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Lumpectomy Lounge....let's talk!



  • WaveWhisperer
    WaveWhisperer Member Posts: 557

    Nissi, I had no idea!!! Wish someone had mentioned that...and very sorry about your recurrence. Will you have to have chemo?

    Thinking of you all,,

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501

    Hi Nissi

    So sorry that you had a recurrence in the radiated breast :(. And more so that the BS & RO never discussed the impact of rads on tissue.

    I noticed that your profile does not share your diagnosis and treatment for the past 5 years. If you're willing to share what type of cancer, stage, lx, what type of rad protocol external full with boosts and HT which one for the 5 yrs.

    Thanks in advance for the info and perspective on rads.

    Sending calming confident thoughts for a great outcome from surgery :)

    We are all in your pocket (((squeeze))) brave warrior!


  • Steph01
    Steph01 Member Posts: 35

    Can I just say: this group of women is AMAZING! Every single one of you!

  • schoolmom
    schoolmom Member Posts: 327

    Just found out that my aunt has been diagnosed with stage IV metastasized BC.  She had a double mastectomy a few years ago .  She is 81. Her twin sister died of BC about 10 years ago.  My uncle, her husband, died of lung cancer 15 years ago.  My nephew who is 40 has brain cancer and will have his 2nd surgery in June. My dad, who is 87, had new occurences of skin cancer treated last month. My mom had BC 30 years ago and is now 87.  The big C never seems to take a rest.

  • Steph01
    Steph01 Member Posts: 35

    You're right. It never rests. But we never give up. Keep fighting!

  • LaurieParr
    LaurieParr Member Posts: 214

    Happy Mother's Day to all of you. May it be a day of peace and love. I carry all of you in my heart every day.



  • 35_smiling
    35_smiling Member Posts: 21

    Hello Everyone!

    “HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY” and for those who had loss their mother “May God continue to bless you and your family with wonderful memories of the times you had shared together”. (((hugs)))

    As for me… I just returned from Boston last night and met with the plastic surgeon on May 8, 2013 regarding my reconstruction surgery when I receive my mastectomy on May 24, 2013.  I am still very nervous as this was not an easy decision to make.  I was given a choice to either go for another re incision with radiation (6-7.5weeks) or a mastectomy with no radiation.  After thinking about it long a hard with my husband I chose the mastectomy with reconstruction. 

    I just want this cancer fight to end fast.  I have been through so much since diagnosed last July 31/August 1, 2012.  The cancer spread from my breast to my spine which has left me with a rod replacing half my spine.   

    We decided to go with the flap reconstruction (where they use my fat tissues from my belly and move it to the breast) then they will lift my left breast to try to match it with the new right breast.  Not only am I going to have a scar on my back from my first of many surgeries but now on my belly but when I look back I will still be living and that is what’s more important in my book. 

    Once this surgery is completed I can now say “I am cancer free”! Those four words I long to say.  I pray to God that this will be the end.  I know my walk will never really be over as I now need to eat, exercise and make better healthy choices in hope there is no reoccurrence with this cancer or another other form of cancer.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501

    Good Morning Lumpies!

    Happy Mother's Day! To all the moms and women of influence.

  • havel
    havel Member Posts: 5

    Happy Mother's Day!

    I am scheduled for my lumpectomy tomorrow morning. I am not really nervous about the procedure but I am nervous about the fact that I still have no clue what my diagnosis is. I initially had an 8mm breast lump. In the past 2 months, I have had a fine needle biopsy that midway turned into core biopsy. I have had 4 mammos and 2 weeks ago an MRI. An hour after the MRI I got the call from BS saying MRI showed lump was " much, much bigger" than it was before and she and RAD felt it needs to come out immediately. Fine. Two days later I receive letter in mail from RAD stating MRI showed " abnormalities". That's it

    No specifics. I may be crazy but am I wrong for wanting a little more info before letting these people perform any procedure on me?

  • schoolmom
    schoolmom Member Posts: 327

    The surgeon should come in and talk to you before the procedure.  I met with mine in her office 2 days before for an extensive Q & A which helped alot.  She gave me a heads up that the intial biopsy in the nodes may come out clear after surgery but to not rely on those results as they often change when they analyze the samples under a microscope.  My nodes were clear after surgery but 1/3 had micro mets from pathology report later. 

    I felt like I was going from one area of the hospital to another....the dye they injected to identify the tumor to guide the surgeon was the most painful part of it all. 

    Just ask lots of questions as they move you from one area to another and ask what they are doing and what is it for. 

    Recovery is not so bad.  In a week or so you will be up and about and driving around.  I took tylenol for a day or two and that was it.  I dont do well on heavy pain pills so did not even have a prescription for anything.  Check in with us and we will be here.

  • DellaHJ
    DellaHJ Member Posts: 46

    Havel:   Good luck!  I'll say a prayer for you. 

  • sbab49
    sbab49 Member Posts: 30

    I have gathered some great info from these posts. Scheduled for lumpectomy and SN biopsy on May 15th. Trying to stay positive but the tears just start flowing at the darndest times. My best wishes for all of us and thank you for this thread. It has helped answer some questions and concerns.

  • DellaHJ
    DellaHJ Member Posts: 46

    I have been reading about you all and the courage that all of you display humbles me.  I am scared all the time.  I was diagnosed on August 23, had a lumpectomy, 2.5cm, estrogen & progest positive, no node involvement, slow growing cancer and clean margins.  But...I can't take Tamoxifen and I am premenopausal.  It makes me VERY depressed.  Everything that messes with my hormones upsets my antidepressants.  My oncologists suggested an overectomy; ob/gyn said he doesn't recommend it because of the depression.  My MD says a bilateral mastectomy to lower estrogen, but I said no.  I've had rads on that breast; my oncodx was 10.  I'm taking DIM, zinc, and selenium and trying to lose weight to lower my estrogen.  But I am terrified.  If my ONCO DX was so low, why do they all want to remove my 'pieces,' if it's possible that I can lower it naturally?  Please help?  Suggestions??  Past experiences??  I am 49 and am told I am NOT menopausal. 

  • DellaHJ
    DellaHJ Member Posts: 46

    To Sbab49:   Hang in there!  Honestly, that is all you can do.  Have faith that all will be alright and know that all who read your post are pulling for you.  I wish you the best and will say a prayer for you tonight.  I consoled myself with the thought that Amazons cut one of their breasts off so they could use a bow and arrow, so if I lost one, I'd be in good warrior company.  Seriously, hang tight & good luck.

  • elkatho
    elkatho Member Posts: 68

    35smiles. Its good to have your plan in place. Big decision too make. Hoping all goes as smooth as one can expect as you sure deserve it. I love your makes me

    Havel...thinking of you. Hoping you are resting peacefully.

    Sbab 49. It's ok to have tears let them flow for awhile...then take a deep breath and find something to make you laugh!! It will be a relief to have your surgery behind you. Give yourself a little treat...I recommend friends and icecream. Krep us posted. We will be thinking of you.

  • elkatho
    elkatho Member Posts: 68

    My diagnosis has been changed to Her2- and mammaprint came back with a high chance of reoccurence. Start chemo treatment May 15th. I think I have something in my house for any possible side effect. Shopped for wigs today. Any words of wisdom welcomed. I get my port tomorrow...not liking that I will have this with me at all times for the next 4 months. Do I have to stay out of the Sun..I love to go fishing and work in my garden:(

  • elkatho
    elkatho Member Posts: 68

    DellaHJ I wish I could think of some words of wisdom to help you. I think the oncotype determines risk of reoccurence in other areas of your body other than the breasts. The other recommended treatments may be to reduce your risk of reoccurence in the breasts. I am not positive but call your BS or MO to clarify. Their nurses may be able to answer your question also. We should understand what they are explaining to us. Keep us updated.

  • elkatho
    elkatho Member Posts: 68 has an informative video on its website.

  • ctmom1234
    ctmom1234 Member Posts: 22

    This is really a lovely and helpful thread, Ladies, I am still reading through all of the posts. My diagnosis was way before this thread started, sure wish it had been around then.

    I'm about 3.5 years out from diagnosis, had a lumpectomy, snb, and rads. My bc was detected when a micro-calc cluster appeared on my routine annual mammogram in my early 40s -- I'm always mindful of the fact that "something" could show up again but I try to live my life with no regrets for the decisions I have made. Wishing you all health, happiness, and good inner peace.

  • LaurieParr
    LaurieParr Member Posts: 214

    Thinking of all of you....praying for all of you...

    I'm sorry we all have to endure this.  I admire ALL of you.



  • PaEaglesFan
    PaEaglesFan Member Posts: 57

    Just found this thread and am reading thru posts that are so similiar to me.  It's been a year since my DX and I ran the course.  Lump, chemo, rads and now on Tamoxifen.  Last Wed my Mom and I went for our annual Mammo's and I got 2 thumbs up.  I cried in the changing room but they were happy tears.
    Della... Talk to your oncologist about setting you up with a Diet specialist.  I have a friend that was diagnosed just before me and she has elected to not take the Tamox, she has adjusted her diet to limit the estrogen.  No meat/milk/eggs, etc.  Maybe that is something you can do?  Also, Onco score of 10 is great!
    elkatho--I will be happy to hold your hand, be your cheerleader or answer any questions you have about your chemo.  I had 4 rounds of T/C last year.  I started on 7/2 and ended on 9/4.  I elected to shave my head about a week after the 1st one and the stubble 'fell out' about 5 days later.  8 months later, no one can tell it was gone.  (I had short hair to begin with.)  Bright side... it came in thicker and with a little bit of wave.  Love it.  Something for you to look forward to.  Also, you won't have to shave your legs for the summer and mosquitos will leave you alone!!  I didn't get a wig, I bought caps and scarves, but that's personal preference of course.  They were very comfy to wear and were perfect for summer.  You'd be surprised how much your head will sweat and with no hair to help stop it, it runs straight down your face.
    See if you can find a chemo group here to join.  I was in the July 2012 group and it was a blessing to have other women going thru the exact same thing I was.  They were such a comfort to me.  Hope all goes well for you and you have minimal side effects during your treatment.

  • DellaHJ
    DellaHJ Member Posts: 46


    Woman, if I cut out eggs, dairy and meat, I will starve!  LOL.  I have cut out most red meat, nearly all meat is organic that we eat.  As are the eggs, (we have hens) and dairy is organic, too.  BTW, I have lost 3 lbs. Finally!!  When I tried to take the Tamoxifen, I got suicidal (def not good) and can't take it, but still gained lots of weight that I can't shake.  So yeah, for me. 

    **I read this am that Angelina Jolie had her breasts removed because of genetic mutation which she tested postive for; her mom died at 56 from cancer.  Good for her!  A beautiful woman who still shows us we can be beautiful 'reconstructed.' 

    I am so inspired everyday when I read the stories here. 

  • nyama
    nyama Member Posts: 38

    So, just got back from a visit to my MO for follow-up and to find out about my oncotype score.  Unbelievably--and they even called the lab to double-check that they were given the correct score--my Oncotype score is 0.  As in zero. (!!!!!!)  She said that she, personally, has never had a patient with that score (and she's been a MO since the 80s) and in fact there has only been one other she knows of among the other doctors in their whole practice.  I feel so special, lol.  But yay, definitely no chemo!  I was NOT looking forward to that and feel so blessed to be able to avoid that step.  Now I can just get on with planning for radiation and then the Arimidex.  Such a relief to finally know the whole treatment plan!

    35_smiling, I'm so glad you found a definite treatment plan that will work for you.  None of these decisions are ever easy, but it must feel good to finally be moving forward.  Cancer-free is definitely the goal, no matter how our individual paths take us there.

    Hugs to everyone.  

  • DellaHJ
    DellaHJ Member Posts: 46

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • PaEaglesFan
    PaEaglesFan Member Posts: 57

    Woohooo nyama!!!

  • elkatho
    elkatho Member Posts: 68

    Nyama..amazing!! So happy for you:)

  • jksurrusco
    jksurrusco Member Posts: 2

    I have been diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer.  I spoke with the surgeon today and thought to bring a voice recorder with me because I know I'll forget half of what we discussed.  I did ask the type of cancer but nothing else regarding the cancer type.  It is the most common, which, at the moment, the name escapes me, something in situ.  Anyway, I can't decide whether to have a lumpectomy or have the breast removed.  I keep waffling between the two, mainly because I lost a son to bone cancer and saw how sick the radiation treatment, used strictly for pain management, made him.  I am also allergic to darn near anything that touches my skin: betadyne; metal; adhesive.  Can anyone who has gone through the weeks of radiation tell me what it is really like?  Does it burn your skin?  Does it damage any internal organs?  I'm going to see a radiology oncologist in the future but I want to hear it from the horses mouth, so to speak. Thanks.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793

    jkurrusco....I am so sorry about your son and certainly understand your concern.  First of all, the new standard for radiation is a now a much lower dose.  Great news all around.  Another option could be to have a radiation implant at surgery.

    That said, I didn't find the experience all that terrible.  I think about the same amount of burn as the gap where my top and cycling shorts didn't meet in the back the other day when doing a long ride.  I used the aloe gel and Bag Balm.  Worked like a charm.

    You also might want to read up on reconstruction.  I would take getting zapped over more surgery anyday.

    I was tired towards the end, but just needed more sleep, and fortunately wasn't that busy with my consulting work.  It took about six weeks to regain most of my energy, but that was fine.  By "down on energy", I mean I downsized my cycling events from ~60 to 45 miles. 

    I drove myself to my appointments.  More a nuisance than anything else.  My radiation oncology nurse and I swapped stories on how our summer events training was going during our weekly meetings.  At the end, I got to call my radiation oncologist a "weenie" because I was doing the Seattle-to-Portland Bicycle Classic the following weekend and he wasn't (this at my final one month later checkup, and he is a cyclist).

    Anyway, good luck.  The person to discuss any contact allergies with is your SURGEON as this is they use stuff like tape on incisions and disinfectants to prep the area for surgery.  So make sure you cover that.

    BTW - I was just fine the day after my lumpectomy, feeling no worse for wear than being a bit jet lagged and needing horse pill ibuprofen.

    So glad I didn't need any surgery after that. - Claire

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501

    Hi Lumpies!

    Best Wishes for those getting ready for lx:) and mx/bmx

    Speedy healing for those recovering from lx:)

    Fingers&toes crossed for those waiting for results...clear nodes and margins please:)

    Yeah, for having a plan of attack! Rah:)

    Cool confident thoughts for those starting or in rads:)

    This is a good week:). My NP gave diet and nutrition plan, BS said incisions/lx looks good and my skin looked excellent! Surprised since so fair skinned. Tomorrow RO signs off on skin yippee! I know changes may still tae place...3rd boob on side swollen...but moving forward:). Today received my post lx bra with a lx support prosthesis (chick fillet) and compression sleeve. So ready to fly:))). Feeling like I'm making day I begin RX...tam or AI my choice....hummmm:)

    Yippee! It is a good good day



  • elkatho
    elkatho Member Posts: 68

    Rmlulu...sounds like a fabulous week. Sending smiles your way!! Hmmm...where to fly to so many options. I am dreaming for you!