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2013 Sister Warriors



  • L2girl
    L2girl Member Posts: 58
    edited September 2013

    RMlulu , Cindy

    So sorry to hear about your LE trunk. ( I had to look it up). You always are such an upbeat person, and always help lift our spirits here on these boards. I always look forward to your enthusiasm and reassurance. So, along the lines of what TeamKim said, here are many (((hugs))) back to you! It 's about time you get some back. Hope you feel better!

  • taguekids6
    taguekids6 Member Posts: 32
    edited September 2013


    Avatar is my grandbabies! Wish they lived closer so I could have some fun but I do have a 2yr old foster son who eases a lot of my angst! Sorry you have to have PT, haven't been there, but seen them at work. They are tough, hugs to you.


    Sorry to hear about all of your family, will be in prayer about your BRCA results.


    If you can stay away from the internet to keep from freaking out, more power to you!!!!! Sending you any extra power I have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry it's not more, I fail miserably at it :(

  • naiviv
    naiviv Member Posts: 308
    edited September 2013

    Hello everyone,

    Tuesday will be 3 weeks from surgery. Nipple sparing BMX with TE and left axillary node dissection with 13 nodes removed. I'm down to 1 drain from 4. Pain is better, I feel tightness and pain on left side. My nodes were taken through an incision on my breast( To remove margins, my tumor was much closer to skin than it appeared ) this has allowed more range of motion in my arm, but I still feel tightness and some pain and I have numbness in part of upper arm.

    Nipples survived and had feeling in the hospital, I didn't tell anyone because I thought I was imagining it. But it continued and they are responsive to cold and touch. Both BS and PS have seen it and confirmed. They are both amazed it has happened so soon stats say about 30 % may have some feeling but it usually takes several months to begin to feel.

    I am having some issues with part of incision not closing on left breast( around bottom of nipple). I am afraid of any procedure that may have to be done if it does not resolve on its own( because of nipple) right now using antibacterial soap / hydrogen peroxide /neosporin.

    It has not gotten worse. I see PS on Wednesday.

    I also have appt with Chemo Dr. On Wed. I find out what's in store for me. Path was good . No other area of cancer on breast and the one node was a micro met. Right breast was clean. With one node I believe I get to avoid rads. But I am triple positive so chemo and herceptin are in my immediate future. I believe when I go it will be to be scheduled for a chemo class and get prescription for port and some heart test.

    I have also seen a Lymphadema specialist. She took measurements and will work with me to try and avoid L. I will soon start some massages that will help lymph fluid move and drain from right side and to help lymph system reestablish connections in the area of removal. I see her on Thurs.

    Sorry for long post , I still get tired with activity like groceries today. I am cooking and getting things ready for school for kids a little driving but beyond that I'm pooped.

    Will update after I see PS and Chemo doc.

    Rest well and have a blessed week


  • naiviv
    naiviv Member Posts: 308
    edited September 2013


    I was dx on 7/5/13 and had my surgery 9/3/13. Chemo will follow when I am healed .

    We hear Cancer and think emergency, but my doctors told me the same. Breast Cancer is not a medical emergency. I was told the time was for testing and preparation. I am glad for the delay. It helped me be as prepared as I could be. It took some time but I was emotionally ready for my surgery and I think that is a big plus.

    I researched, got second opinions, spoke to my close friends and partner. I'm divorced and he has been a gift from God. With me at every appt and researching also.

    This board is awesome. I haven't posted much, but have done a lot of reading. I shall be sharing my experiences in the hopes that I can help also.

    Breathe and Relax its a journey but you are not alone. write me with any questions.


  • naiviv
    naiviv Member Posts: 308
    edited September 2013


    I was dx on 7/5/13 and had my surgery 9/3/13. Chemo will follow when I am healed .

    We hear Cancer and think emergency, but my doctors told me the same. Breast Cancer is not a medical emergency. I was told the time was for testing and preparation. I am glad for the delay. It helped me be as prepared as I could be. It took some time but I was emotionally ready for my surgery and I think that is a big plus.

    I researched, got second opinions, spoke to my close friends and partner. I'm divorced and he has been a gift from God. With me at every appt and researching also.

    This board is awesome. I haven't posted much, but have done a lot of reading. I shall be sharing my experiences in the hopes that I can help also.

    Breathe and Relax its a journey but you are not alone. write me with any questions.


  • naiviv
    naiviv Member Posts: 308
    edited September 2013


    I was dx on 7/5/13 and had my surgery 9/3/13. Chemo will follow when I am healed .

    We hear Cancer and think emergency, but my doctors told me the same. Breast Cancer is not a medical emergency. I was told the time was for testing and preparation. I am glad for the delay. It helped me be as prepared as I could be. It took some time but I was emotionally ready for my surgery and I think that is a big plus.

    I researched, got second opinions, spoke to my close friends and partner. I'm divorced and he has been a gift from God. With me at every appt and researching also.

    This board is awesome. I haven't posted much, but have done a lot of reading. I shall be sharing my experiences in the hopes that I can help also.

    Breathe and Relax its a journey but you are not alone. write me with any questions.


  • taguekids6
    taguekids6 Member Posts: 32
    edited September 2013

    Just a quick question to anyone who knows the answer..........noticed on my path, it says distant metastastis: not applicable.

    This is because of no lymph involvement, correct? Does that mean NO chemo? Just curious if anyone knows.

    I got to call and make my Onc. appt. this morning. I got in this Wed. morning! So grateful.........just wishing I weren't so type A. NEED TO KNOW VERYTHING RIGHT NOW.....MUAHAHAHAHA.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day, I'm going to go take my mind off of it all and play with my 2 yr. old!


  • taguekids6
    taguekids6 Member Posts: 32
    edited September 2013


    If you know who Mandisa is click the link above, if you don't know who she is.....she is an awesome Christian artist and this is her new song "Overcomer". It is so uplifting and the video features Robin Roberts during her battle with cancer.

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited September 2013

    Vivian, don't use hydrogen peroxide.  I learned this after my lift on the native--there is a part that is having trouble healing.  At one point it looked a little pussy, so I put hydrogen peroxide.  When I went to see the PS, I learned that kills all cells, which is not what you want when you are trying to grow skin.  So, I've been putting neosporin on it, and just cover with gauze.  Also, washing with soap/showering is fine in my case. It does take time to heal.

  • Fightforlife
    Fightforlife Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2013

    My oncotype test score was 25. I have IDC, Stage 1, Grade 3 , 1.1 cent., tumor removed with clear margins and no lymph node (lumpectomy) on Aug. 19th. My MO told me it was my choice to have chemo..I am 68 years old, still work, and self-supporting. I am opting out of chemo...but will do rad. and hormone-blocking drug therapy for 5 years. Anyone else feel this way?

  • ndgrrl
    ndgrrl Member Posts: 645
    edited September 2013

    taque- Awesome video!

  • naiviv
    naiviv Member Posts: 308
    edited September 2013

    Hi Renee,

    I was doing it because PS had told me to, but I realized it was irritating skin.

    I went to see today and he said soap and water plus neosporin but to make very sure it was dry. Use a blow dryer on cool setting or walk topless to allow to dry.

    On a positive note, last drain was pulled and I found out I am a stage 1b instead of 2a due to a change in criteria. And a grade 3.

    Not sure about this 2a/1b change being considered that lymphs are considered same as no involvement because it is a micromet??? Has anyone else heard of this???

    Thanks and I hope you all have a great evening


  • taguekids6
    taguekids6 Member Posts: 32
    edited September 2013

    Got to meet my awesome Onc today! So glad I did my research and found him. He was informative, concise, direct and even quized me to make sure I understood EVERYTHING. He sent out for the oncotype test today and results will be in in 2 weeks he said.

    He wants me to do chemo due to my age, size of tumor and grade, which he says is 3, not 2. If the onco test comes back in the low range, which he doesn't think it will, then no chemo. If it comes back in the high or even the gray area, he wants me to do the chemo.

    I left feeling totally confident in my choice of doctors and he wasn't too bad to look at to boot!

  • ndgrrl
    ndgrrl Member Posts: 645
    edited September 2013

    Taque-- Glad you have a good ON that is a great thing!!  Its always a wait to hear back from the oncho test. But its great that it is out there!!

    Naiviv--I am not sure about the 1a or 2 b thing- I was never given any letters after my stage 1..

    Wish you all well on this journey we never wanted to go on..

  • cjc1961
    cjc1961 Member Posts: 54
    edited September 2013

    Hello all. I have only posted a couple times but getting anxious and need some encouragement. Diagnosed Aug 15 with DCIS in right and IDC in left, stage one, low grade. Surgery is a week from tomm Oct 3. Having BMX nipple sparing with inframammary incision with TE. Two things I fear the most....the painful dye injection before surgery for the sentinel node biopsy and nodes coming back positive requiring chemo. My BS says only 6% chance of positive nodes with my stage so praying I wake up to hear they were neg. I welcome any tips, advice, etc from anyone who has undergone similar..esp those with NS procedure. God bless you all!

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited September 2013

    Cjc1961 - welcome to the sisterhood no one wants to join, but we are fierce!

    The waiting is the hardest...ugh this scourge BC :(

    Use your wait to your have a great team, a game plan, and time to prepare.

    Breathe! You can do this brave warrior. Focus on today and do not get ahead of yourself. No need to rehearse something that may never happen.

    SND - my procedure did not hurt...RN applied a numbing cream and the rad tech offered his hand to squeeze and the shots felt like very quick bee mind made it so much for me a nonevent ...I was so relieved.

    Nodes results will be tentative until final ask and clarify with BS when you will have final results and how info will be communicated. You will be surprised how the stress haze goes away after surgery.

    Have some clothing options with front openings and inside pockets for drains.

    Now breathe again...go get your hair done a mani/pedi leave one nail index finger virgin for pulse...go blow some bubbles, enjoy family&friends&fun, make your heart smile!

    You will be fine grave warrior!



  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited September 2013

    cjc, sorry to hear of another bc diagnosis.. these boards are just wonderful for just about everything! ask ??, read all  opinions, get great advice, etc.  As to the injections before surgery, it was not bad at all. just a small stick feeling, I think I had four of them, they put some numbing cream on for about 20 minutes before injecting the dye and it was over before i knew it.. for me it just wasnt a big deal, the nurse said some woman think it was terrible but I sure did not. Of course I was scared as heck before, but I had never really heard anything about how bad it was supposed to be. I hope yours goes as smooth as mine.

    Did you get an ultra sound of nodes before? They did that to me and said they didnt think they were infected with cancer but the final decision would be after surgery pathology reports, they also do a frozen section right at time of surgery and that is usually correct but not always. I remember waking up in recovery room and the nurse said all went well and things looked good but final report would take at least 24 hours and it did, was so relieved when they called me with that news. Will be with you all the way on your journey, that none of us ever wanted to take, but here we are and you will get thru it.Wink I didnt have reconsturction, I just dont like surgeries and I was a long way from home too and think it is several more surgeries, but depending on what you have. I am doing very well and am about 5 months out. {{{hugs and prayers}}

  • cjc1961
    cjc1961 Member Posts: 54
    edited September 2013

    Thanks so much, Cindy, for your encouraging words and for cheering me on! I will update and let you know how things go!



  • cjc1961
    cjc1961 Member Posts: 54
    edited September 2013

    Thanks ndgirl. I had a PET scan yesterday and I think positive nodes can show up on those but doubt I will hear those results before surgery. I will keep you posted.



  • taguekids6
    taguekids6 Member Posts: 32
    edited September 2013

    cjc1961 (Cheryl),

    Will be keeping you in my prayers. I had sentinal node done as well. I was really scared about it hurting, especially when I found out it was 4 injections. It ended up not being bad at all and I am a total wuss when it comes to pain. I am 2 weeks post op today and only needed pain meds the first night in hospital. Only have pain when I'm doing something I shouldn't be doing, like picking up my 2 yr old. ( can I not)

    Anyway, you will do great!


  • TeamKim
    TeamKim Member Posts: 301
    edited September 2013

    Cjc1961 -- the injections for SNB were fine -- like the others said, kind of like a short sting. I too had the numbing cream, but had to ask for it. After the shots, they had me lay under a machine like an X-ray machine, while I assume the progress of the radioactive material was videotaped for 30 minutes moving through my breast. Then I moved on to the wire localization under ultrasound, which was also not as bad as I had imagined.

    I tend to be a nervous Nellie, so I asked for and took a Xanax before the couple of hours preceding surgery -- it helped so much with my anxiety! Don't be afraid to tell the doctors and nurses that you are nervous -- they want you to be as comfortable as possible and they know how to help! ((((Hugs)))) to you -- so glad you found this board with all of these wise and wonderful survivors. We are here for you!!

  • taguekids6
    taguekids6 Member Posts: 32
    edited September 2013

    Heading to surgeon's office today, PRAYING I get to get at least one of these nasty drainage tubes out! Been trying to find areas to hang them under my shirts, that don't make people stop and stair. So far, best place has been around my back (which I need help doing) but makes me look like I have a GIANORMOUS BOOTY!

    Will be nice to be able to sleep on my side again, aaaaaaahhhhhh.......

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited September 2013

    Hi Ladies, I'm heading up to MI to go to my friend's dad's funeral.  Will be a bit of a trip down the rabbit hole for me, since I haven't been there in 16 years, and it's been 30 years since I lived there. 

    Vivian, here is an explanation of the 1a vs. 1b:

    Wishing you all the best on your surgery Cheryl!  Same as others, dye injection was no big deal for me.  I don't know if there's anyone on this thread that has had NS, but there certainly other threads on this board to check out.  We've all been there about waiting for the node results.  Best thing is to distract yourself--get ready for surgery (have house, recovery needs in order), and just relax when you are home recuperating!  The waiting is worse than the treatments.

    Kimberly, am crossing my fingers that you get the drain removed!  Amazing what can improve your quality of life!  So glad you have an onc you feel confident in.  That is the best--to feel that you are in good hands.

    Have a nice weekend everyone! 

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited September 2013

    Fightforlife--I meant to respond to your post too.  You have a bit different stats than I do.  Grade 3 is a faster growing tumor.  But, you are 68, so you are looking at a different amount of time that you could develop a recurrence.  If you have gotten a thorough explanation from your onc on the benefits vs. risks of chemo, and are comfortable w/your decision, it is the right one.

  • taguekids6
    taguekids6 Member Posts: 32
    edited September 2013

    Thank you RENEE, I did get them out but with the threat of a VERY LONG NEEDLE coming at me next Friday if I don't cool it moving my arms.

    Was hoping to do some major house work and take the load of off my family, especially my daughter that's a Senior this year. Wanted to take them all somewhere fun this weekend too but the hubby has to work and we have company coming for the weekend as well.

    Will be thinking of and praying for everyone this weekend.


  • SwoosieQue
    SwoosieQue Member Posts: 5
    edited September 2013

    A little more than 6 weeks post-op here (bilateral mastectomy w/ immediate reconstruction.)  Thanks for posting this, it's a great idea!

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited September 2013

    New to this thread.  I am 58 yrs old. Dx'd on Sept 17th Grade 3 ER+, PR+, HER2-; 2-2.5 cm IDC.

    My MO said he doesn't think I need an onco test as he feels I need chemo regardless based on the Grade and properties of my tumor...any thoughts? Having a BRAC done, but may not have results prior to treatment anyway.

    I am getting another MO opinion on Thursday.

    So far, LX seems to be the recommendation, but I am torn. Worried about recurrence, not just due to my current health status, but also due to SE's from future tests and screenings, since they will be more frequent, I am guessing. Also need rads w/LX, and may  not need rads w/BMX. I am still keeping a BMX as a possibility. Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated. Can anyone tell me what is recommened protocol for future screenings with LX vs BMX? Or, if there are studies on recurrence caused by screenings? I feel like I am doing enough damage to my body with possible rads and chemo, probably HT....maybe I am just over-analyzing.

    Thanks for your help!

  • violet_1
    violet_1 Member Posts: 335
    edited September 2013


    Welcome. I chose BMX cuz I had super dense breasts & very hard to detect cancer w any/all screenings. Plus, I didn't want rads...AND they ended up finding IDC in BOTH breasts during the BMX!

    My original biopsy only showed DCIS in R breast, wide

    excision lumpectomy found

    the IDC next to DCIS but had to go back in anyway to get better margins.

    So, I chose BMX...also wanted reconstruction to have better chance of matching...;)

    Thank God I did BMX as they never would've discovered the IDC in my L breast also.

    That's been MY experience. ..

    P.S.- I'd still push for the oncodx test...might it not help decide which KIND of chemo to use...? NOT SURE...?


  • TeamKim
    TeamKim Member Posts: 301
    edited September 2013

    Keep the faith -- welcome, I am 58 too, and a second area of BC was found in my presurgery MRI. I still decided LX since the two areas were in one quadrant of the same breast. Since I have dense breasts! I will be having annual MRI screenings going forward. I am about to start chemo, then will have rads in the new year and HT also for the next however many years. I never really considered BMX since I don't have genetic risks and all the problem was in one quadrant. I know this has been a carefully considered decision for a lot of folks -- if you go to the lumpectomy thread and just start from the beginning and read along, you will see it come up many times. I haven't read the IDC thread from the beginning, but am guessing it comes up here too.

    It is an individual decision, and whatever you decide, either way, will be right for YOU. Once you do decide, try not to second guess yourself. Either way there will likely be some rough spots, but you just keep your eyes in the goal, and you will do well. I'll hold you in my thoughts as you are making your decision....

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited September 2013

    Thanks for posting ladies.  I appreciate your input! I think I am annoyed at myself b/c I usually have a gut feeling about my decisions and go with it. I guess with all of the emotions I've had, it's been hard to find my intuition!

    TeamKim, I wish you luck with minimal SE's from your chemo. The actual surgery does not worry me as much as chemo. It will be over and I'll be recovered soon. Do you mind me asking why your chemo regimen is being given w/o Adriamycin or do you know? I am leaning towards the CT also b/c of heart disease in my family. I will have rads and HT also, I guess, as it stands now. Have you had your port placement done?  I will more than likely have mine done at the same time as surgery in the next wk or so. My chemo should start at the end of the month, unless something changes due to prior tests, etc.

    Keep us posted on your treatments. I am right behind you and will be thinking about you!