Stage III Cancer Survivors ...Five + Years and Out.
i also posted on the old thread - glad to post to this new one ( thanks for restarting it ) and say that i am doing fine - very busy with life
as it says in the signature line my ILC was very large - surgeon took out 7 cm during lumpectomy and i had no clear margins in any direction - they estimated almost 7 cm more during mast - that was back in the summer of 2004 - finished tx in summer of 2005
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So happy to see you here Jenni_ca and to hear that you are doing well. Congratulations on your 8.5 years.
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Hello ladies. Glad to see the stories coming!! I know I posted this on the old thread: My friend met a lady over last summer when she had a moving sale. My friend noticed she was wearing a sleeve on her arm. She had bc 10 years ago with 28 pos nodes!! She had a reoccurence sometime later but it was caught early and the only problem she has is with a little LE. My onc has a patient who just approached her 10 year with 19 pos nodes, I do not know what the er/pr status is but hey 10 years!!
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Thank you, AlwaysHope, for starting this new thread. May I ask what happened to SherryG?? Did she pass away? She was also a very supportive and encouraging poster. Blessings to you all. Kathy
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Really, I have no idea. Maybe you could PM someone who knew her well and ask. I would really hope to keep this thread away from further controversy so maybe this could be continued somewhere else.
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Dear AlwaysHope, thank you so much for starting this thread again. Very encouraging stories. I am Stage 2b, with bilateral breast cancer and one positive node. I am 8 years out. SherryG had invited me to join this thread a few years ago and then I just did not post here for awhile. May I ask if Sherry G is OK? Thank you again for reinstating this thread again. Blessings to you all!!!
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I would ask that the intent of this thread be respected. Please refer all other issues to another thread. Thanks
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Oops, I did not mean to post this again, I did not think my first post went through, so I wrote it again. I did mean to cause any controversy. Blessings, Kathy
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OOps, again, I meant to say I did not mean to cause any controversy.
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No worries, Kathy. I truly don't know what transpired so I have no insight to offer. I just know this encouraging thread was deleted and wished to try to reconstruct it to offer hope to those newly diagnosed as stage 3.
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Hello everyone. It is not me who has breast cancer. It is my oldest sister who just turned 49yrs old but looks like she could pass for an 19yr old. She has known for awhile that she had Triple Negative stage 3 breast cancer but she did not want her family to know. Her daughter told the family 2 days ago. I had cervical cancer 2 yrs ago and I am blessed to still be cancer free.
My sister has cancer in both breast but they can not remove the cancer on her left side because it is to close to her heart. She has surgery in 3 days to place a tube in her chest so she can start her chomo treatments for the left breast.
When I seen this post it gave me hope that my sister can beat this even though it's stage III. The doctor says her cancer is the worse he's seen. hearing something like that just scares a person.
I am so happy for you being a survivor. I pray that God will continue to bless you and keep his arms around you. Is there anything I can tell my sister or anything that use to make you wanna slap someone for saying something you did not want to keep hearing? I guess it was different when I was going through my cancer stages. My cancer was not bad like her's is so it scares me that this could take my sister from me.
And she is so very stubborn and doesn't want help from anyone. The doctor tells her she will be off work for 1 yr or longer and she's yelling about that. I just the best thing I could do is keep praying for my sister.
I pray God blesses all of you too.
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SoBlessed, I'm so sorry to hear about your sister. Do you know what treatments she is/will be receiving? Please encourage her to come to the boards. We will welcome her and do our best to help her through treatment.
0 - goes mine...feels like I have written it so many times over the years.
I am a busy working Mom of three who found a lump at age 44. Although initially samll within weeks it grew rapidly, was tender and urned out to be IDC, stage 3 because of its' size and spread to my lymph nodes. My children were in 6th, 8th and 10th grade. I feared the worst tumor was lage, fast growing and had all the bad markers . ER/PR - and her 2+. I opted for surgery firat then did 4FAC and 4TH at 3 week intervals. Then did my 25 rads and completed a year of Herceptin.
I strongly felt that I should continue with my life as much as normal in order to regain my sense of self and get through the loss of my health and my breast. I didnt work during chemo but returned during rads and apart from reconstruction down times have been able to do my job, raise the kids and have fun doing it.
7...yes seven ...years later all of my children have graduated from high school, my eldest has started medical school! I dragon boat with other survivors for exercise and stress release.I got in touch with my spiritual side and it has offered me a lot of solace over the years.
Breast cancer really does seem so distant now. I still worry some and think about it every day...but I worry about what's for supper...and where my next vacation will take me.LOL.
Life is full.
My advice is to accept what you have to do, do it....then keep right on going..full steam ahead. If life takes another turn at least i will have lived and have no regrets.
I have lost several survivor I am mindful that bad things happen to some very wonderful people. And..Some day perhaps bad things will happen to me....But so far i am feeling great and living life.
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Ok , here I go I was diagnosed May 2005 @ 49. 6 weeks before my weddign date. Initially, all thought I was a stage I. I sought out my mother's oncologisit who I just loved, ( I had lost mom 18 mos. earlier) Anyway, when the path report finally came in, my dear ONc. just passed me the report ( since I am a nurse and know oncolgy only too well) The tumor was not huge but mega aggressivr. It had infiltrated my ducts , lobers, nipple, totally replaced my sentinel and axillary node and 12 other nodes. I was also hit with being er /pr negative and HER 2 positive. Stage IIIC cancer, flight home cancelled for tx in the Florida for atleast 7 mos.
Wedding cancelled. Obviously had to stop working, and find a plave. My Christmas 7 and one half years ago, was really sad.
Well, that was then and this is now. I am well.I have had surgery to remove my remaining nasty boobie ( filled with Atypia and hyperplasia)did doese dense AC, Taxotere with Herceptin, then H alone. Did 1 month daily rads. Moved back home, married my Prince, started my own company, am enjoying a new grandbaby, purchased a beach house to spend long long weekends and living every day LARGE.
To the newbie. You will one day look upon this experience with fading memories. It does get better,
Wishing all a blessed holiday season!
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::grabbing tissues::
AlwaysHope and all others posting their successes, thank you so much. I REALLY NEEDED THIS RIGHT NOW, REALLY!
Big huggs to us all
neoadjuvent chemo stopped working, cxl'd last 2/6, surgery the 26th
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I found Kathys first post a little disterbing regarding Sherri............She is very dear to me and I don't know what happen to her and that concerns me.......Please can I request that this be a stage 3 fourm only in r espect to its original post....
I am sorry if I cause any problems, I just know Sherri started this for stage 3 women who were out 5 years...out of respect for her I guess , thats to all the sisters..........Steph
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Dearest FaithfulHeart, I am so sorry that I caused any problems!! The only reason that I came here, was because SherriG and I had become friends on the the other thread. I am actually 2b/3A in diagnosis and she invited me to join the Stage 3 thread. I did post for awhile, but then I got involved in other threads!!! I got concerned when I did not see her on the Stage 3 thread for awhile!! She was such a lovely person!!! She answered many questions that I had!!!!sorry again, my intentions were good!!! I love all your encouraging stories and wish you all the best!!! God bless you!!!! Kathy
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God bless you too Kathy....
Please don't stop coming to this beautiful place........0 -
Lets keep this thread rolling for newbies
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Thank you so much for sharing your stories of hope - this is exactly what I need right now. Thank you! :-)
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IAmEnough, you look so pretty bald. Seriously!
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I am 12 yrs out and heading for 13 this summer. We can't worry about this and just deal with it if it comes back. I have a friend who gives me great pep talks. hugs
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you do look beautiful. I loved being bald.
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Thanks for posting gogh. Please tell us some of the specifics about your diagnosis such as no.of LN positive and receptor status?
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DX Feb 2012 mx/chemo/letrozole IDC 6cm = stage 111 4/11 nodes.
Thank-you for sharing these stories. I am not yet a year out and I am still very scared.
Still thinking of it first thing and last thing everyday.
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Thanks Momine and Gogh! I tried wigs, but it just never felt right - felt like I was hiding - like I was letting cancer get the best of me.
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Wanted to post my 5 year yay January 17! I started a new topic, but figured I add it here as well just because I love to post it
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Are there any stage III survivors here with positive nodes who did NOT have chemo?
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Always glad to welcome another it everywhere!
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I'm so sorry to see our old thread gone
Hello to all the ladies who are new to the stage III club that no one wants to belong to, but you've found a fantastic support group to get you through! I'm an 8 yr survivor of er/pr-, her2+, 15+ nodes IDC bc. Yep..8 years. It was a rough first year but after the tx was over and the fear factor year after that...its all good. I had a second cancer, thyroid, too, but still NED and doing well raising my teen sons and preteen daughter, taking care of my hub and living large as a dear friend of our says. I hope the same for all of you and that you know the wonder drugs out there today do incredible work and that you will be okay. Its really scary but do what the doctors tell you and take good care of yourself. Eat well, rest, exercise and fight a hard fight! Most of all, be happy! Enjoy every day. Take care of yourselves!
p.s. Miss you sista Sherri