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2013 Sister Warriors



  • taguekids6
    taguekids6 Member Posts: 32
    edited October 2013

    Welcome, these ladies are the best! Sorry any of us are here though :(

    Sgc728, I'm sending ((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))) too!

    Got released from the surgeon today, Yay!!!! Off to see the wizard........oh, sorry.......wrong. Off to see the Onc this coming Wed. to get my oncotype results. Fingers crossed....toes too!!!!

    Have a wonderful weekend ladies....I'll be nursing a nasty sinus infection.


  • naiviv
    naiviv Member Posts: 308
    edited October 2013

    Hi SGC,

    Maybe it's his way of dealing with it. But I understand the need for a little TLC. I have a co-worker who like you is getting chemo first, then surgery. I was surgery first and soon chemo. It has been great to have her to talk to. She has taken detailed notes for me about her side effects and when they hit and what has worked, and I have given her what I learned from surgery. You will always have us here, but if you need someone in person, you can probably get a Buddy going through exactly what you are going through or someone that already went through it. Ask you DR about it.

    Take care and sending you a HUG


  • Malakies
    Malakies Member Posts: 15
    edited October 2013

    Thanks for the welcome... :)

    I am a strong person, and I intend to fight this for sure. But as you all probably know already it SUCKS! I start chemo on Oct 7 2013. I've been informed by docs and nurses and have done some of my own research, of all the possible side effects. UGH! How did you all feel after your first chemo?

    The best medicine is laughter... I do that a lot, although lately not so much. I think I will watch a lot of comedy central! :)

  • whisper_fare
    whisper_fare Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2013

    Hi Susan I guess I feel like you also about being so strong for the family. I was dx feb. 2013 Had surgery at the end of feb. Chemo started in april ended in july, rads then in august and just finished them about 2 weeks ago. I was one of those that had weird reactions to all treatments including the Tamxin(sp)hormone. Allergic I guess had to go to the hospital couldn't breath. I have a large family actually 7 kids, plus 6 grandkids but even with a hubby I didn't have that shoulder to cry on. I was supposed to keep on ticking. I am now facing my last surgery removing the other breast with the snb and I am so afraid they might find something. I actually broke down told my husband I was depressed, his answer he went to go meet a buddy in town. Again no one to hold me when I was hurting. I do have one child I can turn to he is only 21 though and is now a father to be! My family depends on their strong mother, when we first found out my oldest daughter had a small nervous break down, one of the other girls still can't look at my scar.

    I am so sorry for all this rambling and jumbled mess. Sometimes I am so tired. I have been a house wife, stay at home mom or what ever its called now days. Still have a 16 year at home yet. I love every single one of them to death, but now that I need them they can't see it.

    Sorry again for dragging this out. Stage 111, grade3, er+

  • TeamKim
    TeamKim Member Posts: 301
    edited October 2013

    whisper - never apologize for a rant. That's why we are here! I would guess that many of us have that strong mom role, and we keep trying to be all that we always were, even while we cope with treatment. My DH says he will take care of me, but mostly that just means he will give me a short temporary break from taking care of him! Lol!

  • Bubbleswife1975
    Bubbleswife1975 Member Posts: 3
    edited October 2013

    Hi there, glad to find this site. I am not 100% sure what my actual diagnosis is, but pathology report says Invasive mammary carcinoma - high grade. I am scheduled for a lumpectomy Friday and not sure what to expect? When can I return to work ? How long is recovery ?

  • TeamKim
    TeamKim Member Posts: 301
    edited October 2013

    hi Bubbleswife -- welcome to the club none of us want to be in... You will find lots of support and wisdom here -- these women are terrific! Since your surgery is lumpectomy, also check out the "lumpectomy lounge" thread under surgeries to connect with others have similar procedures. There are various versions of Lumpectomy, depending on size and location of the cancer. As questions occur to you, ask away -- people will jump in to help you!

  • sue030
    sue030 Member Posts: 4
    edited October 2013

    Good morning all. I was diagnosed yesterday with IDC. I am still reeling from the shock. I am planning on telling my family today. My husband is the only one who knows - he is my rock and I am so lucky to have him. I will be meeting with an oncologist next week. My surgeon has said that I should have chemo first, followed by a mastectomy and then chemo again. I started following your thread last week while I waited for my diagnosis. You all seem so supportive so thought I would join now. Hope you don't mind if I have questions, this is all so overwhelming.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013
    Hi newbies! Sorry that you all found yourself here. This has been a great support tool for me and I think you will find it one as well. I will be having a lumpectomy on the 18th with SNB and port placement, then chemo in Nov. It can't be soon enough for me. I am fortunate that I have a great medical team on my side.
    I am not married any more, but sympathize with those of you that are not finding the family support that you need. My ex would have probably supported me in my physical needs, but not so much emotionally. I think most men deal with this so differently than most women do. Not to say that there aren't men who are very supportive. I think they are more scared than anything and don't want to admit it:). My children have been awesome and I know that they know, that I may need them, even though it's hard for me to accept that. All of them have their own children and I think that helps them understand.
    I hope you all find support in some way, whether it's a support group, church, counseling, friends. There are many Cancer support groups that offer monthly get-togethers, etc.
    You can always come here to vent, cry, scream, celebrate, whatever.
    (((HUGS))) to all!
  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited October 2013

    Sue, sorry to hear about your dx, but glad you found us. You will be in shock for a while. If you haven't read the chemotherapy section on BCO, do so in prep for your onc appt. It is a lot of information, but after some time, it will be easier to understand and deal with. Let us know how we can help.

    To those with unsupportive families: see if there is a BC support group in your area, and join. That can be your human connection, and who better to understand what you are going through?

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2013

    Thanks Cindy! Sometimes a little validation goes a long way and I really appreciated yours! Went shopping for a short while and getting out of the house helped as well! Enjoy the rest of your weekend! Susan

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2013

    Thanks Kimberly, Vivian, whisper and the rest of you great sister warriors! Your words just came through and I feel the hugs and not so alone! Your support will surely help me to feel connected! There isn't a support group close by so I thank you for lifting me up when I need it! Susan

  • TeamKim
    TeamKim Member Posts: 301
    edited October 2013

    You have come to the right place, Susan! We are here for you whether it is time to vent, a question you have or to share the happy dance for good news. Keep us posted! ((Hugs)). Kim

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited October 2013

    A second welcome to newbies.. glad you found this site, I dont know what I would have done without it! i read so many before posting anything, i didnt post until after surgery and home again, I feel like i have so many new found friends and so much support. my hubby was so much better than i ever expected.. so please at that. usually he likes to just deny that bad things are happening and doesnt like to talk about things, but this time he was stepped up to the plate.. i think men are just scared plain and simple, think they always have to be the strong silent type.. but that isnt what we need right now is it?

    this is quite a journey that none of us want to be on.. but together we will get through it.

  • apenelope
    apenelope Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2013

    Hi Malakies, I'm a newbie too- joined the forum yesterday. I happened to come across your post and noticed you're starting chemo tomorrow. Just want to let you know you're in my thoughts.

    hoping it's easy on you and that you get many laughs from comedy central. :)

  • TeamKim
    TeamKim Member Posts: 301
    edited October 2013

    Malakies -- we will all be thinking of you as you start chemo tomorrow. Here's hoping SEs are minimal and you just sail on through. Be sure to stay hydrated -- You've got this, brave warrior!

    apenelope -- welcome to the club, though I am sorry you need to be here. These women are phenomenal! You will find lots of support here.

  • GwennyMD
    GwennyMD Member Posts: 68
    edited October 2013
    Hi Sister Warriors

    I have not posted in a few weeks but I occasionally lurk.

    To all of you newbies. I am sorry that you have had to join our club but we were all newbies once and I am sure that you will find great information and sincere compassion and support from the ladies on these boards.

    Bubbleswife - I had lumpectomy on both breasts and node removal in Feb. I was able to return to work in 6 days. I had bandages for a couple of weeks and was not able to raise my arms above my head.

    Whisper - I know how it is to be the "strong" one in the family. Everyone relies on you and therefore noone realizes that you sometimes need support. I am the oldest of 5 girls. This has been my life, especially during my mother's 4 yr fight with bc. Her fight ended in 2008. Then one of my sisters was diagnosed with stage 3. I am sure that the ladies here do not mind if you rant but you may want to find someone closer to talk to.

    To all sister warriors, keep on fighting. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013
    Hi ladies,
    I hope all of you that are starting soon chemo have minimal SE's. I will be following in your footsteps soon. Probably in November as my surgery is scheduled for Oct 18th. Found out today that I am BRAC neg-good news! My mother was diagnosed at 60 and my half sister at 27. Both are doing well today:).
    I know we all face a little different battle, but like others have said, we are in this together. Sometimes I am anxious, sometimes I am angry, sometimes I am over-whelmed, sometimes I am okay. Today I am happy to be surrounded by you wonderful people!
  • Malakies
    Malakies Member Posts: 15
    edited October 2013

    Thanks Apenelope and TeamKim and the rest of you ladies! I had my first chemo session yesterday. I must say, the nurses and doc at the cancer center I go to are all amazing! My nurse Kathy was a hoot, she made me very comfortable and kept me laughing throughout. Of course I had my best friend of 30+ years with me as well. They gave me a lot of premeds, to help with some of the side effects, (mostly the nausea) Ativan, Dexamethasone, Zofran and Emend. Chemo meds: Adriamycin and Cytoxan. Phewww before I'm done with this ordeal I will have this medical jargon down to a science! This coming from a girl who never takes any medication for anything... yeah.. the docs were amazed at that... 49 yrs old and no medications? Apparently now... I will have my fair share of meds huh?

    Today (day after) I went for my Neulasta shot. When I woke up this morning I had rosy cheeks and a burst of energy. They told me when I went for my shot, this was due to the steroids in my cocktail yesterday. Hmmm tomorrow I won't be so perky they tell me. This neulasta shot is going to give me some bone discomfort... maybe this time, I will take some meds... :)

    Hope all you ladies have a good evening...

    Before I go.. did I mention I have one heck of a sexy wig waiting for me? :)

  • Malakies
    Malakies Member Posts: 15
    edited October 2013

    Great news Lizzy!!

    I'm staying positive! MY intention is to kick this cancer to the curb. The team at the cancer center told me that I will come out of this a much stronger person... ummm they apparently didn't get the memo... I have ALWAYS been strong. :)

    Enjoy your day and quick recovery from surgery!

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013
    Malakies, that's great that your experience was so positive! It's so nice to have that extra boost of encouragement when we are not at our "best"!
    My daughter told me she saw a news clip that featured a place that takes your hair donation and will make a hairpiece for YOU out of it! I think I will check that out before I get my hair cut. Anyone else heard of anything like that? I am in the Austin area.
    HUGS ya'll!!:)
  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2013

    Keep the Faith- I saw that place on the news tonight as well! The place is in Florida and she will make it out if your own hair. I didn't have enough hair to do anything with it, but it would have been nice!

  • naiviv
    naiviv Member Posts: 308
    edited October 2013

    Hello all, Im curious about that hair place, so if anyone get a name please let me know. I'm in Miami and have yet to cut my hair or start chemo.(everyone keeps telling me to start cutting it) It's pretty long now and it is an agenda item to be dealt with, just haven't had the strength yet to say good-bye to it. Figured I wait till the last minute.

    Congrats Malakies on starting your chem and I pray that all SE's stay away. Susan how are you doing?

    Welcome new members, this is a great place to learn.

    I have an early PS appt tomorrow so I am going to attempt to sleep.

    Beautiful dreams ladies


  • RNangie
    RNangie Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2013

    Hi ladies!

    Wondering if I can be in the Sister Warriors club? I was diagnosed with IDC in January 2013. I have had a lumpectomy, 16 weeks chemo then 33 rads. I must say I am looking forward to a happy healthy 2014.

    Even though treatments,are over the journey continues. I understand why it's called a journey. On the way from diagnosis til now there have been so many ups and downs, highs and lows, and twists and turns on this road to survivorship. I have a follow up Dr appt in the morning and just have it all on my mind.

    I am 47 and my cancer was triple negative. I now have neuropathy from the chemo and severe hot flashes from the instant menopause.

    I wish all of you strength and courage in this battle. Look forward to getting to know you.

    ~ Angie

  • TeamKim
    TeamKim Member Posts: 301
    edited October 2013

    RNAngel -- welcome! We are a strong, energetic and supportive group -- I am sorry you have to be here, but so glad you found us. You are at a place where you can offer wise counsel to the rest of us, so please share if you feel comfortable.

    Malakies -- awesome to hear how well your first infusion went so far! Keep posting! It is great to hear your news, but if it turns yucky, we want to support you through that too.

    I am a professor, and since I will be losing my hair in a couple weeks, I decided last week to tell my students what was going on with me and how I would be adjusting our syllabus to bridge the chemo treatments. The students have been great, and today after class three of the young women gave me a gift basket and a card signed by their sorority. They participated as a group in a BC fundraiser walk over the weekend, and they wanted me to know they are proud of me. It was such a sweet gesture, and I was so touched by their support. None of us would ever want to go through this, but I have sure gotten some wonderful love from some unexpected places!

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited October 2013

    Welcome Angie, you have been thru alot, you no doubt have lots of good advice to share with all of us! These gals on the boards are great! this is such a supportive site, nothing is off limits. support is unreal here. I can relate with the hot flashes, but I had them before my surgery and arimidex.. so cant blame it all on the meds. Good luck and will look forward to seeing more posts from you.

    TeamKim, what a wonderful story! young people sometimes get a bad rap but so many are caring great people and will keep our human race strong. They will always remember you for your strength as well as your teaching skill.


  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013
    Thanks for the info on the hair.
    naiviv, I, too, have been delaying the inevitable. I actually grew it out this time so I could donate it anyway, so I will do that for sure, regardless. I liked the thought of having some of it to make at least bangs out of it, since my hair is mostly gray with some brown and kind of an unusual color. I told my daughter I would cut a chunk of it and use duct tape to tape it to my head under a scarf!!!:) Haha! My next thought is to find a wig first, then cut my hair a few weeks in advance to match the wig. I will probably go wig shopping this week-end, just to see what is available. I think for me, the actual falling out process will be the hardest; any tips or tricks you all have would be great!
    Welcome, RNangie. I am guessing you are a nurse? My daughter is an RN.
    TeamKim, so nice that your students are so thoughtful.

    I hope you all have a good week with few SE's, little pain and lots of love!
  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited October 2013

    Welcome Angie! I'm right there with you with the hot flashes.

  • RNangie
    RNangie Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2013

    SW's - Thanks for the warm welcome! I have been "lurking" a few weeks and wasn't really sure how the site worked or where I fit in. It is great to have people that understand. I do have great family and friends that have been supportive but none of them have had to hear " you have cancer", or had to look in the mirror and not recognize your own self ( that's another topic).

    TeamKim - it's wonderful to have supportive co-workers. When I finished my chemo my co-workers all wore pink even the boss who swore his shirt was really "light red". As I looked around my patients were in pink too (sniff-sniff!). I don't even like pink, but don't tell them!

    Keepthefaith-I am a nurse. Your Dtr chose a great profession! My dtr does hair/ photography but I tell her she's a nurse at heart. She buzzed my hair for me when it started "hurting" and falling out. She did great but I sat there with my head in my hands and tears falling. That was hard. I ordered my wigs online and was happy with them. My pic shows the wig named "Date Night" from And hey- duct tape fixes anything!

    Ndgirl & ReneeinOH- Curious how many hot flashes a day for you at its worst? Mine was 30 and vit E cut it down to 8-10. Whew!

    I love to talk/write so if I can help anyone by sharing my experience I will be glad to.

    ~ Angie
  • TeamKim
    TeamKim Member Posts: 301
    edited October 2013

    Welcome Angie! Your coworkers sound like a good bunch -- so glad you are surrounded with caring peeps.

    I got my new wig today -- ordered online from Paula Young. I picked the color from the photos online and was prepared to not have it match, but it surprisingly similar to my hair color! I plan to have my stylist trim up the bangs just a little, but other than that it works right out of the box! I also ordered some cute hats from Just in Time Softcovers, and have bought a few scarves to experiment with head wraps. I plan to have it buzzed to a quarter inch when it starts to fall out -- should be in about 2 weeks they tell me. Maybe I will save some hair and try the duck tape idea!! Lol!