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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited September 2014

    Fire worried bout u 

    Hi april, come on

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited September 2014

    Praying for all - including FK and Alyson. Hope they find a way to help you both. You all can pm me if you want to chat. I get email alerts when you do.  I need a break from BCO, so I will still post pictures on my peaceful contemplations topic, but will not be keeping up with other topics right now.  Too tired and sad to do that. Love and hugs to all. 


  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324
    edited September 2014

    hugs to all who need them..  Beautiful picture GMA.  Sorry you are sad right now..  I finally made an appointment with the acupuncturist for tomorrow.  Hoping it will help.  Hope your pain is still ok from your acupuncture treatments., 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited September 2014

    Damaged ac joint which is great. Explains much of the pain. 

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
    edited September 2014

    Oh no Alyson. That sounds so painful.

    I'm so thankful that it's not progression though.

    Gentle hugs to you!!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited September 2014

    Slow, looks like RA getting worse joint inflamed and hopefully not infected. 

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
    edited September 2014

    Alyson, Can/did they give you an injection? Depo Medrol works wonders for me. It just doesn't work for very long after BC treatment. You're only supposed to have two a year. I really hope it hasn't gotten infected.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited September 2014

    Hi Slow, had injection - not sure what but not meant to use arm for a week !!!!

    Firekracker how are things with you?

    Big hugs to all

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited September 2014


  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
    edited September 2014

    Good one GMA!

    Hugs to all that are hurting.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2014

    enuf of this pain

    Enuf from the depression from Sept.11th

    I'm back....tryin to still work out things with my stomach

    Went to 3 different Drs. And now the wait begins

    The natural dr. Gave me some stuff and I am feeling a lot betta but I still need to be close to the bathroom ...

    The internist wants me to go for a colonoscopy but the wait is 2mos.for new patients...grrr

    I'm hopin by then the natural dr.finds the cure...

    I am livin on the brat diet but without the bananas...big problem with that.

    I have 7 answer so I betta get to it like now

    I hate rice,gonna start to speak Chinese ..

    Thanks for all ur well wishes.



  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited September 2014

    FK, hope they figure this out. Bland diets suck for sure. Hugs!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2014

    no they still havnt figured it out yet

    Except I no I have colitus  and it's out of control

    I'm cranky

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2014

    just because I'm cranky doesn't mean everyone has to stay away from here

    Where is everyone???

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited September 2014

    I am here FK.  Been busy sewing today.  I am making a quilt.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2014

    tx for showing up

    Where is the ducky?????

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited September 2014

    Fire havent seen her hope she is ok , u 2

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited September 2014

    Oh Jo I need to finish mine here are 2 of the squares I'm doing - made up the pattern myself. It is like the window pane patterns.


  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited September 2014

    I'm here...just busy at work!Loopy

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited September 2014

    I'm here ladies......just a little quiet.............IF YOU CAN "BELIEVE THAT".........

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited September 2014

    Update on my breast pain - and ?Reduction:  i have figured it out - Acupuncturist gets rid of the pain, but soon as I get active it comes back. The movement of my large breasts are what is triggering the pain. [I had my breast size measured out of curiosity (as you all know the pain is so bad where the bra rides, I can't wear one). Found out I measure a 44F/G - Holy cow no wonder my neck and shoulders are in so much pain.] I have a consult with a PS about reduction - I guess for insurance to pay for it, they need to take 500ccs of tissue? or show medical necessity. The conversion chart says I have 2060cc's of volume, for my size - don't think the 500cc is going to be a problem.. I see the plastic surgeon Oct 13th for a consult..

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited September 2014

    Holy mammaries G'ma Foley! I wear a C cup (with padding and that is cause I am a bit chubby these days since starting the exemestane has made my appetite like a construction worker!) so I can't even imagine what having breasts that large is like. I am really a solid B if I am at a good weight.

     Must be hard on you. My mom had very large boobs and she always had marks where her bra straps dug in and I never got those and now I know it was the sheer weight of those triple D's she carried around. Hoping you get the surgery you want/need so you can get relief!

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited September 2014

    I'm here, too. My Dad came in from North Carolina to stay and visit with me. He was so worried about me. After he left, I felt incredibly sad, so didn't feel like posting.

    I had my chemo port placed yesterday in preparation for next weeks first infusion. So I'm uncomfortable and grumpy. I hope no one tells me how "strong" I am today. Or how "brave" I am being. Or that I need to stay "positive". Unless it's someone who has been down this path....

    GmaFoley, I had a bilateral reduction/lift at the same time as my lumpectomy. They should have not problem removing 500ccs of tissue. My PS asked what size I wanted to be after the surgery, which I hadn't even considered. I wanted relief from the back pain and the cancer out! It's a big surgery, but so worth it to gain relief from the back pain. Hope it goes well for you!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited September 2014

    Poppy - sorry you had to join us, but we are here for hugs, rants or whatever comes your way.. 


  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited September 2014

    my sister (non cancer person) had reduction recently, she had lost weight, hips small and her boobs were a size F I think

    they removed 5 # from each boobie, she looks much better and much more it!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited September 2014

    GMA - Love the quilt.  Would you please post another picture when it is all finished?  I am working on a baby quilt now.  I have it all together and basted.  Now, I can start hand quilting it.

    As far as the breast reduction - go for it.  Holy Moly!  The PS shouldn't have any problem taking 500ccs.  I'm sure your back and shoulders will thank you for it.

    Just love the hugs picture - so cute!!!

    Ducky - What is wrong sweetie?  You haven't picked on FK in a long time.  Sending ((((HUGS))))

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited September 2014

    welcome poppy!!

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited September 2014

    Thanks everyone! I'm feeling much better now. The hamster cyber hug must have worked it's magic!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2014

    I found ducky on the bonefire thread

    Why didn't she come here??????

    Hi everyone

    Been MIA for a bit

    Same old,same old...and it's getting old

    We R still havin the party ant the end of the month

    Sept 30th...don't forget to bring ur good stories

    I have mine ready

    U comin Poppy?

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2014

    what about u PTS???

    I bet u got a good story