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2013 Sister Warriors



  • BeHereNow
    BeHereNow Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2013

    Kerri that's great to hear. I went to an art class at the cancer center near me today! Lots of bald women giving me advice about wigs and makeup. It was surreal, but they were such awesome women. Sad to know they are going through cancer....

    If you feel comfortable doing so, let us know how tomorrow goes.

    I hope everyone here has a peaceful and enjoyable evening. We're watching a funny movie at my house :)


  • kobrien
    kobrien Member Posts: 11
    edited March 2013

    I will. Thank you. Had a long talk with one of my sisters tonight and made me feel a little better. Going to shut my brain off for the rest of the night and try to enjoy some time with the family :)

    Enjoy your movie.. My husband is making me watch the Bruins game..

  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited March 2013

    Good morning and welcome to our fellow sister warriors! So much to catch up on this thread. :)

    Quick question for you all-- how many oncologists did you see before you decided with the one you have now? My BS recomended two oncologists and I was initially going to go with the one I already met, but am deciding if it's worthwhile to meet with the other one as well just to see how similar/different their recommended treatment plans are after my oncotype results come back....

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited March 2013

    I had a friend who's 10 years on this journey. She recommended my onc, and it turned out that it was exactly who my BS wanted me to see. They are an awesome team.



  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited March 2013

    Cuetang - Family and friends made recommendations. The oncologist social worker at breast support group recommended visiting the MOs office to see how I felt...Each office is different. But I knew which MOs are active in speaking on BC this confirmed my choice. I asked my BS he said flip a coin they both are excellent. I did visit the offices :) I'm very fortunate in my area there is excellent choosing from the best- which one & office best fits your needs and gives you the most confidence. Interesting my gut feeling in the beginning was confirmed in this process:)

    It's a very important decision so take your time and find out which MO is the best for you!

  • TMM60
    TMM60 Member Posts: 121
    edited March 2013

    I stayed with the first one that I was referred to by my BS. I didn't consider a second opinion because I personally liked this MO after I met her as she took a lot of time with me and gave me in depth answers to all of the my questions. I felt comfortable with her and her shared decision-making approach to our Dr./Patient relationship.  Secondly, the course of treatment she recommended was consistent with all the reading I had done on my type of BC and Oncotype results and consistent with what I see has been recommended to all of the participants on these boards with similar diagnosis.

    Had either of those criteria not have been true- then I would have sought a second opinion.

  • BeHereNow
    BeHereNow Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2013

    I stayed with the MO my breast surgeon recommended. Since then, everyone I have spoken with has also recommended him. That is reassuring. At the same time, I think second opinions are really important and the MOs expect us to get them.

  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited March 2013

    Thanks for sharing your experiences! I just keep reading about how oncologists can give you different treatment plans. I'm personally curious about that aspect. I think I will met with both of them to see who I feel more comfortable with. They both have good reputations in my area for breast cancer, but I guess I will let gut instinct rule on this one!

  • Speedy4
    Speedy4 Member Posts: 44
    edited March 2013

    Cuetang~ I was all set to start chemo last week but got a little nervous that I hadn't gone for a second opinion. I liked my MO but needed the reassurance of another MO recommending the same treatment. I went for a second opinion yesterday and am going for a third next week. I feel much better about starting chemo now (well, as much as one can)!

  • kobrien
    kobrien Member Posts: 11
    edited March 2013

    Good morning all!

    I did not go for a second opinion. I went with the recommendation of my breast surgeon ( she's good friends with my sister) and my sister who both know her professionally. I did like her- but want to try to schedule another appt with her before I start chemo. I just didn't feel like she spent enough time with me. And with it being my first visit- I didn't have too many questions- but I do now.

    I saw the cancer centers social worker on Friday and she gave me some good financial guidance and I was able to vent on someone without feeling bad ( I've been venting on my hubby like crazy and feel like he needed a break)

    I am going to see her again Tuesday after my chemo teaching appt.

    I still DO NOT want to do this!!!


  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited March 2013

    LittleLuLu - Wishing you a great weekend! Hope you are able to spend fun time with family and friends...laughter smiles happy heart! Best pre-op RX :)))

    Sending calming confident thoughts for Mondays surgery and easy quick recovery (((hugs)))

    Stand strong sister warrior!


  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited March 2013

    Thanks for sharing the MO experiences!

  • TMM60
    TMM60 Member Posts: 121
    edited March 2013

    LittleLulu- I will be thinking of you on Monday and hoping everything goes smoothly!

  • BeHereNow
    BeHereNow Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2013

    I'm trying to be brave, but want to fall apart! I got a wig today and emotionally it felt like being kicked in the stomach!

    I think it looks ok on me, but I can't imagine being bald. My friend said she was going to call me Picard (the bald Star Trek captain). It hurt my feelings, even though the joke was appropriate for our level of friendship and for my sense of humor. Just feeling sad today.

    We're going to make "grandma's spaghetti" tonight. Healthy comfort food. And i think we'll get lost in a good movie. :)

    I hope everyone is hanging in there! XO

  • LittleLulu
    LittleLulu Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2013

    RMLulu and TMM60,

    Thanks so much for your kind messages. Yes, spending this w/e with my 3 daughters and two baby granddaughters...crazy, noisy, busy fun!! Before you know it Monday will be here and gone and I'll be on the road to recovery. Phase one, right?

    BeHereNow...just "Grandma's spaghetti" a special spaghetti dish? Sounds homey and comforting!

    Have a great w/e all. I'll be back on Tuesday to let you know how it went!


  • kobrien
    kobrien Member Posts: 11
    edited March 2013


    You don't have to be brave. I don't think a single person on here would be able to say they haven't felt exactly how your feeling. I'm still falling apart and still trying to figure out how to get out of having to do chemo. It's been the only thing consuming my thoughts.

    Comfort food, a good movie and a good friend sounds like exactly what you need tonight.

    I hope your able to enjoy your night.


  • melissa119
    melissa119 Member Posts: 127
    edited March 2013

    Hi ladies! For everyone waiting on the start of treatment.... You can do it!!!! Believe me! It's not a piece of cake but it is totally doable!! And I know it's hard the waiting to start but once you do you will feel much better and know what to expect. The fear of the unknown is worse than the actual treatment. Really. Anyway enjoy your weekend! Your comfort food! Your family and friends! And get ready to beat this thing! Good luck and try to relax :-)


  • BeHereNow
    BeHereNow Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2013

    LittleLulu, the spaghetti sauce is passed down from an Italian great step-grandmother, lol. It is northern Italian. The flavorings include onions, celery tops, garlic, parsley, cinnamon, and allspice (just a little). If you want the recipe I can PM you!

    Kerri, thanks for the reassurance. It really helps.

    Melissa119, Thank you! I do believe you. And how nice of you to take the time to encourage us newbies! How are you doing now?

  • BeHereNow
    BeHereNow Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2013

    Oh, and I'll be thinking of you Monday, LittleLulu. Just breathe! Hugs

  • melissa119
    melissa119 Member Posts: 127
    edited March 2013

    Littlelulu... Thinking of you on Monday. You will do fine :-). I had a BMX and recovery was ok. Not as bad as your mind is telling you! Just stay positive. Rest when you have to and keep up on the pain meds. Keep moving though cause it def helps with recovery but watch the reaching over your shoulders for a bit! You can do it!!

    Beherenow... I am great thanks. I love checking up on the boards and helping anyone out that needs it. All these ladies were there when I needed them and now I feel like there was a reason for everything I went they if I can help others :-). I finished chemo last nov and just had my exchange surgery Tuesday. Feels great to have the expanders out :-).


  • kobrien
    kobrien Member Posts: 11
    edited March 2013

    Does anyone know if it's possible to get cytoxan alone? My MO wants to give me cytoxan/taxotere x4 every 3 weeks.. And I've heard such horrible things about taxotere that I really don't want it.. My BS said cytoxan is very well tolerated-- but this taxotere seems like is going to be more than rough.

    I have my chemo teaching appt this coming Tuesday and want to schedule another appt with the MO before I agrees to start this stuff..

    I have a real deep fear of meds- I lost my 9 year old son 13 yrs ago to a rare allergic reaction to an antibiotic and now I'm going to have poison infused into my body.. Doesn't seem like there's enough Ativan in the world to help me get through this treatment.

    I have a small micrometastises in my sentinel node (0.38mm) and they tell me that I really need the chemo..



  • PositiveThnking
    PositiveThnking Member Posts: 37
    edited March 2013

    Kobrien -  I'm on the TCH regimine.  Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin.   The side effects I have from the Taxotere are minimal.  The only one my MO said I will most likely experience (haven't yet) is the neuropathy.  I'm on a B100 B-complex vitamin and a 100 mg of alpha-lipoic acid daily to help prevent it.   Other than that all my SEs are: runny nose (with pink the 1st round, hardly at all the 2nd) mild nausea the first couple days, fatigue, loose bowel movements with occasional diarrhea, dry mouth.  Overall totally doable.  The biggest concern is the nadir and for me the Neulasta kicked in on day 5 and my counts where back up where they should be.  So for me the first 7-8 days to nadir is the one where I want to protect myself the most.

    Hope that helps.

  • TMM60
    TMM60 Member Posts: 121
    edited March 2013

    Kerri, I am so sorry about your son- that's a terrible tragedy and it's totally understandable that you would be afraid given that history. I've had 2 of 4 rounds of taxotere and cytoxan. The week before my first treatment I was so fearful and anxious. I discovered that the treatment was much easier than I feared. Yes, I've had side effects- all of them are totally tolerable (fatigue, hair loss, fleeting nausea the first few days, constipation, neuropathy on the second week that goes away by the third week, runny nose, dry skin, thrush and a few mouth sores on the first week post treatment, loss of taste for a week). I had an allergic reaction to the taxotere at the start of the second infusion- but it was easily handled with some benadryl, steroids and slowing the infusion. Truly, the worst thing is the hair loss and that is temporary. Check out the cute headcovers at

    I wish I could reach and (((hug))) all of you getting ready to do your first chemo. I know the fear and anxiety. But take courage from those of us that are further down the path. You can do this!

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited March 2013

    Posiive thoughts to you LittleLulu.  Check in after surgery when you are up for it.  We'll be cheering you on for a speedy recovery!  

    To all of us: You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only option.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited March 2013

    Melissa119 - Congrats on the exchange! Yippee:)) and thanks for the encouragement...

    Kerri - Sorry to hear about your son. A child is a hard loss...we lost a son 5 years ago April very difficult. Understandable that fear & doubt creep in. Hopefully the encouragement of your sisters here will help you as you move forward in tx with a battle plan that will kick c to the curb. Sending calming, confident, positive thoughts.

    Rest well warriors!

  • Starynights
    Starynights Member Posts: 64
    edited March 2013

    KOBRIEN....I get the taxotere and cytoxan and I think I have done well. No vomiting at all, very very slight nausea a few times, just lots of fatigue. I have IBS so dont think Im able to give an unbiased view of the stomach upsets as a broiled chicken breast can sometimes send me running to the bathroom. But even that has been very manageable. The only thing I had an issue with was the Neulasta shot. Took the claritin but still had severe bone pain. I got this the day after the chemo so Im not sure how many of my side effects were from the shot or the chemo. On day nine I was good to go ! Started taking care of my grands again. A very active 2 year old and a six month old. I wont say Im not tired at the end of the day but this is certainly manageable. Best of luck to you sweetie making the best decision for your treatment. Please feel free to PM me if you have any other questions.


  • BeHereNow
    BeHereNow Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2013

    Angie, this is great to hear. I'm so glad you're doing well :)

    Happy Monday, everyone!

  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited March 2013

    Good afternoon everyone! Today, I'm having a sort of "eeeh" moment. After surgery, I found out that my tumor margin to the skin was less than 1mm, which puts me in the possible rads category. Trying to avoid rads was a factor in my decision for my BMX, so this was kind of bummy news (since I opted for immediate DIEP reconstruction). I certainly didn't want the new girl radiated since I'm just starting to get used to things! :p. well whatever board/panel the doctors got together on, the radiation oncologist suggested I didn't need rads according to my BS, but my BS suggested I met with the RO anyways to talk things through. I did schedule the RO appointment (but its in 2 weeks). I'm wondering if I will end up learning more info that might stress me out some more. Sigh....

    Additionally thank you gals for sharing the chemo questions, stories, and answers. I've kind of stayed out of the chemo threads for now until I know what my treatment plan is. It's very useful info to me. Hope everyone is having a great day and kicking butt in their surgeries, rads, and chemo infusions with minimal bummy SEs!

  • LittleLulu
    LittleLulu Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2013

    Good morning everyone! Monday's surgery was as successful as I had hoped...nodes were clear and PS was able to complete one-step implant! Only one drain. So, good news all around. I am in very little discomfort. Not sure if pain level will rise as days go by but so far I feel pretty darn good.

    I stayed one night at hospital...had a private room (don't know why and didn't ask! LOL) which was like a lovely hotel room. I could have enjoyed staying much longer  but you know how they get you up and out ASAP.

    Only issue I have right now is watching out for jumping cats (!!) and keeping my dog off my lap. She doesn't understand but will have to adapt.

    Thanks again, everyone, for your well wishes and all paid off!


  • Donnabelle
    Donnabelle Member Posts: 140
    edited March 2013

    Great news nancy! Clear nodes is a hugh relief! Thanks for letting us know. It's great for people like me who haven't had the surgery yet to hear a positive story! Glad to hear you are feeling fine.
