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Stage 2 Sisters Club



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,590
    edited December 2014

    Safe travels to all who are on the move over the holidays!

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited December 2014

    Safe travels and happy holidays Ruth and everyone! And - I never tire of saying it - thanks so much for being here for each other throughout the year.

    A year after my transfer from TEs, I recently went in for a change to smaller implants. The rubber band around the chest feeling is gone. My breasts fit in my pre-surgery bras, and I am pleased. But I lost my one and only chance to be a push-up bra model for Victoria's Secret, LoL. Hugs to all, and be well.

  • mjsgumbas
    mjsgumbas Member Posts: 323
    edited December 2014

    Nisa - glad to hear you are recovering well and happy with the outcome!!!  I'll take your place at Victoria Secret :)  I finally qualify after all this by going from a B to a D  Loopy

    Safe travels to all!!!  Hope everyone has ample opportunity to make memories this holiday season!

    However you celebrate - ENJOY!!! 

    Mary Jane

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    edited December 2014

    Nisa, I'm glad to hear your 'rubber band' is gone! That must be a nice feeling.

    Mary Jane, enjoy your new career ;)

    Ruth, stay happy!

    A very happy Christmas and bright 2015 to all of you! Thank you for being my surrogate sisters. Be well.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,590
    edited December 2014

    Nisa, too funny about Victoria's Secret. I had a pretty big tumor but opted for a lumpectomy, so I am not exactly 'even'. When everything was over & my doctor and I were reflecting, he asked me if I was happy with my choice. I said that since I looked fine in clothes, and I doubted that Playboy would be calling me to do a nude photo shoot, I was perfectly happy! Happy

    Happy Holidays and Hugs to All!

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited December 2014

    MJ - you brave girl, from B to D! It kind of goes along with your positive attitude about stuff. I wish you were my neighbor!

    Hopeful - awww I loved the "surrogate" sisters. I don't have a blood sister so I appreciate the sentiment.

    Ruth - one day Playboy is going to realize what it missed by not having you on the cover. When we meet in the summer, we will have to "compare" bras LOL. Oh, just to share, after my first week post-surgery I went back to my walking my 5k every other day... I owe you my great hobbie!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,590
    edited December 2014

    I wish we were all each other's next door neighbors, then we could go walking together!

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    edited December 2014

    "I wish we were all each other's next door neighbors, then we could go walking together!"

    I can't begin to tell you how much I would love that! ( My cat echoes that sentiment with his contribution: "xqw.")

    I won't be able to walk past VS in the mall without thinking of all of you - with a secret smile on my face.

    Here's to all of us!

  • mjsgumbas
    mjsgumbas Member Posts: 323
    edited December 2014

    Nisa - did immediate reconstruction and told the PS to put in the bigges ones he could fit after he told me I was a good candidate because my skin was "stretchy" - that was a nice way of telling me I was fat LOL.  I am happy to have boobies now that look great in dresses Happy

    Ruth - Playboy doesn't know what they are missing!!!!

    I would love to have you all as neighbors & walking partners... I somehow feel that I wouldn't have any excuses to not get my bum moving!!!!

    Hopeful - I too don't have blood sisters - these lovely ladies are my sistas!!

    Cheers to all of you!!  Merry Christmas!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,590
    edited December 2014

    Merry Christmas!

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited December 2014

    Merry Christmas to all of my Stage 2 Sisters!

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited December 2014

    Thank you and Merry Christmas

  • Leto
    Leto Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2014

    mjsgumbas - I too am breaking out in red bumps all over after my first Taxol. It started with 2 on my left temple and they were not itchy but were pretty large. I thought I was just breaking out. Then, about a week later I got 4 more on my left arm and they were really itchy - like insect bites. I was freaking out because I was in a hotel and thought bed bugs - ewe! I ended up with 7 on my left arm, 4 on my head, and 2 and my right back. Talked to the PA on Tuesday and she recommended taking the Clariton and just watch closely to make sure they don't become open sores. The Clariton seemed to help - I don't have any new ones. Hope this information helps.

    Happy holidays everyone - enjoy your time with family if you can.

  • missingmercury
    missingmercury Member Posts: 156
    edited December 2014

    My onco did say there was a taxol rash.  I did not get it.  Had a great family get together last night.  Waiting for girls to wake up this morning, lag abouts.  lol

    Merry Christmas all!

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    edited December 2014
    Hope all of you had a lovely Christmas!
  • runningcello
    runningcello Member Posts: 101
    edited December 2014

    @nisavilla, thank you so much! half way through radiation, it's a breeze. just 3 more weeks and some days and i will be able to put the daily reminder of cancer behind me :)

    we're all fighters and we're going to kick this thing in the behind!

  • issamarie
    issamarie Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2015

    Hello all! I am new and trying to learn about treatment after bilateral mastectomy. I see my oncologist this coming Wednesday, Jan 7th. I had bilateral mastectomy done Dec 18, with expanders for future reconstruction. Started out with 3 drains, now 2 JP drains still in. Invasive ductal carcinoma with 13 mm tumor. Grade 3. With DCIS in large ducts. I had lymph node involvement. 10 nodes taken, 1 sentinal node was positive for metastatic cancer. Staging pT1c, pN1a. Wondering of anyone has a similar diagnosis and what treatment you had. My surgeon says radiation and chemo are very possible.

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    edited January 2015

    Hi, Issamarie-sorry to have you join us here in stage II.

    With your hormone sensitivity you'll probably be looking at 5 to 10 years on either tamoxifen or an aromatase inhibitor after your other treatments are complete.

    You may be looking at 4 - 6 rounds of chemo as well, maybe some radiation but it wouldn't necessarily be a given. Did you have Oncotype testing done on your tumor? If so, that will probably guide a lot of your MO's discussion with you regarding chemo. If not, you should ask for it.

    Good luck.

  • FightLikeAGirl72
    FightLikeAGirl72 Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2015

    Hi Issamarie! Like you, I had a bilateral mastectomy (Aug. 13) with tissue expanders. My pathology report has me at a 2B, extensive DCIS (one side) - 5 cm grossly measured, NO clearly identified invasive tumor and three out of thirteen nodes (two macro, one micro). I just finished my 8th round of chemo on New Year's Eve and shortly will start radiation. From what I understand, the chemo is because I am node positive and they want to make sure any rogue cancer cells get treated. Even though I have clean margins the radiation is an extra percaution to reduce recurrence and because my cancer loves hormones (100% ER and PR positive), I am the lucky winner of early menopause and at least five years of Tamoxifen. I always ask questions of my providers, use a few websites for clarification and always remind myself, even though we are all on this journey together, our diagnosis are individual. Please know that you are not alone and always, always, always fight for your care and if you have questions, do not leave the room until they are answered. You are your own best advocate!

  • issamarie
    issamarie Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2015

    I thank you both for your knowledge with this!Smile I am so new to it all, but learning as much as I can. I was 38 yrs old and at my yearly pap screening when the doc found my lump. I was sent directly to the breast care center for the mammogram. My very first. Scared to death. Had 3 biopsies within the following week. A month later had the bilateral mastectomy. I tested negative for the 2 BRACA tests. No BC in my family. I turned 39 on New Year's day. I really appreciate any stories! Helps to not feel alone. Haven't had the oncotype test yet. My surgeon seems to think my oncologist will order it on Wednesday.

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited January 2015

    Issamarie, Welcome to the group; so sorry you had to join us. You will find everyone here welcoming, helpful and supportive. I was diagnosed at 49 and have 3 kids in the house. I didn't have a Mx. I had a Lx and oncoplastic surgery on both sides. Basically, the cancer was removed then the other breast was reduced so both sides would match. I had one positive node, and finished chemo on 11/23/14. I started radiation last week.

    You should ask your MO for a copy of your pathology report for your knowledge and records. You will learn a lot from your appointment about your cancer and your treatment options.

    Let us know if you have any other questions.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,590
    edited January 2015

    Hi issamarie, you are in the worst part now. Once you have a plan in place you just do it and get it over with. Get copies of all your reports, write your questions down in a notebook before you go in & write down the answers. Get a number for someone you can call at your clinic when questions arise, take someone trusted with you as a second set of ears. It is a rough, rough time but you can get through it, come out on the other side and be really okay.

  • Nomatterwhat
    Nomatterwhat Member Posts: 210
    edited January 2015

    Hi Issamarie, belated Happy Birthday to you!!!!  Welcome to the group.  I had a BMX on 8/4/14 with no reconstruction.  I had no lymph node involvement, but since I had both DCIS and ILC I did four rounds of chemo and finish radiation tomorrow.  I too, am ER/PR positive and will start Arimidex next week. You will never be alone on these boards, they are a life saver!!!!  We are here to help in any way we can.   

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited January 2015

    Nomatterwhat, Badhairday just posted on the Starting Chemo September thread. She is fine, just trying to adjust to her new situation.

  • Nomatterwhat
    Nomatterwhat Member Posts: 210
    edited January 2015

    Thanks, Poppy.  Do appreciate it. 

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited January 2015

    hello Everyone, I am visiting the thread and noticing how quiet we have been. This likely means all is well with everyone. Wishing a speedy recovery to those in active treatment. It is hard to believe that in April it will be my second cancerversary! Hugs to all. Nis

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    edited January 2015

    Congratulations on your almost-versary, Nis!

    I hope you're doing well and getting your life back to something resembling normal. Here's to a great 2015 for you!

  • SweetHope
    SweetHope Member Posts: 74
    edited January 2015

    Nisa, this is on my favorites' list and although I don't think I've posted here, I would like to hear from everyone on how they are doing. Congratulations to you. Can't wait to reach that milestone.

  • mjsgumbas
    mjsgumbas Member Posts: 323
    edited January 2015

    Nisa & all - this is also on my favorites and it has been pretty quiet.  I try to log on every few days to see what's going on, on my favorites.

    Hope you are all healed and feeling good!!!

    I'll toast you in April - we both get to celebrate the 2 year mark!!  Just had my 1 year follow up with the PS and all is good, see you next year and same day had my 4 mo check up with MO - all good, see you in 4 months... then he said "wait"  I'd like you to change to Arimidex since you are a year post hysto.  Told me to finish off the tamoxifen I have at home then fill the new script.  Only bummer is I get to start this new drug while on vacation.  I may call him & see if I can go without for a few days... a little leary of the SE's but it is what it is.  If it is a better drug, I'll take it.  Going for a bone density scan so we can keep track of that after starting this new med.

    Hopefully, as you said, all is well with everyone!  Looking forward to spring - I'm tired of winter already, even though we didn't have it half as bad as last year!  Hope I didn't just jinx us here in Chicago Loopy

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    edited January 2015

    Yes, I certainly hope you didn't jinx Chicago, MJS!

    I hope the Arimedex works out well for you. I have several friends around town who take it and have no problems; I hope you'll be among that number. Even if you do encounter SEs, I doubt they'd show up right away so there's probably not much to worry about starting it on vacation. Congrats on approaching your 2 year mark, too!

    I think one BIG issue with any of the AIs it to keep moving! It not only helps keep the joints looser, it decreases the risk of osteopenia or osteoporosis AND helps battle any weight gain. Even if you do get stiff, keep moving. It's counter-intuitive but seems to be pretty consistently effective.

    Good luck with the rest of your mid-western winter. If you get too much snow you can send it out here to the west coast. :)