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ALL THINGS Gloves and sleeves

purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
edited March 2023 in Lymphedema

Can't stand the idea of continually hi-jacking threads so here I go ...

Pls. list your best bets with gloves/ sleeves/ ins challenges , things that go awry - you name it. How do you wash yours ? Which ones last longest etc etc etc ...

I know we are all different, but hoping perhaps we can help each other with tips for the good, the bad and the ugly.

I know the stepupspeakout site has a great page SHOWING how these things are supposed to fit, btw.(thanks for that )

Josh from Lymphedivas is quite helpful, and I have  his email  -if anyone needs to know just PM me.

*edited to delete broken link on tommie copper OTC gloves.



  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited November 2012

    Purple, I'm not sure about those compressions gloves, kinda worried that they might not be gradiant pressure.. if not they can cause more harm than good.. I could ask my LE therapist about them on monday..

    As far as cleaning - I put mine in the laundry with my light clothes, in a laundry bag, and then lay them on a towel to dry.. I have had my juzo sleeve and gauntlet since june.. I use the Free laundry soaps (all, cheer) and usually half the recommended measurements.

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304
    edited November 2012

     Gradint pressure was my first thought about those too.  I have a front loader washer and wash my compression garments on delicate cycle and hang them to dry - I bought them in Feb and they still look like new. 

    I loved my Lymphedivas, but had a problem with them being two piece, I have to have the one piece garments. 

    Love my Juzo custom

    Hated the Juzo off the shelf

    Didn't like my Elvarex custom, could have been a fitting problem, but it was almost like wearing a cast, very industrial strength.

    Was it one of you that told me about Glide for binding at the elbow? or it might have been Binney - do you know where I can get it.  That'sthe only problem I have with my one piece, custom Juzo's, the bind at the elbow and get kind of annoying after several hours.

    Purple, thanks for starting this forum.

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited November 2012

    Many thanks to both of you for posting!

    GMA ...have you gotten any gloves yet ?

    I dont know about the glide. Mine did bunch some at the elbow , but  I was in a positioin of having my elbow on the desk and being on the phone a long time and am thinking any sleeve would do that ...NO ? I think Binney mentioned it...perhaps she will reply to you.

    In any case, do you wash your garments every single day ? My therapist said to, but who could run a  load of wash daily / I sure dont !  How do you manage this ?

    The sleeve was on 5 1/2 hrs yesterday ( with an IMAKK glove because this RX one is like a VICE) and all seemed good- I even exercised.

    Having said that , today I noted my veins ( in both hands) have all but disappeared !  HAS to be from compression .

    I cut waaaay back on salt or I swell  , thought I am *supposed * to have it to 'up' my very low BP. This vein thing concerns me.  Any ideas related to the sleeve?

    Many thanks again!

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304
    edited November 2012

    I wash mine everytime I wear them - I do have four of them though, so that helps.  I do a delicate load (I have a front loader) every 2 or 3 days, before they are all dirty. They dry pretty fast. 

    I don't know about the other, sorry.

    I just took my one-piece sleeve/gauntlet after about 6 hours and my fingers and knuckles are soooo swollen I can hardly bend them.  I'm thinking that I should stop wearing this until I get the one piece with the gloves - any suggestions?  I've tried wrapping my finger with the sleeve/gauntlet, but that doesn't work very well.

  • GottaloveNED
    GottaloveNED Member Posts: 60
    edited November 2012

    I wash mine 1-2 times a week. I live alone and don't have that much laundry. When I first got them I washed them in the sink every night, but that was a lot of work. I wear a nylon stretch glove over my elvarex glove and the leg off of a pair of tights over my sleeve, so they don't get "dirty" but after about 3 days, it starts to lose it's shape, so then I wash it in a lingerie bag, gentle cycle, "free" detergent and lay flat to dry.

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited November 2012


    I wore my sleeve and an IMAKK arthritis glove today for 6 hrs.

    You can always try an IMAKK glove (sold on amazon) or an ISOTONER compression for arthristis - but only temporarirly. Both are app $15-22 pair <ea pr>  and come rather quickly. I find they are true to size.


    I would not wear that sleeve again w/out hand protection of some kind .  If you know how to wrap, fine.

    If you are getting a  one pc with glove, I would definitely want at least 1 spare pair of gloves around ( case in point- your laundry situation) I would try a few of these non RX 'cheapo'  ones first . They are working fo me so far, but I dont expect that will last long. Better than no protection at all, IMHO.

    Good Luck !

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited November 2012

    I have a pair of isotoners. Just need my left hand in a glove. They seem to lose their shape after a bit. I can't afford gloves at the moment, so I do what I can.

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited November 2012

    Still in that boat, huh gma ? Too bad iNS could not have been worked out.Yell

  • Laural
    Laural Member Posts: 212
    edited November 2012

    Glide is available at any running store...a necessity for anyone doing long distance runs Undecided

  • binney4
    binney4 Member Posts: 1,466
    edited November 2012

    Laural, thank you for the information. And, yep, LE is definitely a long distance run!Tongue Out

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited November 2012

    Yes, thank you !

  • nibbana
    nibbana Member Posts: 349
    edited November 2012

    I wash my garments by hand with Dr Bronner's soap. All natural, don't have to worry about a load of washing everyday. I do dry them in the dry on low heat, don't know how damaging that is but they won't air dry overnight.

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited November 2012

    THX nibbana

    It does say they can be put in the dryer.

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited November 2012

    Can someone pls tell me why this is not a glove ? (YES, I know it is a gauntlet!)  But it really does seem like it would work!

    .....and comes in brown and black and is not hideous !

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited November 2012

    If your ins does not cover sleeves , check this out/ sponsored by Lymphedivas.

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304
    edited November 2012

    Purple - that is a glove, just calling it a gauntlet with finger stubs, different than a gauntlet with a thumb stub Laughing

    If they called it what it was that would be too easy.

    I was looking for sleeves with attached glove - on one site I had to look under gloves, and they came in different lengths, wrist, elbow or axillary Undecided

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited November 2012

    OK, I just got my CREATIVE COMFORT CRAFTERS COMFORT GLOVES by DRITZ ( otc) orrdered through amazon.

    So far, I am loving the brown  - if you care about colors and the jersey like material is nice and soft. In reality, they are exactly the same material as Imak 92% cotton/ 8% spandex. They seem just a tad smaller than the gray IMAK, but then again these are brand new, and I am putting them on in afternoon. Prerhaps my hand has swelled some. I love the  feel of the light compression. Wish I could wear them  right side out, but the seams would dig , so not happening. I intend to intentionally stretch the thumb a little. I wore them 15 mins ., just took them off for a sec. and fingers look good ( knock on wood)

    So far, I like these for ppl. who are okay with light compression OTC and would like a brown glove.

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited November 2012

    RE " the cheap allegro sleeve."

    This is my review. I ordered one for $19.99 (Cant beat the price!) in small , which should fit me.It came through brightlife direct without incident.

    I tore off my lymphediva to try it on and noticed instantly it was VERY snug - too tight.

    There was no silicone band at the top and what bothered me the most was a 'thicker' area ( almost like a double cuff) at the wrist. My wrist is the problem area for me, so I immediately had concern.  OTOH , I thought perhaps this  'cuff or band' was just what the dr. ordered.

    Could not tolerate it for more than 20 mins.

    When I removed it, the wrist area was quite red and the top of the sleeve had a ' dig mark' in my upper arm.

    All this to say, I will return it and do not recommend it. Bear in mind, this may just be me OR it is possible a larger size would fit better and be okay, but to sum it up in 2 words, I would say :  'buyer beware' .Frown

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited November 2012

    Is this feasible for a night sleeve?

    I would like to know your opinion.

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited November 2012

    Wow!  It sure as heck LOOKS good, gma, and I liked the brief tutorial on MLD. Confirmed a few things for me.

    I hope Binney or someone very familiar with night garments might pop in and just give an opinion.

  • binney4
    binney4 Member Posts: 1,466
    edited November 2012

    Gma, that takes my breath awaySurprised. Just--NO! Night garments are actually made with certain laws of physics and physiology involved, and these just don't make sense with regard to either of those.

    Purple, the book "Lymphedema: A Breast Cancer Patient's Guide to Prevention and Healing" by Burt and White has well-illustrated MLD instructions that are easy to follow and will not result in setting you back or causing new problems. It can be ordered on-line or from any bookstore, and it's well worth the investment. I sure can understand how much you want there to be some one difinitive video that you can trust, but so far it doesn't exist. The Northwest videos come close. You need a hands-on, responsible LE therapist, hard as that may be to find, to actually evaluate YOUR personal needs, not everyone's in general. There's no end of nut-case LE stuff available on-line, but continuing to dig it out is only delaying your quest for proper treatment and adding further confusion to an already steep learning curve. Please, if your current therapist can't be induced to do what she's been trained to do, by all means find another one. You're worth more than all these junk "shortcuts" that are hawked on-line. Go for quality help--we're all rooting for you!

    Be well!

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited November 2012

    Thanks for saving us, Binney!!!!! 

    In our quest to get better, the internet offers so much hope (and danger ).
    I will give my therapist one more chance at the next appt. as I am afraid I will not find another better that I am able to get to. In the meantime,  I am off to order the book you suggested.


  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited November 2012

    Yes!!! Thanks for saving us!!!! I thought it was a crazy idea, but had to ask....

    "Lymphedema: A Breast Cancer Patient's Guide to Prevention and Healing" - Just saw a used copy at Barnes & for $7 and I have a gift card... Guess what I am doing????  No more looking around for "nutcase" stuff... My LE T talks to me anytime I call or leave him a msg.  Can't do any better than that... 

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited November 2012

    My copy is on its way from amazon...  here we were , the blind leading the blind  :>)

    Meanwhile, I have done MLD this AM , followed by Lebed, wore my sleeve and glove to a  very important business meeting and the rest of the day and ended it all with MLD.  Still on track  - I guess !

  • binney4
    binney4 Member Posts: 1,466
    edited November 2012

    Way to go, Purple! Hang in there!Smile

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited November 2012

    Mine should be here tomorrow :)

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304
    edited December 2012

    Glad you jumped in Binney - raised a lot of red flags with me Gma.  I do have a JoviPak sleeve that looks similar, but would not attempt to make one, as I wouldn't know how to make the compression graduated, etc...  I understand why they thought it was the same, but so many things wrong with it, just like Binney said. 

    Have a great weekend!

  • dassi52
    dassi52 Member Posts: 152
    edited December 2012

    Binney, thanks for the book title. I just bought a used copy for 6.53 (free shipping to Israel!) at so that's a great deal. (new it's something like $17)

  • dassi52
    dassi52 Member Posts: 152
    edited December 2012

    I am happy to tell you that I finally (after 4 months) have a glove that fits - a Farrow - and it even doesn't look too ugly. It goes on easily, and the LPT who - hear this Purple! - properly showed  MLD on me (finally) said that if on occasion I don't wear the glove, the sky won't fall in either. (My daughter is getting married in 2 months and no way do I want a glove in the wedding pictures!) So today is a great dayTongue Out in spite of GRGR LE.

    For those who have considered getting an Isotoner as a spare glove. I did and because it only goes by knuckle circumference, 3 of the fingers are way too big and don't give any compression. Besides, it's ugly and the seams are not great. So don't order it unless you can return for a refund if the fit is as bad as mine.

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767
    edited December 2012

    I am happy to tell you that I finally (after 4 months) have a glove that fits - a Farrow - and it even doesn't look too ugly.

    Thats great, dassi!  In fact, I have one on order with my fitter so I am encouraged.

    As for the Isotoners, I ordered the FULL fingered gloves who I was waiting for my own.  I found them to be good in a  pinch- ugly , but okay to wear around the house while I was awaiting a sleeve. I have  a spare pair in my car.  If ever my fingers swell, you can bet I will pop those suckers on (and maybe put my hands in my coat pocket  :>) and use them temporarily. The FULL fingered were effective for me .