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Stage III Cancer Survivors ...Five + Years and Out.



  • Lottanodes
    Lottanodes Member Posts: 19
    edited January 2016

    I had planned to post on Thanksgiving 2015 to say that I had achieved 20 years of DFS but I was so busy I forgot. I was sure 20 years ago that by now a "cure" would have been discovered. I have since learned a lot about the clinical trials process and why it takes so long to get a treatment approved. I try to stay current with all the new treatments and feel hopeful when I hear of something promising. I wish the best to all of you Stage III posters.

  • yatcomw
    yatcomw Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2016

    Lotta nodes....

    What a wonderful post......20 years is fantastic and it is so nice that you take the time to log in and let us all know how you are doing.....I will be 12 years out with "lotta nodes" and it is great for me to see someone so far out ahead of me.


  • maggs09
    maggs09 Member Posts: 74
    edited January 2016

    Love this thread! I don't post much, but come back often to read....

    I'm only just past 3 years from finishing an active tx for stage 3C, and 3 years 8 months from dx, so reading your posts gives me so much hope😊

    Thank you for remembering to come back and sharing your milestones with the rest of us.


  • Orlandpark2011
    Orlandpark2011 Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2016

    My pleasure.  You sometimes need someone that's been there to say it's going to be alright.   😃

  • Orlandpark2011
    Orlandpark2011 Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2016

    My pleasure.  You sometimes need someone that's been there to say it's going to be alright.   😃

  • Artista928
    Artista928 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited January 2016

    Wow lottanodes! I think there is a 15 year cancer thread, at least I hope there is. If there is, please post there too. So happy for you!

  • Orlandpark2011
    Orlandpark2011 Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2016

    Now that's what I like to hear lottanodes.   Thank you

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2016

    Nancy...congrats on 5 years!!!!

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited January 2016

    Nancy! Thank you for the hope and inspiration and specifically for coming back to post. It means so much to us newbies!

  • ash123
    ash123 Member Posts: 44
    edited January 2016

    lotanodes thank you for bringing hope to the ones on this journey

  • Bec65
    Bec65 Member Posts: 84
    edited January 2016

    Congratulations to all who come back to comfort and inspire us!

  • kcinmn
    kcinmn Member Posts: 24
    edited January 2016


    Congrats and thank you for the encouragement!

  • SweetCaroline2
    SweetCaroline2 Member Posts: 28
    edited February 2016

    Thanks to all of you wonderful ladies who take the time to come back and post. You give so much hope and encouragement to those who are not as far along on the journey.

  • sandys1964
    sandys1964 Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2016

    Ditto to SweetCaroline2 post above. I always feel so much better about my chances of survival when I come on this forum and read all of wonderful posts.

    I can say since being diagnosed with Stage III almost 3 yrs ago I've learned to appreciate everyday even more. My Oncologist told me many people think of cancer as a wake up call or a gift and I disagreed with him. However looking at where I am now I totally understand what he was telling me to be true.

    I pray that I will live a long life like the rest of you ladies, i just found out I will be a Grandma for the first time at the end of July!! So thrilled and thankful that I will be here.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2016

    Ten years ago today, 02/03/2006, I heard those dreaded words!! Today has been a day of lows and highs. I woke up sad and full of anxiety remembering that awful day and all that it brought. It was a xanax type of morning. I bundled up (it was 6 degrees) and went for my early morning walk before work. Work was busy so that kept me distracted. My DD#1 texted me first thing this morning telling me she was thinking of me. My son saw my post on fb and commented to me...and my DH checked in with me during the day as he was out of town on a business trip. My almost 18 year old daughter and I had a dinner date with some good laughs. As you can tell the day got better as it went on. I posted on fb "02/06/2006 and 10 years" and got lots of nice congrats from my sistahs and other friends. That felt good.

    I'm not one who says that cancer made me a better person. I think I was a pretty decent person prior to my diagnosis. But what bc has taught me is that life is fragile and to be grateful for each day. I was looking forward to celebrating turning 50 when I was diagnosed....well I did turn 50 but the celebration was not what I had planned!! Now i am turning 60 in three months and the celebration will be grand just because I'm still here. There were times I wasn't sure if I would see it. G-d willing I'll still be dancing with NED. I have my 6 month check up in March so I will find out then.

    In the 10 years since my diagnosis, my two oldest children have graduated college and my oldest daughter married. My youngest daughter finished elementary and middle school, had a Bat Mitzvah, got her drivers license and is about to graduate high school. Of course there are more milestones in between but these are the big ones. I've been to Israel 5 times since Dx. These are all the good things. Of course there have been challenges, some bigger than others and many I blame on breast cancer.

    Through bco, I have met some life long friends. Some are cyber friends and other are real time friends that I have met in person Its hard to believe that I've known a few of the gals for almost 10 years when we were all going through treatment. The downside is that I have lost some dear friends that I met here on bco, real time friends. That hurts. I volunteer with several breast cancer organizations which I enjoy and is a way for me to give back. That's why I keep coming here to bco. If I can bring some hope to a newbie, that is good.

    Breast cancer is hard. Stage 3 is hard. But it is doable and there is life after bc and treatment. Its one step at a time, then one day at a time and soon it is not the first thing on our minds.

    Here's to celebrating the next 10 years!!! Karen

  • live_deliciously
    live_deliciously Member Posts: 183
    edited February 2016

    karen. So happy for you and your family. It's so good to hear success stories to know there is more good outcome than bad. Its hard to stay away from the dark side some days. Another 10 years or more would be great. I too was diagnosed at 49 and 10 months. Lovely 50th birthday present! Thanks again for caring to help us newbies. Someday I hope I am not the newbie and can give hope to others too.

  • fightergirl711
    fightergirl711 Member Posts: 190
    edited February 2016

    I posted before, but I don't see many Stage III HER2+ on this board. Are there any of you out there? I love reading these stories, but having a triple positive diagnosis presents a different long term outlook. Thanks

  • JerseyGirl22
    JerseyGirl22 Member Posts: 186
    edited February 2016

    fightergirl, I was just going to ask the same thing... I'm Her2+ Stage 3 ILC... I've met a few out on the boards...

  • fightergirl711
    fightergirl711 Member Posts: 190
    edited February 2016

    JerseyGirl it may be because some of the treatments are much more new? I don't know. I know you are also on the triple positive group too, but it's pretty populated with newer members like us!

  • flatnfab54
    flatnfab54 Member Posts: 13
    edited February 2016
    Not triple postive but HER2+ going on 8 years this summer!
  • rain2shine
    rain2shine Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2016

    I am 44 this year makes 9years out. I just had x-rays and blood work that were all good. I was stage 3 IDC with node involvment. I am now on disability due to work injuries. My cervical and lumbar spine. I wonder if chemo made my spine weak. I have had to adjust to not working. But, spending time with my baby girl during her last year of HGH school has been great. I pray my message find you all blessed.

    I have not been on this site in a very long time. I'm confused. Do they not have active chat anymore? That helped me through many tough nights.

  • ash123
    ash123 Member Posts: 44
    edited February 2016

    Thank you rain2shine for coming back and posting this for newbies. Indeed we need more of these success stories.

  • live_deliciously
    live_deliciously Member Posts: 183
    edited February 2016

    rain2shine. Congratulations on 9 years and ditto on thank you for coming back And posting. It's so beneficial to us newbies to hear these stories of good outcomes

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited February 2016

    Fightergirl, Jerseygirl, my sister had triple positive IBC...nasty stuff. She was diagnosed six months after me--the summer of 2012. She did chemo/mastectomy/rads/Herceptin for a year, and just had her DIEP recon. She's doing great. It will be four years this summer for her.

  • fightergirl711
    fightergirl711 Member Posts: 190
    edited February 2016

    sbelizabeth thank you! Was she Stage III as well? Gosh I can't imagine both of you going through this!

  • ash123
    ash123 Member Posts: 44
    edited February 2016

    On this note, we are three sisters fighting cancer. I and the one who was diagnosed way back in 2002 ( stage1) and again in 2014 different cancer stage 1er, pr+ heu- and one sister recently diagnosed er pr- and heu+ having chemotherapy now.

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited February 2016

    Fightergirl, yes, she was Stage IIIB. All inflammatory breast cancers (IBC) are staged at least IIIB from the beginning. I'm so proud of her and the way she managed her treatments. And yes, it was remarkable to have my sister on this whole BC treatment speed bump the same time as me.

  • JerseyGirl22
    JerseyGirl22 Member Posts: 186
    edited February 2016

    sbelizabeth thank you for your encouraging post!!! Fightergirl, you and me, we'll be out here posting many years from now!!!

  • LM070917
    LM070917 Member Posts: 68
    edited February 2016

    congrats rain2shine that's fantastic news! It really does give us hope hearing your story. Can I ask whether you were PR/ER positive and what chemo and if applicable hormone therapy you underwent? Have you done anything different since treatment? Thanks

  • 7of9
    7of9 Member Posts: 474
    edited February 2016

    Thank you for the inspiring stories! I was stage 2b when first diagnosed in 2012, after neoadjunct chemo, restaged 1b, but just had axillary lymph node recurrence after 3 1/2 years and am now stage 3. My goal is to quit experiencing each one of these damn stages! It is very hard to not loose it mentally.