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How are people with liver mets doing?



  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,166
    edited November 2020

    50'sgirl- Glad to hear you are staying on the same treatment, for now. Scans again in 3-4 months? Praying for you.

  • theresa45
    theresa45 Member Posts: 238
    edited November 2020

    50sgirl - I'm very happy to hear that your oncologist considers your progression to be minimal and that you can stay on Adriamycin and dexrazoxane. I feel the same way as you do regarding trying to get as much time out of any treatment that has been effective. Earlier in my metastatic journey, when I had more options available, I was quick to want to change treatment at the first sign of progression...

    Grannax - Wishing you and easy recovery from the microwave ablation!


  • Bliss58
    Bliss58 Member Posts: 938
    edited November 2020

    50sgirl, happy for you on your good news.

    Grannax, hope all went smoothly and you're recovering well. PS - love that propofol, too!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 760
    edited November 2020

    50’s girl- great news!!! Glad you are tolerating adriamycin and your MO seems very thorough and wise. My Mo let me stay in Afinitor an extra 3 months with small progression. It was good to have that extra time on something I knew.


  • Cricketdog
    Cricketdog Member Posts: 48
    edited November 2020

    Sorry - posted in the wrong section.

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited November 2020

    Cricketdog..there is a thread for when you are awaiting results... This is a thread for Stage 4 specifically. Your doctor sounds very certain that even though they are not sure what it is not cancer....or at least that what you mention him saying more than once.

    I hope everything works out for you and its not cancer..but please try to remember this is for Stage 4 Cancer Only....

    Best Wishes for a clear diagnosis and no cancer.

  • s3k5
    s3k5 Member Posts: 411
    edited November 2020

    Cricketdog, I see that you are referring to your doctor as 'GP' which would mean general practitioner, correct? Have you seen an oncologist?

    It is worrisome that they cannot figure out what the mass in your liver is. Have they considered biopsy of the mass? That would make it clear if this is benign or a malignant mass. I'd definitely push for a biopsy ASAP.

    All the best! Hope it is nothing. Please keep us posted.

  • Cricketdog
    Cricketdog Member Posts: 48
    edited November 2020

    S3K5 - yes, my medical oncologist was the one who ordered the CT scan that supposedly showed fatty liver. My MO referred me to my GP for further discussion since it wasn't related to cancer. I see my MO on Wednesday and will definitely bring it up during my appointment. I will ask about a biopsy as well. Thank you!

  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387
    edited November 2020

    The MW A on my left lobe is done. WOW it was a lot more than I expected. It felt like I had been stabbed with an ice pick. I was in PACU for 7 hours on really strong pain meds. Finally, went to a room only to have a sleepless, interrupted night. Finally got home at 5. I slept really well in my own bed with my kitty. I felt well rested when I woke up. But, as the day progressed I've been more and more sore. It hurts to breathe, walk, sit, stand. Basically, I'm swollen and miserable. Hopefully, this is just part of the healing process and will be better tomorrow. Hopefully, I will have a better report tomorrow.💞

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026
    edited November 2020

    Thanks for checking in, Grannax. I hope each day brings some healing and less pain.

  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071
    edited November 2020

    Grannax, I am sorry that you have been so uncomfortable. I hope you feel better soon and that the pain goes away.


  • BevJen
    BevJen Member Posts: 2,341
    edited November 2020


    Sounds like you had a rough time of it. Hang in there. I was just reading your report to my DH, and his response was this: well, you didn't do a whole lot for at least two weeks (he is right) and this time, my second time, I really had little energy through the third week as well. It will get better day by day, though, for sure, although you might have a good day, overdo things, and then have a rougher day the next day.

    Also, don't be surprised if you have pain with turning one way or another -- that was the way it was for me. With my first one, if I turned sideways the wrong way in bed, it wasn't pretty. This most recent one, I had some issues with appetite -- nothing really appealed to me, so don't be surprised if that happens.

    Please keep checking in and letting us know how you are doing. When is the second one scheduled? Make sure you have enough time between the two procedures.

    Thinking good thoughts for you.

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited November 2020

    AWWW Grannax..I am so sorry for how you are feeling I hope you feel better and better each day. Try to keep us posted. ((((hugs))))

  • theresa45
    theresa45 Member Posts: 238
    edited November 2020

    Grannax - Oh no! I'm so sorry that you've been in so much pain! I think it must depend a lot on the location of the tumors and whether or not they are easily accessible. My husband just reminded me how miserable I was after my liver resection... I had to miss my daughter's college graduation because I couldn't even manage a car ride. I had a much easier time with the microwave ablations. I never sleep well in the hospital. I hope that your healing process will be sped up now that you are sleeping in your own bed. Gentle hugs!

    Cricketdog - If they are unsure what the spot in your live is after all the scans, I would be asking your oncologist about scheduling a liver biopsy. Interventional radiologists perform liver biopsies. I believe the only way to know for sure would be to do a biopsy. Another option would be to get a second opinion from a liver specialist. Hopefully it is NOT cancer. I do have two friends who have never had cancer, but have had liver hemangiomas removed. Best wishes!

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293
    edited November 2020

    Grannax2, thanks for checking in & I hope you feel better soon. It's a big procedure, give yourself time to heal! Keep eating, keep hydrated. Did they give you any movement restrictions or are you allowed to take gentle walks? Sending gentle hugs

  • Kattysmith
    Kattysmith Member Posts: 688
    edited November 2020

    Grannax, I'm echoing everyone's well wishes and confidence that each day will be better than the last. I'm holding you in my heart and glad you have a kitty to snuggle with.

  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387
    edited November 2020

    Girls I don't know what I'd do without you. Last night the spasms started. When I move at all the muscles or whatever is in there tightens up like a rock then releases. ALL NIGHT LONG. I didn't expect that either. Did a heating pad help any of you? Needless to say, I had another sleepless night.

    It helps to know that each of you felt many of the same things and you got through it

    My IR did say that the left two would hurt more because they are closer to the surface. I guess that means more nerves, etc. It feels like all the nerves in my abdomen are on fire.

    Also, the pain meds have left me constipated. I know that's not helping

    I'm wondering about one other complication. Over 20 years ago I had a TRAM Flap reconstruction of my breast. She used my left abdominal muscle for the blood flow to the new breast. It's looped right near where he stuck me. I wonder if he went through that muscle on his way to my liver? I'm sure there's nothing I can do about that at this point.

    The only pain med I have is Tramadol and Tylenol. I guess I could call in for something stronger. Any other ideas? Please share. 💞

  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387
    edited November 2020

    Bev Jen. Yes, I have lost all appetite, nothing smells good or tastes good. Plus, I feel like there is no room left in there for food. I am able to keep hydrated.💞

  • BevJen
    BevJen Member Posts: 2,341
    edited November 2020


    Glad that you are reporting in. Some of what you feel are muscle spasms could be referred pain from the liver ablation. I didn't have any of that the first time, but on the second ablation, I weirdly got pain both in my middle back for a few days after the ablation and then, oddly, on my L side (opposite of liver) radiating into my back. That second bout of pain was at almost 2 weeks out, and it lasted for about 3 days.

    I had a TRAM flap reconstruction in 2003 using muscles from both sides of my abdomen (bilateral mastectomy). Although the little marks from the ablation were probably within that area, I didn't connect that to anything going on with me. Just my thoughts on that -- don't think it's necessarily connected.

    My solutions for the no appetite/no desire to eat: drinking cold drinks; drinking a few carbonated drinks, like cold Coke (and I don't usually drink soda at all); milkshakes; lukewarm soup like chicken soup, tomato soup, vegetable soup -- all as you can tolerate. Wonton soup from the local Chinese takeout became my best friend this time. If you are having trouble getting some of this stuff in, try drinking through a straw. That worked for me. Toast once you can get it down. Applesauce (really, the BRAT diet) when you can tolerate. It should improve within about 2 weeks.

    The constipation is REAL. And I didn't have the time in the PACU that you did -- I was only there for 2 hours.I did continue with the oxy for another two days -- big mistake for me. Major constipation. Once I switched to just Tylenol, it was much better. Prune juice!!!

    Two suggestions: yes to the heating pad or a hot water bottle (maybe more comfortable at this time)? And have someone get you some prune juice. I don't usually drink that, but this time, I had to bc I felt so stopped up I couldn't do anything else. It should help.

    Hope some of this helps. Hang in there.


  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387
    edited November 2020

    Good idea. Ill ask my daughter to get some prune juice for me..💞

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293
    edited November 2020

    So. I'd hit the constipation harder ( hahaha, sorry bad pun). Juice (or the prune spread hospitals give on breakfast trays) imo is more for maintenance. I'd suggest senokot overnight (or anytime if you're home and near bathroom) If no improvement by 12-16 hr later, glycerin suppository. Get things moving well asap.

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited November 2020

    Gran,....I am (unfortunately) the Constipation QUEEN *insert crown*

    My suggestion...(and I have tried EVERYTHING) Miralax BUT 2 TIMES A DAY not will go in a day or 2. I also get majorly constipated from even Twilight anesthesia.... :( I literally thought I prolapsed my colon once pushing..I am TERRIFIED to go in for the Y90 because of I am going to take the Miralax 2 times a day for 2 days before or at least 1 day before...

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 760
    edited November 2020


    So sorry you are hurting. Dont be afraid to get a stronger med if you need it. Be careful of the nausea SE . I take Nucynta to avoid that because Tramadol and anything with codine makes me nauseous and headache.

    My flank pain was so bad that I took nuycenta and muscle relaxerS every night for 2 weeks and it only dented the pain but did give me sedative effect so I could sleep. I take colace and miralax and eat lots of kiwis to avoid the D. Heating pad helped me too.

    Hope you are better soon and get a good report for your ablation!


  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387
    edited November 2020

    I am feeling a little relief. I took a suppository and it it helped a little. Also, I put the healing pad on my abdomen area. That has really helped reduce the spasms. I've been trying to be very still. I think my daughter will bring some prune juice to me later in the day.

    Thanks for the suggestions. I appreciate them.

  • leftfootforward
    leftfootforward Member Posts: 1,396
    edited November 2020

    grabbed- I’m sorry for the hard recovery. You got great advise already here. I would add that I found for me using an ice pack on my areas of pain has helped me. I’m guessing because it decreases swelling.

    Just another thing to try.

  • theresa45
    theresa45 Member Posts: 238
    edited November 2020

    Grannax - I'm so sorry that you're in pain! The tumor I had resected was also on the surface of my liver, so maybe that's why my resection was so painful. I became very constipated which definitely exacerbated the liver pain, so do whatever it takes to get things moving. I was very surprised how backed up I got even when I felt like I was barely eating. Senecot works best for me, but you have lots of good suggestions. Heat works best for me for muscle spasms; for me icing caused more spasms.... If the spasms don't improve, I would ask about a muscle relaxer. The relief can be immediate. Praying that you will sleep well tonight and will feel better each day. Hugs! Theresa

  • husband11
    husband11 Member Posts: 1,287
    edited November 2020

    Grannax, I hope you feel better soon, and can get some sleep.

  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387
    edited November 2020

    Theresa. That sounds just like me. I'm sure going to prepare differently for the next one.

    Last night I did get sleep with only four or five cramps that woke me up. This morning I got more proof that bowel is not blocked. I also figured out that any solid food triggers cramps. So I put myself on liquids like juices.

    I was finally able to take a shower today. Hoping tonight and tomorrow will be even better.

    I'm calling the nurse tomorrow to tell her about what's been happening for the past three days. I don't think there's anything to do unless he wants to check for free fluid. Maybe muscle relaxer. 💞

  • BevJen
    BevJen Member Posts: 2,341
    edited November 2020


    Sounds like slow but sure progress. If the solid foods are causing cramps, then stick with the liquids for a few more days. I had to do that (just because the thought of food didn't appeal to me) and it's not like I got hunger pains or anything.

    I'm sure the shower helped.

    Hoping for more improvement tonight and tomorrow, which I'm sure you will have. Hang in there!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,166
    edited November 2020

    Grannax- I have been following your posts. I have not posted as I have no suggestions since I have not been through those procedures myself. But, I have prayed for you and am sorry you are in pain, constipated, and cannot eat solids. You do not deserve to go thru all this. Gentle hug from here.