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2013 Sister Warriors



  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited May 2013

    Ugh, I hate waiting for test results :(. Try to enjoy the weekend Lauralind5 (I know easy to say...hang in there!)

    Glad you found us new IDC sisters, but sorry to have to see this group get bigger.

    I just found out my treatment plan (finally!!). Looks like I get tamoxifen/lupron. It's always fun to get handed multiple sheets of paper by the doctors office on dealing with side effects. Maybe I can finally be warm in my ice chest office at work for once when I start hot flashing... :)

  • Lauralind5
    Lauralind5 Member Posts: 158
    edited May 2013

    Thanks. It's so agonizing to wait!

    I'm glad you got your plan. Tough time of year coming up for hot flashes!

  • lpc
    lpc Member Posts: 39
    edited May 2013

    I am wondering what s muga scan is? Before chemo I had a pet scan and echocardigram but never heard of muga scan


  • Lauralind5
    Lauralind5 Member Posts: 158
    edited May 2013

    Lpc it's a heart scan where they use a radioisotope tracer and then it takes pictures of your heart function. It was painless except the cold hard table in a cold room

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2013

    How is everyone doing today?!  Thinking of you all.  For our newer sisters, we know the simultaneous feeling of being overwhelmed (with understanding this, going through tests, etc.) and the frustration of waiting/not knowing.  Stinks.  Hoping everyone is dealing OK w/their treatments.  Cuetang, are you feeling good about your treatment plan?

  • lpc
    lpc Member Posts: 39
    edited May 2013

    Feeling lighter...finally pooped! Found myself quite tired and achey last night hoping for better today. Will make myself walk a bit today and get systems moving.

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2013

    Yea pooping! 

  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited May 2013

    I echo Renee's sentiments about the stickiness of learning about all the BC stuff and the crappiness of waiting for tests and so forth. I've found so much support here and advice. Hang in there IDC sisters! (And cheers for feeling lighter! :) ).

    Renee--thanks for asking. I'm not comfortable with things, but after grilling my "medical team" and going for second opinions about things, I figured this will be as comfortable as I can get. The MO is doing a similar process as you, one thing first, then adding another so my body won't be overwhelmed by the drugs. Tamoxifen first for a few months, then throw in lupron. I hope your SEs have been ok!

  • VAL1966
    VAL1966 Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2013

    Hi everyone ... Fairly new at this. I'm 46 and was diagnosed with IDC on April 5. Had a right breast mastectomy on April 19 with axillary lymph node removal. I'm recovering well from surgery. Meet with the surgeon tomorrow morning to go over the pathology report and start planning treatment ! So glad I found all of you!!

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited May 2013

    Hi y'all

    Val1966 - welcome to a great band of warriors! Sending good thoughts for speedy healing ad the best path report!

    Cuetang - finally a plan! Baby steps forward...preventive maintenance ...fingers&toes crossed minimal SEs :))

    Renee - you're plans similar ..sending happy clam confident forward plans:))

    Lpc - my how the simple body functions are gr8 poop:))) hope your feeling better after chemo wk(((squeeze))) in your pocket:)

    Lauralindi - hope your test rsults are good:)

    It's been a long 4-6 months lx rads and now a month off to heal then tamoxifen :)



  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2013

    Hi Val, glad you found us and that recovery is going well.  Please let us know how your meeting goes. 

    Cuetang, I get where you are coming from, and you are so dang young.  We dodged chemo and rads, but still, the hormone therapy is taking a decisive approach to prevent recurrence.  I think it will be important to focus on diet, lifestyle, too.  And at some point, I think we need to get to our new normal day to day living.  We can't put this all on a shelf and forget it, but we can have a full life where dealing with BC isn't at the center of it.

    Enjoy your sabbatical from tx Cindy!

  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited May 2013

    Lauralind5-- hope you got great test results! *hugs*

    Val-- hope to hear how your appointment went!

    Renee-- great words of advice there. :)

    Cindy-- thanks for the encouragement and hurray for a break before tamoxifen.

    Hope the rest of the IDC sisters are doing well and forging ahead with your BC treatments with minimal SEs!

  • JPH
    JPH Member Posts: 14
    edited May 2013

    I am doctor free until July 11 when I see the surgeon and the RO!  Yea, now if only I did not have to start taking arimidex tomorrow! 

    So sorry to see the group continue to grow,  I wish I knew then what I know now - not sure I would have ever taken FEM HRT.  Way too many risk - wish we could get the word out to others before they join our club!

    Hang in there ladies - this too shall pass!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited May 2013

    JPH~~Do you already know that taking Claritin or the generic of it (Loratidine) will help a good bit with bone pain associated with arimidex? You can get the generic at the dollar stores.



  • Lauralind5
    Lauralind5 Member Posts: 158
    edited May 2013

    Wow what a longgg day. I met all the members of the multidisciplinary team today. My head is still spinning. The pet scan showed that I don't have mets outside of the lymph nodes but it did show multiple lymph node involvement in my left arm pit. Also I'm a triple negative and was staged at 3c. Sigh. So in a week I start neoadjuvant chemo ACT for 16 weeks. Wow.

    Thank you for all the good wishes. While it wasn't the best news it certainly wasn't the worst it could have been and for that I'm grateful

    Hugs to all

  • Jude123
    Jude123 Member Posts: 20
    edited May 2013

    Good Morning ladies.. I am recovery well from my LX on 4-30-13. I started radiation on Monday via Mammosite and I am starting to feel the yuckiness from it. It came on so suddenly, one minute I was feeling good and then it was boom and it hit hard. Friday will be the last day, so really I am blessed to have to only endure the side affects for only one week compared to the standard 6-7 weeks.  Best wishes and speedy recovery to all the new women that have just join, the information on this forum have been so helpful and the positive vibes are awesome. Stay strong!


  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2013

    Oh Laura, I wish the news was better.  I'm so glad you're not facing mets.  Still such a shocker.  (((((hugs))))).  I don't think anyone else here is triple negative (?).  You'll be on a different tx course than others here.  We will root you through chemo, and all the rest.  In case you haven't crossed it, there's a tips for getting ready for chemo thread:  And Paula, gives great information.

    JPH--enjoy your hiatus from drs! 

    Jude, glad to hear recover is going well.  Interesting that you have such a short radiation treatment time line--that's great!

  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited May 2013

    Lauralind5-- I don't think I could've put my thoughts any better than Renee did there, glad its not mets. Keep that chin up IDC sister and kick this cancer sucker outta you!

    Jude-- yay for the last session today!

  • JPH
    JPH Member Posts: 14
    edited May 2013

    I did not know that! Thanks,Paula!  I already take the generic so maybe I will keep the SE's at bay!  I sure hope so.  I have a friend who has done year one and is tolerating it well, I hope for the same!

    Thanks for the tip!!!


  • Maakmezorgen
    Maakmezorgen Member Posts: 20
    edited May 2013

    I had my lumpectomy last week and am feeling good. Hoping that now everything will start rolling. Have an appoinment this week to see if the margins were clear enough and hopefully I will find out more about when I start the rest of my treatments and what they will be. As I have another appointment scheduled at the end of the month, I have a feeling I will have to wait for that.... We will see.

    Have been reading some stories on radiation and the effects thereof. I was kind of under the impression it would be pretty "easy" and that I would maybe feel a little bit tired and get some skin issues. But I have now been reading that some people are not just a little bit tired but seriously tired. Guess everyone reacts differntly.

    Hope you are all doing well, hang in there!

  • TMM60
    TMM60 Member Posts: 121
    edited May 2013

    Maakmezorgen- I'm just about to start rads so I can't speak from experience yet, but I can tell you that I am still pretty tired from 3 months of chemo going in to it- so I think that might be factor. We'll see!

    Glad you are feeling good after surgery. Hopefully your waiting will be over soon and you will get good news!

  • Maakmezorgen
    Maakmezorgen Member Posts: 20
    edited May 2013

    Thanks TMM60! That must be hard too, to first have chemo and then go into rads. Hope it won't be too bad.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited May 2013

    Hi Warriors!

    Maakmezorgen & TMM60 - yeah your ready to start rads...moving forward:). I'm 2 wks post rads 28 full + 5 boosts and my skin is doing well and fatigue was minimal. I think the key has been hydration & eating well & rest, but HYDRATION is critical. Keep a check list or a jug filled with h2o to ensure you reach your daily quota. Rads is a daily grind which in itself is wearing and mental. Be kind to yourself ease up on your schedule and pamper yourself.

    You both will rock rads!

    Jude - congrats on completing rads! Yippee:)

    Laura - wish the path report had been better, but your team has a good p,an of attack for you. We're in your pocket during chemo!

    Wow, we've all come so far...brave warriors!



  • nyama
    nyama Member Posts: 38
    edited May 2013

    Hi everyone --  I also posted this in another thread, but just got back from the MO's office for follow-up and to--finally--get my Oncotype score.  My score is .... 0!!!  Zero!  They called the lab to double-check before they gave it to me and apparently, yes, sometimes people end up with a zero score and I'm one of them.  I'm her first in all her years of practice, though, so it was kind of fun.  I think she was almost more excited than I was!  She even took my report home to print it before my visit so I could have it in color, rather than just the black and white they do in the office. LOL  I'm just happy to not be having chemo, whether that's with a 0, a 10, or a 17!   Now I can get on with the radiation and Arimidex.  A definite treatment plan at last!  After all these weeks of waiting for one thing or another it's such a relief.  So, Yay!  Rads, here I come!  Thanks for the words of advice, RMlulu.  Stocking up on soothing lotions and healthy foods.

    Hugs to everyone.  

  • TMM60
    TMM60 Member Posts: 121
    edited May 2013

    Nyama- that is so FABULOUS! For once, a score of zero is a good thing unlike math exams or bowlingTongue Out

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited May 2013

    Yippee! Nyama! A zero! :))) glad you have a plan in place!

    Fight on warrior!

  • Maakmezorgen
    Maakmezorgen Member Posts: 20
    edited May 2013

    Right, so today I got some very hopefull news! I might not need chemo!! My margins were clear, the tumor was 1.6 cm, grade 1, sentinel node was clear, so considering all this I would not need chemo. The only reason they might advise chemo anyways is my age. The nurse said she thought the chance of me still getting chemo was small but still there. I will know on Friday, fingers crossed!!

    I asked about hormone treatement and all she said was that my tumor was highly hormone receptive but with no chemo I wouldn't need hormone treatment either. This sounds a bit strange to me, does anyone know if it works this way?

    So Friday will be my big day, I will finally know my treatment plan and hopefully hear I just need rads and nothing else. Have already done a little happy dance but keeping the BIG dance for Friday!

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited May 2013

    Maakmezorgen - got my dancing shoes on and ready to happy dance with you. Great news clear margins and nodes! Yippee! Moisturize the girl and enjoy your down time:). You've done good brave warrior!



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited May 2013

    Maakmezorge~~I've seen many ladies on these threads who didn't need chemo, but I believe all of us who are hormone receptive DO get arimidex, tamoxifen, or one of the other ESDs. (Estrogen Sucking Drugs )

    If they don't reccomend those for you, I'd get a 2nd opinion.



  • GoWithTheFlow
    GoWithTheFlow Member Posts: 22
    edited May 2013

    Hi Laura, I'm also triple negative.  Finished chemo on 5/9/13 and surgery is scheduled for 5/22/13.