Stage III Cancer Survivors ...Five + Years and Out.
lotta nodes and you ladies. karen, my friend, congratulations my dear so happy for you and your family.newbies asking about Her2 pos.... That would be me. Stage III C , 12 pos nodes, pretty much a really sucky dx. That was almost eleven years ago and I am well and living large. Hang on.. It's not a fun ride, but you 'll get through it.
Blessings to all.
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lkc, did you do hormonal drugs, too... i.e. Tamoxifen or Femara?
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7 of 9. What the heck?. How can that happen the nodes turn positive especially when the chemo worked on the tumor. I wish they knew more about this stuff? Did they check the nodes for hormone status and her2 again? I have a friend that turned her 2+ a couple years later on her nodes.
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hi Jersey girl. ( I am an original jersey girl myself!)
No antihormonals for me as I am er pr neg
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lkc - I LOVE YOU! 11 years after 11 positive nodes...fantastic!
live_deliciously....I had lymph node swelling that we didn't biopsy before neoadjunct chemo. My DUMBEST call ever in my entire life. I was too afraid, upset, mad, after the biopsy of the 2 spots in my left breast. The surgeon and onc said it doesn't matter, since scans were clear the treatment was the same with or without nodes. Cancer doesn't give a crap if we are stressed out apparently.
Since the sentinal nodes & margins were clear the doctors thought they got it all. The radiology onc was the only one who said he would have liked to have known if there was any trace before neoadjunt (pre-surgical) chemo and the surgery itself. Since it was unknown and nothing else showed up in pathology, I didn't get to do radiation. He MIGHT have done rads - but even when I changed my mind and said lets do radiation, they said lets not risk/use it as clear 2 nodes and margins should have put me in the 80% no recurrence. Not so much...
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It's very comforting to see women posting on this thread. Thank you for sharing your courage.
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7 years for me! 14 out of 19 positive nodes!
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Love it! Thank you!!
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Thanks for posting Kim40! That's awesome!
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just curious, how many of you 5+ ers, had mastectomies vs lumpectomies?
Barbara. Also ex Jersey girl but left after college for PA and stuck here for the last 40 years.
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bilateral....I wasn't a candidate for lumpectomy because cancer side was full of cancer. So only choice was single or bila
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Whoop whoop!! Here I am doing my five year happy dance
I had a check up yesterday with my surgeon who gave me a high five and celebrated my five years with me.
My youngest was 6 years old and in Year 2 at school. She's now 11 and entered a whole new phase at a new school and I was there to share it with her. It was such an emotional milestone.
12 positive nodes and NED five years later. I hope this gives you hope
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I check my favorite threads almost every day. ALWAYS so so happy reading and rereading good news from you, IKC, and congratulations to Kim and KiwiMum for your news! Does give me hope. Question for all of you--Do you watch your diet? Have read to go sugar, dairy, and meat free---I find that hard to do. My doctor is the best in the area and says those studies are weak and to do everything in moderation. Hard to decide what is moderate, though. And different breast cancers may not be the same. IKC, your cancer is like mine---what is your diet? Whatever you're doing must be right!
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To answer your question Crazywabbit---My doctor, who has an excellent reputation here, said I was a good candidate for a lumpectomy and he said the stats were the same for a situation like mine. I considered going for a second opinion, but wanted to get the job done ASAP, so went with that a few days later. Had chemo, radiation, Herceptin. Only a little over a year now, so HOPE HOPE and PRAY all will be well. Feel great, over the shock, very optimistic and grateful for every day.
Stephanie (real name, which was taken, so went with my middle name)
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AliceS this is good to hear, my surgeon says I'm an excellent candidate for re-excision and have been debating. I need ALDS this summer already after chemo. You can see responses to my question over at the TRIPLE POSITIVE thread: I've been going to Dana Farber, so I'm pretty confident and whatever they recommend, it's more about my preference right now.
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Fightergirl--You should do what you feel most comfortable with. If you have doubts, you need to go further or you could be sorry later. Yes, I agree, you're getting excellent care where you are BUT if you're on the fence, maybe you should get a second opinion.. Ask them what they would do in your position.
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Celebrating 7 years today and doing great!!!
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I am so very thankful for this thread. What great compassion and forethought you have to provide this for us just joining in the battle.
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I couldn't have said it better than __asher__. Thank you, all!
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Cross-posting this on a few threads, definitely worth sharing:
Fact - Placebos are rarely given in cancer clinical trials:
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Yearly check in, 12 years out now 😁
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mpetago! Whooohoo!!! 12 years! That's awesome!
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mpetago...yeah on 12 years!!! I just past 10 years the beginning of the month.
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mpetago, congrats on 12 yrs! Thanks for stopping in and encouraging us newbies
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Thank you ladies!! I will always be back every February to post, I know what it meant to me back in 2004.
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mpetago, that's awesome!
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hi ladies, Mpetago, so so happy to see you too. remember you well in the early days.
alice in shalimar; i did follow the breast cancer diet ( you can find it online.) basically no crap food.
also i used extra virgin olive oil on just about everything, which seems to have properties that inhibit her2 baddies. never gave up my red wine though!
oh yes, i had a bilateral, but only after i finished my treatment, had to fight for it, and it turned out the good breast was filled atypia, and hyperplasia; sneaky bastards.
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thanks all you veteran ladies. You are our superstars! So impressed you care enough to come back and share your milestones with us newbies. It also helps to share any changes you made even tho who knows if all those things really help us but In our minds it makes us feel better that we are trying to do something to prevent reoccurrence. I find it hard to give up the wine too but I've cut back. Thanks again.
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Karen1965, Thanks for inspiring... especially for us ILC gals...