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new and future flat sister, with questions



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    I am chanting and waving and I have the power suit ready, Bobo, I am in the bag for you, This is it! Last time! It won't be long, till it's a fading memory and there's a New Year can do this! M x

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited December 2014

    Bobo, last time, last time! I am so with you and in the bag with all gals for the last sx!! I was going to tell you to be sure and take a flea to MD, but I am late checking in here.

    Well we are breaking tradition for Christmas this year, we are at son 2 and leaving in morn. for number 1, so we let the little girls open their presents from us as they are also leaving for Colorado with dil side of family.. this house is a disaster to say the least! kitchen is being renovated, part of the new cupboards got put in yesterday, things in boxes etc. driving me crazy.. glad to be heading out in morning, doesnt that sound just awful but that is the way it is with me, cant stand all this upheaval and mess. Love the little girls tho, but so much going on in this household!

    Hugs to Bobo, so glad when all this done and is a distant memory.

  • fiaranch1
    fiaranch1 Member Posts: 259
    edited December 2014

    Hey All ,


    Just checking in . Last time I wrote a few months back I was painting the house.  I am still painting ! WTH was I thinking !!!  Oh well I must say painting has kept me busy and out of the stores . Bobo in the bag and I really hope this is your last SX . Happy Holidays to you all !! I read the posts in between painting . I have switched from tamox to arimidex so the "sweating and swearing" just continues !!

    I wish us all a 2015 filled with good test results and minimal side effects from all the medications we take !!  Glad I found you all despite the fact that my posting has been limited lately.






  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Hi Fiaranch:  love that sign.

    Last time, Bobo!!!

    **waving to all**

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Chanting along with everyone else. So close you can see the finish line, Bobo, victory is yours!!!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Glennie, I was told not to drink grapefruit juice while taking Tamox. Do you know if I can drink Fresca? It says it contains artificial and natural flavors. Also does that mean I cannot eat/drink anything containing grapefruit juice anytime or just while swallowing pill. And what about alcohol?

    How was your LE PT?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    I don't know if Fresca has any REAL grapefruit juice in it. Natural flavors could still not be grapefruit juice.  You can't drink it at any time, unfortunately. 

     Concomitant use of grapefruit juice and tamoxifen may result in decreased concentrations of the active metabolites of tamoxifen, which may compromise efficacy.

    My LE therapist said my arm was a little more swollen. I need to wear my sleeve more; I've been slacking on the sleeve since the hot flashes started. I do wear my chest compression all the time, as I feel better with it on. Sleeping is a real issue. I know I shouldn't sleep on the left side (LE), but the right shoulder is so messed up, that it is painful to sleep on that side. I can't sleep on my back. So my sleep issues are multi-layered!!!

    I think the numbness in the left hand today was from sleeping on that side and the LE making me more swollen. Probably pressing on some nerve.

    The right side is bad. I have thorarcic outlet syndrome on that side. (and herniated discs in my neck) and I had surgery for the TOS back in 1986. He told me then,, that I may need more surgery on it in the future.  Hoping that the future has not caught up with me,,, but crap on a chapstick!!   I see my other PT tomorrow.  The right hand numbness is really really annoying.

  • Chloesmom
    Chloesmom Member Posts: 626
    edited December 2014

    Poop I think I have a seroma. A patch about 5 x 6 inches under my armpit that had the biopsy is now swollen. No fever, no redness, doesn't hurt like the hematoma I had the day of the surgery. Just has the skin stretched to the max.

    Looking at the Amoena compression vest online. Wondering if that might help. I have my hand caressing the spot like when you try to warm your hands under your arms.

    Any thoughts?

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,960
    edited December 2014

    Chloesmom, I would report it to the surgeon's office. They might want you to use ice or heat or come in to have it drained. It's not uncommon. My site was drained twice.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Agree with Wren.. Call the surgeon. Is the drain draining ok?   You may need to go in and get it drained.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Hello Chloesmom. How are you feeling?

  • Chloesmom
    Chloesmom Member Posts: 626
    edited December 2014

    Amwaiting for dr to call back. It isn't hurting much but I am worried I might not heal as flat as I'd hoped if it's is all stretched out with flip is

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited December 2014

    Welcome Chloesmom, I agree with letting your doc know about your concerns. Hope you are feeling well otherwise. Dawn. X

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Hi Chloe's mom! Seroma can really be relatively minor in the scheme of things. Get it looked at right away and then you won't worry about it. Sending hugs.


  • Chloesmom
    Chloesmom Member Posts: 626
    edited December 2014

    Doc was great. Said he'd see me tomorrow between surgeries if it got worse. It's manageable right now. Not needing pain meds. Just had me worried that it might not heal flat if it stayed puffy. Have been researching it and see the possibility of infection if they drain it. Will wait and see. It feels better wrapped and he said that was fine. Thanks for encouragement!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    Fia!!!! *blows kisses* I been wondering how you've been. WTH were you thinking indeed!! Since you're such a seasoned painter now.. maybe you want to come on over and do mine as well :) I love the picture.. I bet you do sweat glitter. Happy Holidays to you and yours as well... so glad to have heard from you :)

    Now I was never told to avoid anything while on Tamoxifen.. just take low dose aspirin 3 days a week. I don't like grapefruit much, but still... why are some of us told somethings and others not.. it's really annoying.

    Glennie, what a pain in the arse.. wouldn't you rather have surgery and hopefully fix some of the issues?? Sounds to me like you are in a great deal of discomfort :(

    Chloesmom, glad to see you and seems like you are doing well, I am glad to hear that. Glad you are having the BS take a look at you, it's probably nothing though. You should be getting your drains out soon, no?

    Hi Dawny & Wren :)

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    You will be very happy with this real-life exchange between me and the PS:

    me: Give me your word you will be the only one operating on me in any way. I don't want anyone practicing or experimenting on my anymore.

    pS (squirming): I give you my word.

    me: Only you can experiment on me, it seems. (zing!)

    PS (wordless for a moment, then mumbling). I am not experimenting.


    It bears mentioning that I was stone=cold sober during this exchange.

    PS let DLLP know I had three blocks, shoulder to pudendum. Well, that was not his word; he pointed. He said I would be in a lot of 'discomfort' when they wear off. He said this is the most painful of the three sx. He moved my pre-op up to Wednesday at 1 p, thus ruining my day with DLLP. He extended mechanical device wearing from one week to two, and 24 hour break now after sx from 48 hours. I am very upset. This will ruin Christmas. I wanted one day when the kids would not have to see me deal with that. And how am I going to get things done Christmas eve with that thing strapped on and buzzing? Devastated.

    Do not know results -- wrapped up to hide million incisions, and now, suddenly, not allowed to shower till thurs. Last time was next day.

    Worried about our DP.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited December 2014

    Hi Fiaranch! Good to hear from you ! You have been missed!

    Hope things turn out ok Chloesmom! Take care.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Hi again, Fia, so good to see you! Shit that's a lot of painting! sweating glitter, I love that! How is the house coming along? We have finally finished ours!

    Hi Chloesmom, I had a seroma too, it had to be drained once and then just left to resolve by itself. Mine looked like a waterbed, I could tap it at one side and it moved like an undulating wave across to the other side. I had some serious swelling where I had the SNB removed, under my arm. It is still bigger than the other side, 2 years on. Good that you can get in to see your surgeon. It will be fine!

    What is it with Grapefruit? I have a tree in the garden and offer the fruit to people who come around and so many can't eat it because of different medications, it is a no, no if you are on high blood pressure medicine too.

    Awww glennie, I am sorry you have all that going on.

    Waving to everyone! M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Bobo, I am so proud of you, for telling him! Did it make you feel better? I bet you do!

    What am I missing? that device again? what for? That's just fucking torture, for fucks sake, surely you can get Christmas off.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    I just got mail..wooo hooooo! Glennie, that is such a gorgeous pic of Ava, thank you!

    Andrea, I have my snowflake right beside me, thank you so much for that and the lovely card!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Suddenly I am visualizing you. Bobo as the Bionic woman (I know, before your time) with all that whirling and buzzing going on.

    Why don't you move Christmas back a few days....I am the fake Christmas queen! You know Ukrainian Christmas is January 6th. Tell your kids you are celebrating your (or someone else's) cultural heritage this year.

    My kids enjoyed fake Christmas so much that they are planning next year 's already. Lol. Just wait until they see National Clean Your Room day on the calendar.Mwa ha ha!

    Take care.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Edited to say: apparently pressing the Submit button several times doesn't post any quicker....just multiple times. Lol. Oops.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Bobo: that was excellent exchange.   What the hell with the post op differences??  Maybe when you see him at post op appt on Weds, you can get Christmas off. 

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    Bobo, me too, I am sick over DP's news. I am very proud of you for setting the PS straight. confused over mechanical thing, I must have missed previous posts that described it. Maybe you can skip a day or a few hours? Andrea has a good idea there.

    Andrea, careful, you'll be doing fake Xmas in July, I love the clean your room day.. you should think up another name that won't give away what it is, put it on the calendar and then totally get them all excited over it.

    Hi Ndgirl :)

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    I wasn't told anything about tamox either. Not a grapefruit fan. But wonder about my bones. Had a cracked tooth on non radiated side. Thankfully easily fixed in 30 min today.

    I hate LE. Slept wrong last night and hand is sore/swollen. I just got the all clear from PT. D&mn! I feel your pain glennie. Always run hotter with sleeve on.

    You go Fia! When you get finished in MA, come on down to Ky. I've got spots on the wall where DH repaired and sanded but never painted.

    It gets better chloesmom.

    I don't know what to say bobo. Except take your pain pills. For the rest, I don't know. Don't understand the different instructions, time lines from before. Can anyone explain? Did you misunderstand? What happens if you go rogue?

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    Yeah I know.. worried about the bones too... I never got enough calcium even before all this shit... dentist has noticed bone loss in teeth... yippee. Like we say, it's the gift that keeps on giving.

    Omg patched walls would drive me insane... just one wall or several? I hate painting with a passion.

    Am hoping Bobogirl is getting some sleep.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Ruthbru (on another thread) says prunes are good for bone health.  There is science behind it.  So not just good for the bowels,, for the bones too. It's like a win win. Prunes have boron in them, which apparently is good for the bones. So now, I try to eat them every day.

    A lot of doctors don't seem to get the grapefruit issue.  I remember when it was first discovered and was worried about my kidney transplant patients (cuz it interacts with one of their main drugs) and the head doctor of the dept told me it was a bunch of crap.  (Yes, Bobo,, at Shands!)   Well, it's not a bunch of crap and it is a problem with several drugs.

    Yes, Z,, I'm back with the sleeve again. Stylin' with my gray tie dyed one today. It is really hot with the hot flashes to have the sleeve and the chest compression.  Good thing it's winter, huh?

    Hope Bobo and DP are getting some sleep.  Concerned about their pain.  I think Bobo should get Christmas off from buzzing bionic device.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    I am not getting some sleep. Don't want to complain on DPs thread because I know her pain is so much worse. It's pretty surprisingly bad this time. And I know pain. Will not be a hero with pain meds this time.

    I hate your LE too. Will you see someone, Z? Or will you fix it yourself? Horrible train picture.

    No, I wasn't misunderstanding. DLLP backed up the story of post-op, and I askedher several times. I am going to text him today. I can't stand the suspense. I simply cannot wear that thing on Christmas. I hate that thing. I don't know about now, but poss repercussion is that the skin and tissue would die, and then you would be sorry for taking a day off.

    Bad news: really terrible pain, upcoming backlash from DLLP when she is tired tonight.

    Good news: After being incredibly articulate at PS office, at pre-op, at anaesthesia pre-op, I had excellent anaesthesiologist --- a survivor! And she really listened and I have NO SEs. None. Bad news -- they had to rush my sx because of cancellation (better than sitting around) but the Versed had not kicked in an I saw quite a bit in op room. Terrifying. M would have loved it but I flashbacks. Good news: The charge nurse stuck to me like glue. The other nurses were not that young, but I am serious, I would not speak to them.

    Nurse (in squeaky voice) Hi, I'm Brittany, I'll be your nurse today?

    Me: **French-flavored silence. Resting bitch face.** They tried another one.

    Nurse #2: Hi, I'm Sissy. I'll be your nurse today. And I give the best IVs on the planet.

    Me (John Waynesque): Everyone says that. And then I end up having an IV in my foot.

    Suddenly, Charge nurse appears with all IV equipment.

    Me (still behaving badly, in presence of other nurses, they might as well stay, they are learning. Speaking exclusively to charge nurse): I am so glad you are here. Are you doing my IV?

    Charge nurse: Yep, I might as well. We're in a rush.

    Me: I like being in rush. Let's get it done.

    Charge nurse (to jr nurse) Get Boris. He'll do blocks in ER.

    Me: No. I do not like Boris.


    Stunned silence. Then someone speaks.

    Junior nurse: Why don't you like Boris.

    Me: French flavored silence. In fact, I know Boris. He did Charlotte for the MRI and hated him then. Plus he called me after anaesthesia pre-op because he missed pre0-op. Hate Boris.


  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    can you switch DLLPs drink to caffeinated tonight? Maybe she'll surprise you. Is the pain/showering due to location?

    I know how much you hate the device. I also understand how much you want this procedure to succeed. Can you compromise with yourself? Wear a little while on Christmas Eve and/or Christmas Day? Not full on and tell yourself you did your best.

    Hopefully it's a misunderstanding and you get some good answers. I would definitely want to know the difference.

    Rainy day, temp dropping. Need to do paperwork. Instead hanging out with you all and in bed with dog. Might have to get up for a cookie. Wish I could nap.