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new and future flat sister, with questions



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2013

    Good morning everyone!

    Oh how I love a good laugh in the morning......Bobo, you are a treasure! Gosh I wish I could pass on my magazines to you, I love my mags too, but I can't believe the prices you get them for. I pay a minimum of $6.00 and most are around $9.00 each..yikes! Just don't be turning into one of those hoarders who have the piles and piles of mags and paper all over the house!!!!

    Oh wow, you'll have your work cut out for you, with your brother Bobo. I hope it isn't too much for you. Men can be such lousy patients. maybe you'll have a favor to call in though?

    Quiet day here today. It has been raining all night, and chilly. .......Take care M x

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited November 2013

    Bobogirl is to magazines as M is to Foobs. I used to get Redbook and Good Housekeeping, LHJ.. etc. etc. I'd put aside time on Sunday to read as I drank like a pot of coffee. I'd tear interesting things out, recipes, decorating ideas.. etc. and then do absolutely nothing with them. I think I substituted the internet for magazines.. less mess!

    GB I have a newserver account and download them from newsgroups. I've been doing it for about 12 years. I had my own version of on demand before it was even dreamt of. I d/l shows that we can watch on our normal TV too.. we can watch them whenever we want and there are no commercials. Because of this, I have become addicted to UK & AU shows :) I don't know why but I love Masterchef and the Top Chefs.. and I watch them both in like 4 countries.. as Bobogirl would say... don't judge!

    Looks like a lot of former Grey's Anatomy Fans. I think this will be the last year for me too.. I can't seem to warm to the new interns either. I was a HUGE fan of ER, never made plans on Thursday night if I could help it lol.

    If you could compare yourself (personality) to one GA character, which would it be? I think I am a cross between Yang & Callie.

    Hmmm.. started typing awhile ago and walked away... luckily I didn't lose it!!!!

    Rainy cold & windy crappy Sunday here... hope everyone else is faring better weather wise.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited November 2013

    Maybe she can get an episode on that show.. hoarders.... I've never watched it, but I have a co-worker that loves it.

    Dinner is underway... feels like it's 10:00 at night and not only 6:30.

    Chicken, baked potato and green beans on the coffee table. No dessert... F dessert, can't be bothered to make anything. oooo.. I have apples, maybe I can try that recipes... they're Gala though. Nah.. I stick with F dessert.

    Lady Gaga and I washed all the floors today and Pink came around and helped with the laundry and dusting... I think I tired myself out by dancing around all day... but at least it was fun! Joe was at his brother's house tinkering with a snow plow (Trust me, I hated typing that word) so I had the house to myself. Clipped the Mp3 player on and away I went. Luckily I didn't sprain, break or bruise anything :)

    Off to finish dinner!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2013

    oh ldesim! I love to dance my housework away too! Colin won an iPod nano for something and gave it to me. I love it!

    I watched on of those hoarder shows once, but it was just so gross, I never watched again.

    Yesterday, I went to the big farmers market that they have once a month here. The lady with the Fudge was there, yay! I ordered Colin's usual, Mint, and my Hazelnut. When I got home she had loaded up the bag with much more than I had ordered, so I will allow myself a piece a day for dessert, yeah right! I'll be lucky to make Wednesday!!!

    I was talking to my next door neighbor last night and she told me her Daughter in law is coming for a visit from Canada, next week. She's in her early 30's and has BC. It's a F epidemic.

    Did I tell you I have officially been handed the Pink Ladies group? Our Madame President has had some terrible health issues. While on her trip up north for the Winter, she had to go into Hospital to have a stent placed in an artery to her heart. She had to have quadruple bypass done the last time she was up there for the Winter. I told her I'd be staying away from Queensland, it's just too dangerous!

    It will be interesting to get involved in finding speakers and arranging outings, I think! We'll see....take care M x

  • gtgirl
    gtgirl Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2013

    When it says 0/1 nodes does that mean lymph nodes involvement or just removed from snb?

    I love reading the posts on this forum, you ladies crack me up!! So far I bough button up pj's, button up shirts and a ottoman for my chair. I am getting nervous the more I think of it and my stomach is eeck. I am remaining positive as well, but these mind spins are for the birds!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited November 2013

    The first number represents any findings and the 2nd is the number of nodes tested. 0/1 means nothing was found in the one node tested. At least that is my understanding.

    Nothing we can say is going to stop you from being nervous, but trust us when we tell you that it won't be as bad as you imagine it will be. Do whatever you need to do to try to take your mind off it for the next couple of weeks... for most of us "nesting" seems to help. Give the house a good clean, shop for what you think you'll need (but most likely won't use.. at least in my case), prepare some meals and freeze them. Make sure nothing you'll need for the first couple of days at home is over shoulder level. Prepare a basket of items and put it next to wherever you will be resting. Get a bunch of movies or books or tv shows and keep them nearby.

    Check out the shopping/packing thread and ask us any questions, we'd be happy to do what we can to help you through this.

    M, one of the contestants made Tim Tam ice cream on Masterchef.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited November 2013

    I'm sorry to hear about your Madame President's health issues. Congrats on your new position, I think you're a perfect fit!

    Fudge is one of those things I've just never developed a taste for, much too sweet for me.

    Off to watch a couple more Masterchef episodes.. I am in no mood for F work tomorrow :(

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited November 2013

    Gtgirl, I meant to add.. keep in mind that you'll probably only be in the hospital a day, so you just need a change of underwear/socks. Wear to go home whatever you wear to the hospital. I just wore a velour track suit as it was easy to pull on and the top zipped up. They will probably supply you with a couple of camisoles.. ask at your pre-op. You don't need to take much with you as you're just there overnight... so whatever you buy will be for when you get home. Also ask about getting a nerve block and about the nausea patch. Start taking a laxative the day before surgery as pain meds will constipate you and you don't need that problem :)

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2013

    Hi again!

    gtgirl, great advice from our ldesim. I have the 0/1 and she's quite right, no findings in that one node which was indeed, the Sentinel Node!

    The nesting thing is very strange. I did it too! Anything to keep busy! I was so terrified of the whole process, I really can't explain it, because I am usually pretty good with any medical stuff.

    I did lose lots of weight in the run up to my surgery, which I was happy about, but it slowly returned, and I tell people that I have even put back the 975gm of a breast that I lost, but I am buggered if I can find it!Smile

    As ldesim says, It truly isn't anything like you are building up in your mind. I couldn't believe how well I felt, and what a relief it was to have that part over.

    We totally understand how you are feeling, so don't hesitate to ask anything, one of us should be able to help out with most things. We all make ourselves available to come along in your bag to appointments or anything you nedd support on. We can get a bit rowdy, but we'll all be there!

    I arranged everything at home to within an inch of my life and then didn't use most of it! I even bought a doohicky thing to stick onto the wall to hold my hairdryer because everyone said I wouldn't be able to lift my arm to dry my hair. I found that I had no trouble leaning over the basin with my elbows tucked into my sides, furiously washing my hair and rinsing under the tap, and the dryer was aimed at my head with my bad arm and I finger dried with my left hand. Now, you may think I am a bit on the vain side to go to all that trouble, you'd be right! a bad hair day is just too much for me to deal with!

    I should probably mention that Colin is a C5/6 quad from a hang gliding accident 36 years ago so as much as he wants to help, it can turn into a bit of a disaster. I can't let him anywhere near the good china! He's in a manual wheelchair so he was able to continue all his normal stuff, and I was extremely lucky that the girls we have in to help him each day, were a great help to me with reaching stuff etc.

    I don't know if this will apply to you, but the moment I woke up after surgery, I was ravenous, but I had a sore dry throat from the breathing tube. If you could have seen me trying to get that dry white bread sandwich down, you'd have been in hysterics. The nurses were scurrying everywhere trying to find throat lozenges for me with out the anesthetic component because I hate that feeling. Take your own lozenges, just in case. Take care....M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2013

    ldesim, TimTam ice cream, that sounds wonderful. I am a shocker, the sweeter the better for me. I love anything that can make my "teeth ring" with sweetness, like coconut ice or fudge..yum

    Thank you for the vote of confidence with the Pink Ladies...we'll see.

    I am going to have a Dexa Scan this afternoon. Not looking forward to the results. I am supposed to have these every year, but I have avoided for at least 5!!!! My bones are shot because of the long term steroid use. Cortisone daily for about 17 years is not advised, but it was the only thing I could tolerate well at low doses. Hopefully my walking and weight bearing may have helped. Always take Vit D. We shall see!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited November 2013

    I'm in the bag with my PJ's and a pillow... do you get the results right away? I'm crossing everything in the hopes you get good news. *hugs*

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2013

    Hi ldesim! Didn't we have fun! So glad you could make it!

    I love this place! It is amazing how you can call for an appointment, that would take weeks or months in the City, but they say "I can take you today, would that suit you?"

    Anyway, I got there and the operator takes me into a little room, tells me to get into the gown, everything off, except knickers!

    She is chatting away and is positioning me on the bed with the big block under my knees. She is still chatting as she runs her hand down my chest, and in between where my boobs should be to make sure I am straight on the line of the table. There was a tiny pause, intake of breath, as she realized there was one missing. I felt bad for her, so I said "Oh sorry, I left that one in the basket by the door!" Well, we both started to giggle, and she apologized and blushed. We had a good old chat after that.

    I don't get the results for a few days, and have to go to my Doctor to get them. He'll want me to go onto the heavy weight bone drugs that rip your stomach. I had one infusion of Aclasta, but it made me so sick I didn't do the other two, yearly, infusions. We will see! M x

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited November 2013

    This is a test. it is only a test do not be alarmed.

    Can I make paragraphs?

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2013

    You can! You can make paragraphs!

    Madame Pres of the Pink Ladies, you are a sly one, sneaking in that scan. Confused! Did it happen today? I was not in the bag. I feel terrible.

    Will you keep us posted? Did you eat all the fudge yet? Apparently you have charmed the fudge lady as well!

    Idesim, I will NOT keep all my magazines in stacks and qualify for an edition of "Hoarders." In fact, I carry them to the hospital Breast Center and they let me arrange them in little fans for our sisters waiting to be gouged. Or I take them to the infusion room, which is right next to our Princess' neurologist's office. In fact, that bit of philanthropy qualifies me to get more magazines.

    I love that you were dancing to your chores! I had music on yesterday too.... Christmas carols!

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited November 2013

    Using a borrowed computer to see if I can do just one post instead of a bunch of little ones. Hopefully this will work.

    Firstly, due to ya'll the OG now thinks I've lost my mind. After all your talk of size of scars, I had to measure mine. Imagine his surprise when he walked into the bedroom and there I stood with a ruler in front of the mirror. So here is the results, left side scar isn't so bad, it is 6 inches, (sorry M I don't know how to convert to metric)  Right side is a bit more complicated. It is 6inches, but then has a "leg" that extendes toward my navel another 3 inches, extends upward toward my neck another 3 inches and is shaped like an upside down tear drop, at its widest point it is another 3 inches, and it is also indented about a 1/4 of an inch, thats the part I lovingly refer to as the hole. If I ever wanted to have chips and salsa in bed I would have a nice bowl for my salsa. Thigh scar is yet another 6 inches. Gtgirl, don't worry, I seriously doubt your scars will resemble mine. The only boob my surgeon had ever seen was his moms when he was by Coupon Companion" href="#" 91c4="1" in_rurl="">nursingimage and by the looks of him he had only been weaned about a week before he did my surgery. As you can tell I didn't really like my surgeon. I came home with a lot of staples, and 3 drains, my DH aka OG pinned socks into my button up pj tops, I could tuck the drains into the socks to keep them out of the way. At my 2 week post-op visit the drains were removed without pain, and a lot of my staples were removed from the left side. Thats when surgeon extrodinare informed me he didn't by Coupon Companion" href="#" 91c4="1" in_rurl="">get cleanimage margins on the right side, and I had to have an additional surgery, there wasn't enough by Coupon Companion" href="#" 91c4="1" in_rurl="">skinimage left from the first surgery to close the incision so he had to graft skin from my thigh onto my chest. I spent the next 30 days in tagaderm, kind of like plastic wrap, from my neck to my waist waiting on the skin graft to grow and trying to be still so I didn't disturb the graft. It worked, the graft grew, the scars healed, and as much as I didn't like my surgeon I don't regret for one minute having the surgeries. I feel better knowing that he ended the process with clean margins, and I didn't have to have rads. Like most everyone else I went into the process frightened, I was just sure that the surgery was going to be horrible, that the pain would be unbearable, I was so so wrong. You will be shocked at just how good you feel, and the minimal pain you will have. Like everyone else I also nested, cleaned, cooked, made list for others on how things should be done, lol like they would ever follow a list.  All these sweet ladies have great advice, ask if you have a question, someone will be able to give you the answer. This site and this thead in particular has given me a lot of comfort, some great new friends, lots of laughs, and shoulders to lean upon.

    M, or should we call you Madame President, congratulations on your new position. I know you will do great with the Pink ladies group, they are smart to have you lead them.  You are so right this f BC is an epidemic, it seems everyday I hear or see another person who has been touched by it, either themselves or a loved one. Early detection is catching it earlier, and more cases but the slash, burn, poison treatment remains the same as it was years ago. Surely something better has to be on the horizon.

    Yummy, we have fudge this morning for breakfast? Nothing like starting the day with a sugar rush, and I need the energy. It seems my whole house needs a makeover before the BabyQ, so the weekend was spent in high cleaning mode. Bobo, I should have sent you the ton of magazines I discarded, they weren't British but you would have had enough reading material for weeks. My mom was a great reader/subscriber to magazines, like Idesim she would cut out articles, recipes, etc but she never threw away the magazines, in fact she couldn't part with paper at all. When she passed away I brought home boxes and boxes of papers, finally I decided it was time to let go, so 4 extra large garbage bags of paper was shredded and those items that didn't warrant shredding were carted away. We now have an extra room to use, it does feel nice to be rid of that excess paper.

    Mother Weasel stood me up yesterday, she is suppose to come by this afternoon, but I'm not counting on it. She wanted, almost demanded that the shower be a surprise, has this woman even met my daughter, Jessica hates surprises. She would be mortified if she walked into a room of people yelling surprise at her. I do have a funny for you, kind of a sick funny. The weasel needed the OG to "help" him change the oil in the car, translation he wanted the OG to do it for him, anyway on the way to pick up the oil, the weasel asked for our daughters hand in marriage. The OG's reply, you didn't ask my permission before you impregnated her, why the he11 are you asking if you can marry her. End of discussion, and as far as I know he hasn't asked her to marry him. I know what the answer will be, just hope he isn't dumb enough to ask her in front of a group of people, because she will make him cry.

    Okay I'm no faster at posting with a working computer, I've still been doing this for hours. So I'm off to slay dragons, and save the world, honestly I'm off to feed the dogs and clean the toilets but dragon slaying sounded more exciting. Love you all..Big HUGs...OH yes on quick side note, we have snow predicted for Wed, so if you don't hear from me you will know I'm in a blizzard, LOL

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited November 2013

    Snow is SC? and here in ND we have none! now that is upside downHeadphones What is this world coming to?? ha ha.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2013

    Supposed to go down to 48 We'd nite here. That's cold for us, especially this early!

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited November 2013

    Only snow here in MT is on the tops of the mountains. :(

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited November 2013

    We may have snow "flurries" tonight... I have to admit, I do love the first snow fall.

    Granwe, I am PEEING MYSELF over the OG/weasel bonding moment. My understanding was they were not together? Tell mother weasel when she forks over some funds, she can have a say in the running of the soiree. I would love to hear that she made him cry :)

    I never would have thought of socks as holders for drains... that is really a fantastic solution! Your OG is so smart :) Newcomers to the forum... OG = old goat :)

    Bobogirl.. nooooooo with the christmas carols! I gave you a clearance pass to shop, wrap, plan and do some light decorating only! Nowhere was it stated that you were allowed to play christmas carols!! I cannot handle it!!!!

    Hmmmm.. do we all need to curtsy now when M is around?

    M, sorry you have to wait for results.. I feel for that poor girl who got a little shock this morning!! I feel like it so consumes ones life that having somebody not know about it seems strange to me now.

    Obviously you have to take the meds.. I don't think avoiding it would be very good in the long run from the sounds of it. Maybe we can research and see if there is something else you can take to make it easier? I know, I know.. the last thing any of us wants to do is take more crap.. but your bones.. you won't be able to glide about the manor if you're all hunched over like an old lady!

    haha.. I started this at like 11AM and I wonder why I lose posts and will actually b1tch about it when it's my fault :)

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited November 2013

    Gramwe, what a hoot your OG is, love that comeback to the weasel! Ariom, hope your results are good, mine was very good before they put me on arimidex, I am a dairy lover so get some calcium there and I also take cod liver oil pills, which contain vitamin D and heard they are to help with stiffness and arthritis. Having trouble with my right hand being stiff and now the index finger gets kinda locked and hard to bend but gets better as day goes on, not sure if it is se from meds because I did have that problem with another finger years ago! and yes it is the "finger" finger... maybe too much flipping the bird to someone huh?? I am thinking I should get it checked before year end because of course we have met the deductible! last time they gave me a shot in the finger.. hurt like hell, but really took care of the problem.

    Bobo, not even me that loves the Christmas season has started listening to the carols yet! I put up some clear solar lites on one bush and our gate, but they are not for Christmas,, will be there all year around. I have some bells that attach to my deck with motion sensor and as you come in the house they play carols.. I LOVE them, dh says he thinks they get annoying!! well too bad cause I like them and they are staying.

    Idesim, do you have any trouble with the tamoxofin? is that like femera? not sure on all these meds, just know about arimidex.

    Hi and hugs to everyone if I havent mentioned by name I think of everyone of you everyday!! I thought I had posted another post several days ago, and it was long, but looked back and nope not there// wonder where it is??

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited November 2013

    I don't know much about Femara besides the fact that Granwe curses it at every opportunity. Honestly, since I am still on Herceptin, I am not sure what SE is caused by which drug as they seem to have similar SE's. I have joint pain and weight gain/water retention.. and so far luckily that is is. Others have complained of abdominal pain, nausea and insomnia.. insomnia being a big complaint..

    Oh gosh, my middle fingers will probably fall off then if useage is any indication of future problems lol.

    I lose posts all the damn time.. it drives me insane.

    I was hoping to hear from Zils... thinking about you Zils. 3 down?

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2013

    Oh gramwe, I love your posts! I miss you when you can't post.

    The OG gets a high 5 and a hug and kiss from me, what a great retort! I love him!

    You win the scar competition for that one! I am still trying to figure it out I feel it is a bit Picasso-esque! It sounds like a very different different one and the salsa bowl is fantastic! Who would have thought there could be a use for such a thing!LOL

    I didn't report my scar in metric granwe, it is 11 inches! It sounds like a lot, but mine actually goes slightly onto my good breast, by about an inch and then around under my arm towards my back. The reason it goes slightly to the good breast was explained to me as a "fix" for the bit of sun damage I had on my chest. That during the procedure the surgeon realized it would pucker a bit, and he knew I wouldn't be happy with it, so he fixed it! He also managed to pull everything a bit tighter that actually improved the look of my neck and chest. I was very impressed with that little addition to the procedure. The only bit I am disappointed with is the little section that opened up a bit when I got that bloody infection in the incision. I now have the look of the paper on the machine that they use for a lie detector test and someone tells a lie, lovely straight line and then a short, hysterical burst and back to straight again.

    I want to hear that our girl made the weasel cry, he so deserves it! That Mother is a live one isn't she, how dare she not turn up ooooh makes me mad.

    Take care M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2013

    Bobo, No drama about the bone scan. I didn't mention it because I hadn't made an appointment, so when I got the appointment on the same day, I just went for it.

    I haven't eaten all the fudge yet, there was an awful lot of it, but it won't be long!

    I am a magazine distributor too. I give mine to the Doctor's and Dentist office.

    Christmas Carols, bahh humbuggggggg. I don't like Carols at the best of times.

    ldesim, what do you think? I am not sure of uni boob etiquette, am I meant to warn people that may just discover my "secret" or say nothing? I am just not sure what to do. I have no problem with people knowing, just not sure what is correct.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2013

    nd girl, so glad to hear you have good results for bone density, no such luck for me. I take cortisone every day, have done for about 17 years, and although I should have density tests yearly, I have been slack for a while:) I hate Rheumatoid, it's a shitful annoying thing and when I think of babies and small children who have it, it makes me want to cry.

    I take all the Vit D and the calcium loaded stuff, but I don't eat dairy, haven't since finding I was allergic, in my 30's.

    I am so glad I was able to dodge the meds bullet. I don't know how I would have handled more "joint pain" as a Se.

    I don't do much in the way of decorations for Christmas, but I do have solar fairy lights in the trees in my garden all year. I love them!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2013

    Weasel's mom aptly named. Good for OG!

    Poor M. F! More meds but brittle bones are worse. Do you eat a lot of green veg? Heard prunes are good. Congratulations on your new "job". I think you're perfect for it. First rule to implement. Tim tams at every meeting.

    Idesim did you ever find them?

    Even the boy who watches Christmas movies in July doesn't want to listen to Christmas carols. Maybe the snow tomorrow will put me in the mood. It's coming from MT.

    Four down. JS tomorrow. PT on Wed. Ins mtg on Thursday. Trying to get lined out for next year. I misheard and doesn't look like I'm having a scan in Dec. Short consult about tamoxifen and get port flushed. Yea?

    Almost ready to climb into my pillow palace and watch tv and practice my JS. May need a bowl of cereal first. Have to wait until Miss Poopy Pants goes down. She was up at 5 this morning. Boy not long after.

    She's been in a mood. They think she's teething and give her Tylenol every day. I don't see it but she's crabby if she doesn't get her way.

    DH stressed about me. Not sure why except I slept a lot this weekend. He hasn't been to any of my simulations or actual rads. Maybe he feels left out? He's working and it takes 5-10 min. Not worth him taking time off for several hours.

    Cold just about gone. Just a tickle in my throat.

    Sleep tight!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2013

    Sorry ldesim, didn't mean to ignore your comment about the meds. I know I will likely have to take something other than what I am doing now. Hopefully something else has been discovered in the time I have been avoiding that has better results in the stomach.

    Speaking of bad stomach, where is our Zills? I know she was having more stomach issues, and is a few days into rads. I hope all is well. M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2013

    Oh Zills, there you are, posting at the same time. Phew, glad you're ok.

    Sorry Miss Poopy pants is crabby! but so glad to hear your cold is on the mend, I was worried you may have caught a bad one.

    I do eat a lot of greens and I take all the stuff I can to help, but I think I will have to go on the big guns, we will see. I do walk a lot and do weight bearing which is supposed to be good for the bones. I guess I just have to bite the bullet and get the results, then decide what to do.

    Thanks for all the kind words about my new "Position", definitely Tim Tams at every meeting!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited November 2013

    Oh wow, that's right.. you started last Wed.. 4 down already. I dunno Z, I've had the same issue with Joe.. but I can understand it, if the roles were reversed, I'd be stressed over him.. and wanting to do something but not knowing what and just feeling helpless.

    I'm glad to hear you are feeling better.. now if the kids can hold off on getting sick you'll have an easier time the next few weeks!

    M, I guess it's a personal decision... I haven't really encountered an incident yet.... any healthcare I've had is because of the BC.. but I think I might make some sort of lighthearted comment, both for their sake and mine!! I'm not sure really.. I like the way you handled it, but at the same time I'd rather it not get to that point if possible.... but then how do you go blurting it out as well? haha. Hey doc.. nurse.. tech... lets play a little game called.. guess what's missing!

    Miss Poopy Pants appears to always want her presence known and acknowledged.... typical female haha!

    I did not find Tim tams, but I haven't really looked either. I know I'd pig out on them and I need to get rid of some of this weight


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,958
    edited November 2013

    They told me they wouldn't do another DEXA until 2 years had passed because "it would take that long for effects to show up". I know from other postings that it can show up a lot sooner than 2 years. I had osteopenia going in, so it's a concern. We'll see come next March. I'm hoping it's not a lot worse because I'm not enthused about the drugs for it. My grandmothers had osteoporosis on my Mom's side.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2013

    Hi Wren, are you talking about the meds you are taking now, causing further degeneration?

    I was showing osteopania years ago too, so that's why I am not expecting good news. I know I'll have to start on the big guns if it is a really bad result. They do Dexa scans every 12 months for Rheumatoid because some of the drugs for it just destroy the bone density.

    I'm with you on the drugs for the osteoporosis, I have done everything to avoid them. One infusion of Aclasta was enough for me, it was awful. I refused the next two infusions over the next two years. I wonder if I got any benefit from the one I had. I'd like to know I got something out of it, after being so ill!

    I had two bones break in the same foot, and and an avulsion fracture of my ankle all in the one year, a few years ago, and then my toe last December. I spent so long in my Moon Boot, that people must have thought I was making some weird fashion statement:)

    I remember the bone density specialist I saw, told me that what they were looking at today was from what you did 20 years ago. I wish that were true because 20 years ago I was gym junkie with boundless energy, a great diet with a great BMI and perfect weight, 3 years later I had reactive Rheumatoid Arthritis after a trip to Kuala Lumpur where they think I was bitten by a tic or a flea, and that started the process.

    We'll see, I'll get the results at the end of the week. M x