Ladies in their 30s?



  • Priscilla0929
    Priscilla0929 Member Posts: 24
    edited February 2014

    Hi Kelly ... TDM1 is also called Kadcyla. I am on it because of progression despite Herceptine. Its hard but think positive and hang in there.  There are lots of options for us.  I was also 32whendiagnosed and my little one was 9 months old. Its hard but you will make it through...sending positive thoughts and energy your way!!!

  • fujiimama
    fujiimama Member Posts: 236
    edited February 2014

    Wow! I didn't realize how many of us are getting to that 3 year Mark. It's kind of amazing to think without these pain in the butt drugs'm & hate'm. 

  • NicoleJasien
    NicoleJasien Member Posts: 6
    edited February 2014

    I am 30!  It's hard to find people locally.... Especially in their late 20s and early 30s.  

  • CJRT
    CJRT Member Posts: 221
    edited February 2014

    Kelly- It's really rough psychologically, but once I began moving forward with a treatment plan I felt more positive. I'm on Kadcyla (TMD-1) and have been for about 10 months. I find it very tolerable and have heard great responses from some other women. I was 33 at original diagnosis and 36 last year at time of mets. My kids are 2.5 and 6. Thinking of you!

  • kelly279
    kelly279 Member Posts: 18
    edited February 2014

    Thank you so, so much ladies! With the kadcyla is something you are on indefinitely or a year like the herceptin? Also, is it meant to put you into remission or just slow or stop the growth? I guess I should have asked my Onc this but I think my head was swimming!

  • kjones13
    kjones13 Member Posts: 662
    edited February 2014

    brandall and are y'all doing? I have had a rough couple weeks emotionally because of two losses and several friends with re-occurances. I have a ct scan on the 28th. Supposed to have treatment Thursday but weather man is predicting 8-12+" of snow!!!! So excited to play in it with my kiddos! It will be the first time my three year old will get to play in it! Good times. What have y'all been up to?

  • CJRT
    CJRT Member Posts: 221
    edited February 2014

    KJ- sorry you've been having a rough time. I think we all can relate. Enjoy the snow! My sister is in NC too and just texted me the forecast. She knows I want my 2-year-old to see it and unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate when we were there for Christmas.

  • brandall
    brandall Member Posts: 97
    edited February 2014

    Thanks for asking about me!  I'm okay.  I just had a PET scan yesterday.  So I'm pretty anxious right now.  My tumor markers have been rising.  They were 15 this summer but have steadily risen to 34 (38 is the end of normal) so it makes me a little stressed.  I'm hoping everything is still okay though!  I'm sorry you have been down.  I find that my emotions go in waves.  Sometimes I'm really, really up and other times all of the emotions just bog you down.  Hugs to you!!!

  • brandall
    brandall Member Posts: 97
    edited February 2014

    Oh and have fun in the snow :)

  • nbnotes
    nbnotes Member Posts: 338
    edited February 2014

    Brandall - keeping fingers crossed for good news on your ptscan. Please keep us posted!

  • Pixie200
    Pixie200 Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2014

    Hi all you brave women....

    I am 37, was diagnosed at 36, just got back a PET scan revealing progression to mediastinal lymph nodes and "suspicious" spots in lungs. What a journey, so glad to have a place to share with others who understand. I have two young children (3 & 7), who keep me going but also I feel a kind of constant heartbreak looking at them. Sometimes I am still in shock that this is happening. 

    Next step for me is clinical trials to try and beat back this crazy triple negative beast.

    Gentle hugs and energy for all of you out there going through this.

  • spicypetunia
    spicypetunia Member Posts: 47
    edited February 2014


    I'm 34, recently diagnosed, and am about to go for round 2 of treatment on 2/24/14. 

    I've been married about 1.5yrs and we made a cross-country move six months ago -- so on top of the big stuff, I'm struggling a bit with where to make home-base for treatment. While I know it would be easier for both of us to be nearer to family and friends, I can't imagine living together only part-time. My husband is willing to do anything and everything to make things less challenging - but man, I wish there was a way to stay together AND be near our support network. Probably, it's just easier to sweat the logistics than bigger issues, right now. That, and well, I can't imagine it's fair to split-up the cat and dog at this stressful time. ;)  

    The last month has felt entirely about this new diagnosis and it's seems very easy to get caught-up in it all. That said, I am committed the best treatment & outcomes; but after spending some time reading here, it's been a great reminder to try to keep life as "normal" as I can and as little-focused on the cancer as possible. I got out on the tennis court yesterday, and it felt incredible - it's always been a great release for me and I hope it's something I'll be able to keep up for a long time to come.

    I am so grateful to have found these boards - I am learning so much from all of you. Thank you for taking the time to post all that you do - this is a phenomenal resource and it is truly incredible that this compassionate community exists. I can't imagine doing this on my own - thank you for being here. I have a history of being a bit shy in online communities and am likely the last person I know to not use facebook - so please bear with me as I get my bearings.

  • stagefree
    stagefree Member Posts: 360
    edited February 2014

    Hi everyone,

    Welcome to newbies.. Will make it to 2 years by the end of this month. Son is already 9.. İ never thought İ'd see this far.

    So far so good.. 



  • kjones13
    kjones13 Member Posts: 662
    edited February 2014

    yay ebru! Time is so precious. Even with this diagnosis I feel that time passes too quickly! Enjoy your time with your son and here's to years and years more!

  • kjones13
    kjones13 Member Posts: 662
    edited February 2014

    for those of you with young children, how are you holding up? I was just thinking, and this may be really strange, would it be easier for my daughter (3) if I went sooner rather than later. She wouldn't have any real memories of me just pictures. It breaks my heart in two...I don't want to leave her ever. I also have a 9 year old son. It's a complicated situation but I feel like he will be ok because of his dad and stepmom and lots of family...I just get so torn up about my daughter. She is the sweetest, most lovable child ever! And she is hilarious to boot! Sigh. I have scans on Friday so maybe that's where my anxiety is coming from...

  • stagefree
    stagefree Member Posts: 360
    edited February 2014


    you are right.. it's a tough cookie with kids, small ones.. as I am focussed on one day at a time, I try to cherish each day as my last with my little guy, so the next morning feel happy to have that chance again… many people spend a lifetime with their kids, not really enjoying them.. taking for granted their chance to feel happy, not overlooking small things that drive them crazy.. I see many parents waste their time.. so try to make the fullest of what I've got.. so really am focused on great memories even if not many ..

    I am grateful that I have retired, spend all my time with family & friends now, kicked out everyone toxic, ignoring everything toxic.. mood meds help with that too.. :)

    Please don't dig too far. I have read many sisters here regretting not having children before dx & others who feel miserable that they have small kids who will loose them soon.. sigh.. 

    hugs & kisses,


  • livebyfaith
    livebyfaith Member Posts: 10
    edited February 2014

    Hi Everyone!   I am new to this community;  unfortunate, but truly grateful!   I am a 39 year old single mother of 3 children.  I was diagnosed when I was 36 years old.  

    I thank God for each and everyone of you and for your courageous stories and advice. You all have inspired me as I don't feel like I am alone in this fight.  Although I have a wonderful support system with my family and friends, none of them can understand this journey that I must walk. 

    Does anyone have advice on managing pain due to bone mets? It is the most eexcruciating pain at night, but gets better in the day... 

  • mtcplus2
    mtcplus2 Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2014

    livebyfaith, I'm new on here as well and a single mom of 2.  I take Excedrin Migraine most times.  Something about the acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine combo.  I juggle between that and Aleve.  I'm not big on taking narcotics.  Plus what works best is something that is for inflammation.  This works for me... hope it helps.   P.S. Heating pads are oh so good, tooSmile

  • fujiimama
    fujiimama Member Posts: 236
    edited February 2014

    I take a muscle relaxer. It knocks me out and gives my muscles a break. Most of my pain is muscles. It's weird since I am a bone Mets. But I think it's the herceptin and perjeta that make my muscles ache.

  • nbnotes
    nbnotes Member Posts: 338
    edited March 2014

    Welcome to those that are new to the thread!

  • livebyfaith
    livebyfaith Member Posts: 10
    edited March 2014

    Thank you!  I will try anti-inflammatory otc meds to see if it makes a difference.  I have noticed some relief since my last post. The only difference I made was adding a stronger dose of vitamin D to my regimen. Thanks again,  have a beautiful day lad

  • livebyfaith
    livebyfaith Member Posts: 10
    edited March 2014


  • livebyfaith
    livebyfaith Member Posts: 10
    edited March 2014


  • bex_boobs
    bex_boobs Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2014

    A shout out to all the women in their 30s with killer racks. I was first diagnosed at 34 with stage 2, I'm now 44 with stage 4. I've been in stage 4 land for about 4 years - more seriously (with liver involvement) in the past year. Over the past ten years I've moved countries, met and married a big honey, remodeled a home, redirected my design career, traveled, made some great friends and had lots of laughs. Having cancer really sucks, the low lows and high highs are exhausting and never ending. The fear and the limbo can be paralyzing.  But, at least we have a sense of time, we are passionate!  We know we're alive. We are not like everyone else - we are not numbed by mediocrity!

  • sonyarizzo
    sonyarizzo Member Posts: 69
    edited March 2014

    Hello, I am new to this group. I was first diagnosed when I was 35 years old. One year after stopping chemo I had a local recurrence under my arm which led us to discover that I had mets to the hips, spine, and cervical. After removing my ovaries, we also discovered the cancer was there as well. I am having a hard time. I have good days and bad days. The last few days I have been really down. I feel like no one understands how I feel. I don't want to be treated sick all of the time, but at the same time I feel that because I don't look sick that people forget the battle that I am fighting. It makes me feel really lonely. I think people are afraid to talk to me about it. I want and need to talk about it. Does this make any sense to anyone?

    Also, I am having a hard time with the constant thoughts and fears of wondering when this is going to spread to a vital organ. I am so tired of people telling me to stay positive! Screw positive! I try every day to stay positive for my kids. It is hard. The unknown kills me! I hate not knowing how long I have. I am such a planner and this planner has no clue if I have 1 year or 20 years. It is making me crazy!!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,771
    edited March 2014

    Hi sonyarizzo

    Welcome to the club nobody wants to join, but glad you have found us. This is an amazing group of individuals here! You are not at all alone with your feelings! 

    Thinking of you! 
    The Mods

  • kjones13
    kjones13 Member Posts: 662
    edited March 2014

    sonyarizzo-you are making perfect sense to me! You have already experienced that people just don't understand metastatic breast cancer. I have had it for 18 months and it wasn't until January that I had to tell my best friend what the prognosis was. Unfortunately people will continue to say dumb things, but mostly I can handle it because they mean well. I'm glad you found this site because this is one of the few places where people "get it." How old are your children? I find myself very much on an emotional roller coaster. Most of the time I really think I live in denial. My kids help distract me too. But I do need to talk about it and process it. I can talk to my husband about most things but death and dying issues, he doesn't want to hear it. My parents are an emotional wreck. I can talk to my mom some because she needs to process it too and people say dumb things to her also. I'm sorry you are here. I'm sorry I am here and everyone else too. I find hope in these women's stories. There are lots of drugs out there and I'm willing to try whatever to get as much time with my kiddos! Best of luck to you. Oh and I am also on lexapro and Wellbutrin to help my anxiety/depression.

  • CajunQueen
    CajunQueen Member Posts: 15
    edited March 2014

    Hi everyone!  I just turned 38.  Diagnosed with Stage 3c at 37 & Stage 4 just days ago- less than a year later. I have 2 & 4 year old little girls.  

  • Dana_27
    Dana_27 Member Posts: 39
    edited March 2014

    Hi everyone. I'm a newbie on the boards but Not to BC. My name is Dana. Been diagnosed since 2003. My son was only 9 months old, daughter just over 2 at the time. Now I'm stage 4. 37 years old. Mets to bones, lymph nodes & lung. Kids are almost 13, & 11.  I'm single with not many friends nearby. I never see any of them and most of them can't relate to what we go through. So I'm here looking to form some new friendships with women my age, dealing with a tough disease like me.

    Look forward to talking back and forth with you all! Hi cajunQueen! Hope you all start off to a good week tomorrow! 



  • brandall
    brandall Member Posts: 97
    edited March 2014

    Hello to all of the new ladies!  I'm sorry that you have to be here, but glad that you found us!  This board has been tremendously helpful to me, especially in the hope department!  

    Let's have a check-in, how is everybody doing?

    I'm doing OK.  Last month they found a lymph node in my upper abdomen lighting up (weird) and it did indeed turn out to be a return of the beast.  At least the biopsy found that it was still estrogen positive, so I was able to just move on to another AI instead of back to chemo.   So now I'm on Femara, fingers crossed it is working!  We are taking the kids to San Diego on spring break and I'm super excited.  We are actually doing a road trip and stopping by the Grand Canyon first.  I'm ridiculously excited.  More memories to make for my kids!!  Legoland, here we come LOL.

    Hope everyone is doing well!