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new and future flat sister, with questions



  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited July 2013

    I am not a supermom. Just wiped the corner around his bed and only up to about 4 feet. He's still in a toddler bed. I promise I'm not physically up to much. And it may be heat like Ariom said.

    I've given him a preventative half dose of Benedryl and turned down the a/c. He is a hot box. I will just have to wear a hat to bed.

    I have mixed feelings about the funeral. I want to be there for my husband, I don't want to draw attention to myself because of my appearance but the biggest reason is I don't want germs and I'm sure it will be packed and I will be blubbering.

    I'm already in my pillow palace and had some Tylenol. No claw yet! The baby is asleep and the boy is about there.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited July 2013

    Zils, I'm glad you're feeling better!!  I have no idea what might be wrong with your son, if it disappears by morning, then it can't be bed bugs, Moira might be on the right trail with the heat rash, although I don't know very much about them.  I too thought that he was running out of the house at night lol.  I am SO glad you wore a mask and I hope that the claw didn't come and get you in the middle of the night.  Maybe try having him sleep in your bed for a night and see if it still happens?

    I am so so so sorry about your friend, how very sad.  I do agree, at least she was doing something she loved.. did she have children? I know exactly what you mean about the funeral, I have felt that way on many occassions and the only advice I can give is do whatever you feel the most comfortable doing.. nobody is going to think poorly of you if you do not go.  I personally feel that the less exposure you have to germs the better.. you don't want to be getting sick.

    I'm laughing over Bobogirl picturing Wren as a little birdy.. chirp chip chirp... Wren.. that is a horrible thought regarding the weasel.. I fear for his life if he did try that with Granwe on the F Femara.... and yes chemo is a bitch for sure :)

    Ndgirl, I agree with the consensus, I don't think that your taking meds has anything to do with your son having diabetes... but I suppose that will always be in the back of your mind.

    Bobogirl.. what in tarnation are you up to??  You need to rectify this eating situation, it is not healthy, especially with the hours you've been keeping and the stress it sounds like you are under... I am worrying about you and I don't need additional stress either so you need to get this straightened out! F a watermelon diet!

    Confession, I haven't kept up with rites.. did it 4 days straight and then just got off schedule.

    One more day and then the weekend, however, I may have to put in some hours on Saturday.. that will be fine since I can probably do it from home.  It doesn't seem like work if you're in your pj's.  

    Good news on my "area" there is still a little peeling, but for the most part I have new smooth skin in the radiated areas.  I am absolutely amazed at how fast it healed itself.. aren't our bodies the most wonderous things when you really think about it.  My scar is really nothing more than an indentation now.. I'm not too sure what it should look like, but to my mind a scar is usually a raised area that is generally lighter than your actual skin and this is an indentation that blends into the skin.  I wonder if radiation helped it achieve this outcome.

    Joe is watching some boring war movie with Sean Penn and Nick Nolte.. I have no interest in it whatsoever so I think I might sit and read for a bit until I de-stress.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,955
    edited July 2013

    Ndgirl, Last I heard they thought juvenile diabetes was caused by a virus, probably one related to chicken pox. My niece was 11 when she came down with it. Great advances are on their way, so perhaps he'll have an easier time than in the past. I saw a doctor demonstrating how his smart phone could read his blood sugar from a sensor on his abdomen. And how a phone could send an ekg to the hospital.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited July 2013

    No itching last night:)

    The visitation is Sat afternoon at the farm so that might not be too bad. Sunday at 1 pm is the funeral and my husband is a pallbearer. I don't think I'll be able stand the heat and the church is very old and tiny. Haven't discussed it with him as he took advantage of my friend stopping by to get in some alone time.

    Nd girl. I know it's hard not to feel guilty about our children but I'm sure you did everything you thought was right at the time. Are you packed for your weekend? It's just what you need.

    Idesim. Yes it's good to be busy at work and good the economy seems to be picking up. Glad your area is better. I bet you never imagined it would feel this good this fast. Just in time for summer. How soon was rads after surgery? I'm hoping mine should be well healed by the time I do rads. It was mentioned specifically on my collarbone but wonder if they'll do my underarm too just in case. It sure is a hilly mess.

    I noticed Hoda on the Today Show has a tiny dog ear where she had her surgery. I'm guessing she had the best so maybe it's just my new normal.

    Granwe. I'm sure your stress isn't helping your bp but that's scary. Do you feel faint or lightheaded with these episodes or just your heart? Did OG coordinate his outfit with your purse? Are the roofers going try again this weekend? What's in the garden?

    Wren. Any big weekend plans or are you going to stay home and relax from too much 4th?

    Bobo. Watermelon is not acceptable. Sweet potatoes are supposed to be a superfood. I wouldn't care about lots of ice cream. However if you can hang on just a little longer maybe your appetite wil come back after the move and you adjust to your new job.

    Ariom. I guess you are getting the final touches ready for Bec. Hope that doesn't include raking any more leaves. Are you going to make or take her favorite meal?

    It's Friday!!!! Hope everyone has a great weekend and stays cool. Ariom and Dex stay warm!

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited July 2013

    Zill, so sorry about your friend, sometimes life is just a isnt it? You will know how much you can handle and what you cant. I agree about all the germs you dont want. sure the family will understand completely.

    Well I just got the WORST news from my best friend tonite... her 26 year old daughter has invasive melanoma! My God it seems we hear of a C diagnose every week... I am just sick to my stomach about this.. not sleeping, we as moms know nothing is worse than when our child is hurting, she will have surgery on Tues. the dr. said he was 99% sure the blue dye injected would lead to her groin nodes, I am praying it hasnt gone further. This is not the friend we are going to visit... now I really need a good weekend, has been a long week anyway, busy at work, behind in housework and garden, lawn, etc. oh well. work always waits.

    Wren.. I love our little wrens around here, one of the first sounds in the morning with windows open, they scold me if I get too close to their house, which is close to my clothes line, I just adore them so being pictured as a wren would be good to meSmile.

    Well I am going to try to go back and get a little sleep, almost time to get up and I am thinking of sleeping, kinda backwards! Hi and good wishes to all our little gang of uniboobers!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2013

    Hello everyone!

    It is lovely to see all these posts!

    Oh Zills, I do hope the benadryl and the cool room have done the trick, sorry you have to sleep in a hat though!

    I totally understand  you're feelings about the funeral. You can't afford to expose yourself to the germs, but the visitation just might be the way to go. Everyone will understand, whatever you decide. Don't beat yourself up though.

    I am picturing you in your Pillow Palace, with a hat! 

    I am getting ready, for Bec coming, no more leaf raking, they are all gone now, till next year! 

    I don't need to do much. Her room is all ready, and I have a shelf in the wardrobe where I put things I have bought for her. It's going to be a bit like Christmas this visit, I have found so much stuff that she likes.

    We usually take a drive to the supermarket and buy everything when she arrives. We tend to cook together while chatting in the kitchen. Sometimes we'll do brunch at one of the cafe's, or get takeaway Thai food.

    ldesim, I am so glad I wasn't the only one having a Duh! moment about Zills son:)

    I am thrilled to hear how your skin has healed, isn't it just amazing how the body can cope with such things, and still come out on top of it!

    Don't give yourself a hard time about not doing the Rites. If it is for you, you'll get back into it. Interesting point is that the spinning, number 1 of the Rites is the one that supposedly gives the most benefits over a lifetime. It helps with your balance so that in the later years, like where I am now,LOL it will prevent falls from bad balance. The book suggests that if you don't do the whole routine, just a couple of times a day, doing the spinning is very beneficial.

    I hope you don't have to do too much work at home on Saturday, "jimjams" or not, you need stress free time too. I am worried too, about Bobo's watermelon diet.

    Wren, I have read about so many serious illnesses being caused from viruses, and other weird causes. They think my rheumatoid was caused by a Tic or a Flea bite when I was in Kuala Lumpur in '96.

    ndgirl, I am so sorry to hear about your friend's daughter. It is truly like an epidemic out there. I am constantly hearing of more people, and really young ones, being diagnosed with f'ing ca. 

    Try not to stress yourself over the house work, it will always wait for you. Try to have a great weekend with your friends.

    I hope you got in another snoooze, and feel refreshed when you get up again.

    Take care everyone...bedtime for me now..M x 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,955
    edited July 2013

    Zills, So sorry about your friend. If you do the visitation, you can explain not going to the funeral and give your condolences then.

    Ndgirl, That is the worst news. DD had a melanoma last year, but it was small and confined. I wish the dermatologists would get on the band wagon to save the ozone. I think that's the problem leading to all the skin cancers.

    No relaxing weekend for me. Sat morning is book club, which I love. We have 4-5 people, all of whom worked for the mental health agency. Sat afternoon I am giving a training on how to do ISO at the animal shelter. I've never given a training and I had to write all the material myself, so wish me luck. Sunday I'm doing the animal shelter booth at the Seafood Fest from 2-5pm. The Seafood Fest is because my area of Seattle was settled by Scandinavian fishers. It's a nice, small, 3 block fair with sidewalk sales by the merchants. They're closing 2 major highways this weekend so we'll either get hardly anyone because they can't get here or lots of people because they can't leave and it's the only thing happening. Poor DH has a performance Sat on the other side of the closed highways, so he'll have to take the long way round.

    Zills, Just a thought...could DS be reacting to something like water softener or dryer sheets? Maybe that plus the heat? Heat rash is usually little bumps, not like hives.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited July 2013

    I'm not going to attend either of the services. I tried to run a few errands in town (5 min away) and felt sick on my next to last one and it went downhill from there. Was in bed by 6 pm.

    It's not fair to my husband to have to worry about me and we will be an hour from home. Friends will be available to come help if I need any while he's gone.

    Wren sounds like a fun weekend

    Granwe. Hope you are just busy with the roofers and OG and DD are doing ok.

    Bobo. I know you are busy. Take some time to prop your feet up for a few minutes.

    I bet Ndgirl is laughing her fannies off this time.

    Idesim and Ariom enjoy your pajama day.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2013

    Hiya Zills, I'm sorry you're not feeling too good.

    Now that you have made your decision not to go you can relax a bit. Just promise that if you do need anything, you'll call on your friends! You've had a big shock, losing your friend at a time when you're going through so much yourself. It's  terrible stress on you.

    I hope the children are ok, did your boy have any more itching last night? Did you sleep in your hat?

    Wren, you are super busy too. I am sorry to hear of your DD's melanoma last year. The buider who project managed our renovation was telling me his 17 year old daughter was Dx with a melanoma too. It's just frightening how young the kids are who are getting these awful things.

    Australia has a huge hole in the ozone. I have had several skin cancers removed, one nasty one about 18 months ago. It's unfortunately, pretty common here.

    Good Luck with the training session today!

    It sounds like your Seafood Fest might only be frequented by the locals, and your Husband will have trouble getting to where he needs to be. Is he an entertainer?

    Bobo, I hope you are looking after yourself, and can rest and recoup this weekend before you get into it again next week.

    ndgirl, I hope your face is aching from laughing, like mine was last week! Ha Ha It's a good ache!

    Gramwe, I know you had lots of sorting out a&%les to do this week. I hope it wasn't too stressful, and you were able to get what you wanted with a minimum of angst. How is the torture device going, is the OG doing ok?

    ldesim, did you manage to bring your work home? I hope you still get some quiet time for yourself this weekend. You've been going at a million miles an hour, of late too.

    I had a quiet day today. It was freezing and quite damp, so I went out early, did what I had to do, and scampered home at lunchtime. I turned up the heat, and read magazines.

    I had a great time at my fave opp shop yesterday. I found a single wall sconse in spun copper. I bought it because I figured there would likely be another that would show up, they always come in pairs....right? Well, just as I was loading up the two big framed photos I had found for Colin, into the car, the man from the shed came running after me. Guess what? Yes, he had the other wall lamp! Yay!!!

    If you are wondering why I would get excited about spun copper lamps, when we bought this house there were a lot of features and fittings that were just too good to remove. We renovated in a "sympathetic" way, keeping the hand built kitchen cupboards and stainless steel handles. There was a Dishwasher, Oven, and a Copper Hood, all Miele. I fell for the copper hood, and refused to have it removed. So we altered the kitchen to lighten up the timber and put black stone benches on the Victorian Ash timber, and seaglass splashbacks. There is tons of light from roof windows, and there's long expanses of glass on eitther side of the kitchen. Anyway, I have been hunting for copper pendant shades to hang above the big bench since we arrived here. They are either not real copper, or way over budget. So finding these was just amazing. When I got home I took the lights apart, I only wanted the shade part. When I went to install them the circle fitting was just too small ( by a bees dick, as we say here!) Colin was thrilled that he could actually sit at the table outside in the sun and use a dremmel, while I slowly turned the shade for him, to grind the circle to fit! He so misses being able to be actively involved in the process. He does do all the designs on the computer and keeps tabs on the finances, so he does plenty.

    I now have shades that are even better than ones I could have paid a small fortune for, the perfect size, and they cost me the princely sum of $5.00 for them both! WooHoo........  Did I mention that I love a bargain?  

    Take care later M x 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited July 2013

    My kind of woman. I love your phrases. Never thought that bees had dicks. I bet he was happy to be useful.

    No more itching but he slept in our bed last night. We'll see what happens tonight.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited July 2013

    I will never look at a bee the same way again..... You kitchen sound lovely and  I have to look up seaglass splashbacks.  Congratulations on your score at the shop.. copper is very expensive, but I do love it as well.  I need yours and Colins expertise,,, I get overwhelmed even trying to think about renovations.  I can handle a multi million dollar real estate transaction with ease, but home improvement or really anything that requires creativity and I am useless.

    Zills, I think you made a good choice.. I didn't even realize it was an hour away.. that's just too much for you right now.  Perhaps in a couple of weeks send a card with a nice note to the family.  Keeping my fingers crossed that your boy suffers no more itchiness.

    I did manage to bring my work home and I will set about that in a little while.  Gave the kitchen & bathroom a good clean and did some vacuuming and have a load of laundry in. It's overcast but cool out today.. tomorrow we return to hot and humid for the next 2-3 days, so I am trying to get a lot of things done today.

    My house smells very lemony.. between my lemon lysol and my lemon essential oils... it really is invigorating!

    Joe is out mowing the lawn, that is another of my favorite smells. 

    Wren, you have a busy weekend, but sounds like a lot of fun as well.  Best of luck with your training.. what is ISO? Been trying to figure that out.. probably something so easy lol.  I love the sound of the seafood fest, would love to go to that.  I hope DH isn't too inconvenienced... I am curious what type of entertaining!

    Ndgirl, I am sick to hear of your friends daughter and I will be thinking of her on Tuesday and hoping for the best possible results.  I hope you are able to enjoy the time with your friends this weekend... and try not to worry about the things you can't control right now.

    Bobogirl, I hope we haven't seen you because you've been too busy eating solid food!!! :)

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited July 2013

    Zils, forgot to answer you about rads... initially I was told 3 weeks after surgery.. but it ended up being 5 weeks after. There's a good chance they may do underarm with you... do you have feeling in your underarm?

    Yard looks nice.. love when it's newly mowed... both the sight and smell.

    Having chicken tonight on the coffee table, with brown rice & broccolli.  I also made an orange cake that we'll have with whipped cream for desert.

    Hope everybody had a wonderful day... Good Morning Moira... 1 day left until Bec arrival? :)

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2013

    Good Morning all!

    It is very wet, the rain has bucketed down for many hours during the night. I lay awake listening for a while, but Dexter's snoring sometimes drowned it out. The house is cosy and warm. Colin set the heating to come on a couple of hours before I get up, because I was complaining that doing the Rites in the cold wasn't pleasant.

    Hi Zills, I am glad you like these little sayings, I love bee's dick! It is just so descriptive isn't it? That's what I tell my hairdresser, I want, and she always laughs.

    I hope the itching is over!

    ldesim, We love to renovate. This move was all about a place to really relax and enjoy, but also, we felt we had one last big build or renovation in us. I am so glad we did it. It has turned out even better than we expected, because the builder and the tradesmen were an unknown quantity for us, but they all excelled, and gave far more than we ever expected.

    I will explain the Seaglass splashbacks. It is just a color, but a very difficult one to create. I had bought three large hand blown bowls to sit along the dining room table. They are a beautiful blue green, icy pearl color. I also have open shelving with lots of crockery in the same blue green tone. When I was deciding on the splashback I couldn't get past this seaglass color in my head. I took one of the bowls to the splashback guy, but he didn't have anything that came close. Too light, or way too dark and irridescent. I finally found the right tone in automotive paint which was too dark. I got him to do a sample in half strengh of that color and it worked perfectly. The splashbacks are clear glass with the color sprayed on the rear. It looks sensational because the color changes with the light in the room and cleaning is a breeze.

    I have run into the guy who made it for me and he tells me that this is one of his most popular colors now since he has had the sample in his showroom! Not surprising, since it is a coastal town, so those colors are going to be popular.

    Everyone thought I was nuts keeping the copper, but now they've changed their tune.I love the color of Rose Gold and Platinum together, so I knew it would work with the stainless and chrome of the appliances.  I got a similar reaction when I put a plain mirror splashback behind the bar. The tradesmen were joking about it being a very 70's idea, but once it was up and I got them to sit facing it at the bar table I had made, they realised the method in my madness. You get the whole view of the lake reflected in that mirror while sitting on a bar stool with your back to the view. Now they think it's wonderful! Ha Ha, I say!

    I have nothing planned on this dreary grey Sunday, no walk for Dex today. The bells from the Church are pealing right now. I love that sound.

    Big hugs to everyone....I'll check back later to see if anyone else has been on....M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited July 2013

    The weatherman says its raining buckets where Granwe and maybe Bobo are. Was a beautiful day here. Low humidity. Sat outside for awhile. In the shade of course. Tomorrow will be hot and muggy.

    DH texted me from the visitation. There were over 400 people and more coming. He stood in line for a couple of hours. Said he was glad I didn't go. That makes me feel better.

    Both children were very tired today. Drug out lots of toys from locked closet. Just like Christmas! Unfortunately he was rude and disrespectful so all back in they went.

    She experiencd her first car wash and pizza. Cried at almost the end of the wash. Poor baby is still in a rear facing seat. Picked the cheese (Lactose free) off the pizza. I think both were asleep about 7ish.

    I can't wait for Monday to call the doctor. I was scared I was getting sick (raw throat). I've been so careful about handwashing and wearing a mask in public. I think it's acid reflux. Don't know what more to do as I'm already on an acid blocker.

    Stay warm Ariom. So glad your DH takes care of you with the heating. The backsplash sounds lovely.

    Hope Granwe's roof is holding up. I guess no roofers this weekend. She doesn't need more stress. I wonder if the rain bothers OG's hand.

    I'm sure Wren and NDgirl are having a good time.

    Idesim did you get some work done and enjoy the low humidity today? I love orange cake. Reminds me of orange juice muffins I had in FL. Yum! Mostly prickles and tingles on the backside of my underarm. They are already issuing heat warnings for your area tomorrow. We will be sweltering together!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2013

    Hi Zills, you're instinct was 100%. Your friend was dearly loved by so many people, but it wasn't the place for you right now, and your dear husband was right to tell you that. You can mourn for your friend wherever you are.

    You sound just like I was with Bec. Although she was a really good kid, she had her moments, and I would gather everything up and shove into garbage bags, and hide away. It doesn't take long for them to put it together, and behave. How old is your boy?

    I know that raw throat feeling too Zills. I have dreadful reflux, from the meds for my Rheumatoid, and take proton pump inhibitors, but I still often get the throat, and the asthma too, that comes from the acid fumes. The only thing that helps is a thing we have here called Quick Eze chewable. It isn't the usual chalky thing, but a chewable candy with the reflux stuff in it. I carry them everywhere. It can also relieve the raw throat feeling by diluting any acid that is sitting there. If you don't have that one, I am sure there is another similar one that may help you.

    I am hoping everyone is having a good weekend, the rain is on for the day I think. I am going to snuggle on the couch with a book. I just let Dex out for a toilet break. He skirted around the covered area so as not to get wet, and then did a girly squat just off the paving, and ran back inside. He hates to get those tootsies wet!

    Take care M x   

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,955
    edited July 2013

    My day was even busier than planned. DH left early for his parade because major highways were closed. He plays with a samba band.

    I went to book club at 9:30am and noticed they were going to close down the street for Bastille Day celebration. Got directions to leave a different way. Decided to go straight to the shelter since time was short to go home. Went down one of the main east-west streets only to discover that it was blocked by massive cranes. I have no idea what they are doing with those or why they're blocking the street.

    Got to the shelter and did the ISO training. ISO is the isolation ward for sick kitties. We medicate, give fluids, and sometimes force feed because cats can get liver failure if they don't eat. Most of the illness is upper respiratory infections.

    Went from the shelter to the cat adoption event to pick up my new foster cat. She's a black long-hair girl whose owner passed away. Got back home with the cat and got her set up.

    Then DH walked in and asked if we had a thermometer (we have the one we got when DD was born 53 yrs ago). Then if I knew where it was (been in the same cabinet in the same spot for 25 yrs). His temp was 102F, so he called the consulting nurse who told him to go to urgent care. I drove him because he felt too bad to drive. He has a huge bladder infection. They gave him IV fluids and sent him home with antibiotics. 

    So I'm hoping that tomorrow is a little more restful.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited July 2013

    Oh wren. I'm so sorry. Hope he's feeling better this morning. Did they tell him to drink cranberry juice? Good thing you could still find the thermometer. We have color coded ones for the kids.

    My son is 4. He can be the most sweetest boy around. His non stop talking can drive me insane. He's picked up some unfavorable behavior at school. I had all those kids when they were little and those girls have a lot of drama. I'm sure part is his age, part of trying to fit back in for the summer and testing his independence with behaviors he's seen there, my very low patience level now and of course the tension from this week and the whole bc stuff. However being disrespectful and rude will not be tolerated. He's too big to be cute when he acts up.

    The baby, on the other hand, has a terrible temper and tries to bite and doesn't take no for an answer. I see big similarities with her sister's temper tantrums. I would have thought different environments would have played a bigger part. She's small enough most think its cute. I don't have the patience like I should with her either.

    I will look for that chewable. I've never had reflux and I don't like it. I'm sure allergies aren't helping either. But I don't have a temp so I'm very happy. I don't want to be sick and set back the next round. I'm supposed to have scans done and I'm really hoping for good news this time. Even though I know I'll still have to have more chemo, I can't wait for this part to be over. I could potentially be half way through!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2013

    Oh Wren, I am sorry too, to hear of your husband's UTI. Colin has an ongoing problem with them, as does anyone in a wheelchair. He rarely gets ill, but these infections happen regularly.

    You've had quite a stressful weekend, so far. I hope you can have a bit of a rest today.

    Hi Zills, You're amazing with all you do! Having two young kids must be exhausting. Two young kids and chemo....very amazing.......two young kids misbehaving, and you can still discipline them......seriously amazing! and admirable! don't give yourself a hard time for not having the patience you'd like to have, right now. It will come back, we all wax and wane with our tolerance, at different times. That's just another part of parenting.  

    Sorry about the the reflux, but hopefully it will pass when you are through this treatment. No temp is a good thing! I have everything crossed for good results of your scans and tests. I hope you are half way through because that means we can start a countdown till the end, just like we had for ldesim and the rads! F all these treatments!

    Another weekend over for me.....not a great deal planned before Wednesday, when Bec arrives. I hope everyone is soon M x

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited July 2013

    Good night Moira! Good morning to others.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited July 2013

    Glad to see you're alive and kicking Granwe. Can't wait to hear about your adventures!

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited July 2013

    I'm so far behind in post. Been busy building an ark and gathering the animal pairs. Yes it is still raining, a foot since the first of July. Roads are washing away, dams are bursting, and there is no okra to be found! I guess its to wet and to cool for the okra to grow. On a good note I will begin picking tomatoes from my tiny garden today or tomorrow.

    The OG is battling a bit of depression, the pain, the loss of mobility, being home for 30 days, the weather, not being allowed to drive, are all taking a toll on his spirits.

    My spirit was lifted yesterday. Thank you Zills for the sweet card. Hope the children are feeling well and behaving this morning. So sorry for the loss of your friend. I know not attending the service was a difficult decision, in your situation I think it was the right decision. A long car ride, and a crowd of people would have been taxing on your health.

    Moira. Just a few more days until your daughter arrives, how exciting. I readied our guest room yesterday for our daughter, but it is unused this morning. One of her coworkers graduated yesterday so a group of friends were to go out, with my daughter being the designated driver, so she was going to stay here afterwards. Evidently plans changed, she text me at midnight to say she was at home. Morning sickness is improving, emotions not so much.

    Wren so sorry your husband isn't feeling well. So impressed that he took his own temperature and went willingly to the doctor! I so wish someone would foster all the little kittens that are running around our neighborhood. They are all wild, I cant get close enough to them to see their condition. I do know they are all using one of my flower beds as their giant litter box, they have killed all the flowers that were there and the smell is horrible.

    Idesim bring your lemony fresh self here. This old house could use a fragrance other than bulldog butt. Much to his displeasure today's chores include a bath for him, Miss Molly and the 2 cats. The cats are the easiest ones to bathe, they just sit there and scream blood murderer.

    Nd, so sorry to hear of your friends daughter. You are right it does seem that you hear of a new dx every week. One of my sons coworkers was diagnosed 2 weeks ago, and had surgery last week. Not a good prognosis for her.

    Where is Bobo? I didn't see a post. I'll go back further to see what I've missed.

    Tomorrow begins another round on the hamster wheel. Therapy everyday, hand surgeon on Wed, and I have to make an appointment for the heart monitor. I'm getting so tired of being in doctors offices.


  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited July 2013

    Here I am!  Just back from building a little fence for our new house.  It's a tiny little house! We're moving here in town, but it's two blocks from our Princess' school.  Goodbye to my four-hour-a-day commute!

    Am swamped, as everyone else here seems to be.  M, your house sounds like a show palace! That seaglass back-splash sounds amazing.  I love stories about Dex not getting his toes wet!  Do you know bobo is afraid of water?  He will not go swimming.  If it rains as he is having a walk, he heads for home, then wipes his face on couch.

    Nd, I am so sorry to hear about your friend's daughter -- that is just awful.  Let us know if you want to talk.  

    Wren, you save kitties!  You are my hero.  And I am so sorry about your DH's infection.  Is he better now?  I hope to have regular kitty updates.  How is the new girl?

    Granwe!  What's going on with the Og's hand?  More torturous exercises?  Will it be workable soon?  I'm worried that his spirits (and yours) are down from all of this.

    Z -- great job with the kids, I think.  When we put all toys in a bag in the garage, we call it 'stripping the room..'  it's a term coined by my brother, who has two small boys.  He 'strips the room' when they are disrespectful or otherwise naughty.  Can't help loving stories of the baby with a temper, though... that would be my weak spot!  When are your scans?  

    In general, when is the next dr appt?  Granwe, is it tomorrow?  I do have the 23rd down, for Ariom and Z.  Don't want to get behind.

    Idesim, your house sounds so spiffy.  Mine is going to be not as spiffy from here to the move.  That's always a terrible feeling for me.  And the kids have so much stuff!  It's staggering.  I want to throw half of it away!  Meanwhile, they play with one of the cardboard boxes.. the old story..

    Working Saturday and Sunday this week.  This morning before we left, made cream of mushroom soup and vegan chicken and dumplings (those are for the kids).  I am not on a watermelon diet!  Watermelon just tastes good to me.  In fact, I think  I will have some now.

    Kisses to everyone!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,955
    edited July 2013

    Thanks to everyone for the good wishes. DH is feeling much better this morning. Now the problem will be getting him to rest.

    Gramwe, Do you have an animal control where you live? Unaltered cats can produce an incredible number of offspring. There's a feral organization here that will trap kittens, tame them if possible (there's only a few weeks where that will work), spay and neuter them. Loose fencing propped up on small sticks or boards will discourage them from that flower bed. They don't like the uncertain feeling of it not solid under their feet. My friend puts blackberry bush trimmings on her beds and says that works also.

    Ariom, I can't wait to tell DH about your backsplash. I love that look and can't afford the tiles. And talk about easy to clean!

    Comforting thoughts for those in pain. Hugs for everyone.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2013

    Morning all! I must have just missed you Gramwe, we were posting at the same time, just before I went to bed.

    Here I am, refreshed and the day looks not too bad. Some sunshine and no wind. We have had lots of rain.

    I can understand the OG's depression. It sure wouldn't be easy to take being held back on everything by the hand. Especially when you would have been expecting a great result. Very disappointing, and scary, I am sure.

    I feel for your daughter, glad the morning sickness is going, but unsettled emotions, not so good. Is the weasel upsetting her? It should be such a happy time for her...F the weasel, I hope he can "Man Up" a bit, if he plans to stick around. I can imagine how you you must be feeling, you don't need his crap either. I'd want to channel my energies into my Daughter, and the pregnany, but I'd have a hard time being civil to him.  

    I love having fresh fragrance in the house too. Sometimes I make my own room spray...take a spray bottle and add white alcohol, I use vodka, then about 20 drops of a good pure essential oil,or a blend of oils, shake and spray. It will kill bacteria, and viruses, and I doubt even "Bulldog Butt" could survive it.

    One thing you never see here is a cat. I haven't ever had one, neither has Colin. When I lived in the inner city, they were everywhere, but in the country, they are a rarity. This is a super dog friendly place, everyone has a dog, and they are all leashed. You never see a dog wandering alone, and the rules on the beaches are enforced.

    I am so sorry you're back on the Hamster wheel again. Things will have to slow down soon, Take care.....M x

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited July 2013

    Hello everyone, I hope it is OK to join in the conversation.

    I started at the beginning of this thread yesterday, and by this afternoon realized I was only on page 4 so jumped to the end so I could say hello.  I learned so much from those pages!!  So many questions I had were answered for me by all you lovely ladies!! I will go back and catch all the way to present on this thread.

    I am a total newbie on this journey just dx'd on July 8. And immediately acquired 3 new drs!! I've already met with the surgeon, at that point I was undecided whether to go lumpectomy or mastectomy.  It didn't take me long to decide to go mastectomy and just yesterday, I've decided not to do recon.  I am not at all attached to my breasts won't, miss "rightie" at all!!

    If my ins would cover leftie's removal I'd do it in a heartbeat, but it is healthy for now.  My mom died from bc so I sort of expected this at some point..... But since I live alone, husband died from AML (leukemia) and complications from diabetes about 16 years ago, in the boonies of MT with little help, one at a time is probably best.  My kids live in CA and can only come for a few days each, I'll be alone on day 4 from surgery so I was heartened to read many of you had no problems taking care of yourselves. 

    Surgery is 8/13/13, I meet with the MO and RO tomorrow.  I am not planning on rads or Tamoxifen.  From what I have been told the area is small and the microinvasion is only one or two cells, so hope the MX will take care of everything. 

    I too am an avid thrift shop shopper!!  I was dx'x T2 Diabetic early last year and in the course of getting that in control, I've lost about 50 pounds. As my sizes went down I bought "new" and donated the big to the local free Clothes Closet. I didn't want to buy brand new clothes until my weight stabilized, now I'll have to consider neck lines too. I can do that!! :) 

    Going to go back now and read up on camisoles!!  

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2013

    Oh Bobo, you're a fence builder too! I built a fence many years ago, while my ex husband made me cups of tea and gave me encouragement, bu no hands on help! LOL

    He was hopeless with DIY, but I just loved it. I sanded and finished my floors, did tiling, all the painting and helped demolish the back when we added an extension. Bec still talks about how she'd go off to school in the morning, and when she got home there would be a room that was completely transformed. Different color, different furniture, different soft furnishings!

    Not a show palace at all, Bobo, Very laid back, and hopefully, comfortable. It's a real put your feet up on the couch, grab a cosy rug and enjoy it, kind of place. I have tried to keep the decor pretty organic too. Lots of timber, stone and slate, and light, lots of light. I am not at all precious about it.

    I can't wait till you move, and gain all this time back for yourself and the family. It will be sensational for you. It's just going to be a big push to get there. So please keep that end result in mind and try to keep fed and hydrated while you are doing the hard yards. I know I sound like a broken record, can't help it!

    Your Bobo and my Dex are soul mates! Dex is terrified of the water. I used to take him to the beach every morning at our old house. Certain months, the dogs are allowed to swim there. Dex would avoid at all costs. He'd dig his feet intot he sand, and pull backwards so he looked like a bloodhound with all his loose skin pulled forward when I tried to pull the harness. Nothing would get him to go into the water. I even tried to just walk him on the edge where the small waves were  washing on the sand, nope, hated that too. I tried holding him and I walked into the sea. His legs started to swim long before he got near the water. it was just pathetic to see, so I gave up. He is scared of the swans here, so getting intothe water won't be an option. He much  prefers to find a patch of possum or bat wee under a tree and roll in that like it is  French Perfume! He's not that keen on a bath either, such a boy, but loves when it is over and he can scoot around like a vacuum cleaner, head down in the grass to dry off.

    Aha, another toy "bagger upper". I am liking the theme of parenting! Bec tells me that she is glad I did those things when she was little. She still knows kids she went to school with who were never disciplined, and she says they are still whiners and badly behaved. Who knew it would work?.... it was all new to me! She remembers a time when she back talked to me when I was on the phone, and I hit her on the arm with the spatula I was cooking with at the same time. I don't remember it, but I like that I was multi-tasking at the time, and she remembers it! LOL

    You take care now...catch you later! M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2013

    GrammaB Welcome to our little band of regular posters!

    You and I have been chatting on another thread. As I said to you there, you've got a good handle on it, and I think you'll do really well.

    I can understand your concerns about being on your own, but it is very doable. I was very surprised that the Mx was not a painful surgery. My surgeon told me that, but I wasn't going to believe a man who was telling me that! LOL

    MT, is that Montana? I used to work for United Airlines in Oz, but my memory of the States is getting a little rusty.

    I have my fingers crossed for you not having to do rads or Tamox. I managed to dodge those too, but others here are doing rotten treatments.

    You have come to a place where we often curse. I have a nickname at home of GutterGums" so when you see us saying FFFFFF Femara to Gramwe, or FFFFFF Chemo to Zills you'll understand our fury! The reality is, we can curse about just about anything.

    Oh camisoles, don't get me started on camisoles.... I think that was where we all got together wasn't it?

    Another opp shopper, I love it!

    You take care, and enjoy reading our rambings...ask questions anytime.....M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited July 2013

    Ladies. Did you see the site will be down tomorrow morning at 5:30 am for maintenance? Not sure what time zone that is.

    Welcome GrammaB. Feel free to ask away. The surgery wasn't a big deal. You can do it! I had someone stay the first few days to make sure meds were on time and I ate and drank regularly. The biggest problem for me was range if motion initially. I had both done. Be sure to leave stuff on counters so you can reach. Or a small step stool to make you taller!

    Are you sure you can't have both done? I did. My surgeon said it was my choice and I never heard anything from the insurance. I'm hoping I didn't just jinx myself!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited July 2013

    Ariom. Did you ever try apple cider vinegar for your reflux? I'm not sure about it. I'm desperate! My main concern is organic with the "mother" in it. Is that considered contaminant free that it wouldn't hurt a germophobe chemo

    patient? I drink kefir.

    We don't have those chews. I found alkaline seltzer ones. I've had two and its still rearing its ugly head. However I did manage to nap and eat today:)

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2013

    Wren I am so happy you like the Glass splashback idea. It would be a really cheap thing to do as a DIY project, but alas when it is done as a design thing, the zeros just keep adding.

    The paint is sprayed onto I think 6mm toughened glass. It was automotive paint that was used for mine, and stuck onto a prepared wall with a silicone glue. If you pm me your email, I will send you photos if you need them.

    Regards to your husband. I hope the antibiotics have kicked in and his temp is back to normal. Colin told me to tell you that Hiprex is the way to go if it becomes a problem. I forgot about that. Cranberry is good, as Zills mentioned, and also blueberry is a new one that they are recommending. It prevents the bugs from adhearing to the bladder wall too.

    Well, looking back on my writing, it looks like another novel I have written.

    Take care everyone.....Hugs to you all...M x