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Stage 2 Sisters Club



  • farmerjo
    farmerjo Member Posts: 239
    edited July 2015

    Arista - I think recovery time is dependent on your age and any pre-existing conditions you may have. I am 56 and definitely needed my husband the first week - everyone's different. Is it possible to line-up someone to be with you for at least the first 48 hours? I needed my husband to help me sit up to get to the bathroom. I had surgery on a Friday and was discharged Sunday afternoon. (They had told me it would only be one night but I was still groggy from the anesthesia.)

    Like Special K said, a wedge is a good choice if you do not have a recliner. I used one and my husband periodically turned me to 'half-side' and propped pillows behind my back. I found mine on Amazon. It was at least a month before I could side-sleep without discomfort. I also found sleeping at a 45 degree angle post-op better for my lungs - they were 'junky' post-op, and I'm not a smoker.

    I don't know how old you are but I highly recommend a shower chair (also from Amazon). Most surgeons prefer 'sponge bathing' until your drains are removed, and it was fairly easy with a shower chair and a hand-held shower.

    I had two drains removed at week one and the other two a week later. Do not fear drain removal...while it's a tad uncomfortable, it's pretty painless. And then you can shower!!!!!!

    The only other advice I have is to walk! Try to walk around the house as much as possible; you will not feel like it but it really helps with your recovery.

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited July 2015

    Arista, We have piggies, too! They are fantastic pets. We started off with 3 guinea pigs, one for each of my boys. We've rescued a couple of guinea pigs, too. They were great "comfort" pets after my surgery. I'm surprised your piggy doesn't "wheek" to remind you that she needs her water.

  • Nomatterwhat
    Nomatterwhat Member Posts: 210
    edited July 2015

    Arista, my son and his wife have a South American guinea pig which I call "rodent". He bites everybody but my DIL and I threaten to throw him in the fireplace. Does yours have this high pitched screech when someone opens the fridge, because he thinks he has to eat? He has this igloo that he jumps up and down in, strange little critter!!!!! You continue to amaze me with your menagerie Poppy!!!!

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited July 2015

    Nomatterwhat, That sounds like a wild little guinea pig! Ours are all sweet and tame. They don't bite even when we trim their nails. A couple of them will lick your fingers (not slimy at all). They snuggle on our laps when we sit on the couch. They are potty trained, too. They do sing loudly when they hear the vegetable bags crinkle.

    We caught a 5.5 ft gopher snake on our driveway yesterday evening. It was beautiful and quite well fed. One of the many wild animals that call our yard home.

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited July 2015
    Artista - if you literally mean that there is no one that can help you after surgery (maybe you mean there are very busy people in your life), I am a 10-hour drive from San Diego and could go help you for up to 4 days. No one should be alone after a discharge from major surgery. I will need at least one week notice. Let me know. Nisa
  • Artista928
    Artista928 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited July 2015

    NisaVilla, that is awfully kind of you. Thank you so much. I think I'll be ok with my squeamish bro up here from LA for a week and my friend checking in on me a couple times a day. I'm reading above about jilly59 needing help to get at different angles from the center as how long can you really lie on your back same position, and I'm thinking wow, hope bro can handle it ok! Poor guy, he's stricken bad since I'm his only sibling who gets him in the fam and he loves me to death. He's very sensitive and emotional and while he knows I'm not dying or anything close, this still crushes him. He's coming up and will stay until he can't take it anymore, which I have asked that he stay a week. I have sx 8/6 and po with plastics is 8/10 and with surgeon 8/11- so I'm pretty sure he wants to come with me and see what they say.

    Yeah, unfortunately my 2 supports in person are squeamish and can't deal with this stuff too long. Bro and then my friend who lives a few miles away too has trouble stomaching without feeling sick herself or depressed/anxious as she's on meds for it. My luck huh. lol. Instead of then holding my hand they are both MIA right now until they need to be here, which is the night before. Oh well, good thing I don't need emotional support or I'd be in big trouble here! lol. Just have to laugh at my holding them up instead of them holding me up. lol

    I have 1 guinea pig that is spoiled beyond spoiled. 1/2 her crap takes my living room. I got all her set up including a 2 x 4 C & C cage on I use fleece flippers for 3/4 of it which is so easy, and her kitchen is wood pellets for litter. She gets 2 types of hay (KMS bluegrass & Small Pet Select orchard grass), am salad, pm salad, reverse osmosis water, KMS timothy pellets, Smaks cookie treats.. She has cute pillows, sleep sacks, pigloos of all colors to match, etc etc all from that site. She is very spoiled and lives better than me! lol. I learned a lot about proper gp keeping on the forum on that site as I had no idea when I got her.

    She always has an eye on me. Her cage set up is right next to the couch so we are inches away, nose to nose. I get up and she runs to the other end which points to the kitchen to see if I'm going to open the fridge door. If I do she perks up and if she hears veggie bags, out come the loud wheeks! I have all my windows open and I think the neighbors think I'm abusing her! lol.

    She could be snoozing and she'll lift her head if it looks like I'm getting up. Bottomless pit! One shelf in the fridge is all her salad stuff: green lettuce, radicchio, endive, green peppers, roma tomatoes, baby carrots, snap peas... Yeah, she's spoiled! lol

  • Nomatterwhat
    Nomatterwhat Member Posts: 210
    edited July 2015

    OH, Arista, you and my DIL would get along great!!!! She loves her rodent, but when the dog walks by and he grabs one of her ears, the fight is on!!!!!

    Poppy, I'm sorry, but the only good snake is a ...... When we lived in the country, if we saw a snake in the road, we would run him over, back up and run him over again to make sure he was dead!!!!!

  • Artista928
    Artista928 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited July 2015

    Nomatterwhat- I love animals, more than some humans. I'm just more into the exotics for myself than dogs and cats though I love them too. Exotics are usually mistreated by uninformed people who buy them because they are "cool" or pretty or whatnot. Birds are my #1 but demand more attention and such or you'll get bad behaviour so I don't have any now. I did for 20+ years from finches, canaries, cockatiels, green cheek conures and golden mantled rosella. Miss is bad but have to have a pet now that is laid back, quiet, and easy to care for. Guinea pig fit the bill, especially this one that is so used to me and people that she acts like a tame dog around people. Very trusting and friendly.

    Too bad your DIL doesn't live here. I'm sure we'd get on great! :)

  • mjsgumbas
    mjsgumbas Member Posts: 323
    edited August 2015

    God took another beautiful angel today. My heart is broken for my dear friend and her beautiful family. She fought so hard for almost 13 months battling brain cancer - and took a sudden turn for the worse Friday. It was so hard to say goodbye last night but so glad I could be there to hold her hand one more time.

    Thank you all for your kindness last summer when she was diagnosed on her birthday- she held on a few exta hours I think not to pass on my birthday yesterday. I love her so much and her 4 amazing youngsters and not to forget her rock of a husband. There are no words to describe the pain.... But you all understand the fight.

    Thanks again xoxoxo. Mary Jane

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,588
    edited August 2015

    I am so, so sorry, Mary Jane.

  • light1
    light1 Member Posts: 22
    edited August 2015

    Hi all, it has been a while since I posted here. Actually I don't know what to do, to take tamoxifen or not. I was on it for 4 months and my vision became blur, to the point i could hardly see or read stuff. I saw the eyes doctor and they thought i was developing glaucoma, after I did a follow up it was rule out and it was confirmed that it was due to the tamoxifen,because my visions became good when i stop taking tam. Now my onc think I should try taking it again and if the blur vision return,than I should stop immediately. now, I am scared and afraid at the same time don't want recurrence. I am 36yrs.....

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    edited August 2015

    I am holding you, your friend, her family and all her friends in my heart and prayers. I'm glad she did not pass on your birthday, Mary Jane, and agree with you that it's probably not a coincidence. So sorry.

  • mjsgumbas
    mjsgumbas Member Posts: 323
    edited August 2015

    Thank you Ruth & Hopeful. This is always a place I can find someone to lean on Hug

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited August 2015

    Mary Jane, I'm so sorry. Stupid cancer. I hate it and what it does to families.

    Light, Have you discussed the Zoladex and exemestane protocol with your MO? Good luck making your decision.

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited August 2015

    Mary Jane, my friend - very sad news. Terrible news. I am so sorry for your loss. Why, why, why?!! Everyone must be hurting so much. I wish I could hug you. I wish there was something I could do for you and her family. My tears are flowing. This is too close to my heart. My borther's brain cancer is progressing. Take care of yourself. Much love, Nisa.

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited August 2015

    Light - Please listen to your Onco and discuss other options. But don't stop treatment. Too risky at your age, unless you had DCIS stage 0, the only 100% curable BC. You could go for asecond and third opinion. Do anything that will help you feel in control of your treatment but do not quit. I heard too many sad stories about women ditching Tamoxifen. Hugs, Nisa

  • mjsgumbas
    mjsgumbas Member Posts: 323
    edited August 2015

    Thank you PoppyK and Nisa. It was hard to post this here Nisa given your situation, but this has been such as safe place during the dark days. I truly hope your brother beats the odds and that they find something soon to help cure this awful beast.

    Nisa, thank you for being such a dear friend these last 28 months. I look forward to the day I can give you a real hug but for now cyber hugs are all we have. You have an amazing spirit and are so kind. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family always.

    Days like this remind us of how important it is to live each and every day to the fullest and to spend as much time as possible with those we love. And to not take anything for granted!!

    I wish comfort to all of you still struggling with bc and treatment. This site has been a lifesaver for me. Although I don't post much I do read everyday. Love and hugs to all of you!!!

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    edited August 2015

    Nissa, I'm saddened to hear that your brother's cancer is progressing. Words cannot express what I feel for you, your brother and your family.

  • light1
    light1 Member Posts: 22
    edited August 2015

    thanks NisaVilla for the encouragement and i am so sorry about your brother. My prayers are with you.I Actually plan to start taking the tam again, hoping to start tonight it has been almost 6months since I stop. I am just hoping and praying all goes well. I have done all my onc have ask of me but, I don't have control over the side effects especially with my vision. If

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,588
    edited August 2015

    Nisa, I am so sorry about your brother. No words can really help, but I am keeping you & your family in my thoughts and prayers, and sending a virtual hug your way.

  • mommado
    mommado Member Posts: 48
    edited August 2015

    Hi All - sorry I've been MIA, lots and lots going on!  My son Max who has Aspergers, Neurofibtomatosis, ADHD and OCD has been accepted to Landmark College in Vermont  - its a special College just for kids like him.  Only 500 kids in the whole school and the classes are 6-10 students to 1 teacher.  We decided to apply the end of June and found out he got in on July 31st, visited on Augus 3rd and he moves in August 27th so it's been a whirlwind!  Unfortunately its the most expensive school in the country so we need to figure out money but will do whatever we have to.

    I also applied for a new job with our Town Hall and have been waiting to hear on that.

    I got an email from my gyno the other day - seems he found a spot in my lower right abdomen that he wants me to have a CT scan on.  He said he asked me to get it back in June after the surgery to remove my ovary but I forgort.  He said it looked like a fat pad but wants to be sure as to what it is.  I'm waiting on an appointment to find out when the scan is, can't imagen what the heck it could be.


    Mj - I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend, she definitely waited so as not to make her loss the focus of all your future birthdays.

    Light - I hate hate hate Tamoxifen and the side effects - I hadn't notice blurred vision but now that I've read your post I can say my glasses haven't worked as well since I started it and I have tons more headaches, but I stay on it - seems like a better option that the cancer coming back.  I think you should give it one more shot so you don't look back and have any "what ifs"

    Artista - we had guine pigs but I was allergic.  we not have a litter box trained bunny who lives in our room wandering around and always hopping onto the bed to give us lovings.  Nothing better than the unconditional love you get from pets.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,588
    edited August 2015

    Very exciting for your son, Mommando! Good luck on the job and let us know about the CT scan.

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    edited August 2015

    That's great for your son, Mommado. Please keep us posted about both your scan and the job, o.k?

    I have a question for those of you who've been dealing with this for a bit longer than I have: What kind of mammograms do you get? Screening or diagnostic? Do these give you the heebie-jeebies or have you gotten used to it?

    My mammogram would normally be at the end of this month but we can't do both sides as I'm still in radiation. My BS's office sent in an order for the right side and I got a call to schedule. That's fine - I've never had issues with mammograms, except, ironically, concern over the amount of radiation involved.

    What threw me was that I'm scheduled for a diagnostic mammogram and that's bringing up a lot of flash backs of last year when the cancer was found after a regular screening mammo. Intellectually I know it makes sense given my recent history and genetic risks. Emotionally, however, I'm having a hard time with it. Not that I won't do it, but it's really upped my anxiety. I almost want to beg them to move the appointment up just to get it over with! I don't think I'd feel this way about a regular mammogram - it's the awareness of the special procedures, the separate lounge where you wait to hear if you're done yet, etc., etc. that's getting to me.

    Does anyone have any words of wisdom to share? Is this a normal response for the first couple of times? Am I making too much of it?

    Thanks for your input!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,588
    edited August 2015

    Yes, it's normal to have the heebie-jeebies.....I still take a sleeping pill the night before!! I believe the only difference (someone correct me if I'm wrong) between a diagnostic and screening is, screening is when you go back to once a year.....diagnostic is when you still are having them more often in the first while after you are done with treatment. I remember wanting to get one about every month at first because I was so freaked out.....which would have been very unhealthy in and of itself. It does get easier the farther out you get, maybe just because you know it is going to be hard so you are geared up for it.

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    edited August 2015
    That last sentence really makes sense, Ruth, in that it's probably like preparing oneself emotionally for a difficult anniversary such as the loss of a family member. You just know it will be tough and deal with it.

    BTW, at the imaging center I go to the diagnostic mammo. appointments are 2 hour time slots and include extra views (now in 3D!), spot compression, US as needed, meeting with the radiologist, etc. I'd rather do the MRI, frankly. Somehow it seems less threatening!

    As always, thanks for sharing your hard-earned wisdom and support, Ruth. I really appreciate your presence here.
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,588
    edited August 2015

    Glad when I can help. 3D mammograms are awesome! I remember when I had my first one, the technician showed me how they can go down layer by layer. I had a little spot that previously would have required further tests, but put peeling back the layers of the film, we could see it was just a spot where the blood vessels met. Saved me from more stress, time, other tests or procedures, and also saved my insurance company money!!!!

  • mommado
    mommado Member Posts: 48
    edited August 2015

    Good morning Ladies.  I'm having my CT Scan tonight and I'm freaking out!  I'm usually pretty calm but I'm about ready to loose my mind today and can't stop the tears (and I'm at work!)  My doctor has me completely freaked from his email. He said:

    "You may remember that following your laparoscopy this spring I told you about the area of fatty tissue I saw on the inside of your lower right abdominal wall.  I had asked that you get a CT of that area so that we can make certain what it is.  I just checked your electronic medical record and did not see a report of a CT. recommend that you have this test.  Either your PCP or we can set this up.  Please call or write me the day after you have the test so that I can look up the results and get back to you."

    I honestly don't remember him telling me about this and I'm a bit freaked out that he wants to "make certain what it is".  What the heck could it be other than a spot of fat???  They didn't find any ovarian cancer in my ovary  - could it have spread to my abdomin?  I know I should just be calm but I am a complete mess!  It's so not me!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,588
    edited August 2015

    He is just being a good doctor and making sure that you do the follow up. My old doctor (sadly retired) would make appointments for me himself before he'd let me out of the office, I imagine just so I couldn't weasel out of them. Thinking of you, hang in there!

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    edited August 2015
    Momma do, I'll be holding you in my thoughts all day. I'm sure Ruth's right but understand your fear. Hugs and hopes for rapid, reassuring results.
  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2015

    hopeful - Here is some info from BCO regarding the difference between a screening and diagnostic mammogram. The difference does not have to do with receiving mammograms more frequently, but rather with having the radiologist look at real time images to determine whether more views need to be taken, and whether a different imaging modality (usually ultrasound) is necessary - before you leave the facility. A screening mammogram usually has a set number of views and is read later by the radiologist.

    This thread somehow fell off my favorites, mjsgumbas, so sorry about the loss of your friend and nisa, so sorry to hear about your brother. Sending you both strength.

    Everyone else struggling - sending you the same.