ALL THINGS Gloves and sleeves
That was really an eye-opener. To think that there are people out there that abuse the system and try to return worn-out garments, and give all of us a bad name. Maybe they should keep a list of unwanted customers like that, and those should NOT be allowed to return any garment. And for all of us who deal fairly and squarely with the dealers and manufacturer. We must be truthful if a garment is possibly contaminated, and not try to return those. I also understand their custom garment policy and it makes sense. Lousy fitters ought to be sued. (So the lawyers can get even richer
) I didn't really mean that, but I think there should be offical guidelines for fitters representing the garmnet manufacturers, and if the fitters aren't up to par, they shouldn't be allowed to carry that brand. Then we customers can decide if we want to use this fitter.
A lot needs to be regulated so that both customers and manufacturers are getting the best end of the deal. There will always be some unscrupulous people and they can be blacklisted. (If they send back garments that are worn out or contaminated, they won't get a refund The main thing is that there is now a dialogue between patients and Farrow, and I truly believe that there is a way to come to a positive solution.
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Dassi, I spent my 20s working for a major retailer/catalog company. My title was lowly Asst Buyer but that meant I dealt with all the complaints on sizing or quality or returns.
As one of the lo level folks in those days, it was disgusting sometimes what folks would try to pass off as a return. So in no way is it limited to LE folks or vendors, it is the way some folks want to get around the system.
Course I remember legit complaint in a letter from a young girl whose mom bought her a pair of jeans and the nailheads ripped apart the chairs in her house! since I was told to handle it, I handled it by shipping half of my sample stash to her with an apology letter!
I think that girl was hi as a kite when sho got 10 pairs of fresh jeans! So legit complaints, will be handled
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So I went to get compression stockings for my low BP from a local place that accepts my ins. at 100% (YAY) The girl there had noted I had a sleeve last time I was in, and asked if I would like her to order one as they had never done sleeves before at all! I said sure.All they deal in is SIGVARIS.
The sleeve had a gauntlet attached ( I wear a glove) but I thought I should try it on since it was ordered. TERRIBLE size! It was too short, bunchy loose and the material with ' thick". I apologized for OK'ing their order, but showed them how poorly the sleeve fit and the two ladies there said NO PROB- you are our first sleeve. They could see it was all wrong. I had the sleeve on a little more than 30 seconds I would say.
I went to take it off and my arm was angry red blotchy and lit up like crazy in the elbow crease. Kind of scary.
The nurse there got a wet towel so I could wash my arm and I aslo asked to use her Gold Bond lotion . I hung out there awhile until the red blotchiness finally faded, and in the interim I threw a good pitch for the LympheDIVA which they could see looked great and was nice and soft , etc .. they said they are going to email Josh (YAY!)
Anyhow, put my sleeve on before I left, but when I went back to work, I decided to remove it since that was such a harsh reaction and I didnt know if it would be wise to ' compress it' so soon. That was 3 hrs ago. Do you think I should put my Lymphediva back on ( I feel naked !) or leave it off for the night ?
I'm a little afraid of their compression stockings now !
THX for any advice.0 -
Going back to "wet" gloves under vinyl. I started wearing the cotton gloves over my compr Farrow. They get filthy in a couple of hours and that is w/o doing housework! All it proves it that the cotton glove really protects the Farrow. I also tried to wear a latex glove over the other 2, and it was fine for kitchen work. No sweat as opposed to vinyl. Even a heavier-duty rubber glove was OK. It may have something to do with the microfiber in the Farrow but for now latex over cotton over compression is the way to go for me.
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I have a breathable, waterproof glove by Seirus on order. I tried one in a store, liked it a lot, but too big. I will report back when the gloves arrive!
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I've been looking at patterns on Ravelry for "Sleeve Covers", well OK they think they are long fingerless gloves ... (you need a Ravelry account to look at the patterns, but it's free)
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THX Carol!
I used vinyl the other day when chopping onions ...UGH!0 -
Hi, I'm new and I have read a lot of pages, but not all, so I hope I'm not duplicating. But I am really liking my IMAK Active gloves. Black Farrow is my favorite compression glove, but these Imak work great for me with my mild to mod LE. And comfortable! And Cheap! The finger compression is especially good, but sometimes I gain a bit on the back of my hand after wearing them, but hey, I get that with the "regulation" gloves too. I have also used them under the Farrow compression gauntlet Sometimes I sleep in them to give my fingers a break from wrapping when they get achy (shhhh). I also own Medi 95 and Juzo Expert. I try not to wear the last two very often, they really make my fingers ache.
I love the softness of the Juzo Dream gauntlet as well as the LympheDivas ones, but alas, I can only wear those (gauntlets) for short periods as a treat. I wish both came in gloves. I know LympheDivas are working on that.
So that's my glove and gauntlet opinion. Nice to have someone to share with!
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I used nitrile gloves over my LE glove/sleeve when cooking the other day, it worked great, it's a longer one so it comes up my arm a tad. My hand didn't get too sweaty. I think a cotton one inside would be a great idea, but I'll have to find larger Nitriles or will might compress too much more, I have pretty big hands.
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Hi Victoria
and welcome! Looks as though we like the same things ...the blk farrow, the IMAK ( if you can get away with just a little help) and the wonderful Lymphediva sleeves!
I just read another one of your postings that said :
"I'm a rare case too. I got LE with NO nodes removed. No surgery, no radiation."WOW! ( real bummer) May I ask - do you know if you had an impaired circulatory problem or other related issue prior to your chemo ? This whole thing can be quite intriguing - but of course would be more of a fascination if it didnt hit so close to home .
Thanks for that info !0 -
Took up someone's suggestion (dassi ?) and wore my cotton glove over my compression glove then a big old donning glove and guess what!....I never got as sweaty and I could chop Veg ok with it to. I would have never believed it worked. Yes, it is a bit thick feeling but at least I didn't sweat up my glove dripping wet.
Going to try the nitrile gloves next and am waiting for Carols report on waterproof breathable glove.
I am thinking of using a old glove like Binney does too, when I have a couple hours in a row cooking and am in and out of water scrubbing vegs.0 -
I use nitrile surgical gloves to put on my pain creams but I also use them when washing dishes, etc. They can get a little sweaty though - might get the larger size at costco and use the cotton gloves... just an idea and they are disposable.
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@Purple32: Yes, I think we have a lot in common! Not to mention I LOVE purple beyond reason! No, I have no history of circulatory problems.
I can't wear the LimpheDivas sleeves, they roll on me, even with the diva band. I do have 2 of their gauntlets though. Maybe if I loose more weight and decrease my uppper arm size I will be able to. For now my best fit is Juzo. Love, love their dream sleeves.
And, have you discovered Arm Candy yet? I am begining to think you only need a black sleeve and beige sleeve and of course a purple one, and then a bunch of changeable over sleeves. The lessons we learn as we go along!
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Arm Candy yet? I am begining to think you only need a black sleeve and beige sleeve and of course a purple one, and then a bunch of changeable over sleeves...
NO! I have not heard of them, thanks. I will look into the arm candy - though I am sure I will always be loyal to my first love !What do you mean by 'changeable over sleeves' ? Aha! Scratch that question Victoria...the arm candy sleeves were ez enough to find. Pretty cool for someone who wants both arms to match I would say. I only hope all BC pts realize they are not real . For myself, I would be a tad convcerned about ' layering' my compression in a sense. I dunno '. ( why bother when you can get the real deal with Lymphedivas ?)
An interesting option for those who want to try it I suppose.THX for posting that info here !
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One of my arms has an LE sleeve and gauntlet on, can you tell which one?
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@Cindy: No I can't tell, very cool!
@Purple32: As for the Arm Candy, well they are VERY overpriced in my opinion, but still I bought several. They really add no compression. They are so thin, like - well think colored opaque panyhose with no compression. That is exactly how they feel, like you cut off a leg. And maybe you could, if you could sew and they wouldn't run. Anyway they are fun. And they work for me because I can't fit in the LympheDiva sleeves. And also, yes, you can buy two and appear to have matching sleeves. The look is especially good with a tank top and 3/4 sleeve cardigan.
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I just got an email saying that Juzo "expert glove" couldn't do off shelf in colors. Juzo emailed me but Brightlife said they could. Bummer. I guess Brightlife got mixed up. Still they are extremely helpful.
I bought running sleeves a couple years ago from lululemon, they are great sleeve coverups. They have a thumb hole and they can turn into a mitt at the same time.
Cindyl. Your knitted sleeves work nicely. I usually wear fingerless gloves under a jacket in the winter to disguise my gloves. Works, but can get hot at times. I really should just give up and accept the dreaded glove look.
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These are the test pair that are exactly what the pattern described, now I'm going to play with some different fibers and needle sizes... see it I can get something a little lighter.
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No Cindy ,
I cant tell at all- just wish I didnt have to wear a glove / thats the real giveaway for me :>(
Nice job , btw!Too bad, hugz- bummer.
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I get the Juzo Expert, but I do have custom compression sleeves, so I can get some cool colors, I do love the material and the fit!
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Hi Ladies
I should begin by stating that I am planning to post this on several LE threads. I would greatly appreciate replies by P.M.In order to add some more credibility to the EX. DVD project, I have been in contact with LOTS of people, incl. but not limited to those in the med (research ) field. I am a tad discouraged ( NOT about the DVD, but for us LE pts )
Prestigious people are suddenly also ' thinking ' about making a DVD! I have been directed to links of DVDs for BC patients that have MISinformation! (made by DRS)
This is upsetting to say the least.At first, I thought- FINALLY! More options for us . Then, after following a link I see things like radiation causing LE ( but I didnt have rads) obesity ( Skinny all my life and now just ' mid weight) People who are inactive . ( I was active to my ability level) People who had lots of nodes removed ( SNB/ 2 here ) etc etc ... yadyadyadyda.... You've heard it all before. I've also seen the use of resistance bands touted, which I believe are contraindicated.
SO, I feel the need is greater than ever and perhaps a bit more 'urgent' for lack of a better word.
PLEASE PM me with your thoughts and whether or not you can be involved ( filming in MA) because if I cannot get enough Lymphedema Ladies from, I may have to consider my more local support groups. I MUCH prefer you ladies, who I have come to know and care about , but I wonder if the geography will stall the project. One thing I know for sure is that I would like everyone in the DVD to REALLY have LE. I appreciate your support .PLEASE PM me either way.
THX!0 -
I believe someone on here mentioned them and I *think* hugz has the tie dye (?)
I am seeing these items cannot be returned.I have a problem with this . They are HANDING all their business to Lymphedivas as far as I am concerned.<which is not a bad idea btw > Who is going to buy these items and keep them if they dont fit ?
I am thinking I may need to go another mission! Not asking for anyone to join me, and dont need advice on not being rude (* I happen to be a professional in my ' other life") but just saying for all you ladies who actually want to be able to order (and if necessary, return) the JUZO dream products. I for o0ne would like atie dye sleeve, but I am not aboput to buy one without being able to have a HASSLE FREE return, and I dont think anyone else should get a hassle either.I will update.
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I think that you should be fit professionally first, then once you know what you wear, you can go ahead and order on line. The trained fitters, or sometime LE-T's can teach you how to measure correctly. But I thought that Juzo only sold through certified retailers, they don't sell direct. Just double checked their website and all I could find was retailers near me where I could purchase them. Please let me know the link to order from them direct.
I only order custom because I haven't had very good luck with off the shelf sizing, even though I enjoyed my Lymphedivas, they didn't quite fit right either and I can't use a two piece.
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If you know your size then it's not a problem. The only reason I know I can wear the Juzo Dream colors, as Linda says, is that I was professionally fitted first. Juzo is my preferred sleeve and the best fit for me.
YET - when I ordered a Juzo black expert glove, which was exactly like my beige one, I could not get it on. Not even on my good hand. And of course they have that no return policy. Well I complained, and did manage to get an exchange. But it wasn't easy. But that was on a pretty basic item; a medium black glove. I don't think black should be considered a custom color.
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OK, back to waterproof, breathable glove to wear over our gloves and gauntlets. My Seirus Innovation Women's Xtreme All-Weather Gloves (wow...what a name!) came from Amazon the other day! They were $35, plus $6.99 shipping. I had found the men's version locally (for $50) , but the men's small was too big, so I ordered it online.
The fit is perfect for me (I wear a small off-the-shelf gauntlet, if that's any kind of size reference), and the gloves, although lightly lined, are quite thin and flexible. There is a bit of rubber-like material sewn over the index finger and the palm, to help grip things. That bit of rubber is textured slightly, and I found it quite easy to grasp dishes, silverware, etc. as I worked in the kitchen. The gloves are comfortable and I wore them quite a bit for kitchen work, maybe about an hour, two times, yesterday. My work included making a pie crust, which doesn't ask much of my LE hand (left hand; I am a righty), but I was quite interested in what the fabric of the glove would look like after it was covered in wet flour during my cutting board clean-up work. I used a bench knife to scrape the board of the damp flour, into my left hand (much as you might sweep crumbs from one hand to the other). The glove was pretty coated in the goo, but I had no trouble rinsing it off to what looked like a brand new glove.
That made me think about what might lurk in the glove's fibers if I had been handling chicken. The outside layer of the glove is a knit fabric, and that layer does get (and stay) wet. So, I washed my hands with anti-bacterial hand soap, with the glove on over my LE gauntlet, really lathering. I believe the glove can be washed in the machine, but that's not useful if the idea is to cut up chicken, then turn to a pile of salad greens. I say 'believe' the glove is machine washable, because there is no comment about that on the packaging, although I know for certain that Gore-tex and other similar raingear are washable, so I suspect that's true here, too.
Anyway, the glove seemed no worse for the wear after a vigorous handwashing with the kitchen hand soap, and I have no reason to think that the anti-bac properties of the soap did not do its work. But--probably if I had chicken or meats or seafood to work with, I would use one of the disposable plastics for that part of my kitchen work. Just in case the glove fiber doesn't readily sanitize.
That all sounds great, right? of the fingers leaked! My pinky tip was wet inside, which probably means that the seam was not fully sealed. The rest of the glove was dry and snug as a bug after repeated dunkings and holding the hand under a running faucet, and the rest of my hand never got in the least bit sweaty. But clearly a wet pinky is not what I paid for, so the glove goes back.
I'll ask for an exchange and give it a second try. For the record, this glove would be absolutely perfect for an outdoor activity, such as skiing or nordic pole walking, where the hand might get sweaty from the warmth of the activity. I'm hoping that I got that one odd glove with a leaky seam, but if the replacement is not fully dry, I'll have to give the product a thumbs down for LE garment protection.
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I have been professionally fitted- yet 2 gloves ( not juzo) were like vices on me. Luckily, I was able to refuse/return then, never worn. Another consideration- when I tried on a Sigvaris sleeve , I had an UNbelieveable skin reaction. It wasnt on more than 45 seconds. There was a fitter and a nurse there. Thank goodness I didnt have to keep it. So, fit is not the sole reason something might not work for a person. I am in touch with JUZO on this isuse, and will let you know how it goes.
Thx so much for giving that detailed critique. I know many were interested . I do hope it was a fluke and the 2nd glove provides a dry pinky! It's good you are able to exchange it. Please keep us updated.
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Thanks for the review Carol - sounds hopeful!
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Yes Carol! We await the second review...
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I think it will be a while, to allow time for the exchange--two glove-trips through the mail.
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I posted about how a new sleeve fits and pictures of my concerns. I was going to start a new topic and ask for others to post pictures on how their sleeves fit as well and it was suggested to post my picitures here. I am going to go back and read the rest of the other responses and check for pictures. Would others also please post pictures with their day time sleeve on their arm as well.