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2013 Sister Warriors



  • BeHereNow
    BeHereNow Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2013

    Anyone have post surgical pain and burning on the surface of your skin? Slowly over the last couple of weeks this pain has developed on the underside of my arms, near my armpit, and all across my chest. Tylenol is no help. I'm afrid this will be a lasting problem!

  • Denise51
    Denise51 Member Posts: 23
    edited March 2013


    Just LOVE the poster! 


  • Adavisart
    Adavisart Member Posts: 26
    edited March 2013

    BeHereNow call your doctor you may need to let the doctor take a look to make sure all is normal and rest y our mind or get medication if needed.

    I have my second chemo tomorrow morning! I am getting a lower dose this time because my liver enzymes were too high after the first treatment and I had diarreah for two weeks and three times the third week. I lost eight pounds which I needed to lose anyway.

    My hair was falling out everywhere so my fiance shaved my head for me yesterday and I cried my eyes out last night. Now I am done crying and am working my new Sinead O'Connor look.

    Has anyone else with expanders been getting Neulasta and then feeling like the expanders are ready to jump out of your skin?

    My first chemo I got thrush and an under arm infection that had cleared up from after the mastectomy returned. I am praying that these dont happen again.

    Love and virtual hugs to all the Sister Warriors out there!! Xxxooo

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited March 2013

    Good night Adavisart

    Sending sweet dreams good thoughts for your second chemo tomorrow. I'll be in your pocket your chemo buddy...(((hugs)))


  • TMM60
    TMM60 Member Posts: 121
    edited March 2013

    BehereNow- I had a lumpectomy and SNB and had super sensitivity of the skin and  incisional area for more than a month- I couldn't stand for bed sheets to touch it nor my clothes. Then it went away. I suspect that was irritation of the nerves from the incision. Ask you BS about it since your case might be different- but I suspect its a normal part of the healing.

  • Adavisart
    Adavisart Member Posts: 26
    edited March 2013

    Thank you Cindy!!

  • pacools
    pacools Member Posts: 35
    edited March 2013

    Love the poster Renee.  JPH glad you posted it helps all of us keep track of those we need to cheer along the road.

  • Cjacquet4
    Cjacquet4 Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    I just came across this group and loved the vibes that you all give each other. I was diagonosed with BC on January 9,2013. I recently had a mastectomy on my left breast and recovery from it. Surgery turned out good. Two sentile nodes where removed and tested negative. But the pathology read that "metastatic adenocarcinoma in an axillary tail lymph node". From what my breast surgon translated that means that there was cancer in tail lymph node. (?)

    I'm not so good with all these terms just yet lol

    Has anyone had this pathology results? My breast surgeon says that he thinks I'll need chemo. I don't see the oncologist until April 5th. What do u think? Will they give me chemo? Are there different levels of chemo? Meaning some are more harsh than other. Ugh some of my questions might sound stupid and sorry for that just so confused.

    I'm a teacher and have been out of work for a month now. I've had this group of students for 3 yrs now and I'm debating weather I'll be able to return to them before the school year ends (June). Miss my kiddies and they are super sad too. I have to FaceTime with them weekly.

    Thanks ladies for listening. This is my first time posting on any forum.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited March 2013

    Cjacquet~~You don't say where you live. Is there a breast oncologist near you? I get treated at a comprehensive breast center. All the surgeons, oncologists, plastic surgeons, and radiation oncologists work with breast cancer patients only.

    I have so much more confidence in them than in general oncologists.

    If there were any cancerous cells in the nodes at all. Even just one. They should highly recommend chemo. If they don't, please get a second or even third opinion. This is your life, and you have to get the best advice you can get, so you know how to fight this.

    I'm sorry that none of the BC fighting chemos come without side effects, but you can do this.

    None of your questions sound stupid. We've all been where you are now. You can ask anything, and discuss anything on here. There is no such thing as TMI on this forum.

    The worst part of this whole ordeal, journey, whatever you choose to call it, is the waiting. Once you know your treatment plan, and get started on it, you will feel so much more in control.

    Wishing you the best.




  • Cjacquet4
    Cjacquet4 Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2013

    Hi Paula,

    I live in NYC. I had great breast surgeon and plastic that are not part of a cancer center. I'm now going to Sloan Kettering for my treatment.

    I know chemo will be tough. How long do people usually get chemo for ?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited March 2013

    Cjacquet~~Most people get chemo 4-6 rounds, either bi-weekly or tri-weekly. This may be followed by a Taxane...either Taxol or Taxetere, that is given in 4 bi-weekly treatments or 12 weekly ones.

    I got Adria/cytoxan 4X every 3rd week. I finished that on Feb. 8. This Friday I get the 4th of 12 weekly Taxol. It's so much easier than A/C was. So far my side effects have been minimal.

    I've heard great things about Sloan Kettering.



  • Cjacquet4
    Cjacquet4 Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2013

    Thanks Paula! I'm so glad I've found this group. :-)

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited March 2013

    Claudia - Welcome, we are fierce warriors! Glad your surgery went well, but sad that you have been left waiting so long before clarification of your path report. Waiting is so hard...I hope another warrior will be able to share info that will help and encourage you. Try not to run ahead, but breathe and focus on today.

    Is there a cancer center in your area? I attend a breast cancer support group and have gleaned so much from those ladies...I pray you will find support in your area and possibly your MO will move up your appointment ... Ask to step into any cancellation spots.

    Thankful for FaceTime...your kiddies miss you inspire:))



  • BeHereNow
    BeHereNow Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2013

    Soteria205-- I am in the same situation. I have micromet in my sentinel node. My BS said probably no chemo. Will you help me understand why you think any cancer in the node means chemo? I want to make sure I'm prepared for my appointment! Thank you!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited March 2013

    BeHereNow~~In Cjacquet's case, its an axilary node that's affected. That's the nodes from the armpit. In that case, cancer cells have moved beyond the breast. Surgery gets the cancer out, but we want to use WMD (Weapons of Mass Distruction...if you will) to kill any cancer cells before they can attach elsewhere in the body.

    I'm sorry, that I know little or nothing about the sentinel nodes. I hope someone else on here can answer your question.



  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited March 2013

    Adavisart--back some pages Paula shared how to deal with thrush (baking soda rinse?) and some other chemo tips.  I'm not as far along as you, so I wish I had more insights to share.  

    Claudia--You and I are kind of on the same dx, time frame (I see oncologist April 4).  My tumor was sent out for oncotype dx testing.  That will be a factor in deciding whether I get chemo, to reduce my chance of recurrence.  I had absolutely no node involvement but chemo is still on the table.  My tumor is grade 2, I had 3 cancer tumors...all these things factor into consideration of determining chemo.  I've never heard your particular finding (metastatic adenocarcinoma in an axillary tail lymph node).  Do you know what your cancer was staged at?

    Katie, I wish I understood things well enough to have an explanation for you.  What I do know is I your cancer was small, and a grade 1 tumor means it is slow growing.

  • nyama
    nyama Member Posts: 38
    edited March 2013

    Hi everyone.  As great as this group is, it's one that I wish I weren't a part of...but here I am!  I just got my biopsy results back today and all I know so far is that it's IDC Grade 2.  Waiting for more results to get more details.

    In the meantime, I have an appointment with a surgical oncologist on April 2 and am waiting for the call-back to set up an appointment with a medical oncologist.  This is still pretty surreal.  Love the positive, supportive energy here, though!

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited March 2013

    Welcome Nyama! Yes, this is an elite group that really doesn't want to see our membership grow, but we are glad we can stand together.

    The waiting is so hard...this site has great info so don't wander off stay here for your info. If you have a breast cancer center in your area visit a support will learn so much and may help in forming your BC team. Once you have a plan of attack you will begin to feel control coming back...stand strong warrior...we are standing with you!



  • Cjacquet4
    Cjacquet4 Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2013

    Thanks Cindy! Yea I have been meaning to find a group in my area. It would be nice to talk with those who have been through this.

    My cancer stage is 2a.

  • meni33
    meni33 Member Posts: 21
    edited March 2013

    Soteria205 - our treatment plan is similar, I will be having AC and Taxol once every 2 weeks for 8 treatments.

    How were your side effects with the AC? Did you feel sick all the time or was it ok?

    I feel like I want to be mentally prepared before it actually happens.

  • JPH
    JPH Member Posts: 14
    edited March 2013

    So much is happening here - more than ever imagined.  I went back to the radialogist office yesterday to be remarked with the sharpie for my first treatment March 25.  Does anyone know why that was so far in-advance, I was marked March 8 for a first treatment of March 25?  Another question - should I get the tattoo markings when I go for the first treatment?  Pros Cons!!??

    Thanks and I will continue to think of all the warriors out on the war path!

  • Cece1992
    Cece1992 Member Posts: 12
    edited March 2013

    Hey, Sister Warriors!  I'll come back tomorrow and catch up on what I haven't read here, but I wanted to drop by and holler my good news!

    I had a lumpectomy today.  Now I'm sitting here with a bit more pain than I expected, but I do have pain medication and some excellent news.

    My sentinel lymph nodes came back with no cancer!  So they took no more of them, glued me together, and I have a huge feeling of relief.

    Just wanted to share.  Sealed

  • JPH
    JPH Member Posts: 14
    edited March 2013

    Wonderful news cece1992!!!

  • LisaMM
    LisaMM Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2013

    Cece- yay for you! I also had a lumpectomy & the ice pack was my best friend! In fact, I only used my pain pills very soaringly because the cold worked better. Happy for your good news!

  • meni33
    meni33 Member Posts: 21
    edited March 2013

    Congrats Cece thats great news, I also had a lumpectomy 2 weeks ago and I am still having bit of pain under my arm where the biopsy was done. I stopped taking meds so hopefully I will feel normal again.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited March 2013

    Cece - Yippee! Happy Dancing lumpx done & clear nodes:)). Amazing how the mind pressure eases once surgery is complete. Stay on top of the pain meds the first 24-48 will be surprise how well your body will rally back. Sending healing thoughts ((hugs)).

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited March 2013

    JPH - not sure why the large time gap.

    I went in 3/8 for measurements and tats then 3/13 for simulation during which they used markers to ID area to receive rads & 2 stickers...3/14 began rads...they drew nice little circles around my tats so they can find them...markings come off in the shower and a sticker stuck to my cami...but no big deal they just cross checked and put new sticker on.

    Tats are so small like a tiny freckle thus techs mark with little circles to find.

    I would call your RO office and ask to talk with the person who did your marking and ask why.

    Each office may be different...but the sharpie will come off bathing...just no way not to wash ask and until aloe your skin and hydrate.

    Remember the light is only on for about a minute off rotates and another pain just a mind'll do fine and 3/25 is only a few days away :)))

    Take care


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited March 2013

    Meni33~~I NEVER had nausea with AC. I was given Zophran, decadron (steroid), and Emend, before infusion. I was told to take the steroid for 3 days after treatment, but to take Compazine for nausea as needed. It was never needed. I still have the entire bottle.

    I did lose my tastebuds for a few days. (I refer to this as Dead Skunk Taste) I had fatigue, 2 days of chills but no fever, and sometimes was short of breath.

    My AC was every 3 weeks, so I didn't get Neulasta. The shortness of breath was caused by low red blood count.

    I never got mouth sores or thrush either. I used simple home remedies to counter that.

    Starting on day of treatment I took an acidophilus every morning for several days, and tried to eat a yogurt. Those are natural ways to preserve the good bacteria, and keep thrush at bay. I made a mixture of 1TBS of table salt and 1 TSP of baking soda, and rinsed my mouth about 4 times a day. That keeps mouth sores away.

    I get my 4th weekly Taxol this Friday. It's so much easier than AC.

    I hope this helps. If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

    Cece~~Congratulations on no positive nodes.



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited March 2013

    Meni33~~I forgot to say, I mixed the baking soda/salt mixture with a quart of water. Rinse and spit. I even brushed my teeth with it sometimes.


  • meni33
    meni33 Member Posts: 21
    edited March 2013

    Thanks Paula for the info and tips