ID Bracelets:
Since we were looking at some cool, fashionable sleeves , I started googling and ended up finding these, and just wanted to share :'m sure I am not the first to find them, but perhaps someone else hasnt seem them as I had not. I should add that I have heard warnings from ppl about wearing a med alert that is ' too fashionable' and not easily recognized. Something to consider/to each his own, I suppose.
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Purple: Yes a bit more compression and the added benefit of gripper dots. They are great for driving. If i wear my Farrow glove when driving I have to add a non slip gauntlet. Also great around the house - like opening doors and holding onto jars, or even picking up a glass of water.
And I like those bracelets, thanks for the link!
Carol: More later, I gotta go walk. I bought the BiaCare foam sleeve at, and used the size chart. Sizing is perfect. The biggest advantage for me is the short length. No way could I wear a Caresia.
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Victoria - mine is one piece, shoulder to fingers, and mine has sewn in fingers so I get the finger compression too. The light weight cover is for added compression. It is a little bulky, JoviPak does make a lightweight one for daytime use.
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Thx Victoria - I ordered a par of Imak Active's today. I would LOVE to be able to get away with those in the summer...we'll see !
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Linda, I'm sure yours is much better. This is very light, it is after all intended as a bandage liner. I'm just trying to make it work as a nighttime garment. It is so comfortable.
Carol. I'm not sure why they photographed the sleeve over a top, that is crazy. I does come with two liners. I think they are not necessary, but more for keeping the garment clean. As you said it will probably work better directly on the skin, especially if you are not putting bandages over it.
One problem I am having with it is that it has a silky exterior and the sleeve cover is nylon and silky and tends to slide down during the night. I think I will have to fashion some way to attach it to the sleeve.
Yay Purple! I hope you love them as much as I do. I hope you ordered from Amazon. I found them on Colonial and I had a coupon but their delivery time is about 3 weeks. Oy.
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Check out these cheepie arm covers I found on eBay:
The lavender one is very stretchy and works well. The black one is less stretchy and as you see, I needed to slouch the wrist a bit to get the pattern to show. But still for the price, I think they are a great deal. I paid about $6 per PAIR including shipping. Fun!
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good deal!
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Those are cute Victoria! They don't add much to the compression, right?
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Right, hardy anything, if at all. I wear a lot of 3/4 sleeve tops. That was always my style before LE. Now, I have an ugly sleeve and glove hanging out. So these are fun to change up the look. With matching sleeves, all you notice now is my glove.
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Victoria, just a thought--you might want to have your therapist check out the arm covers as you're wearing them.
Here's why: there are two ways to add compression. One is (obviously) by a tighter fit. (For instance, if you're wrapping you might give a slight tug along the sides of your arm as you go up.)
But the other way to add compression is not to make anything tighter at all, but to add layers. (For instance, if you're compression sensitive and can't handle that "tug" on the bandages, you can just add another layer of bandages without making it any tighter. As an example, when my upper arm is flaring I'll wrap without tugging at all, but wrap more closely at the top of my arm so there are more layers of bandaging there.)
So what I'm seeing in the pictures is not a tight fit, but a bunched fit, which adds layers at the wrist and therefore compression. And you definitely don't want extra compression there.
Hope that made sense!
Be well,
Binney0 -
Interesting Binney, I guess I should be cautious about fitted sleeves then too, hmmmm. Thanks!!!
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Thanks Binney. I'm not worried in the least. I'm not compression sensitive and I have clothing sleeves that are just about the same. I watch my arm carefully, as I'm sure most of us do. But interesting, and good advise to always be mindful.
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I hope you ordered from Amazon.
I did Victoria. Thanks again!
The sleeve covers are cute. I do like the thought of wearing 2 that match in summer. I would heed Binney's advice as the wrist/hand is my problem area so I would want to make sure they werent tight at all for me.
May I ask- under what search phrase did you find them on ebay ?
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Victoria, even if you don't find that you're compression sensitive, the wrinkles are adding more compression than was intended, in my non-expert opinion. One reason we do not sleep in a day compression sleeve is out of fear that just such wrinkles will develop as the thing shifts during sleep, creating overlaps that can put too much compression --possibly a tourniquet effect--in the wrinkle area.
It is a HUGE pain in the patootie to have to even think of returning to re-fit and perhaps return/re-do a garment, but it would be an even bigger and much more distressing turn of events if your garment caused fluid to move where it currently is not, or to worsen where you are now trying to control it. Just my opinion...I'd feel better if you show the sleeve to your LE therapist and get an expert opinion. My therapist would usually not charge for time if I ask for just a super quick check on something like that. I'm hoping you have similar access to your therapist.
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Thanks for posting - I'm so unsure about this! Are these any different than our sleeves on our long sleeve tops we wear all winter ?
Although , I must say Victoria, I am seeing redness near your wrist in the photo you posted with the lavender sleeve. Is that normally there or ?0