How are people with liver mets doing?
hi Trish,
I get some liver discomfort after each session of chemo and a very little pain. But my onc. Said it is normal . In some other threads i read that this means the chemo is working. I wouldn't worry so much about it unless it really start to increase or becomes unbearable.
. Next time you see your doctor ask him if this put your mind at ease.
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I get those cramps, also, Trish, especially when treatment is working. I think it has something to do with the cancer dying and the nerves in the liver responding to it. Could mean great news for you! Thank You, Lord!
:-) Penny
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Agree with the girls. I usually feel discomfort after the Gemzar.
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Woodylb, redwolf, and Maureen, thanks for your responses. I like the idea that it means the cancer is dying and the nerves in the liver are responding. I seem to notice it more since I've had my 3 cycles of Kadcyla, so I hope that proves to be true. My scans Monday will tell the whole story. It's certainly not unbearable. It tightens up in a certain spot (not always the same place) forming a knot I can feel, then relaxes after a few seconds. It feels just like a muscle spasm. I don't even know if the liver has muscles!
Hugs, Trish
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you are welcome Trish. By the way i feel the same thing after my chemo and then it goes away. Inform us about the scan results and i hope it's a good one. We will celebrate
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Good luck with your scans, Trish. I get some tightness/aches at times in the Liver area, my oncologist also said that could be the chemo working/tumour cells dying. Currently nursing a fractured rib, an old injury recently aggravated, so not noticing the other odd aches!
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welcome Trish. Please update us on the scans and best of luck for a good outcome
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I'm so glad you are having the same pain as I am! I have to stretch or stand up, every time I get that "charlie horse" pain! I thought it was just me! It happens when I move the wrong way too. Not sure why??? I have a pcp appointment in a couple of weeks and was going to ask her. They are happening more often then they used too.
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Lynn, it does sound like your symptoms are the same as mine, and mine seem to be happening more often, too. I'm interesting in what your PCP says about it. I see my onc in a week, and I'll ask him, too. By then, he'll have my scan results, so maybe that will help him determine what's happening. Until then, I'll just imagine it's the Kadcyla killing the cancer cells.
Hugs, Trish
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Hi ladies-- I've had some of that same pain, too! It's not constant, but it is annoying when I have it. Usually advil will handle it, if I even need that, but I've had to take a hydrocodone a time or two. I asked my MO about it, and she thinks it's most likely a xeloda side effect, as opposed to new mets, or the xeloda working on the cancer. I sure hope that's it. She said she would be more concerned if it was pain that was constant and would not go away or lessen. My liver numbers were finally back in the normal range at last month's appt. I should get my results from Thursday's labs tomorrow. Fingers crossed that everything is still normal, and TM's are closer to normal. I hope your MO and PCP can give you some good news!
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I have some great news! My scan yesterday showed significant shrinkage in the tumors in my liver after 3 cycles of Kadcyla. Needless to say, I'm thrilled. This drug so far is very easy for me. The main side effect is fatigue, but nothing like when I was on Taxotere. Plus, my hair is growing like crazy! I'm going to assume that the cramps/spasms I've been having actually are the result of the chemo destroying the cancer cells. Woo Hoo!!!!
All the best to everyone. Hugs, Trish
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Great news Trish!!!
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Fantastic news, Trish! Is that chemo an infusion or pill form?
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Well done, Trish, so happy for your great news.
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Wonderful news Trish. Go celebrate !!!!!
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Glad to hear, Trish!
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SyrMom, Kadcyla is an infusion. It's a targeted therapy for Her2+ tumors. It has only been approved about a year.
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Yay! Thank You, Lord!
:-) Penny
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Trish big big congratulations and great news!!! I hope by the time you finish they will disappear. I am very happy for you , i hope you keep bringing us good news. In a way you are lucky ( if you can call anything about cancer lucky ) your ILC turned her+ it rarely happens, it gave your onc more options to consider and what is more important it is working for you yayyyyy!!! Don't forget to celebrate . Big hugs.
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Trish, Awesome news for you. Hope it continues to work for you and you continue to feel good. That is awesome!
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Wonderful news Trish!
I'm seeing my PCP next week and will ask her about those charlie horses. I'll also ask my oncologist when I see her the end of the month. I'm not on Xoleda, so not sure why??
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Trish03 that is wonderful news
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So happy to hear that Trish!
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Good Morning from windy, rainy Renton, Washington! I've been off the boards for a while...the story of my life. I go gangbusters and then just can't bear to be at the computer, so have read the past few pages...most with joy at seeing sisters having good results. I'm in that category too. Penny, I saw you asked a question about my navelbine/herceptin/perjeta regimen quite a while back, sorry to have not answered. I was on it every week from Jan thru July 2013, and in mid-July went on 2 weeks on, 1 week off. Thank God, the change saved my life! I was feeling so tired, etc. My onc says navelbine doesn't make you look/feel like a cancer patient (I think I look a bit sallow & I'm a bit fatigued, but I'm alive!). Anyhoo, she told me when diagnosed in the liver, that chemo was for life. But since my scans, markers, liver enzymes & blood tests are all normal (have been for over a year), I asked in January (after my 3rd good scan) if there was a chance I could go off chemo and just stay on the biologics. She said we'd talk down the road. We just had that talk, and sadly, she doesn't think it's a good idea. She said it will come back
and that when your body has had a break from treatment at this point, when going back on, it's more resistant to the treatment and isn't as successful. She has a reputation for keeping stage 4 people alive, so I feel like she knows best. I can totally live with this treatment....was just hoping I could live w/out it. It's working so well & I know she's had a patient on navelbine for over 5 years.
I think it's interesting people mentioning the cramping. I get leg, finger & toe cramps, but I've also have the cramp by my liver. I totally chalked it up to diep flap recon!! So crazy to think it may be the liver healing! I haven't even brough it up with my onc because I didn't think it was related to treatment.
I'm hoping to be better about reading & posting. Good to catch up on all & very happy!!!!
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Good to hear from you, Ronnie. Thanks for the info.
:-) Penny
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Has anyone else had a problem with their liver enzymes getting progressively worse after chemo? My scan as of Dec. still showed NED, and my markers are still normal, but for the last year my ALT has gotten little by little higher. The most recent showed that my ALP is also now high as well. My enzymes were barely elevated when my liver was full of cancer; so, for it to have worse numbers now is very troubling. My dr is having me repeat tests in a week and 1/2 to see if going off supplements and reducing my 1 new med will help, but I don't think she is sure of why this is going on either.
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Hi nbnotes...I totally get your concern! My enzymes were very low and then suddenly spiked up and I was very worried. My onc said to relax, that it just meant someone in the lab broke blood cells while testing. I was skeptical, but she said even if the enzyme is elevated, it's only a part of the big picture and not something to worry about if other tests are good. They quickly returned to lower numbers so I figured she was right. It sounds reasonable that they're checking on your supplements, etc, since the liver filters everything. Good luck...hoping the numbers take a dive & you feel good!!!!
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I had all my liver mets burned out in Jacksonville. I assume all is okay, but I live in Indiana now and they haven't even looked at that yet. Feeling okay!
0 -'re lucky! I don't know that in many cases that's a possibility. I'm happy for you & hope feeling good continues for a very long time!!!!
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Ronniekay - Thanks for sharing your experience! I'm feeling good; so, I am going to try to relax. I have a history of weird things that mimic autoimmune, and 3 months ago a standard autoimmune test was a little high. I wouldn't be too surprised if this isn't all a part of that, but I now remember why I was on all of those supplements as I can tell that I don't have them.