How are people with liver mets doing?



  • Clare64
    Clare64 Posts: 33
    edited April 2014

    Trish I am so happy for your good news!

    I don't have cramps in my liver, but after being on letrozole/femara for a week I started feeling a stinging sensation in and around my liver. It lasted for about a week and now comes and goes.  I hope to talk to my onc about it this week but wonder if any of you have had this feeling?  It is almost like someone snaps a rubber band on you and the sensation lasts.

  • ronniekay
    ronniekay Posts: 657
    edited April 2014

    Does the cramp feel like you can't straighten it's pulling you tight??? Totally thought it was diep flap.  I'm so thankful for all my sisters..will also talk to my onc!  Hope all had a blessed Easter :)

  • Trish03
    Trish03 Posts: 65
    edited April 2014

    Clare, a couple of times I've had the feeling of a rubber band snapping. The first time was before I was even dx when I bent over to pick up something. I wondered what it was, but the pain didn't last, so I just forgot about it. I didn't know at the time that I had a 20mm tumor in my liver!!!!

    I mostly have the cramps/muscle spasms when I move or stretch the wrong way. I try to avoid it because it is uncomfortable until the spasm relaxes. I forgot to ask my onc about it last time because he was mainly interested in talking about the reaction I had the night after my 3rd Kadcyla treatment. He loaded me up on pre-meds this last time, so I didn't have any problems. 

    RonnieKay, I also have a problem straightening up, but it doesn't seem like the same thing as the spasms. I've just noticed lately that my body wants to lean forward when I stand up. I have to consciously make myself stand up straight, which is hard sometimes. I have no idea what's causing it. My tumors aren't really big anymore, and my scan didn't show any fluid. I sometimes have lower back pain, but I don't know why that would cause me to lean forward. I just know that I don't want to get into the habit of walking like that. I don't even realize when I'm doing it.

    Hugs, Trish

  • buddy1
    buddy1 Posts: 529
    edited April 2014

    I had a cramping muscle spasm pain shortly after my liver biopsy that was done with a needle.  I was sitting up in bed and in a bent position that triggered it. 

    Trish , I am so happy for your wonderful news.

    I had CT today we will see if the abraxane is working.  I ws told 3 or 4 small spots were there to start.  I find out Thursday.  I also have it on my breast, lung, and 2 small spots on the hip bones.

  • ronniekay
    ronniekay Posts: 657
    edited April 2014

    Buddy...hoping your scan shows abraxane is kicking ALL spots to the curb!  That's exactly what happens to me...if I bend wrong, I cramp...ugh.

    Trish....was your last dx when you were her2+?   I can't remember what the makeup of kadcyla it part perj/hercep?  I had 1 yr hercep in 2009/10, so when I started again in 2012 they didn't give premeds, thinking my body would recognize it, but it didn't & I had a reaction.  All's been fine since.  Glad pre-meds worked!

    Whose oncs have said chemo is "for life?"  How I wish I could do just hercep/perj.  Femara failed me :(.  

    I've been on a bad eating out frenzy-Indian, Mexican-time to get back to healthy liver foods!  XOXO

  • Clare64
    Clare64 Posts: 33
    edited April 2014

    Can someone tell me what healthy liver foods they recommend?  Thank you!  Clare

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Posts: 935
    edited April 2014


    Your liver is not sick because liver cancer, it is sick because of breast cancer, nor it is hepatitis B or C , so the food which is goid for breast cancer is also good for your liver mets . Fatty food are not good in general less if your liver is effected , artichokes are excellent to cleanse the liver and quite tasty. Just buy fresh artichokes put them in water for a while so the leaves open and you can clean them well , once cleaned put them in a pot and boil them until cooked to your taste and in a seperate bowl crush a clove of garlic with salt add lemon and olive oil , then take the artichoke and peel the leaf dip in the sauce and eat the meaty bottom until you get to the heart clean the heart and eat also. It is quite tasty. Also when you wake up in the morning and before you open your mouth drink a medium size bottle of water, it cleanse everything in your body . I hope this helped. 

  • ronniekay
    ronniekay Posts: 657
    edited April 2014

    Hi Clare..since our liver is the ultimate cleanser, I tried to get info on the healthiest way to eat...regardless of cancer. We always ate healthy foods...just unhealthy foods as well (and too much of both!).  I'm down 36 lbs since my stage 4 dx, 12/12, and am pretty healthy (aside from that C thing!).  I like the Anti-Cancer book, by a dr who battled C twice, but there are so many good articles.  Here's a big nutshell: water first thing in the am is good, as Woody said. Lots of water. I drink pomogranate juice (early am) & green tea.  No soda or alcohol (neither of which I ever cared about) & I don't drink fruit juices (mostly sugar).  Lots (LOTS) of cruciferous veggies (bru sprouts, caulif, cabbage, broccoli, kale/spin, beets) & fresh fruit, mostly berries.  Greek yogurt, beans, nuts...good fiber.  I eat very few empty carbs (no fries, chips, etc. a big change...and a good one), quinoa, brown rice, grains, yams.  Mostly fish & chicken, very little red meat or pork (my dad was a farmer/rancher...I had enough of that as a child).  There are good spices too...tumeric is a biggie. I eat dark chocolate..which I LOVE, and it's a treat!  That being said...I can polish off a quart of ice cream...I'll have a mocha (decaf)...I'll go out for Indian (good spices!) or Mexican, but I get right back to good stuff...and my digestion & poop (sorry to be blunt) are really healthy...even through chemo.  I figure if there's any way to help make my liver's job easier...I'll do it!  One of my chemo nurses also said to buy organic if possible...there's the Dirty Dozen...12 foods you should really only eat organic.  Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.  Anyhoo...good husband's type 2 diabetic & his counts are about normal it's just been a good thing for us.  This is my save my liver way to eat :)   XOXO

  • Clare64
    Clare64 Posts: 33
    edited April 2014

    Thank you for the good advice!  Do any of you know if seltzer/sodawater/sparkling water is OK?  It does not have sodium but it is carbonated.

  • smiley47
    smiley47 Posts: 91
    edited April 2014

    I was wondering if anyone had been on Taxol when after three rounds and markers going down, (gradually) they had blood work done at the third round on the fourth week; which is the week you do not get Taxol. I had the best blood marker sample going down to 164 from 235 and then this week I went back to have my chemo and found I had gone up 24points to 188. I am on second week of chemo so blood work would represent last weeks chemo and not the week off chemo. Could it be the chemo affecting my liver ( I believe it is hard on the liver) and not the Taxol starting to be ineffective?
    Thanks for any advice

  • ronniekay
    ronniekay Posts: 657
    edited April 2014 onc says it's the whole picture...not just markers, or just scans, or just blood tests.  She said in some cases it's the technician breaking cells while testing (hard for me to imagine but I'm not a medical person).  It's hard not to get concerned...I've been accused (by one of my chemo nurses) of catastrophizing :)  My onc has also said it's normal to see numbers zigzag. She also says not to worry when the count is in the normal range...even a bit above...but I like low numbers :)   I just bet the chemo's working to destroy the C in your liver, more than it's affecting your liver...and you'll see lower numbers again! 

  • smiley47
    smiley47 Posts: 91
    edited April 2014

    Thanks RonnieKay, I am very worried its the chemo no longer working but you have helped put my mind at ease, I thought I had read in the posts that sometimes the numbers can go up and down a bit.

  • buddy1
    buddy1 Posts: 529
    edited April 2014

    Just got scan results, good news.  All cancer is shrinking 30-50 percent.  The large tumor in my breast has shrank over 50%. The 2 spots on my hip bones were not in the scan.  This was done in 2 cycles.  One cycle is 3 weeks on and 1 week off.  He said I was doing unusually good.

  • redwolf8812
    redwolf8812 Posts: 580
    edited April 2014

    Yay, buddy1!  Thank You, Lord!  

    :-) Penny

  • SyrMom
    SyrMom Posts: 575
    edited April 2014

    Fantastic buddy1!

  • buddy1
    buddy1 Posts: 529
    edited April 2014

    Thank you for being happy for me.  And yes thank you Lord. 

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Posts: 935
    edited April 2014

    buddy1 marvelous news yayyy.....! 

    Syrmom how are you?

  • ronniekay
    ronniekay Posts: 657
    edited April 2014

    Buddy!!!  Happy's great to be unusually good!!!   

  • SyrMom
    SyrMom Posts: 575
    edited April 2014

    Woodylb, Thanks for asking, I'm o.k., hanging in there.  Lots of fatigue, didn't recover as well from it this past week.  Just hope the numbers are o.k. to have the  infusion tomorrow.  #23 coming up!  Little nervous about the next scans on May 13 cause my markers went up a little bit.  Although I would love to hear the liver mets are shrinking or gone, I would gladly take "stable."  In my case, it's the trend of the markers that's usually the indicator.  Mine had been going down, then stayed the same, then last time went up.  So if the next one is up, I'm probably beginning to progress, whether the scan shows it or not.  Really hope not.  I'm getting discouraged dealing with this, basically alone.  Everyday activities get harder and harder.  I remind myself it could be worse and I am very fortunate in many ways.

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Posts: 935
    edited April 2014

    Syrmom, first i am glad to hear from you, i was starting to worry, and second i know what you mean about the fatigue. Taxol is hard specially with so many rounds. Did you tell your doctor that it is tiring you so much? And did he discuss with you other aletrnatives to this? I sure hope that your scans on the 13th come put with regression or stable but not progression. I will pray for you tonight. I am not sure about markers you know? Mine was the lowest when i doscovered my liver mets and till now it is low so my doctor is no longer depending on it. Are your liver enzymes normal? Or are they also climbing up? In all cases there a lot of other chemo which may work. 

    I don't know if you have seen this post it is a lady called kathlyn rich , her cancer became resistant to anti hormone therapy her oncologist insisted that she tries a very old anti hormone med and it is called CYTADREN and she did and she has been NED ever since. Would you please ask about this? Also keep you spirits up i know it isnhard when your body is tired. Since i have started my combo i also felt a lot of fatigue and i got one blood transfusion, and this week my session was delayed for three days , thank god o recovered enough to get it tomorrow but in reduced dose. Hopefully this will be with another one of gemzar my last chemo, after it i will get a scan and a PET scan. So I don't know eother what tomorrow hides. 

    I really hope your scans will be clear and that hour numbers go back again and i will pray woth all my heart for you. Keep me informed also write anytime you like and private message if you want. I just want to tell you that you are thought of everyday. Be well and keep your hope. It is coincidence maybe , but if all is well and i start my anti hormone on the 13th of may i will be travelling to Prortugal in Europe with my husband to visit the virgin of Fatima where she made miracles there , be sure that you will be in my prayers. 

  • SyrMom
    SyrMom Posts: 575
    edited April 2014

    Woodylb, thanks so much, you are wonderful.  I really hope you get to visit Fatima, that is awesome!!  Thank you for your prayers; I tell my friends any and all prayers are welcomed!!  Also, thank you for the old drug named cytadren, never heard of, but will look into it.  Good luck with your scans, regression and/or stable would be welcomed I'm sure.  I understand the carboplatin is really hard on your energy and WBC's, I'm sure that's why you are feeling as you have been and why your tx have had to be delayed.  Hang in there and keep the faith.  Sending you cyber hugs ...Smile 

    P.S. my liver enzymes have been fairly stable since mets were discovered 

  • ronniekay
    ronniekay Posts: 657
    edited April 2014

    Thinking about YOU!

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Posts: 935
    edited April 2014

    Syrmom, I am so happy you are excited about my trip to Fatima, i have a large list with of people i care about to pray for , and i hope through her God hears my prayers. I had my session today finally but reduced by 30% , i hope this keeps me well enough to travel if all is well i will have gemzar next tuesday. Six days later hopefully i will be on a plane . Still you can still update me i will have access to my mail . I hope you get at least stable. The cytadren i told you about well this doctor who used did not even listen to anyone he went ahead and told this lady to try it and it worked , sometimes you don't know where the inspiration comes from. Discuss with your doctor the alternatives if this is tiring you so much. I am sending big cyber hugs too and be sure the prayers will never stop. Write anytime you like and please keep me updated at all times. Keep your hope and your high spirit and be well. xxxxxx

  • ronniekay
    ronniekay Posts: 657
    edited May 2014

    Woody....I will pray that your body is strong and you are able to make the trip to Our Lady of Fatima.  Hoping for many miracles!

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Posts: 935
    edited May 2014

    Thank you Ronniekay! I hope so too as I will pray for all the ladies on this board who are wonderful and endured sooo much hoping that our Lady of Fatima will intercede for us in Jesus name to help all of us overcome this horrible disease. My heart  and my prayers will be with all of you . 

  • buddy1
    buddy1 Posts: 529
    edited May 2014

    Thank you for the prayers woodylb.

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Posts: 935
    edited May 2014

    I just my prayers are heard Buddy1 :)

  • spicypetunia
    spicypetunia Posts: 47
    edited May 2014

    recently diagnosed and good results from last restaging:

    after 4 rounds of THP (taxotere, herceptin & perjeta, all infused every 3 weeks): 2 tumors (1 liver & 1 breast) are no longer visible and everything else has decreased in size - from 30-50% (from initial dx). the breast tumor that has disappeared was almost 4cm three months ago at dx.

    this is especially good news as my first restaging/scans showed only slight/very slight decreases in sizes across the board. I had understood that as this was my first dx, and I was completely treatment naive, that my first response would be my best -- but apparently, as they say, each case is different. I'm happy for that right now. so, if you're in a similar boat, and your first response isn't stellar, it doesn't necessarily mean the treatment won't work during the next rounds.

    hoping it continues to work like gangbusters for me and all others! for the curious, the plan is to continue with THP until best response (NED or stable) is reached or I can no longer tolerate the taxotere. so far, I'm tolerating it fairly well, so hoping I can get good mileage out of this tx. restaging again after 2 more rounds.



  • ronniekay
    ronniekay Posts: 657
    edited May 2014

    Do you hear cheering?????  So glad for awesome shrinking!!!  Stay the course sounds really good for now :)

  • redwolf8812
    redwolf8812 Posts: 580
    edited May 2014

    Yay!  Thank You, Lord!  :-) Penny