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new and future flat sister, with questions



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2013

    gB, that is a great idea! It crossed my mind when Bobo was saying she needed the uterine biopsy that it would be good to have it all done together, but I didn't know it would be possible. I love the two birds with one stone idea!

    I have never had any issue with the daylight saving with either Bec as a kid, or any of the animals. It all just sorted itself out in a day or two. The long Summer nights are just such a favorite of mine!

    Meant to say to Bobo, PT exercise, don't skimp on that either if they give you a routine. They are really full on out here about exercise after surgery. I had to do the routine 4x a day, and always started the day with them under the shower, the hot water made it much easier. At first it is all with arms below shoulder height, and after the drains are out it is stretching above the head. I can't tell you how much difference it made to my range of motion, and prevention of any stiffness.

    I have memories of my Mother doing her exercises long after her Mx to keep her arm mobile after getting LE.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,957
    edited November 2013

    The time change is getting to me. It's dark at 4:45pm here. In a month, it will be dark in the morning as well. I use the lights, but it's still a hard time. Of course, I love all the light in the summer. Part of the problem here is the rain. We have gray streets, gray skies, and a lot of people wearing black but expecting you will see them in the dark.

    I agree with Ariom that the majority of the pain for me was from the sentinal nodes removal. That hurt far worse. Still, I only did one side and could use my other hand to help myself out of bed.

    DIL won't microwave in plastic, so she buys frozen entrees and cooks them in a frying pan on the stove. It seems to work pretty well as long as you don't need to keep some part separate.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2013

    Hi Wren, it's true that the early darkness and the people dressed in black can give a terrible driving experience. I can remember years ago, when I would leave for work in the dark, and not get home till it was dark in the Winter.

    We are experiencing beautiful sunny Spring weather. I am sitting here watching Colin outside on the water, competing in the Tuesday night "Stern Chaser" or "Old Farts" racing.Smile They race for a couple of hours and then have dinner at the yacht club. It doesn't interest me, I prefer lazy days, using the boat like a caravan on the water! I like my favorite music and a picnic lunch, a good book and lying in the sun.

    I never microwave in plastic either, and never cover my food in cling wrap. I've never actually cooked anything in a microwave, just reheated.

    I see you lost 3 nodes, Wren, I lost only 1, but that sure made itself known, as the tender spot. My Mother had a full clearance, and I remember her sitting and massaging under her arm. I can't imagine how having them all out must feel.

    Well the Melbourne Cup is over for another year. Bec backed first place again! She had her first bet last year and picked the winner! It would have to be one of the hardest races to pick a winner and she has done it twice. Shame she only bets $10.00 LOL

    Take care M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2013

    Never thought about a frying pan and the stove.

    Kids up early with time change. I agree with Idesim. It makes me sleepy but it could be nerves.

    Idesim. I got the ok for a baby aspirin. Read that fish oil makes tamox more effective. I have taken both fish and flax before but think flax isn't good for ER+. Hoping the fish will help my dry skin. Was told to avoid soy milk and soy protein bars.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2013

    Once upon a time, when I was younger and my oven had died, I cooked a 12# turkey in the microwave. Wasn't too bad!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2013

    You guys, many thanks for your sx reports. It's making me feel better that some of us were up and around and out so quickly. Although part of me is scared at being out so quickly.

    Z, no protein bars or soymilk? That is too bad. But still, you must do it. The time change is hard on us too.

    A, thank you so much for the exercise advice. I'm going to follow all of it. No node removal for me. I do think that is good news.

    Up to my neck in work at the moment, and the princess is recalcitrant. We've got a chore list and behavior chart, checking things off, etc, but it doesn't feel like we're winning at the moment. XXX

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2013

    Z, do you start rads today? What time? I'm in the bag. Good. I'm looking to make some trouble!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2013

    Tattoos and rads at noon.

    I too went home the next day. Stripping drains is fun of sorts. Hand sanitizer makes it easier. I was worried about them too but not necessary. Just think of M slinging it over her shoulder. I wasn't that brave.

    Turkey in the microwave? I can't imagine.

    Boy isn't listening well at home at night. Allergies acting up. Spoiled at my sisters house. Probably some tension in house about today.

    Got our flu shots yesterday. Took kids to park afterwards to work the soreness out. Mine too. Three sizes of slides. Baby not content with smaller one. Wants to climb the ladder like her brother. Slide is 15-20 ft up. I let her but was right behind her and boy waiting at top. Only did it once. She has no fear!

    Christmas cards arrived! Look pretty good. Another item for my to-do list. Want them out by end of month. Feel Bobo's urgency about getting stuff done. Don't want rads fatigue.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2013

    Noon it is! I will be there. You are getting a tattoo before me! It is not fair! :)

    Love that baby and the slide. I have Christmas pictures taken (with bobo in them!) but have not made copies. Don't know where they are right now, in fact. I have the Christmas cards already -- the slip-in-the-picture kind. I want to have them done Thanksgiving weekend. Tree that weekend too. It's going to be a Thanksgiving extravaganza!

    Crossing ikea trip off my list -- I can't manage it. Sad because I love to go and get wrapping paper and little presents there.

    Z, you are so punk! Love you.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2013

    No IKEA for me either. I make a day of it with a girlfriend and go to a 5 acre grocery store that has international food and stock up on all things Irish. Maybe after the holidays.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2013

    Yeah, me too. After the holidays.

    Are you there now? Done? Running behind? How is your area? XXX

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2013

    Zills, my lovely, how did it go today? I was in the bag, but must have dropped off to sleep. The others were quiet too!

    Fun at the park! Bec was a little daredevil too, she'd climb anything. Could never let her out in a dress. I would turn for a moment and she would have found a bar to hang upside down on. She would always be showing her panties, so tracksuits or pants were all she could wear.

    I won't be getting to Ikea this year either. I love Ikea for gifts and paper too.

    Have to tell you! Colin and his crew came 2nd yesterday in the yacht race! There were 26 contenders, and this was only his second time in the race! I think it might be a good season!

    Gosh, everything is revving up, Christmas cards and shopping for Christmas. Zills, Bec loves to stock up on all things Scottish! A five acre grocery store, how on earth do you get around that? I'd need a golf cart!

    Bobo, don't be scared about being home quickly. You'll do just fine, and will probably be really pleased to be getting out. Really, without those damn nodes being removed, your arms won't be quite as restricted.

    Great big turkey in a microwave? Wow, that's something!

    Take care everyone..M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2013

    they were running behind. Took more measurements. No rads or tattoos yet. Go back tomorrow. My "area" is my front right quadrant. Are shooting from 4 angles to get chest wall, collar bone and lymph nodes. One comes from my back so wonder if that has to be greased up as well each night. My biggest concern is the scar because it's right on the ribs. No padding.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2013

    Oh Zills, I hate false starts! So sorry it didn't happen today.

    We'll all be with you at all the treatments. M x

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited November 2013

    Spookie, wow, a turkey in the microwave, impressive!! I don't think I would have even tried! I use waxed paper to cover things in the micro, and no plastic here too.

    Zills, I'll be in the bag tomorrow. I got kind of a late start today and missed this trip but will be onboard for sure tomorrow! My DD was like that too! Her brother is 2 years older and she jumped in and did everything he did fearlessly! That grocery store sounds amazing!! I love trying foods from all sorts of places.

    You guys with IKEAs nearby are so lucky!! Closest one to me is in Seattle, WA a good 500 miles away. :(

    Congrats for Colin's good placing in the boat race!!

    Hugs for all!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited November 2013

    Popped in to see how you made out Zills, sorry it got put off to another day... I imagine you just want to get this going!!! Did you actually say stripping drains is fun? lol.. fun? I am having quite the chuckle over that.

    Wow, way to go Colin!!! I'm am suitable impressed!

    5 acre grocery store? I would need like 3 days, not just a day and an 18 wheeler to take home all my purchases lol.

    Chiming in on the microwave discussion, I don't really cook in it.. I think the only thing that could be considered cooking would be steaming asparagus and a handful of times finishing off a stubborn baked potato that was in the oven too long. I don't even use really to heat food up preferring the stove top or oven. The main use of my microwave is as a bread box. I can't even imagine cooking a turkey in one!!!

    Spookiesmom, I love the picture of your baby.. she is so beautiful! I too love the photos in the background (adore the table that they are as well) and she is so posing for the camera in that picture!

    Bobogirl, I don't have any insight to your predicament as I am not in your shoes or your relationship. I know I have discovered that I am a controlling person in some respects. I have the I can do it all mentality and I don't need to ask anybody for assistance. That is all well and good, but what I never realized is that I was shutting Joe with that mentality, so he just never bothered stepping up and at times I would resent the fact that everything was on my shoulders, when in fact it was me that created the situation. A couple of years ago, he was laid off and had a bit more free time for a couple of months. During that time he started taking over some of the chores and by the time he returned to work, he continued doing some of them and we have since enjoyed a more equal division of the work load. By the time the F BC came into our lives, he was able to take over the bulk of things for that period of time when I was unable to and I honestly think that made this situation easier for him because he felt useful. Now, not all things he does are exactly how I would like them to be (the cooking situation as I have complained about previously and forget about laundry), but it's a small trade off.

    Will be back.. still have catching up to do... my internet seems to be going out so I don't want to lose this damn post.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2013

    congrats Colin. He must be very proud!

    The grocery is called Jungle Jim's. It's a regular store then single garages for different countries, a whole section for hot sauce, produce from the world, a fish market, a bakery (but don't use real cream:(, a kids candy section, a post office, a Starbucks, wine/beer section, cheese from around the world and Sherwood Forest (British section) plus pots/pans, cooking demos, organic, allergy section. I guess the deli is with the world of cheese. I'm usually on a mission because I'm tired and want to get home. I wished I lived closer so I could try new produce every week.

    Idesim that was our situation exactly.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2013

    DH went to Jungle Jim's in Ohio last time he was there. I'd love to check it out, but don't want to drive 1,000 miles! He brought me Bisto gravy mix. Was about 1/2 price of it here.

    Way to go Colin!!!!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited November 2013

    I just looked it up, what a great place. You could get lost there for days!

    The daylight savings is just awful, it is so depressing to leave work and it be dark already, I just want to go home and get in bed these days. I just feel tired all day long.

    Saturday hit the 70's and I overdid it with the yard work. I was in a lot of discomfort Sat night and still don't think I have bounced back from it.

    I am fortunate enough not to have encountered xmas music yet and plan to do my best to avoid stores for the next couple of weeks.

    Bobogirl, I think since you're having recon they keep you in the hospital 2-3 days. That's what seemed to be the norm when I read the boards before my surgery. I remember panicking to think I'd be in for a couple of days only to realize that it didn't apply to my situation.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited November 2013

    If you guys need a laugh, Joe surprised me with a... wait for it.... pudding pie yesterday! Luckily something went wrong and it just didn't set.. how you can screw up pudding is beyond me.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2013

    Peeing myself! The return of the pudding pie! Did you eat it with a straw!? Awww, it didn't set up. I love this story.

    I want to marry you, Colin! You fantastic warrior and stud! Next year you are going to come in first and it's going to be like nothing to you and your team. Oooh! That must have been so exciting! What was his outfit?

    Wonder why recon people are in the hospital longer. Hmm. I know more drains. Anyway, will find out.

    Idesim, you are very wise with your talk about yourself and managing things and your H. I am exactly the same as you. I could describe myself that way exactly. It's irritating to me to not have things done in a timely fashion, to have laundry strewn all over the house, to not have the house tidied up before bed. I guess I am going to need to take it down a notch. But now, that I'm going to be sitting on the couch a lot, is the time when I would want things to be tidy! I am going to rip my stitches, I just know it. Did you get the claw from your yard work?

    That grocery store sounds fantastic. Z, I am so p1ssed the F thing did not happen today. Look for me to be extremely ill-behaved. I will be checking in. Just let someone look at you the wrong way. You are so sweet. I want no one to take advantage of that. I want to preserve your essential sweetness, so that you don't wind up a punkish as$hole with a hair-trigger temper, spoiling for a fight, and wearing waxed jeans and pretending they are leather.

    Off to the school run! Will check in. XXX

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2013

    More measurements and more sharpies but finally zapped and tattooed. Had JS afterwards. Feel ok but tired. Didn't get a nap yesterday.

    One down, 29 to go. Off for thanksgiving.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited November 2013

    You'll be fine Zills, I'm glad it is finally underway and you have one under your belt and know what to expect.. etc. etc. I remember the most annoying thing was having the weekends off because that could have been another 2 days to cross off the list. Are you going to give yourself a little daily or weekly treat?

    Bobogirl, you'll do yourself the biggest favor if you do just let go a little bit and for a little while! Its really really really hard, I really struggled with it. Regardless, you are not going to be down as much as you may anticipate you will be.. you are just not programmed for it... it will not happen. If none of us pulled any stitches and from the sounds of it, none of us relaxed or followed any advice at all.. then I doubt you will either. In fact I think we should have a little wager of how long we think our punk lady will stay couch bound. I give it 2 days once you are sprung from the hospital and I'm only giving you that much because I really have no idea what the recon will be like.

    What does everybody else think and what should we wager? :)

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2013

    Nope. Will be same day she comes home. Believe I did pull a stitch and it hurts but drain stayed in.

    Thinking about a pedicure this week. Might be my first this year! Have baby's cold so may just come home and crash.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited November 2013

    Pulling a stitch does not sound like much fun at all. How did your nails hold up in chemo? My second phase "cocktail" made I my nails turn blackish and now the tamoxifen has made them so dry and brittle. I clipped my toenails and they just crumbled :(

    I have to be a little more consistent on taking the biotin, I guess.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2013

    Mine grew on chemo.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2013

    Lucky you Zills! I lost every one, including toes.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2013

    Hello everyone!

    Had to go to the Doctor this morning to get him to sign off a form so I can go to the Gym. Then to see my friend at the Opp Shop, just got in and I am so hot and bothered. It was a stunner of a day yesterday, but today is muggy and hot..yuck!

    I am sorry to hear you are paying for your day in the garden ldesim, it's crap isn't it. I am sorry but I did have to have a laugh at your pudding pie! How did you keep a straight face, or , did you keep a straight face? Poor Joe, he does try!

    Colin does what he can for me, we always have a laugh at "what could happen" if he was to attempt anything more than flicking the switch on the kettle, or setting the time on the microwave. I don't care a jot because he is my personal IT specialist, I am just crap at anything technical on the computer. He's always the designated driver. For someone with very limited hand movement or strength, you'd be amazed at how he can reverse a trailer, or a trailer with a boat on it into the smallest space.

    I am covering my ears and La, La so as to avoid Christmas music for as long as possible.

    I want to have a wager about how long Bobo will be down, but I think it will have to be judged in hours, not days...sorry Bobo, but you are a dynamo! and we know you won't be listening to us, but finding out for yourself just how long it is till you "Hit the wall!". Make sure that V pillow is standing by!

    Bobo is right Zills, you are so sweet! So sorry to hear you have a cold now, F that, it's the last thing you need right now!

    I was thinking about you and your first Rad appointment. I am so glad it is over, and the countdown for these Rads to be finished is on. Take good care of your skin with all the gear ldesim told you about, and I hope you are going to reward yourself like she did, as the appointments tick themselves off. What shall it be?

    I am with Bobo, we can both be very badly behaved if we are needed!

    Bobo, I totally agree that the time you have to be on the couch is the time when things have to be in order. I go nuts if I can see stuff that needs doing.

    It is quite reasonable to give the children some chores to make sure that things are in place during this time. They may even enjoy being able to help and get lots of praise for doing so well when Mom can't do it.

    My Bec, always lived with the threat that if things weren't put away they'd go in the garbage. Harsh? yep, but it only takes a couple of things to disappear to herald a change! Then discovering them in a high cupboard long after the event, was always fun too!

    I haven't damaged her too much, she has a great laugh now about my parenting, and actually tells me that she would do the same, if she ever had kids!

    Take care everyone....M x

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2013


    I told oldest grand (8 yrs) repeatedly to get his stuff out of the car, or it was going in the trash. He didn't. I got his stuff, and with him watching, dumped it in. Library book, homework and toys.

    Don't mess with this nana!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,957
    edited November 2013

    I worked with someone who set up a confiscated box for things left out in the living room. Two days later she was desperately bargaining with her kids and DLLP to get back the shoes she needed to give a presentation.