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2013 Sister Warriors



  • TeamKim
    TeamKim Member Posts: 301
    edited September 2013

    Thanks for the support, keepthefaith. I don't have a port -- evidentially I have "good veins" and with only 4 treatments, MO feels I don't need it.

    Adriamycin was never mentioned for me, perhaps because of the Mammaprint results -- but I do have heart disease in my family on both sides, and I know A is hard on the heart, so I am thankful. I have been following the TC thread here on these boards, and seems that regimen is common for my profile. My MO says in my case, the HT will probably do more for reducing my recurrence risk than the chemo, but the research that would establish that still has a few more years to go before the data can be considered conclusive. Also, since I had so much imaging before surgery, we are pretty sure that all cancer that was there is gone with surgery, margins were clear, and no node involvement at all.

    I was terrified of chemo too, and this part of treatment has been the most difficult emotionally since my Dx, but I want to see DS graduate from college (he's a freshman) and married, and I would like to meet my grandkids one day. If 4 treatments with a few days of SEs and wearing hats for 6-8 months is the ticket to all that joy, then I can get through it. TC seems to have SEs that are pretty manageable for most, so I feel fortunate. The gals on the TC board reassure me that for most of us the nervous anticipation is much worse than the reality.

    While there are some potential SEs with rads, mostly it is the fatigue and the every-day-ness of it. Luckily I will have infusions and rads only 5 minutes from home, so that will help. As for HT, I am postmenapause and have been taking Actonel for osteopenia. The HT will take the place of Actonel and have the extra benefit of keeping BC at bay.

    So that's way more info than you probably wanted.... Good to know another sister who is sharing this part of the journey. Good luck to you as well -- keep us posted!

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited September 2013


    I am not sure what my chemo regimen will be yet. I see that ACT has been the standard of care for several yrs. Seems like my first MO said that they are doing more and more of the TC now than they used to. I know a lot depends on the tumor, etc.  I am praying that it is an option for me. But, I guess neither one is going to be a walk in the park! Smile

    Did your MO recommend a flu shot prior to starting chemo?

    Have a great Monday, ladies!

  • taguekids6
    taguekids6 Member Posts: 32
    edited September 2013

    Keepthefaith and SwoosieQue,

    Welcome, these ladies are awesome. Only been here myself for a couple of weeks but have found so much information and most importantly, the best support ever. Such loving, kind and compassionate ladies here.


    I personally decided to have both breasts removed. My initial gut feeling was to have a mx on the breast the cancer was found in. Then after several more diag mammos and ultrasounds, an MRI and 2 more biopsies that found some "very funky cellular changes" in my other breast, I decided to have them remove both. It was a no brainer for me. It kept knawing at the back of my mind that, that's what I needed to do for me to feel better over the next 20 yrs as I finished raising my kids.

    My decision was confirmed just before I was taken back for the surgery. My surgeon came in after I was prepped and told me he thought I definately did the right thing. He believed I would be back in 1, maybe 2 yrs with BC again, if I had just done the LX's.

    Then, after my surgery, I found out a secondary tumor was found containing DCIS.

    It is definately a personal decision. One that should be made by YOU, with the help of medical advice. Every woman's cancer is different and what was right for me, may not be right for you.

    Will be praying for your wisdom and dicernment.

    By the way, I think it's normal to be torn. I don't think it's over anylizing at all. It is a major life changing event in your life and you are entitled to think about and anylize it as much as you need to. <3


  • LizzyinMI
    LizzyinMI Member Posts: 34
    edited September 2013

    Have not posted before.  Diagnosed in March of this year and did chemo first which I finished at the beginning of September.  I did not really have any SE with the chemo other than fatigue.  I was really excited a month ago to finally be able to schedule my surgery and get on with the treatment process (radiation and Arimidex).  The MRI I had last month shows that the two lumps I had are gone and the node that tested positive in the biopsy appears normal and there is nothing else that looks suspicious.  So all appears good.  My lumpectomy and sentinel node removal are scheduled for Wednesday, day after tomorrow, and now for the last few days I'm getting all uptight, nervous and scared.  Driving myself nuts!  And it doesn't help that I'm having trouble eating because my jaw is swollen due to tripping on a curb and slamming my chin into the sidewalk.  Urg! 

    Thanks for letting me vent.  Time to get out and go for my walk.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited September 2013

    Welcome to the club none of us really wanted to join, but you will find the gals here are so supportive and have great advice, feel free to ask any ?? you want. I really dont think anything is off limits. Sure understand why you are nervous, I would have to believe everyone of us were at some point.. it is normal. I did not have chemo, so dont have first hand experience with that, but I would guess you may be thru the worst of the treatments, glad to hear you handled chemo well, what a plus that is. And the lumps are gone!! Great! We are all here for you, keep us posted. and OUCH, sounds like you took a terrible tumble.. your surgery will be over soon and the healing will begin.


  • TeamKim
    TeamKim Member Posts: 301
    edited September 2013

    Keepthefaith -- yes, MO said get a flu shot, but two weeks or more before chemo so the immunity has kicked in. Figure since I work at a college that was prudent.

    LizzyinMI -- welcome, and know that you are normal! I asked and got permission to take Xanax the day of my surgery, which really helped me handle the procedures before the surgery and deal patiently with schlepping around the hospital from one department to another (SNB injections and tracking imaging in nuclear medicine, wire localization by US and confirming mammogram in breast center, then to out patient surgery = hours). The Xanax helped a ton with my anxiety, which was considerable. It all turned out to be much better than I had anticipated in the end (usually the way, I am a worry wart). Check out the lumpectomy thread under surgeries as well -- great gals there who will help out with any questions. I am 8 weeks post surgery, but still check in with the "Lumpies."

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited September 2013

    Thanks TeamKim re: flu shot! Will confirm w/MO on Thursday!

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited September 2013

    LizzyinMi, Welcome to the thread. Sorry you found yourself here. I am just starting my journey in the BC world. I'm sure I will need some of your advice soon! It's good to hear that there are those that experience minimal SE'S! Good for you!

    Thanks Taquekids for your input! I am done thinking about it, finally, and know what I want to do, if BS concurs.

    Thanks again to all of you ladies-you are awesome!

  • taguekids6
    taguekids6 Member Posts: 32
    edited October 2013

    ((((((((((((((hugs and prayers)))))))))))))))))) to everyone today. 9 more days to confirm my need for chemo. All the waiting in between different things is THE WORST!

    Have lots to keep my mind off of it though. For any of you who are prayer warriors, could really use some for some things going on that DON'T involve cancer! It actually feels good to know life moves on beyond the BC diagnosis.

    Anywho, my hubby and I are foster parents. We took in our 2 yr old when he was 4mths old. Going through term. of parental rights in the courts for him right now, so we can adopt. We just got word Friday that his baby sister, 9mths, needs us. We told them yes and are waiting to hear when this transfer will happen.

    Of course, it's not the best time in the world, I can't even pick HIM up right now but she NEEDS us too. Prayers would just be appreciated for a smooth transition when she comes and if I do need chemo, I will have minimal side effects. So grateful for all the help and support from my family. My kids are awesome and so is my hubby and all my extended family. Everyone is geared up to help with this new little one.

    Thanks ahead of time for the prayers! <3


  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013


    Prayers going out to you and your family, that the decisions you are making now will be the right ones and that your strength endures throughout your treatment, whatever it may be.

    I understand your fear of having chemo and the SE's. I am sure I will be having chemo and it is a very hard thing to wrap your mind around. God will carry you through. I will be meeting with an MO for a 2nd opinion on the chemo regimen they are recommending. I am worried about possible heart issues, since heart disease runs in my family...praying that I make the right choices.

    Bless you for taking on such a challenge with all else you are facing! God's timing is always perfect, though! Those babies will give you hope and strength that you never thought possible!


  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited October 2013

    Prayiing for God's guidance for you in all ways. My prayer is no chemo to begin with.. 

  • LizzyinMI
    LizzyinMI Member Posts: 34
    edited October 2013

    Thanks for the kind words.  Feeling much calmer today, weird.  Today i'm just waiting for the hospital to call and let me know where I need to be when. Though second guessing somewhat my decision to have the lumpecotmy over masectomy.  Sigh.

    I am grateful that my chemo SE were mild.  Worse that I had was with my first batch of A/C treatment - a bit of a sour stomach but nothing that some vernors and a good belch couldn't help.  I really did not need the anti-nausea meds that were prescribed for me.  What I didn't like about the A/C treatment is that I had to go back the next day for a neulesta (sp?) shot to boost my white blood cell production.  That made my bones ache.  Good thing I only had four of those.  The A/C was four treatments over eight weeks then I had taxol for 11 weeks.  I had no problem with the taxol, just tired.  I lost my hair after the second A/C treatment.  But even that wasn't so traumatic, maybe because I had short hair to begin with.  But now I am quite tired of scarves and hats.  The hair is starting to grow back but it is very thin and just not coming in fast enough for my liking.  I also would like to get rid of the mediport.  It's been six months and I'm ready to move on.

    My prayers go out to those who have kids and young families - I know the fear is great.  I don't have kids and my biggest fear is not getting to my 50th birthday (next April) and leaving my husband alone.  And not being there for my sister and nieces.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited October 2013

    You will see 50 and many more years!! and be much stronger that you ever could imagine! 

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013

    LizzyinMi, I am so glad your SE's were minimal! That is great news. I hope your surgery goes well and you recover quickly. Will you be having rads also? I know it's so hard to make those decisions about treatment. I  should be starting my treatment soon. I think I am ready to get this over with already!  Good luck tomorrow! Let us know how it goes.

  • ndgrrl
    ndgrrl Member Posts: 645
    edited October 2013

    Awee- Sweet Tague that you get to have both of them in your life and they can be together!! 

    Waiting waiting waiting- drives me batty!! Today I found out my Braca test restults are in- but was informed I had to wait until Oct 14 to get an appointment to get the results!! GRRRR. I called twice left messages on the NP answering maching saying please let me know if its positive or negative at least because if its positive I have to go see my ONC as he said he would then have me scheduled to have my overies out and we would discuss a double masectomy as well. It takes at least 2 weeks to get in to see him, so if they make me wait an additional two weeks to get these results- Plus my daughter will need to be tested and we are a 4 hour drive round trip from the clinic and hospital:(  Of course NOOOO one called me back!! I feel like crying and I am shaking inside.. Don't these people know what this does to us? I want to just bury my head in the sand for awhile. I guess since there were 5 of us dianosed with BC this year in my family is what is making this all so hard- My sister just had surgery yesterday- doing great!!   

  • naiviv
    naiviv Member Posts: 308
    edited October 2013


    Take time, research and talk to whomever you need to prior to making your decision. Take quiet time and close your eyes and visualize your breast through the various options available to you. How do you see yourself? How do you feel about the change? I was told if I opted for Lumpectomy I had to have rad on the breast. If you chose lump, please talk to your PS about the best options for you becaause of rad.

    I have no family history at all, Im 52 and I had IDC less than 1cm and a micromet to 1 node. I chose to have a Nipple and skin sparing bi lateral mastectomy. My reconstruction will be after chemo. I am a triple positive, I dont meet again with my ONC until 10/11. I wont need rad on breast because of BMX and with micromet they also dont do rad. My other breast was totally clean.

    I have a small glitch that will delay my chemo, picked up an inf in left breast and TE has to come out and they have to flush wound and new drains. I go back in tomorrow at 8 for surgery.

    Take care and write me if I can answer anything for you, this is an awesome group and I have learned so much here.

    take care Vivian

  • Malakies
    Malakies Member Posts: 15
    edited October 2013

    Hi everyone.

    I was diagnosed on Sept.6, 2013.Stage 2a no node involvement, <2cm.Although the lump is considered small,compared to my breast size,it's big. (And people say I have big boobs..its the BRA people! lol)   I have gone through so many emotions... and feel like this is not real at times. I am doing chemo first, then surgery and reconstruction. I am set to start chemo on Oct. 7th. The HER2 results have not come through yet. I had to do a second biopsy on 9/19 because initial HER2 test came back inconclusive. Oh joy! Not looking forward to any of this... but not intending to let this cancer crap win.

    Good luck to all of us!

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited October 2013

    Welcome Malakies to the band of warriors you never wanted to join...ugh this c:(

    But we are fierce and strong together. This is a safe place to share, vent, celebrate...we will be in your pocket.

    Check out all resources offered at your BC center and avail yourself of so group, meditation, social worker, exercise, nutrition.

    Breathe, blow some bubbles and store up the things that make your heart smile.



  • taguekids6
    taguekids6 Member Posts: 32
    edited October 2013


    Love and prayers coming your way today as you are in surgery. Praying for doctors wisdom and guidance, nurses, your recovery and your family. May God watch over you......<3


  • TeamKim
    TeamKim Member Posts: 301
    edited October 2013

    Lizzy -- we are in your pockets for surgery today. Praying all goes well, clean margins and smooth recovery! ((((Hugs))))

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013

    Naiviv, Thanks for your  input. I hope your surgery went well today. I meet with Dr's tomorrow. My chest, neck, CT scan yesterday was NORMAL! Yay! Dr thought he felt something during physical exam...will still have to do the abdomen scan before chemo, but so far, so good!  

    Hoping everyone is feeling well today:)

  • taguekids6
    taguekids6 Member Posts: 32
    edited October 2013

    Naviv, praying your surgery went well today too. (((((((((hugs)))))))))

    Thank you all for the kind words, still no baby. Guess that's why I've been up since just before 3 am. Been this way for several days now.

    Had a cry fest a few minutes ago, just stress relief I guess. Fine now.

    Just really grateful to have a place to go. I read up and laugh and cry with everyone. Wish NO ONE had to be here though.

    Hope everyone has a good day. Many healing thoughts and prayers for everyone.


  • LizzyinMI
    LizzyinMI Member Posts: 34
    edited October 2013

    Hi All -

    Surgery yesterday went well.  I had the best possible results - only one sentinel node and it was the one that tested positive from the biopsy in March.  It tested negative yesterday.  Yay!  Of course I still have to wait for the path report to come back next week but I am positive it will be good.  Now today I have an extra large boob!  I will enjoy it while it lasts since I am otherwise small chested.  Feeling good!

    Malakies - I did chemo first then surgery and I will have radiation starting at the end of the month.  I had very positive results - I had two lumps and a node.  After the second chemo treatment the lumps couldn't be felt and in the MRI I had in August they did not appear and the node appeared normal.  Good luck to you and stay positive!

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited October 2013

    Sorry that we're seeing our numbers grow, but glad our sister warriors found us!  It's been 10 months since Iwas told I had breast cancer; been through surgery (cancer gone), reconstruction, all those tests and am doing hormone therapy to reduce chances of recurrence--and this all still feels surreal to me.  I've gotten past the I am fu@#$%! feeling, and am optimistic about the future.  Don't know if I've gotten totally to acceptance that bc will be part of my life; still a little pissed and miffed that it showed up. But glad to have you all so I don't have to go through it alone, and that you're not going through it alone either. 

  • lorreymom
    lorreymom Member Posts: 9
    edited October 2013

    Raising my hand! Newly diagnosed & awaiting surgery on Oct. 24.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013
    I'm so glad all went well with your surgery!

    lorreymom, sorry you found yourself here, too. Everyone is here to share their experiences, pain, happiness,etc. and to "listen"...welcome.

    I have my surgery (LX,SNB and port) scheduled for Oct 18th.

    Hugs to all~
  • naiviv
    naiviv Member Posts: 308
    edited October 2013

    Sorry for your dx. I am a newbie here myself, but I am already post surgery. There is a ton of experiences here to learn from. Read, ask questions, vent. The women here are true warriors,,,,amazing.

    Take care,


  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited October 2013

    Welcome Lorry, sorry you have to join us to but as said before, this is a great place to learn and ask lots of ??. Everyone is pulling for everyone here, no matter the dx or their choice or whatever, we all want the best for everyone! Best of luck! keep us posted.

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2013

    Happy Friday All! I've been watching and following and praying for everyone, but not posting much as I seem to feel out of sync. I have weekly chemo and haven't had any surgery or rads which will follow after I finish chemo. The hope is to shrink the tumor, dry up the lymph nodes,and then I guess, clean them out. I think the tumor is shrinking, but it is still there. I have been very upbeat with the family which has sort of shot me in the foot because I have no one to talk to. My DH has decided that I am fine, like I just have a minor inconvenience, which will go away in a year and has excused himself from it. I do understand that he has had a hard time dealing with his Dad's stage 4 lung cancer, whom by the way, is having good results with his tumors shrinking, but heck, and please let me know if I need a reality check, I need a little concern as well. He isn't even driving me to chemo...I drive myself. I'm not working, so we are having to adjust to being together 24/7. (He retired in '04 due to heart problems.) am I sounding like a whiner? I guess I'm feeling lost and alone tonight. Thanks for letting me rant. You all are the best! Susan

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited October 2013

    Hi y'all

    Lorreymom - welcome! Anywhere but here...but we are an amazing band of warriors! Gather all the info you can prior to surgery from thus web site...then breathe and enjoy your family and friends There is a relief that comes after surgery...hard to explain...but crossing that line helps...moving forward in battle!

    Sgc728 - (((hug))) we all have our does €##€! We are in your pocket during chemo...there are several warriors that have or are doing chemo first...then surgery...your not alone...not lost...put on your attitude music...fav outfit...and do a happy are kicking it!

    Yesterday I put on my pink bunny slippers, munched carrots, and sipped a lemon aide...a BC sis shared that a stupid person said 'well if you had just eaten 2 carrots a day and used lemons no cancer...cured!'

    Breathe, warriors it is the weekend!

