new and future flat sister, with questions
Idesim rads questions
Can I use the radiation gel now before symptoms?
Did you use emu oil?
Did your area get tight? Tried stretching. Afraid to massage if I'm not supposed to wash it.
Feels like someone punched me in the underarm. Also noticed scar slightly redder. And lump in throat. Know this means rads is working.
Any ideas for fatigue or emotions? Don't see how you worked and walked there! Have been walking more so maybe that is the secret.0 -
Thank you for all the info. I am not feeling so alone now.I am wondering about how big my incision will be? I am small, so I hope it's not that big. My BS drew me a picture of how she would remove my left breast. I will be having a SNB, but I won't be cut, as they use a probe and remove through my original incision (thank good ness). This radioactive injection....was not explained to me either. I am still bruised and a little bumpy from my lumpectomy, I surely hope I won't have this when I have my boob removed. The drain freaks me out some. I have had one for my hysterectomy 10 years ago, but never went home with it. What the heck comes out of it. It looks like blood? So, does this mean you are still actively bleeding? That's scary. I was told I would have a home care nurse come, but I was not explained as what they will be doing? All I know is I will wake up with a binder on and one drain tube. I also was told the hospital will give me a camisole which will hold the drain. These drains look long. I am assuming they will put something over my incision? I am trying to figure out how to sleep. I can either sleep in my chair with my ottoman or go and buy a recliner. So many questions and trying to prepare.
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Its clear fluid. Nothing to be freaked out about. Use hand sanitizer to strip it. Makes it easier. Nurse will strip, help you bathe and get binder back on and just check on you. You will have a bandage of sorts for a few days then a regular bandaid.
GrammaB had the same set up as you so she can give you more details.
People sleep on a bunch of pillows on the couch, their regular bed or chair or recliner. Whatever your preference and pocketbook can afford.
Several of us like the v pillow found on amazon or jcpenney. Some use a wedge. Others just a pile of pillows. I started out with 9! In the hospital and 7 at home. Two for each arm, one for my knees and two for my head. Remember to bring one for the ride home.0 -
I have seen it look like blood? I guess everyone is different?0 -
maybe initially but yes everyone is different and I've had chemo:) so maybe I'm not remembering well.0 -
it's ok Zills
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The fluid was reddish, like weak cool aide. The nurses at hospital should go over it before you go home. I had Steri strips all along my incision. Just left them on till they fell off. Home nurse checks for infection, how YOU are doing, eating, getting around, etc.
Do remember a pillow for under seat belt coming home!0 -
M, what the H? No PMs from you! It's craziness. So glad to have heard from our Granwe.
GTgirl, I'm having an HH nurse too. How old are you, if you don't mind my asking? And do you have kids? Grandchildren? I have a 7 and an 8 year old. We all share our kids here, it is like a big commune. Many are like sisters to Bec, Ariom's daughter, and yearn for Bec stories. Ariom is official grandmother to my two, that is for sure. And we have two babies from Z -- the baby is still little, bet she smells great, that baby smell, except when she is miss poopy pants. AND we are all having a baby -- Granwe's daughter is having a baby, right now it is the size of a... cantaloupe? I don't know at the moment. Ooh. Can't wait for the baby. She is going to be so beautiful!
I've started a December 2013 sx thread. I think you are Nov 20. Have you been on the November sx thread too? It's fun to be with people who have sx same time as you. Of course, you can just be on 'my' December thread, as far as I am concerned! It's my thread! I say you can be on it.
Agree about weak koolaid. Spookie is the best. We've got some of the best women here. Hmm. I do have two chairs with ottomans, no recliner. I think I am going to do the couch with a lot of pillows. I am thinking about getting a neck pillow, but I don't know, maybe not. If Idesim doesn't have one, I'm not going to get one. Did you have one of those, I?
I got the V pillow when Z told me to get it. Z, so sorry to hear about your lump feeling and your punched feeling. What are you doing for yourself that's nice today? Do you like magazines? I find they help relieve pressure for me. I have been buying lots of magazines. I like British magazines! They are not cheap. But F it. I put my Qs in bold because sometimes you do not answer them!
GT girl, we swear a lot here. You may as well just get used to it.
Birdie, did I insult by asking for secret Santa? I hope not, because I love. And I am making you a present, so will you just pretend it is a little surprise for no reason? Will not wrap in Christmas paper. XXX0 -
I am 40 yrs old, no children! It's my fiancé and myself. It's ok about swearing. I get a kick out of some of the posts. You listed me on the November 2013 surgery post. Thank you!0 -
Bobo, not insulted at all, don't worry. The pillow you sent me before is just the right size to go in my little backpack and soothe my back at the senior center's office chairs. Your energy level is incredible.
Gtgirl, After my right mx, I slept on my back in bed with pillows for the first few nights. Then started sleeping on the other side (I'm a side sleeper). I don't think you'll need a recliner or chair with ottoman at night because you have the other arm to push yourself up. It's the folks who have both sides done who need the recliner. Or else awesome abdominal muscles.0 -
Sorry bobo. Took a two hour nap. Taking kids to play date. Avoiding my to do list. Having a cup of tea. Planning to grill out. Trying to clean out freezer so there's room for turkeys!
Yes I like magazines. Used to get cheap woman's mags but not interested in latest diet, fads, cooking, etc.
And no baby smell:( Just poopy diapers, trash and onions that DH fried last night. Kittens get into the trash so it's in the garage waiting on DH to take it to dumpster. I don't want it in my car nor do I want to wrestle with the dumpster lid. Guess we need to get a can.
Whats on your list? Kids, housework, papers, Christmas. When are you putting up a tree?0 -
Tattoos are fine. Only one stung. Still have marker in that spot. Just 4 little black dots. Greasing up and drinking up.
Don't like lentils. Prefer my brown soup beans with bacon. Have been spoiled by a friend that makes them. Not sure if the smell will bother me cooking all day.0 -
Happy Saturday Flat Sisters! I finally have my surgery date: January 13, 2014! I should finish chemo next week giving me a few weeks to rest up and get ready for my bilateral Mx! I really wonder how I will do that over the holidays, but I have been up for each challenge so far so I will give it my best! I made the decision not to have reconstruction from the get go as the girls and I have always had a love hate relationship! You see I woke up one day when I was 11 and had larger boobs than my teacher! Neither of us was amused! By high school my 32 double d 's were always in the way. During my childbearing years they didn't work! Not one child was fed by them! I finally had reduction surgery in my early 30 's to which my surgeon stated. " probably saved your life as they were the most dense he 'd ever seen and I would never have a decent mammo." Wrong! But I get ahead if myself- they looked great and I actually bought my first cute bra- short lived as God surprised me with a miracle baby and....large boobs that gave me mastitis ( that surgeon ready did a good job!) at 38! So I have very bad scaring due to my stupidity of not following doctor 's orders and doing everything I shouldn't have after the reduction and over stretching from my last pregnancy. I hope I don't wind up looking like a road map and am quite nervous about the procedure /pain! I had drains before and don 't look forward to them either ! I have a recliner and will probably sleep there after the procedure. I was told that I would only be in the hospital overnight, which suits me as I never sleep in hospitals! I am worried about rads after the Mx. Since it is my left boob and nodes I am terrified of heart damage! Am I being rational? Should I worry about this? I don 't even know when they would do it as I am on Herceptin through next summer. Can that be done concurrently? Sorry to be so long winded , but I am a teacher so I come by it naturally! LOL. Susan0 -
Congratulations Susan! So glad you have the holidays. Surgery really isn't too bad. You'll do fine. How old is your child? Are you still working?
Idesim can speak more about rads and herceptin. I just started rads on the right. I'm sure you're not the first to be concerned about your heart. They'll monitor you very closely. I was surprised how much care they took so my lung and neck don't get zapped. I was measured three times and adjusted before rads started. They make sure you are lined up every time.0 -
thanks for responding Zills! My "baby girl" is 20, lives at home and goes to college. I also have a 35 year old son, 32 year old daughter, and 29 year old son. Three granddaughters 9, 4, and 3 and one grandson aged 1. I haven't been working since the first week of school when I realized that I was in a bad fog, I wasn't making sense, and repeating myself over and over. I taught dual enrollment English as well as 9th and 10th grade English classes. The kids were very supportive, but I couldn't keep up with the physical and mental demands.So I have lost a year with the kids and towards retirement! I will go back next school year and will hopefully be able to remain where I have been! I am the third current breast cancer survivor at school. The other two ladies had very different experiences: one a lumpectomy with recon and the other with Mx and recon so I am so glad I found you!
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Gtgirl, I slept on my back with the half moon pillow that the Pink Ribbon mentors brought to my room in hospital and it is great for putting under your arm both in car and in bed, I actually ended up with 2 because 2 ladies came at different times. It does take awhile before you can sleep on the side of surgery, my was left and that is the side I like to lay on, but we do what we can. I did not have bandages, only steri-strips that they said just let them fall off, they never did, after awhile I had to remove them. They said just let water run over them in shower, I did every thing they said but they were sticky little things, no problem taking them off tho. I came home with a binder that closed with velcro and also a cami. my drains were below where my breast would have been and was a bit uncomfortable but no too bad either. Liquid is a little bloody at first and lightens up as time goes by, I kept mine in for a little longer than I think I would have had to, but wanted to make sure to get as much fluid drained as possible,. What I dreaded was the removal of them, worried for nothing it turns out! A friend that is a nurse came to my house and did it, I never felt a thing! not even a "feeling" the drains are quite long too, it was over in a matter of a few seconds, I just kept the hole where drain was clean and covered for awhile but they close quickly, mine healed nicely. My scar is maybe 4-5 inches and is looking much better now, I never once had any drainage, scabs or anything like that from the incision. Very minimal pain, just more stiffness and uncomfortable feeling. I remember the stiffness was worse on week 3 after surgery. I tend to overdue too, so try not to follow my footsteps there. truly I was amazed at how well I did after surgery. Just be sure to have alot of front opening shirts and pj's. I had a hard time remembering to put my left arm in the sleeve firstguess I never did that before being right handed. you will do great I just know! I worried about drains too, hubby helped me at first but didnt really need that either, in showers I also would just put drain tube around my neck instead of tying it to something, worked fine. Best of luck! ps I spent one nite in hospital and they helped me shower the next morning, I was a little concerned about doing it myself, some gals dont get to shower that quickly, but I did, I had my surgery from Mayo Clinic so figured they knew what they were doing!! Keep in touch here. Sorry to be so long winded,
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Sgc.. glad you have your surgery set up, Best of luck to you as well. Sounds like you are doing a great job of getting prepped too. These boards are simply lifesavers! These gals have the best advice, I didnt post for awhile, just read and read, but joined in and so glad I did. We are all in the same with bc, so now you have so many more supporting you!! Come here often and keep us updated!0 -
gtgirl, I had a BMX so I basically had to sleep on my back for several weeks. And I hate sleeping on my back!! I went out and bought a recliner, but was able to sleep in my bed the first night home. My DD was with me for 3 days and said."Mom, you're going to be in the recliner a lot during the day, just try the bed for night." And I found I could get in and out alone. One secret with getting in and out of bed is to get satin type pjs and you just slide in and out. I had SNB on the right side so had an additional incision under that arm.
I came home bound up tight in a wide ace bandage, could not shower until the 3rd day post op. I remained bound for a couple of weeks. Only time it came off was for daily shower. When it did finally come off for good, bs said just let the steri strips fall off, but they didn't and I got oozy on the right side. The visiting nurse just took them off when she visited the day after the bs appointment. I did have scabbing and the bs ripped them off on one visit to get a good clean heal. I never had a bit of bruising on my chest!! That totally blew me away because I bruise very easily. And I had an ugly bruise on the back of my hand for over a week from the IV!! My scars are about 4.5" long and healed well.
I got a wedge pillow and didn't like it at all. Later I got a V pillow from Amazon and LOVE it!!! I did buy a neck pillow thinking I'd need it if I slept in the recliner. I never used it.
Zills, sorry you are feeling beat up after the rads. Hope it passes quickly.
Welcome Sgc728, nice to meet you! We're kind of a rowdy bunch here, but you will never find nicer ladies anywhere else!!0 -
Good Morning from Down Under, ladies!
I love a good read in the morning and today is a good one!
Welcome sgc, Susan, so glad you found us! Zills is right, our ldesim will be along, I am sure, to give info on the Rads and Herceptin. Stick around here and you'll get a good overview. We are all at different time frames and Dx, so there is usually someone with relevant experience to help if you need it. This is a really great bunch of "Potty Mouth", my husband calls me "Gutter Gums!" positive women.
gtgirl! so glad you have come back and have asked about the things that you're concerned about. I found the advice given to me here on these boards made me calm right down before my surgery.
I have come to the realization that the smaller you are, the smaller the incision. Mine is a long one, but wasn't a problem. I couldn't believe how good I felt, and how soon I got myself into trouble, by overdoing it:) I had just one very big drain, on a very long tube which made me feel a bit like a dog on a lead! I have to say that my output what pretty yucky, so I guess there is a range that runs from fairly clear liquid, all the way through to not too great looking, but all totally normal. Visiting nurses took care of mine. I managed to get a bit of infection in my incision, just a couple of centimeters, but totally my own fault. I made the mistake of trying on a soft knitted bra before washing it, and I am sure that was the cause. A hefty dose of antibiotics fixed that quick smart. I also ate garlic every day in the lead up to surgery, just so I had the added natural antibiotic in my system, oh and probiotics, to make sure I had good bacteria in the gut, which is a big part of the immune system.
I doubt you'll need to sleep anywhere other than in your bed. I am a "face plant" sleeper, as is our ldesim, and Wren side sleeps too! I managed to rollover onto my stomach, in the first few days without too much drama. Just had to get knees up under me to stand up again.
I was never without the "V" pillow, I dragged it around like a kids blankie, from the bed to the couch to the outdoor chairs. I still have it on the couch to prop myself against.
I have to tell you that I had the SNB tracer before my surgery and without a word of exaggeration, I did not feel a thing. Some report that it was uncomfortable, but that was not my experience. The injection part of it is over in a few seconds, and to make the tracer move through the nodes they can get you to massage to move it through. I had to massage for ages, it seemed, and have many goes at the scan. It was boring, but not painful.
I was out 16 hours after I returned to my room from surgery, and would you believe, at a shopping mall on the way home to do some shopping. I surprised myself!
Posting before I lose this.....M x0 -
Zills, I am glad you got all organized and tattooed. I remember ldesim talking about taking really good care of her skin and drinking lots. Can't wait for the rads to be over for you, counting down!
I am a shocker for "baby sniffing!" I love the smell of babies and have to hold myself back when I see someone with a new born!One of Colin's girls just had a baby and he gave her instructions about bringing it over for me to sniff!
Bobo, I don't know where those messages go. What are you up to today?
gB, I hope you are taking it easy this weekend. Take care M x
I am off to the big farmers market with Dex this later...M x0 -
Wow!!! Lots and lots of activity! Welcome ladies.. sorry you have to be here... but you've come to the right place.. the ladies on these boards have meant the world to me. I had already gone through chemo and didn't find this website until right before my surgery and I honestly don't think I would have gone through surgery so well had it not been for the wonderful women I have met along the way.
Granwe, so glad you stopped in, I'd be more than happy to lend a hand in the bank robbing, I'm not as nimble as I once was, but I'll give it my best. Good luck tomorrow with mommy weasel... make sure she has her wallet. I think Zils had a great idea in having everybody come with diapers and wipes.. she can never have too much of those.
Zils, you always give the best advice! Did they give you anything to use? Use the Aquafor. Just slather it on. I tried to apply it three times a day, but usually only got it twice, right after radiation and again before bed. I wore one of Joe's white tanks to keep it off my clothing. I started using the radiation gel a bit later on in the process when the skin started taking on a bumpy kind of texture. Put it in the fridge.. it feels good when you put it on cold. Most of the women on my rads thread swore by the emu oil, but I never found it did much for me.. maybe I didn't buy the right kind, but yes I used that too. Yes, the area got tight.. and the underarm was the worst for me. it was very uncomfortable. I was almost thankful for the boost because I wasn't having the underarm radiated anymore. The fatigue sucked... there's no advice I can give for that.. just rest as much as you can, but at the same time, keep you activity level up as well, I think it makes a big difference. Maybe set a couple of "to do" things a day to keep your spirits up. I didn't really have emotional issues, probably was just too damn tiredAgain, I am in awe of you having to deal with this and having the two little ones and on top of that the holidays coming up!
Posting before I lose this.0 -
gtgirl, the drains were my biggest fear. Don't get me wrong they were annoying as all hell, but they weren't as bad as I had feared. I had 2 and even thought I had the cami with pockets, I ended up preferring them pinned up with a big safety pin they gave me in the hospital... I did not walk them like a dog as our Ariom did and I did not frighten any mailmen as our Ariom tried to do. I had my nodes removed from my breast incision as well which I think made a huge difference as I had almost full mobility the same day as surgery. I could raise my arm all the way up, but I couldn't reach.. if that makes any sense. I had my drains for 6 days and I would say the first two days the fluid was reddish. Again.. they aren't as bad as you think they will be, neither is the surgery and neither is the recovery. I never had actual pain, I just felt like I overdid a work out. I took the pain meds religiously for 2 days, only because I was advised to keep ahead of the pain, but I don't think I even needed them for that long and just stopped taking them.
Where you are having just the one side I think you have many sleeping options... I slept on a sofa pushed up against a wall with a bolster pillow that had arms and a couple of other pillows. I did that for as long as I had my drains. Once the drains came out, I went back to my bed and slept on the good side with a body pillow behind me as I was afraid I would roll over and hurt A lot of people like the recliner the first few days, or they get a wedge for their bed... you need to keep yourself elevated to keep the fluid from building up.
Bobogirl, speaking of wedge, I will be sending that to you sometime during the week.
Posting.0 -
I love how Bobogirl is being possessive and bossy about her Dec thread, it's making me laugh.
What British magazines are you buying? The gossip rags? lol
Hi Susan, holy crap.. 11 years old!! I've been on Herceptin since last December and had radiation in May while still doing Herceptin tri-weekly, with no issues. I believe radiation generally starts around 3 weeks after surgery. You're not being irrational. They will be very careful in how you are mapped out and you will have to hold your breath when prompted during radiation so as to keep the organs out of the danger zone. I personally have not experienced that, but I asked after hearing the girls giving constant instructions on breathing to a patient in another room and they explained to me the process for the left side. I do not believe it is something you have to worry about.
Enough reading and typing for me tonight.. overdid it in the yard again today and am calling it a day rather early.. I will never learn!0 -
M, I am sad my Big Brother AU is overI was shocked that when they were updating the last 2 housemates on what had been going on in the outside world , they included news of the US government shutdown! I'm happy, my favorite housemate won! I am now onto Masterchef AU.. I bet I watch more AU TV then you do. I tried watching House Rules, but I did not warm to it. Does anybody watch Grey's Anatomy? I haven't started this season yet, but I have a feeling it's going to be a sad one.
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I watch Grey's Anatomy. Yeah, I think you are right that it is going to be sad. I won't post any spoilers for you. I just can't get invested in the new crop of interns, probably won't watch it much after this season.0 -
Fell asleep after dinner while watching Shrek with the boy. Now awake. Argh.
Kicked the soccer ball with him this afternoon and had the baby climb all over me. Up and down. She gets her stool so she can get up on the couch by herself.
They trashed my bedroom. Animal crackers in the bed, Magazines on the floor, missing remote, drawers opened on night stand. Not sure what else but they were quiet. DH cleaned it up.
Play date cancelled. Stomach bug going around. Even closed local public school yesterday. Don't want it.
I used to watch Gray's Anatomy but can't get into it this year. Watch Masterpiece on PBS. By the time you get hooked and into a routine, it's over. We only get 4-6 episodes of something. It's frustrating but something we both will watch.0 -
HI Zills, oh beware the quiet children!I can imagine what a time they must have had in your bedroom!
Glad the play date is cancelled if there is a virus going around, that's the last thing you need. Is the cold better now?
I haven't watched Greys Anatomy for a while.
ldesim, I haven't ever watched Big Brother, and yes I think you probably watch more Aussie shows than me! We get so much of your news over here.
We're all overdoing the yard work at the moment. I still have some sweeping to do, but I haven't fully recovered from the mowing the other day, I still have a bit of the "Claw"....bloody nuisance!0 -
ldesim where do you get all the AU shows from??
I am kind of an eclectic TV watcher. Two of my favorite shows now are Sleepy Hollow on Fox and Orphan Black on BBCAmerica. Amazing actors on both.0 -
I agree... beware when the kids are quiet! Hope you don't get the stomach bug, Z. Stay away stomach bug~!
Idesim, it is raining magazines over here. One day we were out on a Sunday and when we got back, strangely, there was mail -- and there were more magazines! DLLP had to laugh. I am splashing out on magazines.
I am indiscriminate in my tastes right now. I have the gossip rags -- people, us weekly -- and sometimes I pick up worse (Hello or the Star) now, and I have Marie Claire, and I love the British versions of anything -- I have British MC and some other silly British magazine about crafting. Oh, and Women's Health. And more. And then I subscribed to a bunch -- because I figured it would save money! -- and those are rolling in too! Magazines I'd never read normally, but they were only like $5.99 for the year, so I figured, F it. Better Homes and Gardens. More magazine! I love that one! It's like, You are an authentic woman of a certain age. Live your dreams. Now let's look at the latest options you have in chemical peels and injectables. And wear this 300 dollar pair of crystal-encrusted tennis shoes as you run your weekend errands. It makes me laugh!
Also, it's like, You are of a certain age now, you cannot wear leggings, or black eyeliner, and I'm like, F that! F that, More magazine!
Sometimes I go to the store, and while I am there I peruse the magazines, and I have them all already. So that's what's going on with that. Judge if you must. My brother having minor outpatient knee surgery this week. He acts as if he is the first person ever to have surgery, ever. He's extremely nervous and threw a tantrum at pre-op appt. He's going to be a nightmare to take care of this week.
I stopped watching Grey's Anatomy after the first sx. I was worried about my prognosis, and I couldn't bear the residents telling someone he was dying, then sneaking off to do it in one of the supply closets.0 -
I totally get that bobo! When my DH was sick and dying the med shows were Rescue 911 and ER. I had been a fan of them, but once things got bad with DH, I couldn't watch any of them any more because I was living them! It took years before I could watch any medical show.0