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How are people with liver mets doing?



  • in_cognito
    in_cognito Member Posts: 87
    edited March 2014

    I just had my liver biopsy done last week. It was Ct guided and they went in through the front. I had to lie flat for a few hours in recovery. The actual procedure itself was tolerable. The Radiologist numbed up my abdomen pretty well and they gave me something for pain and anxiety. The worst part was waiting for the results.  

  • Fitzy
    Fitzy Member Posts: 55
    edited March 2014

    My U/S guided, core biopsy two weeks ago was fine. Mine was in section 5 of the liver, just under the ribs. Had  a local on the needle area and was given a, valium type, sedative which  I didn't really need, nor did it really kick in till afterwards anyway. It was a little sore that evening, couldn't laugh hard!

  • Sjww
    Sjww Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2014

    Got my port on Tuesday and had my first chemo today (taxol and Xgeva). I didn't really want a port because it would be a constant reminder of my cancer butb you all are  right - it was so much easier than an IV.  I do have a hugh bruise from the IV used during the port insertion though, which makes it obvious why I need a port ;-).  I'm writing this at 4:40am and I haven't slept yet because the anti nausea drug (zofran ) causes insomnia. Hahaha I wasnt a good sleeper before this anyway. I'm supposed to take it 3 times a day but I think I will cut it down to twice. I am also taking dexamethasone (sp?). I'm counting on the taxol to shrink my liver tumours and reduce the ascites in my midriff area. I also think the bone mets in my sternum is growing again. It was originally stopped by radiation back in May 2013. Take care all

  • SyrMom
    SyrMom Member Posts: 575
    edited March 2014

     sjww ... glad to hear all went well.  Keep us posted.  There are 2 taxol forums I'm aware of, weekly taxol and weekly taxol for stage 4 - they are both very informative.  Also, it's usually the steroid, decadron, that keeps one awake after the infusion.  However, after a day or 2 that all changes.  Take care ... 

  • Fitzy
    Fitzy Member Posts: 55
    edited March 2014

    Good luck sjww, hope the Taxol works well on the Liver mets and the Xgeva on your bones. The Port sounds a good idea, I haven't got one yet but am sick of getting bruised so much lately, so unless I try an AI again soon, I think I'll get a port too.

    I had a bone scan Wednesday and a CT Friday, get results on Tuesday, scanxiety is still the worst SE!

    Hope you are doing well  SyrMom

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited March 2014

    sjww, i'm glad all went well for and hope taxol shrinks your tumor...Syrmom , how are you? 

  • SyrMom
    SyrMom Member Posts: 575
    edited March 2014

    Fitzy & Woodylb - Thanks for asking, I'm doing o.k.  Due to get taxol #19 on Monday.  Dealing with edema right now, they say due to chemo; also, some neuropathy. Little worried about both.  However, scan in Feb. did show the liver mets getting smaller, so don't want to give up taxol!!  Take care.

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited March 2014

    great news Syrmom fof the liver tumor i hope # 19 finishes them. Taxol does affect the arm but after you finish maybe you can check ij they can darin again, there aloso specail physiotherapies which help a lot.the neurpathy may linger for longer, but it wii get better after the treatment is stooprped. I found hot baths very helpful also i used a ver moist skin lotion rubbing gently your whole effected aleg gently really helps. 

  • SyrMom
    SyrMom Member Posts: 575
    edited March 2014

    Thanks, Woody.  My edema is mostly in my calves and ankles (ankles are huge) - annoying.

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited March 2014

    lollll i know from taxol it does that , i was huge on taxotere it fills your body with water i couldn't move my legs towards the end . Hang in there , it will all go back to normal after six months after the treatment. Xxx

  • SyrMom
    SyrMom Member Posts: 575
    edited March 2014

    Thanks, Woody, that's encouraging.  No end date in site, yet!  Crap, how am I to buy a dress for my daughters wedding?  At this rate could be any size by the end of summer!

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited March 2014

    syrmom, i hope it is very soon , the difference will show belief me even after one month you start deflating , the important thing is that you get rid of the beast and you start on anti hormone. You will be ready for your daughters wedding and share their happiness. Keep me posted . xxxx

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited April 2014

    hello ladies, 

    Just checking how are you all doing?.. I hope you are all well HappyI myself am doing ok, still have two sessions of carbo+ gemzar and then another scan. But i am worried my hair did not all fall still have some hair , don't have side effects a little tiredness and this is all. Does any of you know if this has anything to do with the response?.. And is any of you original dx ILC? 

  • redwolf8812
    redwolf8812 Member Posts: 580
    edited April 2014

    Had an MRI last night - just read the report online -  "Mild interval decrease of areas of recurrent tumor"!!!

    Praise God! Thank You, Jesus!

    Meeting with doctor tomorrow.  (I've had two cycles of perjeta, herceptin, and navelbine, which has made me feel pretty bad and has made my liver enzymes go up).

  • Clare64
    Clare64 Member Posts: 33
    edited April 2014

    I just got my liver scan results today after 6 months on taxol.  I did't realize that the oncologist and radiologist can disagree on the interpretation of the scan.  My onc thinks that the radiologist who read the scan measure my liver met diagonally in MArch and the one who read my December scan measured it horizontally.  The onc thinks it is the same size. the radiologist says that it has grown.  I'm going with my onc's interpretation but it sure isn't black and white.  I start letrozole tomorrow and lupron next week.  HAs anyone had good luck with letrozole shrinking liver mets, or.....getting rid of liver mets?  Clare

  • superfoob
    superfoob Member Posts: 121
    edited April 2014

    hi all!

    Woodylb: I have ILC as my main cancer...11cm tumour. After surgery, they found a small tumour of IDC...1 cm. I have liver buggers only, no where else. I am stable and doing okay.

    Clare: I've been on Letrozole since January 2012. So far, so good!


  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited April 2014

    congrats redwolf , and indeed praise the lord Happy I hope it keeps decreasing ...

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited April 2014


    Onc and radiologist do disagree from time to time , mine did on whether the bones islands on my hips where bone mets or not and until now they don't have the same opinion, even though i started treatment for liver mets. I took lezetrol for three years ( femara) and i had locally advanced cancer. It kept the disease away until this year i got the mets. However, for a lot of people it is doing a good job. Good luck to you.

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited April 2014

    Superfoob, thank you for answering. The reason i asked is that most of the ladies are IDC and in reoccurent ILC on the liver i haven't seen so many. I know that IDC stage IV do well on long overall survival. I have no idea how well ILC does when its becomes metastatic. I do know however that the response to chemo is never 100% or as much as IDC because of its low mitotic rate. Again , thank you for answering i makes me feel less odd and alone. 

  • Trish03
    Trish03 Member Posts: 65
    edited April 2014

    Woddylb, I'm also ILC. My original Stage III dx ten years ago was ILC, Her2-. Now my liver mets are also ILC but have changed to Her2+. That was quite a surprise, and it's very uncommon. I've tried to find others who have ILC mets that are Her2+ but haven't had much luck. I'm still er+/pr+ as the original was.

    I appear to be responding well after 3 cycles of Kadcyla. Liver numbers yesterday were all down a little and all were in the normal range. I have scans coming up next Monday which will tell the whole story. I hope and pray this drug is working. It's easy as far as se's. I'd love to stay on it forever! 

    I've already failed Perjeta and Herceptin after the Taxotere was removed from the cocktail. That's a scary feeling when you start checking drugs off the list. I hope that doesn't happen with Kadcyla.

    All the best to everyone.

    Hug, Trish

  • redwolf8812
    redwolf8812 Member Posts: 580
    edited April 2014

    Even tho this chemo is rough on me the oncologist wants to stay the course since it's working. I say Thank You, Lord! She also managed to get FDA approval for my compassionate use of a treatment that's still in trials but it's for genetic breast cancers (Veliparib).  I'm also still thinking of going back to the interventional radiologist to discuss chemoembolization, radioembolization, or stereotactic body radiation therapy. Thank You, Lord for my medical team! Please pray for guidance and if course God's Will. Thanks.

  • Fitzy
    Fitzy Member Posts: 55
    edited April 2014

    I have ILC and am still stable as of my last CT scan two weeks ago. Still on Abraxane and still feeling well. I was on Letrozole (Femara) for 9 years before my metastasis to my liver. Stay well everyone. 

  • Trish03
    Trish03 Member Posts: 65
    edited April 2014

    Redwolf, congratulations on the decrease! That's fabulous news! I hope you continue to show good results and the se's lessen for you.

    Hugs, Trish

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited April 2014

    Hi Trish, 

    I know you but i haven't seen you here for a while and i remember seeing that you have become Her2+ . We have the same cancer mine started stage IIIb and lasted three years before moving to stage four. However, my lymph nodes status was very high. When i was diagnosed with stage IV it came back the same but the pr changed and they were not sure about the her2 so they sent over seas for a fish test and it came back negative as before. At some point one of my onc wished it was positive he told me it will give him more options. I have liver mets 10 of them and the bone mets is still not confirmed. He started me on carboplatin and gemzar , i still have 2 sessions. I seem to be responding after three sessions, the big tumor shrunk by 8% the small ones ate still the same but less prominent, no new lesions. As it appears for him this is a good response as it appears if i respond after the end of the treatmen by 25% it will mean he stopped the progression , he will move to aromasin. But for you don't worry about how many meds you failed, you still have good options there is still tykerb and others and anti hormones agents like femara, aromasin . So please don't let this get to you no matter how frustrating it is. I pray your scan results come back with a good response and it stays that way. Keep your faith and your strength , after all you did survive 10 years and you will another 10 years god's willing. Big hugs. Let us know your scan results. 

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited April 2014

    Fitzy, i am so happy for you that femara worked for 9 years, for me it worked only three. As i see you have been on abraxane for a year , how are the side effects and how long does he intend to keep you on it? And how is the quality of life? As it seems i am the only one of the ILC group who did not do a mastectomy or a prophylactic one. With the extent of my lymph nodes status i decided against it. I don't know if this effected my reoccurrence scientifically, but frankly in Germany they don't remove breasts since 20 years   And women are living the same as the one who has it. Plus i am a firm believer that if something is going to happen it will no matter what. Si i did what i felt right. I hope we all go through this and beat the odds. Thank you for replying and easing my mind. 

  • Sjww
    Sjww Member Posts: 8
    edited April 2014


    It is certainly frustrating when radiologist and onc disagree on test readings. In my situation, there is a differ radiologist each time I have a scan so I can't even be sure they are measuring the tumours the same way. I guess the reality is that major changes WILL be visible to everyone. Good luck going forward. 

  • redwolf8812
    redwolf8812 Member Posts: 580
    edited April 2014

    I don't usually get yesterday's bloodwork results so quickly, but the NP wanted me to see how good they are. The liver function numbers are down again! Thank You, Lord! Praise God!

    Enjoying this beautiful morning - there's a gorgeous wild Tom turkey wandering around our yard. My husband saw him with all his feathers up but I missed it. Thank You, Lord, for Your wonderful creatures!

    "The wolf shall dwell with the lamb,
    and the leopard shall lie down with the kid,
    and the calf and the lion and the fatling together,
    and a little child shall lead them."
    (Isaiah 11:6 RSV)

  • Trish03
    Trish03 Member Posts: 65
    edited April 2014

    Redwolf, that's awesome news, and how great that NP made a special effort to call you. That makes you feel that they really care. 

    Since my onc doesn't do TM's, I look to my liver function numbers, too, for an indication of how my chemo is working. 


    Hugs, Trish

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited April 2014

    redwolf great news! I am so happy for you, i hope you enzymes keep going down and you keep enjoying the beautiful creation of God that we usually seldom notice. I hope enjoy this for a long long time...

  • Trish03
    Trish03 Member Posts: 65
    edited April 2014

    Does anyone have cramps sort of like muscle spasms in the area of your liver? I get them sometimes if I move or strain in a certain way. I can feel something tighten inside as a muscle spasm would do. They don't last long, and the pain isn't too bad. I just can't imagine what it could be. 

    Hugs, Trish